The Elsa Kurt Show
Elsa Kurt is an American actress, comedian, podcast producer & host, social media entertainer, and author of over twenty-five books. Elsa's career began first with writing, then moved into the unconventional but highly popularized world of TikTok, where she amassed an organic following of 200K followers and over 7 billion views of her satirical and parody skits, namely her viral portrayal of Vice President Kamala Harris, which attracted the attention of notable media personalities such as Michael Knowles, Mike Huckabee, Brit Hume, and countless media outlets. She's been featured in articles by Steven Crowder's Louder with Crowder, Hollywood in Toto with Christian Toto, and JD Rucker Report. In late 2022, Elsa decided to explore more acting opportunities outside of social media. As of August 2022, Elsa will have appearances in a sketch comedy show & an independent short film series in the fall. Elsa is best known for her comedic style and delivery, & openly conservative values. She is receptive to both comedic and dramatic roles within the wholesome/clean genres & hopes to adapt her books to film in the future. #ifounditonamazon https://a.co/ekT4dNO
Elsa's Books: https://www.amazon.com/~/e/B01E1VFRFQ
As of Sept. 2023, Author, Veteran, & commentator Clay Novak joins Elsa in the co-host seat. About Clay:
Army Officer
Clay Novak was commissioned in 1995 as a Second Lieutenant of Infantry and served as an officer for twenty four years in Mechanized Infantry, Airborne Infantry, and Cavalry units . He retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in 2019.
Clay is a graduate of the U.S. Army Ranger School and is a Master Rated Parachutist, serving for more than a decade in the Airborne community. He was deployed a combined five times to combat in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Serving in every leadership position from Infantry Platoon Leader to Cavalry Squadron Commander, Clay led American Soldiers in and out of combat for more than two decades.
Growing up in a family of hunters and shooters, Clay has carried on those traditions to this day. Whether building guns, hunting, shooting for recreation, or carrying them in combat , Clay Novak has spent his life handling firearms.
Keep Moving, Keep Shooting is the first novel for Clay. You can also read his Blog on this website and see more content from Clay on his Substack.
Media Consultant
Clay has appeared on radio and streaming shows as a military consultant, weighing in on domestic and foreign policy as well as global conflict. He has also appeared as a guest on multiple podcasts to talk about Keep Moving, Keep Shooting and his long military career.
Get Clay's book: https://amzn.to/47Bzx2H
Visit Clay's site: Clay Novak (claynovak-author.com)
The Elsa Kurt Show
Women in Combat, Climate Debate, & Political Power Shifts
This episode examines pivotal political developments as we approach the inauguration, highlighting the importance of accountability and leadership in current crises, such as wildfires in California. We also discuss potential changes in social media landscapes, focusing on the TikTok ban and its ramifications for content creators.
• Analyzing Pete Hegseth's impactful testimony
• Discussing public reactions and perceptions of political performances
• Exploring accountability in leadership and crisis management
• Examining the implications of California's ongoing wildfires
• Analyzing the political decisions surrounding TikTok and digital media
• Engaging listeners with thoughts on upcoming political shifts
For more insights and engaging discussions, be sure to tune in to our next episode!
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Elsa's Books: https://www.amazon.com/~/e/B01E1VFRFQ
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It's the Elsa Kurtz Show with Clay Novak Conservative views on world news Brought to you by the Wellness Company. Prepare for the unexpected and Refuge Medical. And now it's time for the show.
Speaker 2:Well, hey there, what's up? Stranger, welcome back. Welcome back to your old show. I pulled one of my stunts on Clay that I seem to always pull, like, hey, you, how, we're going to like have our first show back on this date. Guess what? I'm going to be in Florida again. Yeah, yes, I'm sorry, guys, I don't know, I'm just not a good planner. I guess everything is very like oh, I'm going to do this now, and then I remember like there's actually other people in my life that I have to inform. I think I'm on my own Island all the time, so I'm sorry about that.
Speaker 3:You should just give me access to your calendar and then I can see things. Maybe that would make the most sense yes, I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that Definitely. And we've got, obviously, tons going on. We've got a countdown to inauguration, we've got confirmations going on and we're going to talk about almost all of that stuff right after this.
Speaker 2:Hey, holy heck, I started off with a bang. I did not leave a banner on the bottom. We're starting this new season with a bang. Yeah, oh, my goodness. So you are right. There's so much going on. So, as Clay said, we're going to be talking about the Pete Hedge Seth. I was saying it perfect before, just so we know that I had it. Perfect. California fires four more days till Trump. Resignation of Christopher Ray, fannie Willis wants to get back in on the Trump trial and then, the last thing we're gonna cover if we have time, the Tik TOK band. So let's, let's see if we can get through everything you cool, starting with with that testimony.
Speaker 3:Cause, let's let. Yeah, pete was up yesterday. Massive viewership. I was personally shocked at the amount of people who sat and watched his testimony. It's probably more than anybody that. I can remember watching C-SPANs, probably since the Iran-Contra hearings. It was nuts. The amount of people that either reached out to me or I saw post something about Pete's performance yesterday. Did you watch?
Speaker 2:I watched bits and pieces. I got all the clips after. I didn't watch the whole thing through, but got all of the high and low lights of everything. I mean I personally thought he did phenomenal. I mean I felt like his responses, his temperament, everything spot on perfect. I think he represented well and yeah, I mean they were coming for him and with the same things over and over again, but they were coming for him. I thought he did well. What'd you think?
Speaker 3:Yeah, I mean, it's no secret, I've never thought that he is the best pick for the SEC DEF. Nothing against him personally. I just don't think he's got the background for it. But he did very, very well yesterday, impressed me personally, like you said great temperament. There were some personal attacks in there, we'll probably talk about that, but he did a great job. His team did a great job prepping him, I think and I've been a part of a couple of those teams that are prepping people for testimony. It's always an interesting process because a lot of it is guessing. His team did some great research and reconnaissance whatever you want to call it and said okay, these are the things that they're going to ask you about, let's get some responses down. A lot of it is rehearsed and practiced and even memorized, but really I think you know he stuck to the basics, which is so, so important and really what I think all of us want from him, right, right.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they didn't. Um, you know they were trying to put them on the defensive right To get them to be reactive, um, and all of those things, and he was unflappable. You know, and tell me what you think. Do you think that because so much of this has already been playing out in the public arena you know all of us, you know nonstop hearing about the sexual assault allegations, the alcoholism or alcohol abuse, you know, all of these things like this is it's almost like old news. At this point, by the time they got to this, they were like yeah, yeah, yeah, we've heard this all already. Do you think?
Speaker 3:that took any steam out of, out of their, their questioning, I do. I think the media took, you know, stole some thunder from that. Those on the Armed Services Committee that were committed to going after Elizabeth Warren's and you know whoever, joni Ernst a little bit and Gillibrand and some others, but you know, and not just them. Senator Kaine a little bit and Gillibrand and some others, um, but you know, and not just them. Senator Kane, I think, kind of went after him too, and you know. So, yeah, it was one, it's old news, uh, two it that made it very, very easy for his team to prep. Yes, they knew that those were going to come up. They knew that the extramarital affairs were going to come up. They knew the accusations of alcohol abuse or whatever you want to call it were going to come up. The financial situation with the two veterans organizations that he was involved with, that there's accusation of financial mismanagement. They knew all that stuff was going to come up. So paired responses for those I think were easy.
Speaker 3:I also think that there was some probably you know he met with. He was invited by probably every member of the armed services committee to speak to them personally before testimony and I think he met with most of them. I think he got a little bit of overwatch and a little bit of protection from the conservatives, the Republicans. Um, who is it from Oklahoma? Um, uh, miller, muller, muller, mueller, uh, the guy who dropped his coat, I can't remember. Oh, uh, yeah, uh, yeah, milvane Milvane, I think his name is. Um, you know he, he was the one that was like listen, you know who's? How many of you Congress people have never seen another Congressman show up drunk to vote at night. I don't know if you saw this little.
Speaker 2:I missed that one. Yeah, we're going to pull that one up, yeah.
Speaker 3:Great job of taking all the accusations against Pete and and and basically turning them on all the Democrats. He raised the fact that, you know, secretary Austin walked away from the board at Raytheon and everybody in Congress had to sign off on that for him to become the Secretary of Defense, and he even said it. He said, but that's okay when it's a Democrat nominee, a Democrat Secretary of Defense. And then he talked about his own mistakes in life. He's like if it wasn't for my wife, I'd be in prison right now, very much like Pete and his wife. So there was a lot of that protection going on, which I think was probably pre-coordinated. I think that was, which is fine. I mean, there's nothing wrong with that. So I think that the before meetings were good. I think that you know Elizabeth Warren I don't think he met with and I think she made a point of saying that out loud, but overall he did a great job. But there were plenty of attacks on his character and not his qualifications.
Speaker 2:Right, right. Yeah, we mentioned Warren a couple of times. This was my one and only favorite part of that exchange. Here we go.
Speaker 1:Yes or no?
Speaker 4:here. Time is short, I just need a yes or no.
Speaker 1:I would consult with the president about what the policy should be at the Defense Department, in other words, you're quite sure that every general who serves should not go directly into the defense industry for 10 years.
Speaker 4:You're not willing to make that same pledge. I'm not a general Senator.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I like that. That was good. We have one more funny moment. I want to ask you another question, but I want to show our other. I thought funny moment. Here it is.
Speaker 6:Pete, I'm actually going to ask you questions because I want to hear your answer.
Speaker 4:How many genders are there? Tough one, senator. There are two genders. I know that. Well, I'm a she, so I'm on board.
Speaker 3:I made a good joke. But yeah, he did, he made a great joke, you know. He asked you know, pete, you know how many genders there are, you know? And he said I know, you know something to the effect of I know, because I'm a he, she. Which was great, it was great, it was great.
Speaker 2:So the you know. So the biggest thing you know among the ones that we mentioned that they kept drilling him on were the Democrats were drilling him on were his statements and beliefs about women in the military, specifically combat. You're a military guy. What are your thoughts on his feelings about that?
Speaker 3:So I think he expressed himself well and it really is about physical standards. And so, and I say, you know, I'm a retired guy and I can say this, you know, without any reservation, I can tell you that you know, I was an infantry guy my entire career and a lot of that was as a light infantryman or paratrooper, where literally you carry everything you own on your back and it is a tough physical life. There's a lot of sleeping outside under the worst conditions. There's no like. I could tell you, my first deployment to Afghanistan in 2002, I went an entire month without a shower, wow, okay. So when you start talking about introducing females into that environment, it's not just about the physicality, because I will tell you whole honestly, there are men in the infantry right now who cannot meet those physical standards. It's not just about women. It's about setting a high physical standard for those jobs that require it and then allowing people in who can meet those high physical standards. Okay, Male or female, I don't think he cares.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and he was consistent about that. Every time they hit him on it, that was the response. It's about meeting the standard, not lowering the standard.
Speaker 2:And I thought that was such an important point to make. It's not you meet the standard, don't lower the standard just to get people in to meet your quotas and all of it. That's where you know he kept going with that and yeah, I mean, I completely agree. And you know, and I will go even further as a female, you know the men and women mixed together in those settings it is a not always a very good environment to do that, you know, and so many things happen, I think even as part of that, they one of the Democrats kind of reference that you know, maybe accidentally making the point that I'm making that you know they wanted and I forget who it is, I'm sorry that they wanted to address the sexual assaults on female.
Speaker 3:With Tony Ernst and Kristen Gillibrand. Thank you.
Speaker 2:Yes. So you know, in a way that kind of lends to the point that I'm quasi making here that you know this is the kind of stuff that goes on. You put people, men and women, in these types of environments. I don't know, I'm not a huge fan of it and I'm not saying that women should not be in the military. I'm just saying proceed with caution. I think his answer was best If you meet the qualifications.
Speaker 3:Yeah, he could have started another argument or made a counterpoint, which I'm sure I would assume was probably considered, and that you know, his, him and his team probably decided not to. And the question I would have turned around and asked you know, when, this whole you know, do you believe women should serve in combat? What are their? You know, where should they fit in combat roles, et cetera, is you know, you, congress, have the power and have had the power to open selective service in the draft to women. It's been proposed a number of times in the last 20 years.
Speaker 3:You, congress, have refused to allow women to be, you know, on an equal playing field with men when it comes to the draft. Wow, yeah, you're going to sit there and tell me that I need to make sure, as a secretary of defense on equality and that equal roles are available and promotions and all these other things based on availability of roles in combat roles, but yet you, congress, won't put women on the same, even playing field when it comes to selective service in the draft, which, oh, by the way, always focuses when we enact a draft. The focus is not drafting, although it's part of it. We're not drafting cooks and truck drivers and mechanics right.
Speaker 3:We're drafting infantrymen. The vast majority of the infantrymen in Vietnam were not volunteers.
Speaker 3:They were all draftees, right, yeah, when we draft, that's who we're drafting. So he could have turned that around. Yeah, that back at them. I assume chose not to be to keep it as non confrontational as possible, sure, but that that could have been a point where, again, he flipped it over on Congress and said listen, you play a role in this too. This isn't always about the president, it's not always about the secretary of defense and could have flipped it on him, but he didn't. So that's a again. I've never I've been outwardly outward spoken about this. I worry about his large organizational leadership background, which he doesn't have a lot of, but I think, based on his testimony, looking beyond the testimony, he clearly surrounded himself with a great team. The team that prepped him, the team that you know did all of the work to get him sitting in that chair and prepared like he was. If he surrounds himself with a team like that, he takes over as a secretary, because he's gonna get confirmed. That's after yesterday.
Speaker 2:I think it's a done deal yeah, it seems to be a like a foregone conclusion pretty much, that that that went exceedingly well. Um, yeah, I mean that it looks like a go and he was probably the most um, iffy one so far. Right, I mean, I take a Matt Gates obviously.
Speaker 3:Once Gates was removed. I would say Hegseth was probably the most you know. He was I wouldn't even say controversial, I think if he is probably the best word. Like you said, he was probably under the most scrutiny, I think, for his relative position.
Speaker 3:So yeah he did great. But if he keeps a team like that around him as he takes over as a secretary, I think that bodes well for everyone. And again, I wasn't I'm not, you know, I've never been a support. I'm never going to root against him, though I can promise you that if he gets misgivings, yeah, he gets put in that seat. I want him to be successful. I want the defense department to be successful. I want our military to be back to where it was, you know, when I joined, as the most powerful military on the planet, because I'm not convinced that's who we are right now. So I hope, if he does get you know, I think he will get confirmed. I'm pretty confident he will and I wish him the best of luck because it's so important. That job, Absolutely.
Speaker 2:How soon will we know? Do we have any idea?
Speaker 3:So they can't confirm until after the inauguration for any of them. Any of his picks can't be confirmed until after inauguration, but I would bet votes like his and some of these other ones. You're going to see a flurry of votes. 2021, probably not the 20th, probably not inauguration day, but 21, 22, 23,. Those days following, I think you're going to see rapid fire confirmation votes.
Speaker 2:That's what we want. Let's just get the whole team lined up and go, and I definitely echo what you said about having that team around him and I echo that in for all of them, everybody coming in to these leadership positions, wherever they're getting placed. I think that is probably the most important thing to have, as we've learned from you know, as President Trump has learned from his past administration, that he needs a solid team. Each one of them needs that solid, competent, trustworthy team around them.
Speaker 3:So I agree with that, you know, if they all have the right people around them. You know, this can, this can only go phenomenally well. So, yeah, yeah, there's more testimony going, even today. I think. Is it Rubio? I think Marco Rubio's testifying today for sex state. I think Pam Bondi is testifying today for attorney general. So there's a lot moving right now, which is good. They're not holding, they're not sitting idly by. I don't think these cans are going to get kicked down the road. I don't think he's going to have to do what he did last time, which was put in a lot of temporaries waiting for confirmation, a lot of acting, this acting that. I don't think we're going to have that same problem, which is good.
Speaker 2:Yeah, definitely. I would say all of the lessons have been learned from the last go around. You know he's not coming in green. Nobody's coming in green here. So, uh, it's, uh, yeah, that's what I want to see. I want to see everything. I want everything to start yesterday, you know, I think that probably, uh, most of Americans can say the same thing right now, like let's just go, let's go. People put it a little more flavorfully than I just did, but yeah.
Speaker 3:Oh, by the way, folks, it is Wednesday at 3 PM Eastern time. Okay, I say that Rubio and Bondi are testifying today. That is ongoing as we speak, just so you guys have a date timestamp for when we're doing this and you don't yell at us later for not being live.
Speaker 2:Yes, do not yell at us. And I'll tell you one more thing. That's going on, uh, as of just, probably within the past 10, 15 minutes before we came on. Uh, clay and I, you and I did not get a chance to talk about this before we started, but a tentative um ceasefire is, is I?
Speaker 3:saw it. I saw the headline yeah, talked about this, right, yes, the Trump effect. No joking around. We are four days when this airs tomorrow. We will four days from the inauguration and what has already happened? A ceasefire deal with a prisoner exchange portion. Yes, from from Gaza. And oh, by the way, the spokesman from Hamas has confirmed this is a real thing.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, you know. Basically, what's happening is like we don't want none of this. They're all throwing their hands up and going I don't, I don't want any problem.
Speaker 3:You know, all hell's going to break loose Isn't?
Speaker 2:that what he said. Yeah, yes, that's what he said right. That is what he said, absolutely so you know I don't love that. You know Biden will take credit for this. Dude, it ain't about you, it is so not about yeah, so you know.
Speaker 2:But go ahead and think. And same thing with uh, I've thrown another one out there very quickly. Um same thing with the FDA FDA now banning red dye number three, because you know they've only known for 30 years that it causes cancer. So they figured, let's hurry up and do something about that real quick so that we can get credit for banning it, which, by the way, guys don't get excited, it's not taking effect until 2027 and 2028. So between now and then you're still going to have all that cancer causing red dye number three in your food and drinks.
Speaker 3:So yeah, you know what? Give RFK some. He's got a little bit of threat behind him too. Right, he does Well.
Speaker 2:I think that's why this happened.
Speaker 3:I think that's why this happened at all.
Speaker 2:You know, otherwise it would not have, because 30 years has gone by now. All of a sudden they're like you know what? I think we're going to do something about this, guys. Yeah, just purely our own idea. But, like my point with RFK, though, is, it would not surprise me if he walked into that timeline sped up.
Speaker 2:Yeah, oh, I think I believe that it will, and I hope that I'm correct, because I tell you I'm laughing and I'm making light of it, which is my default for keeping myself from going into a fit of rage, because this fills me with pure rage, that 30 years of knowing concretely that this is a cancer causing agent and they hate us that much, they hate us that much, our own government hates us that much that they would leave it in there and just you know, and that that's just the tip of of many icebergs. There were so many more things like this that have been going on for so long, so it fills me with actual rage as a, as a mother, as a human being, obviously as a mother, as a grandmother my babies are, you know. So I think we all should be outraged and not settle for anything less than what, um, uh, rfk Jr is is setting out to do, and we hold him to it and make sure he does what he said he's going to do. You know we talked about this before. You know I I'm coming into this new administration in a much more relaxed way than I would have been if it was a repeat of what we just had.
Speaker 2:You know, definitely different vibe, but not so relaxed that I won't be paying attention that. You said you're going to do this. You said you're going to do that. You better damn well do it. So you said you're going to do this. You said you're going to do that. You better damn well do it.
Speaker 3:So you know, not to say it's all great, board progress Right. And we knew, you know we even talked about we. What did we say? Ninety six hours 96 hours of him taking over. After inauguration, there was going to be movement on the hostages and now it's like it's 96 hours before. It's it's amazing the Trump effect, because that's what this is.
Speaker 2:It's it's amazing the trump effect, because that's what this is. It's amazing, it's awesome, it's so awesome. Uh, what is not awesome is what's been going on over in california. Oh, my goodness, I, I tell you, I, I mean, you know, I, I think, like everybody else, we've been watching this non-stop with just like this sense of horror, like, like, how is this like this, how is this happening, how is this extending so far?
Speaker 2:And then, of course, there's you know you dip into the conspiracy lane, which I hate calling it a conspiracy, but that's what I'm gonna call it, just for lack of a better word at the moment. You know all of these other factors that come in and really make it all super, super questionable. There's questions of and I don't think there is any confirmation whatsoever of this you can't trust videos that you see anymore because you don't know if they're doctored. You know, you don't know until you know, but you know certainly so many accusations right now of the virus being set deliberately.
Speaker 2:All of these things, none of it changes the fact that there are areas of California that are completely decimated, just burnt down to the ground, all starting with on January 7th. So just to get like that quick little timeline January 7th, the Palisades fire ignited in the Pacific Palisades district of Los Angeles spread because of the strong winds. The strong winds has always been an issue there, you know. The fire risk has always been high, certain times of year more so than others, and correct me if I'm wrong, clay, this is not typically the time of year where it's that much of an issue. Am I wrong?
Speaker 3:Yeah, so normally, because it's wintertime, there's at least some level of precipitation, so it's not as dry as it normally. It's drier now this year than it has been in the past, but there's. There's Santa Ana winds right, you're talking for those that aren't familiar. Those are like 90 to a hundred mile an hour winds. These are approaching tornado hurricane level winds, I know by the terrain channels it right, as they've got all these valleys and things through there.
Speaker 2:So, um, no know, and this is just a dry year and it's been exacerb, destroyed more than 5,300 structures and led to multiple fatalities. And of course, we know the evacuations. The Eaton Fire began near Pasadena and Altadena. Altadena, did I say that right?
Speaker 3:Altadena. Yeah, Thank you.
Speaker 2:Didn't sound right for a second there Burning, another, you know, 14,000 plus acres, and of course, the,000 plus acres, and of course, the property damage, loss of life, obviously. On January 8th there was the Hearst fire that happened or erupted in Los Angeles. Los Angeles County covered around 800 acres. More evacuations, of course. I mean this is almost a matter of course, not almost, it is a matter of course. Then the Lydia fire, another Los Angeles County, another 400 acres. January 9th. The Sunset fire, January 10th. The Kenneth fires, january 12th. Where are we? So now, in January, as of January 12th, the combined impact of the wildfires resulted in at least 24 fatalities, over 12,000 structures lost, economic losses estimating at $250 billion. And then the last thing I have here no, that's not the last thing, no, we'll go down to this last thing as of today as of. Well, yes, today, the 15th, the high winds are persisting, fire conditions are hindering fire containment efforts, evacuation orders are still in order. It's just madness. And then you have, you know, gavin Newsom lifting regulations to rebuild California. This is now so here, let me kind of go backwards before I go forward to that.
Speaker 2:So the left is saying climate change, it's all climate change and that's why this happened. And the right is saying hold up, hold up, wait a minute. Let's talk about your, your governor, let's talk about your fire chief, let's talk about your mayor. Let's talk about these people and the gross mismanagement and failure to do your jobs and to protect these areas that they know are fire prone. You know the clearing of the brush. And then they made fun of Gavin Newsom, made fun of President Trump for saying you know you got to rake it all up. You know. Well, it's like Tinder and here's what happens. So, but the left doesn't want to look at that. They're like no, no, no, you're crazy, you're. You're politicizing this. It's climate change.
Speaker 3:Give me your take on this Clay, because I'm Listen, there are, so let's take a few of the kind of further out there theories on this thing.
Speaker 5:Yeah, there's some good ones.
Speaker 3:I've heard high energy weapons, right, I've heard it. Yes, so that I'm not even going to entertain that. There's a lot of people that say, oh, this is just like Hawaii, because blue trash cans aren't burning like the blue roofs in Hawaii in the fire, right? So there's that. There's people are saying this was set deliberately because if you, if you look it mirrors the fires. Mirror where this new railway system is supposed to be. So it makes it easier to claim eminent domain because the structures are gone. Right, you know this is in preparation for the 2028 Olympics. I have not heard that one. New facilities Okay.
Speaker 3:Makes it easier to do that. There's a lot of in my opinion whacked out theories out there.
Speaker 2:Yes, I'll tell you the darkest one I've heard, if you don't know it already.
Speaker 3:So there's one that this is all covering the pedophile chain. Yeah, this is all burning evidence across the entirety of Los Angeles. I don't buy that either. I think that this is, you know, simplest explanation Occam's razor. This is mother nature, right, still undefeated mixed with incompetence, right.
Speaker 3:So mismanagement of of fire prevention um, you have misplaced priorities, uh, in that you know budget cuts against, uh, you know, fire departments. You have, um reallocation of funds, right, so you've got taxes that are paid by residents to back their fire departments and police departments, and you know their road networks, all the infrastructure stuff that has been reallocated to taking care of illegal immigrants, you know DEI programs and some other things. There are some very incompetent and very highly paid people in some very powerful positions, including water management, fire departments, those sorts of things. But at the top of all of this is Gavin Newsom, and this is the environment and the culture of California. And listen, folks, I'm never going to be the guy that says you get what you deserve. Okay, that is not what this is about, and anybody who says that about these people in California are suffering through this. You probably needed to, you know, check yourself a little bit.
Speaker 2:Nobody. You need a heart check because-.
Speaker 3:Nobody deserves this.
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 3:But sitting at the top of this is Gavin Newsom, because he is the governor. This is the environment that he has built within California. These are the programs that he has supported and pushed for, and it trickles down. It trickles down into Los Angeles. The mayor is culpable in this, the fire chief is culpable in this, but it all builds from the top. So you know, gavin Newsom's certainly not getting a pass from me. I think we all, as much as we dodged a bullet with Kamala, we dodged a massive, massive bullet Because there was talk. You remember we talked about it.
Speaker 3:Yes, yeah, a lot of speculation over that being the presidential primary candidate, or even being a vice presidential candidate, and we dodged a massive bullet. I also think this is the end of Gavin Newsom as a politician. I think so.
Speaker 2:I don't think this is finally the thing.
Speaker 3:Yeah, we will never have to worry about him running for president with any validity whatsoever in the aftermath of this.
Speaker 2:Yeah, no, absolutely not. You know, in a couple of things you know things about. You know, just addressing the different theories of the why of this, none of them, with the exception of the you know burning evidence, with the whole Epstein stuff and Diddy and everything, with the exception of that one, all of the others I'd have to say, timings off. Why would they do this right now? You know, do it under Trump so you can somehow deflect the blame to him. So for them to, you know, do it right now for any of those. It doesn't fit, it doesn't really fit. You know, I get it. They're talking about the smart cities that they want to wipe it all out to do that. And it's not, it's not vibing for me. The intentional fire settings I feel like there could be some plausibility to that, you know. But again, you know, we've set up an environment now, because of AI and because the rampant use of it, you have no idea the videos that you're watching are real or not, you know. So I can't even I can't even in seriousness address any of it until you give me something that concretely says and that can be confirmed, you know. So that's the world we're living in, like you can't even believe anything that you see anymore. So very exhausting on that level.
Speaker 2:As far as Gavin Newsom, so in the whole climate change thing you know this argument I just had somebody comment to me. You know, I don't know. I think they're essentially coming like a Bible thumper and a climate denier, which is hilarious, because I've never denied that climate exists. Climate is a thing. Climate is like weather. We know that weather, even if you read your Bible, we all know that weather is real. But whatever, um, the whole climate thing, so all of their regulations and all of the things that they have put in place so we've talked about just now with all of this, uh, the reason for diverting funds and all of those things is to protect, you know, the environment and all that stuff. So Gavin Newsom did an interview, gave a little interview there, with the backdrop of the fire stuff behind him and everything, and this is probably the most concrete thing I've seen him say, or do. That really proves that the whole climate change crap, bs that they are trying to sell everyone is exactly that, and here's why. Here it is.
Speaker 1:Rebuilding as it relates to scarcity, as it relates to property taxes, meaning scarcity of resources, materials, personnel I'm worried about time to getting these projects done and so we want to fast track by eliminating any sequel requirements. I got coastal act changes that we're making. I want to make sure when someone rebuilds that they have their old property tax assessments and that they're not increased.
Speaker 2:Yeah. So what he's saying is all of the protections that we put in place, all of the legislation and regulations and things that we've put in place for climate change protection, we're just going to roll those back right now so we can hurry up and build everything. So you're going to, you know, the biggest existential threat to life in the world climate change, according to Biden. We're just going to set that all aside so we can build everything back up again, but then we'll start it all back up over again. Tells you everything you need to know right there.
Speaker 3:Yeah, it does. And again, that's very, it's very California environment that that him and people like him have built. You know there's, I think that there was some opportunistic fire starting. You know, I think people, you know there's been plenty of claims. I've seen even police reports of people being arrested for arson. But, more importantly, you've seen people that were like, well, there's evacuations, so evacuations are empty homes, so there's been looting. That's documented, no doubt it. So when evil people have evil thoughts, right, they go and they just looted that neighborhood. But but if we wait too long, these things are all going to be burned and there's going to be nothing to loot. So let's, you know, let's accelerate this and we'll, we'll. You know there's been claims of like, hey, you need to evacuate the area, the fire's coming, and people go, oh and I, and they pack their stuff and they leave and there's really no threat or at least no evacuation orders been given, and as soon as they leave, the house gets looted. So there are evil things happening there, for sure, I for sure.
Speaker 3:I think you're right this. You know, all of this climate change stuff is being exploited, as it has been, for profit by a number of people over a number of years and when it's not convenient, they press pause, and that's exactly what Newsom was talking about. So, yeah, this is just more of the same. It's more crap that you know people are being bamboozled into believing, you know, and this is what happens. This is what happens when you don't do the right things, when you don't, when you have leadership that fails yeah, these are. You know. The common person, you know, bears the brunt of this, and that's exactly what's going on in California right now. Nobody deserves this, but somebody needs to be held accountable, and that guy you had on the screen is at the top of the list.
Speaker 2:Yes, and he should be saying well, you know, the buck stops here, blah, blah. And of course he's not going to say he's deflecting to Trump. Of course you know that's their default to to. You know, somehow, somehow, some way, make it Trump's fault. Trump, who is on video multiple times warning you, telling you this is what's going to happen if you don't do these things. And they're like shut up, you don't know what you're talking about. Blah, blah, blah.
Speaker 2:Well, here he is being right again and and, uh, you know, I want to touch back quickly on on what you're saying before, because I think it is important. You know that people are, the public is is kind of, in a lot of ways, not all, not completely, but kind of has this attitude of oh, it's all rich people, they're fine, they've got the. You know they'll go to their other home. What do you do? Like, stop, I get it. Yes, it is much easier.
Speaker 2:And especially when you make the comparisons to North Carolina, you know people in the South who are still living out of tents, who are, you know, are just in absolute, horrific circumstances, without a second home to go to, without any of those things. I get that, I get that. It is highly insulting and I agree that it's highly insulting for Biden to get in front of the camera and say no expense spared. You know no resources spared. We are going to give you anything you want to rebuild and you know, fix everything and make it all better. When they gave, you know, north Carolina folks, uh, what like $750 loans?
Speaker 3:He did put a price tag just yesterday, $70.
Speaker 2:So, what happened to the new expense fair, somebody must've said hey Joe, joe, hang on, joe.
Speaker 3:He took a nap and forgot.
Speaker 2:Yes, totally forgot, and they had to backpedal that. But you know, no-transcript, literally fleeing their homes and being surrounded by like a wall of fire. I mean, this is terrifying. And whether you are, you know, filthy, stinking rich or dirt poor, you're still lost your memories, all of the things that made your house a home. You know your pictures, your mementos, and then people lost their pets, like so much stuff is happening. So, whether you're rich or poor, loss is loss, heartbreak is heartbreak. So find the compassion a little bit, whether you like them or not and you know, everybody knows damn well that I don't like these people very much, you know, as far as the Hollywood crowd, but you can still have a heart for people's loss of, you know, life.
Speaker 3:You know, listen, there's going to be discussions had after this is over with, about fire prevention, about fire systems. You know, there's there's a practicality to this that everybody needs to remember, and that is that every time a house burns down, I mean think about how many sinks and faucets and whatnot you have Right.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 3:So, unless you and your neighbor and everybody, you know what I mean. Like unless there's a valve system that shuts off whole neighborhoods yeah, pretty sure there isn't. Like, as those neighborhoods burned, the water pressure goes down because those houses, all those faucets and fixtures and all that other stuff in those neighborhoods, they're all burnt, but they're all open now. Yes, right, so you know we're going to. We're going to learn a lot from this, unfortunately. And so you know we're going to learn a lot from this, unfortunately. And I think one of the other things we're going to learn about this is you need gas-powered vehicles. Yes, you do.
Speaker 3:Can you imagine being the person that gets told you have to evacuate right now and your electric car is at a quarter of a charge? Yeah, where are you going to go? Right, you're screwed, you're done. But that was again. That's the environment that you know everybody has been pushing. So you know we're going to learn a lot from this. Hopefully, it's done in a dignified manner, but I hope that it's a very realistic view of things that we should and shouldn't move forward on. You know, in cases like this, because this isn't the last one of these, we're going to see oh, absolutely not Right. Whether it's hurricanes, whether it's tornadoes, whether it's earthquakes, fires, floods, whatever it is, we haven't seen the last of mother nature. So we need to take heed on this one, learn some lessons and make some really hard decisions about making sure people can survive and not just protecting the smelt fish or whatever you know craziness they've been talking.
Speaker 2:Yeah, exactly yeah, and the you know, uh, trillions of gallons of water that get diverted right onto the ocean, right, the rainwater and and melting snow caps and everything that they just divert right to the ocean, like we don't need that, Don't worry about that. Yeah, mismanagement, uh, to a stunning degree. So, yeah, they will all be held accountable. I will be shocked if this wasn't the thing, because now and I'm going to be that guy, I'm going to be a little bit petty there for a second All the people that never get affected by anything have now just been gravely affected and they're not going to stand for that because they just lost all their stuff. They have power, they have influence, they do have money, all of those things. They're not going to be, you know, saying we love Gavin, he's so great, let's save the smelt. Listen, they are smelt.
Speaker 3:Yeah, michael Rappaport is a prime example. You and I have a great example. He's flipped over in the last couple of years and has really, I think you know, especially post October 7th. You know him being being a Jewish American. You know he's flipped on his, you know home Democratic Party. He went off on Gavin Newsom yesterday. Yes, he did.
Speaker 3:I saw him off, and so you're going to start seeing more of that. You're going to, and we've already seen it. There's already a lot of the Hollywood elite that are going. You know that are speaking their mind. We're going to see more of that, and you know when. We're going to see even more of that? About four days from now, when the inauguration rolls through. I mean, we've seen it with Zuckerberg, right.
Speaker 2:We've seen all these people start to quit.
Speaker 3:That's a huge one, yeah, but we're going to see a lot more of this, yes, and my fear is that something is going to happen that day. I know that that's not something we ever want to talk about, and I'm not even talking about to President Trump. I'm just talking in general.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:Twenty five thousand law enforcement and military in the Capitol. I think is what they're talking about. Yeah, but let's focus on the positive. Yeah, what do you? What are you?
Speaker 2:hoping in the first, I don't know. 72 hours, what do you? Oh, my goodness, you know, I'd like to see some, some big, radical repeals of some of the garbage that Biden has done. Yeah, I'm looking forward to the executive orders that are just that pen is going to be flying. So so many things.
Speaker 2:I mean, I'm just really, you know that the overarching theme for me is, I'm just looking so forward to a sense of normalcy. You know, just a, just a return to common sense and, you know, a silencing. And I'm not saying, you know, it's not that I want people with differing opinions to be silenced. Run your mouth, go crazy. Have your little, have your little crazy party. Believe what you want to believe all of those things, but no longer are they going to be the dominant voice. You know that the, you know ruling the mic, this crazy minority with these insane ideologies, uh, dictating to the rest of us, the entire country, how to live, you know. So that's the biggest thing.
Speaker 2:I'm looking forward to that, that you know, more people are going to be standing up and saying, yeah, you know what we're not. We're not being apprised. You're seeing it, like you said, we're seeing, we're seeing it on the social media platform, zuckerberg, you know, kissing the Ring, all of that stuff we're seeing. You know corporations and companies rolling back their DEI initiatives and all of that stuff. So you're seeing it already beginning and I just look forward to that really kind of just permeating the country and people waking up, going, oh this is so much nicer, this is so much better, our economy improving everything, our relations with other countries improving the list is massive. But you asked me a very focused question and I went big. I went big.
Speaker 2:Big's okay, yeah, I mean, I think it's because I want all of it like immediately, which is right in line with my personality. If I want something, I want it yesterday. If I decide it right now, I want it to happen yesterday. How about you? I'll turn around and ask you. You're going to give a much more succinct answer than the repeals are what I'm looking for.
Speaker 3:So there's a lot of crap that President Biden has dumped in the last three weeks.
Speaker 3:You know, he tried again with, you know, student loan forgiveness he's you know. He tried again with that. No, offshore drilling. And now these are all. None of them are law. They're, all you know, presidential directives or executive orders. They can all be flipped over with a signature. So what I'm? Those are the things that I want addressed first. I almost think they were done purposefully, not because they are things that President Biden wants done, but it's to give President Trump more work to undo yes.
Speaker 3:So I think the repeals or the overturn of the stupid of the last month or so, I want those done immediately. And then there is the long list. There is the deportations, I think that are mandatory. I think you're going to see a lot of that come with the confirmation of his cabinet and all of his leadership team that he's putting in place. But flipping over this crap from the last three weeks, I think, is probably. I hope somebody and I'm sure they are somebody sitting on the side- oh yeah.
Speaker 3:They're going like yep, we're flipping that one on day one, yeah, we're flipping that one, and they're just, and they're already, they're typing them out.
Speaker 2:Absolutely yeah. That stack, those folders that he signs and then closes and has, that stack is just going zoop, zoop, zoop, zoop, zoop, zoop, zoop.
Speaker 3:Listen, I know you've done it. I've done it on a couple of occasions. You sit and sign a bunch of books, like I've done it as an author. I know you have Right. You sign a bunch of books like after a while You're like my signature doesn't even look like my signature, it's just like a, it's just like an E and a line.
Speaker 3:That's what that's what his, that's what his hand's going to look like. The signature on the last five are going to be atrocious, but that's what he's going to have to do in the last, in the first 72 hours, is he's going to have to clean up a lot of trash, right, you know? When it goes along with we already talked about the Gaza thing right, the Trump effect, there's going to be so many things that we aren't going to have to worry about anymore, right, you know? And and a lot of it is the senility of president Biden, these things that he's doing and saying, you know, did you have you seen his farewell letter, or at least some of the contents of his farewell letter?
Speaker 2:Oh I, I, I shudder at the thought I it it's as bad as I would imagine it is, yeah.
Speaker 3:It's all the fabricated lies that you know. Oh, we created this many jobs, not talking about the fact that you know they destroyed so many jobs to build, to create. But you know it's all of those very flipped over, you know kind of iconic terms that you know Vice President Harris tried to carry through her attempt to being the president, terms that you know Vice President Harris tried to carry through her attempt at being the president. Yeah, so there's a lot of that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, the whole, like we're handing over the strongest economy we've ever seen in the history of the world.
Speaker 3:Oh, by the way, you know his last full month in office, in December, inflation went up again.
Speaker 2:Again yeah, so it is.
Speaker 3:His farewell letter is all of that. It was probably penned by Jill. You know who's probably upset that she's got to pack her stuff and get out of the house.
Speaker 2:Oh, yeah, you know, she's leaving some nastiness behind. She's got some tricks up her sleeve. I make sure that place is fumigated, aired out, everything, because she's not going to be nice. So let's see. So here's just like a kind of a handful of things that he's leaving in his wake here. So well, going back to December, he announced nearly $2.5 billion in assistance for Ukraine, commuted a bunch of death row sentences, granted clemency to a record number of prisoners all really horrible people, by the way, a lot of them, yeah, horrible people Some exceptions, of course but did is handing out of the medals to citizens and some service members, namely Hillary Clinton and George Soros.
Speaker 2:I mean, yeah, yeah, I'm just, I'll just leave that right there. The only good thing he did that I was able to find was that he signed into law the Social Security Fairness Act. As a law enforcement family, that's, you know. That's one of the groups that is positively, positively impacted by that. So that was interesting. That he, you know, at least for us did something good Expanded veterans benefits and, of course, forgiving student student debt again. So, yeah, you know yeah, and there's.
Speaker 3:You know he did some some offshore drilling bands he did. You know some of those other things. You know president Trump's going to come in. I know there's a list. They're probably pre-written. He's going to sign a bunch of stuff. Executive orders are all going to be flipped over. If it's not a law, it's gone. I can promise you that's going to happen. So, but we got four more days. I'm just hoping that Monday goes off without a hitch. Just hoping that Monday goes off without a hitch.
Speaker 2:Um, yes, I will be very. Um, you know my, my prayerful people get those prayers up. Um, I don't know if you're not a praying person. Please, at least thoughts and wishes I don't know, um, but yes, I, I do feel that same sense of, uh, low key anxiety.
Speaker 2:Somebody asked me if I was going to be having a watch party and I said, to be honest with you, I don't actually even know if I will watch if it literally fills me with anxiety. I, I think I have this like I don't know, and I I apology for using this term kind of loosely, but I feel like I have this like version of PTSD after his assassination attempt in. You know that I just don't, I don't want to be watching, you know, and I hate to even talk about that, like you said, hate to even discuss it in the realm of possibilities, but I just don't want to be watching. I know there's people that are like I'm not tuning out for one minute, I'm going to watch every second of it. I'll get all the highlights after, maybe tune in here and there.
Speaker 3:There's going to be a lot of great stuff.
Speaker 2:Carrie underwood is going to be performing. That is going to be spectacular, dubbed un-american by joy behar for doing so. Of course, of course. Okay, joy, shut up, joy.
Speaker 3:I can't stand those people yeah, the village people, the village people, both the day, the night before and the day of um that's gonna be awesome performing first time ever, they've allowed themselves, allowed themselves and their music to be politicized, which is pretty cool.
Speaker 2:It's very cool.
Speaker 3:Yeah, but it's got all the people you think kid rock. I know he's the night before, there's some others in there, but yes, carrie Underwood's going to perform.
Speaker 2:That's probably the biggest name right I think, oh yeah, I would say so.
Speaker 3:So I mean it's. You know, it's a presidential inauguration we should all be celebrating, regardless. If nothing else, it's a demonstration of freedom and democracy, whether you're your candidate one or not. We do still have a free election every four years and that's kind of how this country goes. But you know, we're seeing that the demise very rapidly of President Biden's administration. We said Christopher Wray, you know, is resigned, or resigning, you know, in his wake. I don't know if you saw this, but one of his last kind of things that he stated was oh, by the way, the Chinese have a capability of, you know, they've already hacked into all of our infrastructure and our water systems and they have the capability to take down the United States. Right now They've got cells in place and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and it's like well, what the hell have you been doing?
Speaker 2:What have you been doing In his mind? That's like the. You know the, the match on the matchbook and just doing this and walking away on your problem, not mine. That tells you how much these people again hate, us.
Speaker 3:Yeah, it's. And listen if and I have no doubt that what he's saying there's some validity behind it. One, you haven't said anything until now for a reason. Two, you clearly haven't. If you haven't done, if you've done anything, it's been very quiet and you've done it quietly for a reason. So staying that on your way out the door in a voluntary resignation by the way, he still has seven years, I think, on his contract to be the director and he's walking out voluntarily because, one, he doesn't want to be fired and, two, he doesn't want to stand in front of President Trump. So he's quitting and then just throwing that little hand grenade out there on the way out the door. Oh, by the way, you know the Chinese can ruin us anytime they want to. I'm out and he bailed. So that is just, I think so. Representative of the entire Biden team. Yeah, like that. In a nutshell, is just everybody there?
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah. Every single one of them. All they care about is just blowing it all up on the way out. There was never a single minute of love for this country and the best interests of this country and the people in it. Never a single minute of it. And everything that they're doing right now is concrete, absolute proof of that. Right, disgusting.
Speaker 2:And I hope there is a way that these people can be brought up and do get brought up on criminal charges, whether it's treason, you know whatever. Obviously, I want it to be all genuine and legit charges, but I want to see them all charged. I want to see them all.
Speaker 3:Pam Bondi is like that lady's got some energy and I don't think she's. She's probably not going to sleep for the next four years. She's going to get a lot of stuff done.
Speaker 2:Yeah, she is.
Speaker 3:So I think you know she's probably you know Santa Claus in it right now. She's making lists and the appropriate people. I think you know her level of fearlessness. I think is going to be very interesting to watch who she takes on how and for what reason. Like you said, legitimate right, holding people accountable accountable legitimately, I think, given every opportunity she will. I don't think there's going to be any fabrication. I also don't think we're going to see like the lawfare thing go in reverse. I think President Trump will let a lot of that go, but I think, given the opportunity for legitimate accountability, I'm not going to shy away from it either.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I don't think they're going to. I agree with you. I don't think you're going to pursue anything that they don't have concrete, solid, provable evidence on and and can get a conviction on it. They're not going to waste their time with stuff and and you know that is unfortunate, there are some things that are going to. There are some people who are, you know, going to slip through the cracks and get away with the garbage that they have done and, yes, that is a frustration. But you know, I think we do all have to look at the bigger picture. Win the battles that you can win, that you know you're going to win and you know and go from there. But speaking of battles that can't be won, you know, I quickly talk about Fannie, yeah, I don't get this.
Speaker 3:I don't know why, on the you know, on the doorstep of President Trump stepping back into office, she has requested to be back involved with the Trump trial in Georgia. Like I don't, this is the dumbest move ever.
Speaker 2:It's ego. It's ego. This woman is like profoundly arrogant, yeah.
Speaker 3:And it's never going to happen, like she's never going to get approved. So I don't even know why she's asking.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, no, she's just bonkers and, um, you know, I hope they're laughing her right out Like get out of here with your crazy. Yeah she's. Her reasoning is stupid. It's just like go away, like you're. You're getting the opportunity to. You know, do your walk of shame quietly and you want to do it loud. I mean, knock yourself out if that's what you want to do, but good grief, what a fool.
Speaker 3:Yeah, she's lucky she didn't get fired Like completely fired.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 3:And she walked away with her job intact. And now she wants to raise the alarm again and it's like, yeah, all she's doing is poking the bear and it's not going to turn out well for her. So whoever advised her that that was a good idea was not doing her any favors.
Speaker 2:I think I honestly, based on what I've seen from her testimony, her attitude, you know all of those things I think it's a hundred percent her, a hundred percent. Her absolute arrogance in believing that she is completely right. Everybody else is wrong yeah, she's. I mean, that seems to be her MO on everything. She takes zero accountability for anything.
Speaker 3:She reminds me of that mayor in Illinois, the super mayor lady. Who's so? She's been, she's going to lose, she's losing her job, but she's like you know, mayor, she spent an exorbitant amount of money on like personal stuff. She's just ruined the the budget for the town.
Speaker 2:She's arrogant, yeah, they have a documentary or something out on her or something.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I think so I I've just you know, I've seen her a bunch in it. That's the kind of arrogance that that you know fanny willis display. There's a similarity there.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but the last you know oh my gosh, here's the last, oh my gosh.
Speaker 3:When's this supposed to happen? I don't do TikTok.
Speaker 2:Yeah, no, it's my thing. Um, so the day before um, the inauguration that is supposed to be when it's supposed to take effect. So the 19th um it's supposed to take effect, um, so you know. So here's the funny thing. Uh, as we know, I've talked so many times over the past you know, however long about TikTok, about my TikTok, sharing them, talking about them, blah, blah, blah. Tiktok has changed in my, for me, quite a bit over the past. I don't know six months or so. They've made this crazy shift into being a very salesy type thing. So they push forward videos where you're selling products and stuff. It's basically like a live version. Timu, timu, timu. I don't even know how to say it but whatever it is.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Um and that's yeah.
Speaker 2:And that's not my vibe. So my viewership has, like I still. I have a 249,000 followers and since they started doing this, my views dropped down. I think I get my videos get, you know, maybe like a thousand to two thousand views on them, where they used to be in the tens and hundreds of thousands. So you know that's a complete nosedive and you know my ego. My ego refuses to believe that has anything to do with the quality of my videos. Maybe it is, I don't know.
Speaker 2:It's a massive algorithm change. I'm not a salesy kind of person, so I can't do that Like guys. Do you want to buy this phone? I have to tell you it's the greatest one. No, you know, it's so obnoxious I can't do it. And more power to anybody does it all regardless. So, point being, point being, I've been a little bit ambivalent about all of this because it's like TikTok kind of stopped working for me and stop being beneficial to me because the people who follow my content don't even see it. So you know, whatever, if that changes, great.
Speaker 2:But there's so many people, americans, there's so many people on there that have built careers out of this. Whether you like it or not, or agree with it, or think it's stupid. It's all besides the point. You're talking about people that were able to quit their day jobs to be content creators, be home with their families and make a living out of doing this. And now you know, we're talking about thousands and thousands and thousands of people who have made a career of this and they're about to lose their livelihood, you know. So that's sad and scary, and their reasoning always is you know, china, china, china, mind you. You know their big statement is well, well, china is getting your information and they can, you know, swipe your data and blah, blah, all that stuff and they're infiltrating. Funny how it's only tiktok they have a problem with it.
Speaker 2:I have a problem with timu. They don't have a problem with shine or sheen, or how are you pronounced? I don't even know how to pronounce these names, I'm sorry. Um, just this one chinese app. Meanwhile, they're pushing something else called red note, which is like all in chinese, but they're like everybody joined this one Chinese app. Meanwhile, they're pushing something else called Red Note, which is like all in Chinese, but they're like everybody join this one. So I'm not buying all of it. I think it's crock. I have no idea if it's actually gonna get banned or not?
Speaker 3:It's all in Congress right now? I don't think anybody does Nobody knows.
Speaker 2:The hearings are ongoing. Testimony from both sides of the matter. There is rumors of what's his name Kevin, kevin Leary? No, who's the shark tank guy?
Speaker 3:Oh, I don't know, I don't know his name.
Speaker 2:Okay, so there's talk, tim, I don't know, it doesn't matter whoever he is, y'all know who he is. I don't, I'm sorry. Talks about him buying TikTok. Talk about them selling to Elon Musk which Clay and I talked about this before we went on air. I have very mixed feelings about this. Um, there is one part of me that says you know what Great, do it, save it, keep it for us, so we can. You know, people can continue to do what they do on there. Um, but then there's the other part of me that's like it's a lot of control, it's a lot of ownership over social media, over platforms, for one individual to have. That's a little concerning for me, no matter who it would be Right now, I essentially like Elon as much as you can like anybody that you don't actually know. But I don't know, we'll see. I mean there is literally no one in the know.
Speaker 3:We'll see, I mean there is literally no one in the know Good versus evil. You've got meta versus X, you know, and you really have, you know, two, two people controlling 95% of social media amongst the platform. So I think that's a horrible idea. I think it's personally. I think meta should be broken up, but you know that that's a different discussion. But, yeah, we'll have to see what happens with TikTok. I don't know, I don't think anybody knows. We'll have to see. You know, when Sunday rolls around, if that, if it gets shut down or not, my guess is it won't. I think we are a long way away from that happening. But you know that'll affect a lot of people and it will not affect me.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, it's, it's I, you know, and I and I get that. For so many people who are not on it, who don't like it, who you know have whatever feelings they have about it, they're like, I don't care, make it gone One less. You know social media platform, where people are doing stupid things and you know getting attention for it Great, make it gone. I, I get it. I, you know, tiktok has been good to me. It was, it was my first platform, it was the first place where, you know, I broke, um, you know the hundred thousand followers, you know, and into the 200,000, you know, so I will, I will be, I will be sad. Uh, it was a great home for content creation for a long time. Um, if it sticks around, I hope it goes back to to that version of it. Um, but we'll see. I don't know. Whatever happens will happen. Whatever will be will be Que sera, que sera. So that's it.
Speaker 2:That was our last topic for today. I mean, we actually crammed in a whole heck of a lot of stuff. We really did A couple of extra ones we threw in there on the fly, just because they're happening on the fly. But, as Clay mentioned, we, as Clay mentioned, we are recording. This is Wednesday for us. You're going to be watching it Thursday evening. We'll be sitting in the comment section watching with you. So don't be afraid, don't be shy to engage. We're here, we're going to be commenting with you and keeping track of stuff in there and we thank you. I missed you, guys, last week. I missed you the past. What was it? Well, for me, three weeks. It was two weeks for you, and then guess what guys, we won't be here next week.
Speaker 3:Elston's got a personal engagement. I've got something going on For those of you in the outdoor shooting hunting kind of world. I get to go to SHOT Show. If you know what that is, it's like Comic-Con for gun people, but it's a big thing. So I'm going to that next week. Neither of us are available. We will be back the following week and we've got some interviews lining up. I'm not going to make any reveals, but we've got some big stuff going on, so stay tuned. You got anything else for them?
Speaker 2:No, I think that's it. Like Clay said, we've got a couple of big names coming up for you. We're going to keep it secret for now, until the dates are picked, but you are going to absolutely love them when you see who it is. That was part of our plan to add some more interviews in here, have some more guests come in and break things up and have some fun. So that'll be coming up. But yeah, I think that is it for this week. The news must stay on hold until we're ready to come back to you. No, we know that's not going to happen, but we thank you guys. We're glad to be back and have you back with us.
Speaker 6:And we will see you not next week, but the following week. Hey folks, as always, thanks for tuning in and for me, keep moving, keep shooting. He makes allies and enemies as the danger unfolds. Relying on his combat-honed skills, terry faces a threat far bigger than he imagined. Unsure of who to trust, one thing is certain To survive, he must keep moving, keep shooting.
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