The Elsa Kurt Show

From Cheers to Jeers: Analyzing Congressional Conduct

Elsa Kurt

Shift from tradition to performative theater dominating conversations. Actions of Congress reflect deep-seated divisions 
• Absence of bipartisan escort alters the atmosphere 
• Analysis of President Trump’s rhetoric and key points 
• Reactions to emotional testimonials from families shared 
• Hypocrisy on display from Congress members in pink 
• Public silence amidst positive remarks indicates division 
• Insightful viewer poll results show mixed reactions 
• Calls for higher standards of decorum in Congress 
• Perspectives on changing dynamics in political expression 

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Speaker 1:

It's the Elsa Kirk Show, with Clay Nova Serving up trending news and conservative views Brought to you by the Elsa Kirk Collection and Refuge Medical. And now it's time for the show.

Speaker 2:

It's party time. I am so excited Clay and I were just chatting off camera beforehand, as we are want to do, and he's so impressed with me that I stayed up last night and watched the entire address, and I'm so glad that I did. I can't wait to talk about this, clay.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, for those of you that don't know, elsa is a highlight reel. That's her jam. She doesn't do a lot of full length State of the Union, but last night she stayed up. I'm proud of you. That's pretty awesome. And, as it turns out, everything that I had planned to talk about before the president spoke last night he pretty much covered. So, listen, folks, this show is going to roll around and focus on what happened last night and we'll get started right after this. Hey folks, clay Novak here. Author of the novel Keep Moving, keep Shooting.

Speaker 3:

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Speaker 4:

Spring is knocking. Ready to refresh your vibe, the Elsa Kirk Collection has everything from page-turning reads to eye-catching fashion guaranteed to add a little sunshine to your season. Calling all statement makers Elsa's pieces are designed to turn heads and bring confidence to your closet. Elsa's pieces are designed to turn heads and bring confidence to your closet. But that's not all. Love a good book. Elsa's got your next favorite read waiting just for you. Don't miss Elsa's Amazon affiliate store filled with hand-picked beauty treasures, home must-haves and daily essentials. It's like a personal shopping spree. Make this spring your season.

Speaker 2:

Shop the Elsa Kirk collection today and let the fun begin. Oh my goodness, so much fun, so much fun. So let's start off by letting everybody know we are recording on Wednesday. You'll be watching this on Thursday, so when we refer to last night, that's why, yeah. So I want to make sure I say that because you know what happens. You know what will happen, right?

Speaker 3:

Every week somebody says they ask us a question which you and I are always in the comments. We're always there hanging out. Yes, they want to ask us a live question, as if we can respond on video, which we cannot do.

Speaker 2:

No, can't do it, Not unless we.

Speaker 3:

I don't know what. Well, we've done a couple of live shows. We should probably do another one of those.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we're getting due for one we're getting due for one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we'll bring one to you guys pretty soon. Yeah, last night would have been a fun one. It would have been a long one. Last night would have been a blast. Yeah, yes, yeah. Oh, my gosh, it was so good. So in case you missed it, I highly doubt that you did, or maybe you're like me in my normal routine of just catching the highlights and lowlights after the fact and just enjoying a quiet evening. Whatever the case, you know that President Trump addressed the Congress last night and it was 100 minutes long and apparently the longest address on date, right or thus far, I think.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was. You know, I didn't understand or I guess I never realized that. You know, I think it was President Reagan that started doing this right at the beginning of because it's not a State of the Union, right, it's, you know, six weeks or five, six weeks into office and just give a status update or you know, kind of here's where we are, here's what my for the term, and so he was the first one to do this and it's kind of been the norm ever since, go figure, reagan came up with another good idea. Of course he did yeah. Since, go figure, reagan came up with another good idea, of course he did yeah, but this was so it's not a State of the Union, but it was longer than a State of the.

Speaker 2:

Union and much, much more involved. Yeah, and I'm not going to lie, I actually had some confusion there at one point when I was, you know, kind of wrapping my brain around talking about this and doing that. I'm like and I almost typed out State of the Union. I'm like, wait, wait, wait, wait. No, it's not the state of the union. What are we actually calling this? So I'm just calling it addressing Congress, Like I'm sure there's a better name for it, Like is there an actual term for it? And I don't even know it.

Speaker 3:

I think they refer to it as addressing a joint session of Congress.

Speaker 2:

Okay, there you go, no-transcript other spots where people have, you know, not necessarily made that mistake, but made that comparison. So, yeah, I mean I guess we can walk it right down from the beginning, right, you know, right off the bat there were issues and I didn't know this part until you told me off camera about his walking in, what was supposed to happen. So you go ahead and tell them that.

Speaker 3:

We can even go before that. So, security wise, you know President Trump is a bit of a special case, having two assassination attempts prior to, you know, on the campaign trail. So, the Secret Service, there was reports of a protest somewhere on the main route between the White House and the Capitol building. So they loaded up an entire convoy as if it was the president and drove it on the normal route and it occupied the protesters, when in reality they took the president and they went around the back route and they got him there. Just it seemed like maybe a minute or two late, but they knew it was coming. So, secret Service, obviously we've seen an improvement already, that quick.

Speaker 3:

But to address what you were talking about. So I didn't know this, but they made a mention of it. You know, last night the commentary that when they have these, they're supposed to be a bipartisan delegation that escorts the president into chambers. Outside the door You've got Democrats and Republicans and that the Democrat side, the blue side delegation, didn't show up. So there was no bipartisan escort, which set up the attitude for the entire evening.

Speaker 2:

Oh, absolutely yeah. Yeah, it was. It was already set in motion and, of course, it was set in motion in motion Already beforehand. There were rumors of the types of antics that they were considering doing. There were some reports that they were considering throwing eggs, which, as you said, before we came on air like they probably realized very quickly that the consequences of throwing something at the president of the United States would result in something that they really would not want to happen. You know so, more than just getting booted out of the room there, right, yeah?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think best case scenario would have been a physical, like you know, physical reaction by Secret Service. In other words, you know somebody would have jumped on the president, somebody would have physically jumped on whoever tossed the egg. There would have been some physical contact for sure, at a minimum. And in a worst case scenario, you know you've got a president who again has had two assassination attempts. Somebody throws something at him. You know Secret Service reacts and you know, potentially somebody gets really, really hurt, even potentially somebody getting shot. So yeah, I think they I don't know, I mean they were rumors. You were right, use the right word. But if somebody had considered that, hopefully they thought better and that's why we didn't see any of that, not that we didn't see any antics, but we did not.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so you know we'll talk about, we'll talk about the Democrats for a moment and and we'll be talking about them for several moments throughout this Republicans and you know, whatever party leader there is, you know taking center stage there. You know that's normal, it is what it is. This was a level of distastefulness that exceeded everything, and there is nothing. And I'll tell you what if you are on the left, if you are a Democrat, and you are applauding, sitting, you know, back in your living room or wherever you may have watched this, and applauding that behavior, shame on you. Shame on you. That is absolutely appalling, grotesque, really.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and it started from the get go. So you know and listen folks, there have been incidences in the past where Republicans have booed Democratic presidents, you know, and things that they have said you know along the way. I believe that's the level of escalation that it's gotten to prior to this. But of course, as with everything else, it escalates every time. So, as we all saw last night that watched and those that didn't, you know, the first thing that stuck out was all the pink, which was the biggest bit of hypocrisy ever, because the intent behind that was, you know, all the female Congress people, congresswomen, talking about how they were wearing pink to represent women's issues when earlier, in the very same day, the day before, they voted against protecting women in locker rooms and allowing transgender. Not a single Democrat voted in favor of that, you know, in locker rooms. So hypocrisy there. And you couldn't miss the pink Right. Which was the intent Right. Message sent, message received, but the hypocritical part of it was which was the intent Right?

Speaker 2:

Message sent, message received, but the hypocritical part of it was not lost on anyone, right? Yeah, that wasn't lost on anyone. You know anyone paying attention? Certainly, yeah, I saw that right away Somebody. I didn't pause it or screenshot it to see what it actually said because I didn't care that much, but I did see that at least one of them had, you know, had writing all over her blazer. You know, I'm sure, all their little catchphrases and slogans on there and you know whatever else, but yes, absolutely, and that was a theme for the evening too.

Speaker 3:

So you saw it. As the president walked in and I don't know who it was, there was again a Democrat female holding a sign that says this is not normal. I also saw, as the president passed her, a Republican reached across the aisle, grabbed it and flipped it in the air. I want to.

Speaker 2:

can we all just take bets right now on what, what time and day her lawsuit for assault will come out, Because you know that's going to happen?

Speaker 3:

I thought that was going to escalate. Truthfully, it certainly could have. Yeah, thankfully it didn't, because my concern was the proximity of the president he was. Could have. Yeah, thankfully it didn't, because my concern was the proximity of the president. He was right there, right. So I thought if somebody decided to, that was risky reaching across the aisle by that Republican. That did that, yes, but had that escalated even further, that could have gotten very, very ugly, with the president right there. So. But we saw the signs for the rest of the night. You saw that. You know the circular signs that were actually, you know they kind of look like something out of an auction, but they also, you know they had things on both sides. I think they were actually like clackers Um, oh, okay, but I'm not positive Um. And then, of course, you had um what's her name? That had her own dry erase board.

Speaker 3:

Oh, she had like a whiteboard right Was was a whiteboard that she used to leave, she would, you know, dry erase board herself, whatever it was issue that she wanted to address. So the signs you know that messaging was definitely a theme for the evening and preplanned obviously, Of course, Of course.

Speaker 2:

Although I have to say, you know it did not look like one of their usual coordinated efforts. There was obviously some coordination there and some planning between them. Coordinated efforts, there was obviously some coordination there and some planning between them. But you know you had, unless they just like, divided it all up, like, okay, your cause is going to be Ukraine, so you wear all your you know your blue and gold and your cause is going to be women, and you know what I mean. So you had these different factions of their, their little merry band of morons and, um, you like that one, I like that one too. Okay, can we pause it's pretty fitting Well done.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thank you, thank you, thank you. So once in a while I come out with a good one. But yeah, you know, you had these little different factions and I think they simply couldn't decide what their messaging was going to be. You know, I think they were probably infighting about it, like, well, I think we should all wear black, because that was, that was a thing. There were people wearing black, which you know they can mourning over.

Speaker 2:

You know this new presidency, but you know, again, all of the things that they were representing in their little anger, all equally showed their idiocy and their hypocrisy and their absolute abhorrence and hatred of America, of this country. Abhorrence and hatred of America, of this country. You can't hate this country more than these people presented themselves as doing, and you know, case in point they could not stand, they could not clap for one single positive thing. And we're talking about and we'll go down the list a little more thoroughly, but we're talking about a child who survived brain cancer, a family of a girl who was brutally murdered by an illegal alien, a slain officer. You can't stand for children. You can't stand up for you. Your hatred is so consuming that you can't even pause that for a moment and look at that beautiful sweet child and clap for him.

Speaker 2:

You're not clapping for Trump. You want to call it theater. Call it theater, I don't care what you call it. It's not theater to that little boy. It's not theater to him. It's not theater to those families who lost loved ones. It's real for them. You know that to me was probably like the lowest of lows that they reached that night.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well they. You know it started with them not rising when the president walked in.

Speaker 3:

So, that's, that's part of it. And, if you notice, he walked in and he was. He did maybe three people down the line Cause he was shaking hands. He turned left, he realized that nobody was standing over there, so he kept right and then he started kind of laughing and doing one, you know, like, can you believe? These guys just kept going.

Speaker 3:

So they set the precedent and again, I don't think I've ever seen that before and that is whether they respect President Trump or not. That's disrespect to the office. Yeah, that's that's where things start to degrade. Cruz went off on a on a rant after it was over with about that exact thing and he said he's like I didn't respect President Obama, I booed President Obama. He admitted that there was some contentious things that happened, but he said it every single time, every single Democratic president walked in chambers, he goes you get up off your butt and you stand up because you respect the office. And that's where the decorum we talked about this last week and we're going to talk about it a lot because it was a huge part of last night Right, the decorum, the respect, the mutual respect, the acting like a grown up has kind of gone out the window. Admittedly, there were some that happened, including by the president himself, that I would prefer doesn't happen, but obviously the vast majority of it was on the on the left.

Speaker 2:

You know, yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think so. And you know, I think and I'm not making excuses, just seeing it for what it was I think that you know his, his comments were definitely, I think, retaliatory. You know his, his comments were definitely, I think, retaliatory. You know, I think it was definitely like I think he would have if they had shown just an ounce of respect, just an ounce of maturity. I think he probably would have kept it pretty fair. You know he's going to call out I mean, he's going to call out the previous administration, no matter what. That's a given. But I don't think he would have been antagonistic to them in the audience there as much, maybe a little bit, but not nearly as much. And I'm sure you're probably referring to the Pocahontas comment.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean, that's one for sure, you know. So he started out the speech and it started out great, you know. But again it set the tone because you know he started out. America is back Right and huge applause from, you know, everybody on the conservative side, and again nothing from the Democrats, which again reiterated the fact that they won't, can't, cheer for America. They're so blinded by you know, I don't like the term Trump derangement syndrome, but there isn't a better one out there.

Speaker 2:

It just isn't right now. Somebody will come up with it.

Speaker 3:

So they're. You know they sat there. Their disdain for him as a person and as a president clouds everything else, so they couldn't even cheer for that. And then of course, we got that. That prompted the whole thing with Representative Green, which I've never seen before. I don't think any of us have seen before. Speaker of the House Johnson stopped. I actually watched Twice. I had a great time watching him and Vice President Vance last night.

Speaker 2:

I did too. I love the hot mic moment. They got caught on as well, did you catch that.

Speaker 3:

I missed that.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, so they showed it at some point today.

Speaker 1:

I saw it a couple of times, I'll throw was doing it during Biden when the speech was a stupid campaign speech.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, it was funny. So it was a funny. It was a funny hot mic moment. You know, listen, they're not stupid. I'm sure they knew they were on. Why else would he whisper to him something if he didn't know?

Speaker 3:

you know. So they, you know. As the left got rowdy at the beginning of the speech, I watched it happen. Johnson reached down, he raised his microphone up and I was like here it comes. And he stood, Gavel stood up. The president turned around, respected his role as the speaker. He reminded everyone of decorum, their responsibility to maintain decorum. Green kept going and then Johnson reminded him again and then he said okay, you're out, Get Mr Green out of here, you know. And now he won't.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and Vance is there going out, get him out.

Speaker 3:

Yep, and again, you know I shot across the bow Listen, we're not messing around and I think that was a total setup. I think Green was a sacrificial lamb. I think that was all.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, he drew the short straw for sure. Or You're going to be the one.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he might've lobbied for it. You know he might've asked him to be that person, so but it was all staged, it was all theater, okay, fine, and so they escorted him out. But if you notice, at least for probably the next 20 or 25 minutes or so, there were security I assume secret service but there were security moving in and amongst the aisles as they were watching the conduct.

Speaker 2:

I think a couple other people got booted too.

Speaker 3:

They got walked out. Yes, Walked out. Yeah, I don't know if they got escorted. I know there was two or three that I know got up and just walked out in the middle.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I would say your main players did not want to be the ones to cause the scene because they couldn't, they couldn't bear to be without camera time on themselves. You know they don't want to be out of the limelight in their minds. So you know they, like you said, they're sacrificial lambs. You know were were the ones that were designated to be the ones to get, you know, walked out or kicked out, whatever the case was. But man, oh man, what a disgusting display from them. And again, I've said it before in different things that they've done, I'm glad for it in only in that it keeps showing the American people what they're really about.

Speaker 2:

And you know, and I'm sorry to and for old school Democrats, you know people who who don't either know that their party has been hijacked. I don't know how you don't know this by now, I really don't. But you know people who kind of really don't pay that much attention, they just kind of skim the surface of of information. You know they're apparently oblivious or they just don't know what to do about it. You know, and I can understand, I can understand that too. Like, what do you do your, your party that you've affiliated yourself with maybe your entire adult life is not the party that you knew. So what are your options? Well, you hate us, so you don't want to be part of us, but, however, we actually represent some of those old school values that you think you know your party represented. Just saying right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so it's. You know the president started, you know he started into his speech and he started talking about, you know, essentially recovering from the Biden administration. I mean, I think that's the theme, but you know you touched on it earlier is that there was not a single thing that he could say or did say that they were happy about Right no tax on tips, no tax on retirement, no tax on you know, any of that, which is, you know, the Democrats have been huge on that Right. So well, how can you not applaud that? They weren't huge on it because it was his idea. But that's that. That is the flip side theme. They can't be happy about anything that would give president Trump or the administration any credit. So they weren't happy about no tax on tips. They weren't happy about a recovering economy. They weren't happy about, they weren't happy about anything. They weren't happy.

Speaker 3:

Like you again, the, the, the shamefulness of not even acknowledging and let's just go through some of them. So you had um of them. So you had Lake, and Riley's family was there, her mother and her son. You had the mother of the 12 year old girl who was raped and killed under the bridge, which the president named. You know he signed an executive order right there. Okay, a little bit of theater, but awesome, right? Yes, named a wildlife refuge after that young woman or that young girl Again, couldn't even applaud for that. You had the border patrol agent who showed some amazing courage, you know, protecting his partner. He was there, nothing there. You had the young girl who got spiked in the head with the volleyball she was there, nothing there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, wait a minute. Wait, you mean the women in their pink jackets for women? Exactly what. I'm so confused. Yeah, jerks.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and then you had the two young ladies who were guests of the First Lady, I mean the 13-year-old DJ, my man, dj, dj.

Speaker 2:

We got a video of DJ. I love this. You want to watch it. Let's show everybody this. I love this.

Speaker 5:

DJ was diagnosed with brain cancer. The doctors gave him five months at most to live. That was more than six years ago. I love him and tonight, DJ, we're going to do you the biggest honor of them all.

Speaker 2:

I am asking our new Secret Service Director, Sean Curran, to officially make cried. I cried like a baby watching that. I'm tearing up now because it was so awesome, oh my goodness. And here is the moment that that happened over on the left. Now, this is just a still, of course, of that.

Speaker 3:

This one rolls her eyes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and that's yeah.

Speaker 3:

There was one female Democrat who stood up and applauded.

Speaker 2:

Well, I want to hug that woman. Thank goodness one person had the decency.

Speaker 3:

She was sitting closest to the aisle, which I thought was pretty funny. Yeah, but there was one. There was the young man who you know, president Trump told him on national television last night hey, by the way, you're going to win. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Oh, we have that moment too. And there's something else. I want you guys to watch this one all the way up until the end.

Speaker 5:

And I want you guys to notice something at the end that you might've missed. I don't know if you missed it, but we're going to watch it, just to inform you that your application has been accepted.

Speaker 2:

You will soon be joining the Corps of Cadets. That, that was the moment right there.

Speaker 3:

So high five.

Speaker 2:

Right. So let me tell you and I think we can all agree on this that that young man, dj, showed more class and and just absolute coolness in that one moment than those Democrats did the entire night, and if nothing else shames them the way that they should be shamed, that should do it. That was what a great young man both of them great, great young men and I'm so excited to see what they're going to do in the future. Just wow, yeah.

Speaker 3:

You know, and then obviously so you know it was such a huge part of the night was their poor conduct. You know there was two. You know President Trump has, and he always does this and it's part of his businessman personality. Everything that he does is the best ever. It's the best anybody's ever seen.

Speaker 2:

It's nobody's ever seen anything like it? Nobody's ever seen.

Speaker 3:

It Nobody's ever seen anything like it Never happen again. Right, which I get it. You know, I think that that is a some. Now I think he does it just to poke the Democrats in the eye, but it is a speech pattern of his and it is what it is. But you know, the Pocahontas crack against Elizabeth Warren.

Speaker 3:

I could have done without. I could have done without, although, again, again, a little bit antagonized, but I thought the best one great thing that he said. And then, in a missed opportunity, the great thing that he said was when he was talking about the border. You know, he said oh, the Democrats kept saying we need more legislation, we need more legislation, more legislation. Well, it turns out, the only thing you need is a new president Right, that's yeah, mic drop moment. That was huge. Is a new president? Right, that's yeah, mic drop moment, that was huge.

Speaker 3:

Um, but what I think he didn't do and it would have been highly antagonistic, but I think he should have done it anyway is in one of these moments that we've been talking about, no matter which one, pick one, lake and Riley, no, no matter what he should have pointed and said look at that, they can't even stand, for you know, to celebrate DJ, or they can't stand to honor the family or they can't stand to honor that Border Patrol agent. He should have directed it at them. Yeah, you know, he did it.

Speaker 2:

He did it in one moment. There was one instance where he did call it out and, you know, not quite as directly as that, but he did did acknowledge that they won't stand for anything. No matter what I do, they won't stand for it. But I agree with you. I think every time there was one of these moments, he should have called attention to the fact that they were not applauding, because, again, think what you want, feel what you want. You're not applauding for Trump, you're applauding for these people who are getting honored, and that is just a classy thing to do. It just is, whether you know, you've like again I said it before whether you think it's theatrics, whether you think it's BS, whether you like it or not, this is what you do as a human, adult person. This is what you do. I really you know, and I'm so glad that we talked about it last week too and that this became even more under a spotlight, essentially, of this kind of behavior.

Speaker 2:

I really, really want to add new rules to this or just re-emphasize the ones that are already on the books probably a combination of both things that there will be a certain amount of decorum. That's not just expected, it's demanded, and this is the way it's going to be going forth. And if you violate this in any way, that's written, you're out, you're automatically ejected and I don't know, you know, maybe not necessarily automatically censure, but but certainly on the table for that, because it's unacceptable and there can be. You want to protest, to have your little quiet protest? Fine, sit with your signs. I don't like that either, I don't think it's appropriate. But if you're going to allow something, fine, sit with your little angry little signs, hold them up, you know, so you can make a little spectacle of yourself, have your own little theater going on, but you keep your mouth shut. You stand when the president comes in, you stand when the president leaves. You don't have to stand every time he says something, you know, but whatever decorum and demanded decorum period.

Speaker 3:

I don't think I'm wrong. Do you think I'm wrong? No, but I have one. I think Al Green's going to get censured. They're already talking about it. Mike Johnson spoke afterwards and he said that we'll have to handle this in the normal way that they handle those things Him as Speaker of the House, they have a process for that. But there is discussion of him being censured. Okay, fine, good, hold him accountable. Accountability is what you're talking about.

Speaker 3:

But I think there's another way to kind of diffuse it a little bit. And so it's a very stark room. Right, you've got one side versus the other side. There's no hiding that. Right, you have all of the Joint Chiefs. The Service Chiefs are all sitting there and the Chief Justices, the Supreme Court, scotus, is all sitting there. They are bipartisan, non-emotional, apolitical in their reaction. They don't stand. The only time that the service chief stood was when they announced that kid going to West Point. But everything else is apolitical for them. But here's my recommendation, because I think it diffuses everything is, I think that you seat Congress not by party.

Speaker 3:

You see Congress by state. Oh, ok, they all written and you could do it one of two ways. You could see them by state for the Senate, and then you could see them by state for the House, or you could just see them all together. You can see all of Texas together. You could see all of you know California. You could see whoever together, and then what you don't have is that stark difference and, truthfully, the quiet protest gets masked, because every time one party stands up and the other party refuses to stand and you just don't see them. They're just not there, and then that kind of forces a little bit more. You know like it takes the steam out of the sit down protest crap. Yes, yes, and I love that. That takes away everything.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, I love that. That's brilliant. Speaker Johnson, hello, do that.

Speaker 3:

Throw that out there, I just solved everything right there.

Speaker 3:

Problem solved. I tried. So that would be an option. I think it would change the dynamic in the room a lot, yeah, but I also think that you know, like you said there's, we expect decorum and I think you know I was pretty brutal last night all over social media I was posting stuff the whole time and, truthfully, a single and I know, I know and I'm related to, probably like a lot of us, a lot of liberal, you know left side of the aisle kind of folks not I did not see a single person defending the actions of their representation. Now, that may be because they refuse to watch because it's president Trump. Sure, you know, they just chose not to do that, but no one defended what they were doing in any way, shape or form. I was waiting for some sort of but, but, but, but Trump response and didn't even get that Right.

Speaker 2:

I was kind of waiting for that too, just because of his jabs, you know it was like, oh, they're going to call him on presidential and blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. The other thing that the, that nobody from the Democrats thought through, was all those signs. Have you? You looked at social media today because pictures of Congress, of all of them, holding the signs, have all been turned into memes. So changing the words, people are yeah, nobody thought through that. On that side, they did not anticipate. No.

Speaker 3:

I mean, and I've seen some ones that are pretty rough today but when you've got the whole that side of the aisle holding signs and everyone has now changed the words, like you know, I took a bribe, I work for Big Pharma, you know. You know I'm a warmonger, like all of those signs say all those kinds of things, that's awesome. The Internet did what the internet does.

Speaker 2:

It does what it does and it did what it did and I love it. I love when they do that. Oh, that's so great and you know to your point. As far as like reactions from the public, from the American people, there were a couple, couple different polls. So, according to a CNN instant poll, approximately 69% of viewers, 69 percent of viewers, had at least a somewhat positive reaction to Trump's speech, with 44 percent describing it as very positive. Those are high numbers, high numbers. And then CBS News had a poll and there's found that 76 percent of the viewers approved of Trump's speech while 23 percent disapproved. Percent of the viewers approved of Trump's speech while 23 percent disapproved. 76 percent approval is pretty good in this arena, probably in most arenas, right?

Speaker 3:

Oh, that's yeah. Nobody's seen numbers like that since right after 9-11. That just hasn't happened. Side note on CNN though I saw this yesterday. You didn't know this. I know you didn't know this. I know you didn't. Did you know that jake tapper of all people hosts a show on cnn called american scandal? No, I had no idea. There are so many jokes there I can't even write them all down. Like tapper of all people, yeah you weren't of all networks talking about american scandals like it's wow does?

Speaker 2:

Does he cover his own at all about the fact that, right, like I'm guessing, no, I'm sure there's no mention of that book. He just wrote about Biden's decline and basically everybody knowing about it and covering up, including himself, right, which he denied during the time. But now he writes this book that basically says oh yeah, we all knew it was a mess, that that was crazy, guys, how bad it was. And it's like dude, um, you were part of covering that up. Yeah, whatever, yeah, this is, this is how much I don't care.

Speaker 3:

I saw that yesterday and I just I laughed out loud.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I made a skit about it too. Of course I made a skit about it, but yeah, oh man, that's pretty funny I they, I think, their actual favorite. You know, I always think that their favorite thing is hating America, hating Trump, hating America. But I think their favorite thing is being ironic all the time, right.

Speaker 3:

I think that their favorite thing is just being miserable, that their favorite thing is just being miserable, did they not all just look absolutely miserable last night? Miserable, I know, I know If you're an elected American politician and you cheer for America, you can't do it Like it would.

Speaker 2:

It would kill you that much to cheer, I mean. And there were, there are so many great things that he's he's done, we did done. I did this side by side, I got to pull it up real quick, hang on.

Speaker 3:

Yeah right.

Speaker 2:

I mean just saying, guys, and I was nice, I was nice, I posted this on my social media, which is very, very, very true. I said I had so many things I wanted to caption this with, but the Holy Spirit said, girl, don't do it. So that's all I did. So thank you to the Holy Spirit for keeping me acting basically right. But you know, joking aside, joking aside, there are really so many incredible things that he talked about last night that he did, and of course they are, you know, they look for they do the truth or fact checkers and all that stuff. And you know, whatever, I don't even care about any of that. But I want to kind of go.

Speaker 2:

I think this is from the beginning, let's see. So economic policies talked about. He emphasizes administration's effort to reduce regulations, implement tax cuts and impose tariffs. Everybody's freaking out over tariffs, right, but all aimed at protecting American industry. So he touched on that. He touched on, of course, as we kind of talked a little bit. He talked about immigration and border security, reiterated the importance of border security measures. You know all of that stuff. I think he gave numbers to, or I. He said no, actually I take that back. I don't think he said numbers but talked about that this was the lowest crossings in like the history of this issue, yeah, you know.

Speaker 3:

So it's like February was 8,300 and change.

Speaker 3:

Wow, compared to millions, right, you know yeah, hundreds of thousands, tens of thousands on on, you know, any given month. So, yeah, so there's that. And then, even you know, leading up to you, want to talk art of the deal like if he wanted and he should pat himself on the back. But the entire thing with Zielinski leading up to this. And then the day of uh, yesterday, all of a sudden Zielinski comes groveling back. You know, and I and I went up and down with a bunch of a sudden Zelensky comes groveling back and I went up and down with a bunch of people online who don't know and understand diplomacy, who only saw the 10-minute clip of the heated tempers and the raised voices, and they are embarrassed and they hate the president and this is not how you do things, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 3:

And again, these people know nothing. They don't know about the weeks and weeks of work for the mineral deal that was leading up to the meeting. They don't know, didn't know that Zelensky had talked to Democrats and had been, you know, railroaded prior to. They didn't know any of that stuff. They just passed judgment on the 10 minutes and I and I have friends at state department, as you can imagine. You know, I even told people that I said listen, you don't know the context of this. I know people at State Department, I have talked to them, I know what happened leading up to this and I literally I got people told me that I was lying. They told me to shut up. They told me there was no way that I knew things that they didn't know. Like it was ridiculous. And then, of course, 36 hours after it happens, zielinski's like hey, hey, uh hey I'm sorry, I yeah my bad

Speaker 3:

yeah, I need some help, you know, because outside of england and france, if you haven't seen it, the rest of europe is following his lead. Italy said no, they shut down all like. They were asked would they send troops? Their president or prime minister, whatever she is, was like not our troops. And then, oh, by the way, cut off all aid. I think it was Romania, hungary, I think, same thing we're not doing this. So Europe has got their head on straight for the most part, and they have said we're not doing this and they're following President Trump's lead. So, zelensky, he's in a hard spot, but what President Trump was trying to do with all that was just get people to the table, just start the negotiation. That's what he's looking for. And people again who don't understand diplomacy. They don't know what he was doing or why he was doing it. All they heard was raised voices, and so it is what it is.

Speaker 2:

Quarterbacks right armchair quarterbacks, zero experience in diplomacy and negotiations and world issues and relations, are sitting there. Well, you know what he should have done? Yeah, you know what I would have done. Yeah, shut up already. You sound so dumb when you say that, right there was.

Speaker 3:

There was a lot of people who, like, sent me the Webster's dictionary definition of diplomacy and don't understand that you know the context of any of it.

Speaker 2:

So it was absurd.

Speaker 3:

from the get go it was absurd and.

Speaker 2:

I think it's cute and I said that very sarcastically I think it's cute that they believe that those behind closed doors conversations that we don't get to see are all nice and friendly and sweet and they have tea together and they say nice things to each other. Now, that's probably exactly what it looks like behind closed doors, just add in some swears. You know some table banging and some FUs. You know some table banging and some FUs. It's not going to be and I've never seen it, but I'm not stupid so I know it's not pretty. Behind closed doors. Zelensky screwed up by wanting the press there. He thought that that was going to help him and it did. I mean it did for the left because they're, all you know, a bunch of suckers.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he what he and, and trying to renegotiate in front of the cameras yeah, good luck with that, is really what you know. Turned things sideways because the intent, entire intent, for that visit was for him to come and sign the deal that the state department had negotiated with them prior to the visit for the mineral rights, like that's what it was for. It was supposed to be very ceremonial a sit down, have a good talk, sign the document, very all that, and then have lunch, which, by the way, all the staffers got to eat, because, after he acted like a jackass, president trump lost his ass out of the, out of the white house and all the staffers got to eat the lunch. So I love it. And then again, 36 hours later, hat in hand, zielinski says oh, I, we need to make things right and I, you know, we, we can sign this deal, I'm ready to sign this deal, and you know so. President Trump didn't flaunt how right he was during the speech last night, which I think he could have done.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure it was very tempting to oh yeah, it had to be so painful to not look over there to his right and say I told you so I wouldn't have blamed him if he did, but I'm glad he didn't. I'm glad he didn't. And you know, silence is golden, right? Just you go ahead, run your mouth, run your mouth, talk like you know what you're saying. And you know, just like every other time that you have gone Banshee wild and thinking that I ruined everything and I'm going to, you know, bring us into a I don't know third world war by negotiating peace, cause that makes sense, right? Okay, yeah, he's. He doesn't have to say a whole heck of a lot anymore because the actions have proven him to be right Every single time. Every single time his actions have been spot on. So they can suck it, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and he listed out, you know, the Apple. He listed the new Honda plant that's going in. He listed, you know, and all of that is a result from the tariffs. What people don't, what they refuse to understand about tariffs, is they think that that is somehow going to break any relationship we have with any country, and mostly because they're listening to Trudeau, who's an idiot anyway.

Speaker 3:

Do me a favor, folks, look around your house, walk around. Find anything that you own that says made in Canada on it, please, because you don't own anything. I can promise you the only thing you own that was probably made in Canada was a US owned automobile. Right, they do. A ton of our automobiles are assembled in Canada, but that's it. That's all you got. And so you know he's been right about that. Honda is pulling a you know a factory out of Mexico and putting it in, I think, in Indiana. Apple $500 billion, billion dollars, billion dollars, right, yes, so all of those things are happening. He did talk about the economy and you know the other thing about the way that these speeches are structured and the way that you've got the silent dissent, you know, and all of that why I think they really need to mix up the audience is the speeches afterwards by the party representative. I don't know if you stayed up that long. I know we were already pushing your bedtime.

Speaker 3:

Pushing the luck now, Now as soon as he was done, I was done, I'm like, and then I so I watched representative Slotnick, uh, from, um, I think she's from Michigan, um, and so she is a former CIA agent. She's a junior Congresswoman, um, and they chose her to give the rebuttal speech. Um, and, and I'll give you the short version of the speech he hasn't fixed anything and things are getting worse. And it's this is. You know, this is all bad, but again, there's no ownership. Over the last four years, there's no reality checkup. It's only been six weeks. There's no like, there's no acknowledgement of the things that have been accomplished. You know, there's. There's only doom and gloom and threats.

Speaker 3:

Oh, by the way, she took a pot shot at Elon Musk and his gang of 20-somethings, 20-year-olds gang of 20-year-olds, which okay, I'm going to say this for the 50th time, representative Slotnick 20-year-olds can vote and they can put on a uniform and they can die for their country. If you don't trust them to audit the United States government, you're wrong. You are wrong, right? Oh, by the way, your entire party thinks that they can make decisions about abortion, about their gender, about sex changes and all kinds of other stuff, and oh, by the way you want kids to vote as early as 16 because it benefits your party, so get your messaging straight.

Speaker 3:

Stop with the 20-year-old crap, because it doesn't hold water. Oh, by the way, every one of those kids and listen, she's a CIA analyst. So she's a smart lady. There's no doubt about it, but every one of those 20 year olds is smarter than she is, every single one of them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yep, absolutely. And there was, that was a hundred percent Clay's mic drop for the night because that was so spot on, like I want to stand up and applaud for you right now because that was so spot on, that was so good, clay, and so so true, and you know. And another thing that they you know, another hallmark of their behaviors and of course I'm talking about these Democrat leaders I hate using that word and them in the same sentence but another hallmark of their behavior is that they complain and complain and bitch and moan about everything, but they everything, but they never offer solutions, zero solutions. So, unless you can offer equal or better solutions that you like, sit down and shut up. It's that simple, right? If you're just going to complain with, adding no value to the conversation, I don't want to hear it, not even listening.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, their, their solution is the status quo. That's what it is. Their solution is big government. Their solution is the status quo. The solution is nanny state. Uh, it's, you know, free stuff. Uh, people can't make decisions for themselves, because that's what keeps them in power, that's what they want, and so their solution is that. And it's again. Yeah, and it is opposite of the mandate that the president was given in the last election. By winning and he hit it, he talked about it won every facet of the vote popular electoral counties, you know, won the House, the Senate, like it's clean sweep. Know one that you know the House, the Senate, like they clean sweep.

Speaker 2:

And the Democrats just don't get it. They don't get it, and you know they keep trying to spin this, as you know. Well, is this what you voted for? I don't think this is what you know. This is exactly what we voted for. Exactly what we voted for, Because you know why. Trump told us everything that he planned on doing before he came into office. He has been telling us all along, and the American people collectively said yes, yes, that's what we want, and he's delivering it. So how? Stomp your feet, wave your little flags, wear your little pink jackets, make your little, you know, theater. Um, yeah, this is what we wanted and yeah, we're happy.

Speaker 3:

He did also. I just remembered one other funny from last night and that was going down the numbers of active accounts in social security yes, I talked about last week we did. And he got to the end and he looks at Kennedy and he goes hey, bobby, looks like we got a healthier country than we thought we did.

Speaker 2:

He's so funny. He's so funny. I love him. I do, I love him. I love him. We've talked about this before, my evolution of feelings about President Trump from his first presidency in between to now. And it started with acceptance, not love. We are at love.

Speaker 3:

I love him. I don't even care. Who knows that people. Let's hit on one more, and it doesn't have anything to do with last night. Okay, we'll hit on one more example of poor decorum and hypocrisy coming out of, and that is democratic representative velasquez, yes who, in a speech, said Elon Musk, what the hell are you even doing here in America? Go back to Africa. What Could you imagine? Could you imagine that was so stunning A Republican saying that at all, yeah, the uproar, the outrage.

Speaker 2:

I mean it would have been, oh my goodness, you can't, you can't even, you can't even measure, you can't even quantify what would have happened if that were a Republican saying that to or about a Democrat. Like that's where we're at with their mentality, or I mean that's where they've been at all along. But the difference now is, is nobody's going to be taking that nonsense? You know that's that is insane. So she claims that her remarks were based on a social media post. Oh no, she actually claimed that she saw a video where he said exactly so you know, liar, liar, pants on fire.

Speaker 2:

lady, you didn't see a video.

Speaker 3:

You saw a meme and you fell for it. The video doesn't exist. Doesn't exist, snopes of all, people said didn't happen, doesn't exist, the video's not out there, and she swore she saw it and then made a claim in response to that. Listen, I would love to look at AOC right in the face and tell her to get her ass back behind the bar.

Speaker 4:

I really would.

Speaker 3:

Right, yeah, listen, I would love to look at AOC right in the face and tell her to get her ass back behind the bar. I really would, right, because that's about where she belongs and about what she's capable of. There's a lot of people that would love to tell Ilyan Omar go back to Somalia, right, there's a lot of people that would love to say that. But it's not our elected officials, right? Our elected officials don't say things like that. Right? And we were listen folks. We were on Dan Crenshaw last week for him acting like an idiot too, right.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely yeah, this is not one-sided here.

Speaker 3:

No, this is about acting like a grownup, and again, there's plenty of it not happening at you know, from our elected officials, and this is just one more example, you know, of people not you know, performing the way that we expect them to to, or saying what we expect them to in public as a representative Listen, behind closed doors, I get it. You even talked about it, right, the diplomatic meetings behind closed doors. I don't care about any of that they get loud and all that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Okay, not in public, and not in front of a microphone, for sure.

Speaker 2:

No, just saw it before, a little while before we came on. Uh, you know another one who who's like now just making it her thing to be as trashy and garbage as she possible. Can that jasmine crockett?

Speaker 3:

oh yeah, now she's the one they. They thought she was going to throw. She was the one who was going to throw eggs. Of course she was. Yeah, it was going to be yeah yeah, I, I'm done with her.

Speaker 1:

What's up, what?

Speaker 2:

did you do just more of the same dropping f-bombs, you know, talking about Trump, talking about Elon Musk. Of course, you know, it's just F-bomb after F-bomb. And then there's this video of her. I'm guessing I don't know where she is, I don't know if she's in her personal offices or in the corridor, but her and her I don't know associates or assistants maybe, but they're doing that, kendrick Lamar dance down the hall Like this is what we're doing at work, like this is what you're doing at work. Really, on my dime, I don't think so. So, yeah, I just I really want to see some serious, you know consequences to this kind of behavior because I'm done with it.

Speaker 2:

I think, as Americans, we're done with it. We don't need this kind of popcorn theater, you know.

Speaker 3:

You can hold people accountable and you can make get your point across without being vulgar, right, without you know, dropping a level of decorum. Nancy Mace today. Representative Mace today had a great one. She had all the mayors the sanctuary city mayors were testifying today, right. So she asked a very simple question of if you have an illegal alien, who, who has been, you know, accused or is being held on, has committed a crime, a heinous crime, I think she said. She asked the mayors yes or no question, is it OK to release them back into the population?

Speaker 3:

Eric Adams from New York was first. He started to answer. She cut him off and said it's a yes or no question. Make it very simple, right. And he and he and he said no in a very in a longer winded way than he should have. I don't remember who the next one was who basically said no very quickly. And then she got to the mayor of Chicago who said you know he started out well, you know the individual person, blah, blah, and she said no, no, it's a yes or no question, yes or no. And he kept going and he kept answering in his long-winded, very non-committal, and she said you know what? That's why you have a six percent approval rating because you suck at answering questions. Next, and she moved to the next person. Good, right, point made right, no vulgarity, firm right. Gave him an opportunity to answer. That he didn't do, didn't call him names, no, and oh, by the way, fact, 6.6 approval rating in the city of chicago, worst ever 6.6.

Speaker 3:

That's bad yeah in a democrat city like the bluest of blue. There hasn't been a republican mayor in chicago in over 120 years.

Speaker 2:

That's crazy they, can they. This might be a stupid they can impeach, can't they? Oh?

Speaker 3:

yeah, yeah so.

Speaker 2:

I'm a little stunned that that process hasn't been begun because that's as good as zero right, give it a minute.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Come on guys, step it up, oh my goodness.

Speaker 3:

In fact, you know my, my home state of Illinois, you're starting to see a little bit of a red turn. We just had a DuPage County which, for those of you not familiar with the area, cook County is Chicago. Dupage County is the biggest county, right outside the city. The DuPage County sheriff just announced he is running for governor as a Republican, so we'll see how, yeah, things are changing, hopefully, in Illinois.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, yeah, you know listen I mean.

Speaker 2:

I say on repeat that I'm so glad that they're doing the things that they're doing, that they're being as awful as they're being, and you know, and I always give the caveat that because it's showing the American people, you know, what you don't want any more of. But yeah, obviously, in a perfect world everyone's going to act right and do the right things and, and you know, disagree and argue and debate in a mature, productive way. We're not there. So you know, I am again glad that they keep showing who they are, because this, this will keep turning that tide red everywhere at this rate. You know, the more they dig in, the more they dig their claws in on these belief systems and ideologies and insanity and anti-American rhetoric. Then good, here we are, here we go.

Speaker 3:

Bring it. I know, by the way, you've got a president who is. He was a lame duck walking in the door. He does not care, right, he doesn't care. All he's doing is setting things up for you know, jd Vance, and yes, we'll see what happens.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, who's been doing phenomenal, huge, continually. Continuing to be a huge JD Vance fan and Marco Rubio is bringing me lots of joy, man, lots of joy for Marco Rubio.

Speaker 3:

He's amazing, he is. Every time I hear him speak it's like there is not a single misstep in anything he says. Media on TV being interviewed off the cuff like that guy is phenomenal.

Speaker 2:

I can't and I got to say as a Cuban and I got to say as a.

Speaker 1:

Cuban. I'm loving it. Lots of props there, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Loving it so much. So, yeah, oh, my goodness, I mean we did pretty good. I mean I think we got pretty much through everything that was going on. I'm glancing at my notes here on the side. We did pretty darn good. I mean we covered as much as you humanly can cover on that. Thanks to Clay for keeping us on track with it, because you know I'm going right off the rails, bro.

Speaker 3:

Yeah no folks. I mean obviously last night was huge and, you know, significant for the nation on both sides of the aisle, because I think you got a good look at what reality is in DC right now, after only six weeks of President Trump being in office. So, you know, happy that we could break it down for everybody and in a good discussion.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely All right, guys. You know the deal. We love to hang outside. That's my phone dinging. I broke the rules here. I did not turn my ringer off. Thank you, guys for hanging out with us. We love to see you in the comment section. Give us your thoughts. You know, listen, we've told you before. If you disagree, let us know. If you agree, definitely let us know.

Speaker 3:

You know, definitely, let us know. You know the other stuff, whatever, but, yeah, just come in and tell us how great we are. That's all you got to do. Yeah, I, I'm always in there. I bounce back and forth between Facebook and YouTube every week. So, um, you know again, folks, we appreciate you, we, we keep doing this for you. I, elsa and I, could have this conversation on our own every week, but we hit the record button so that you guys can participate too, and we, we really really button so that you guys can participate too, and we really, really appreciate it. So, as always for me, keep moving, keep shooting.

Speaker 2:

Take care guys.

Speaker 1:

Combat veteran Terry Davis left a life of violence for the quiet Midwest Prairie, but a terror threat pulls him back into action In Tampa. He makes allies and enemies as the danger unfolds. Relying on his combat honed skills, terry faces a threat far bigger than he imagined. Unsure of who to trust, one thing is certain to survive, he must keep moving, keep shooting.

Speaker 4:

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