The Elsa Kurt Show

Unveiling Legal and Political Drama

Elsa Kurt

What if political interviews were high-stakes battles, testing the mettle of our leaders? On this episode of The Elsa Kurt Show, we scrutinize Vice President Harris's recent interview with Brett Baer, questioning her ability to hold her own in unscripted scenarios. We weigh in on the significance of steadfast leadership when facing formidable figures like Putin or Netanyahu and consider the broader implications of a leader's public demeanor and decision-making prowess.

The drama doesn't stop there. We turn our attention to the heated debate over transgender athletes in women's sports, exploring the fairness and dynamics at play. Are policies like Title IX being compromised, and what does this mean for female athletes worldwide? With staggering numbers of medals reportedly lost to trans competitors, we tackle the complex socio-political ramifications, contemplating the difference in impact between trans women in female sports and trans men in male sports, and what it holds for the future of athletics.

As the episode unfolds, we dive into legal and political controversies with a critical lens. We unravel the actions of key figures in the legal sphere, including a Georgia lawyer under scrutiny for his communications and billing practices. Meanwhile, Megan Kelly's sharp confrontation with misinformation is highlighted as a beacon of media accountability. To cap it all, we introduce the gripping narrative of Terry Davis in the Welcome to Chance series, promising an exciting blend of thrill and emotional depth. Join us for an episode packed with engaging narratives and insightful commentary on today's pressing issues.

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Speaker 1:

It's the Elsa Kurt Show with Clay Novak. Conservative views on world news Brought to you by the Wellness Company. Prepare for the unexpected and Refuge Medical. And now it's time for the show.

Speaker 2:

Well, hey there, how are ya?

Speaker 3:

I'm good, how are you?

Speaker 2:

I'm good. I'm good. I was just whining and complaining to Clay beforehand that I'm so. I'm once again discombobulated. I just, you know when plans go awry, I just I'm not one of those people that bends well.

Speaker 4:

When they don't go my way.

Speaker 3:

It's the price to pay for being a good grandma Like that's where you're at.

Speaker 2:

That's what it is. Yeah, that was. That part was fantastic and and you know they're so fun over there, they're gluttons for punishment. They added two puppies to the mix, so it's three kids under three, three and under, and two puppies, so five under three. It's a. It's a fabulous zoo over there and you just fly by the seat of your pants and it's just. It's wild and fun and great. That part was great. When I came home, I just had all these plans of how my day was going to go and it didn't happen. So I have to put on my big girl pants and just get over it.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so, so for our audience, it's Wednesday, it's 5 PM, central, 6 PM. Uh, you know, you know east coast, and if we see a little bit of crabbiness out of elsa, we now know why.

Speaker 2:

You know why you know why it might be a little spicy today.

Speaker 3:

Right, spicy is good. We got some spicy stuff to talk about. We'll get to it right after this.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my goodness. So I mean right off the bat, and you know, I know Clay and I both know that there was so much in the news cycle that it's actually so difficult to choose just a handful of things, because otherwise we'd be, we'd be talking for hours and I, you know, I know we're fascinating, I know that we are, but I don't know if we can keep your attention that long, huh.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I, I, uh, we, we could, you know? I mean, it's a 24 hour news cycle, so things never stop. You know we do this once a week, so things pile up and this, you know, this happened. The interview with Brett Baer and Vice President Harris happened last week, right after we recorded. Yes, this is, you know, it's a little bit on the, you know, taking it back off the shelf, but important to talk about. What did you think?

Speaker 2:

Oh, my goodness. Well, you know, talk about hostile. You know we were just saying that I'm cranky and I guess you could call me a little hostile today, not towards you, of course, just in general. Wow, towards you, of course, just in general. Wow, what a contentious, hostile attitude that she had, and it is important to talk about because you know we have what? 14 days I think we're at 14 days, and it is so critically important to put the spotlight on the fact that this woman cannot handle anything that isn't scripted, that doesn't go her way, that isn't completely controlled by her and her handlers.

Speaker 2:

And this is an amazing example of that. Because she, this is a woman. You want to picture her, you know, picture that the way she behaved, the way she spoke in that interview. Picture her talking with world leaders who don't maybe have the same vision as she does or as America does. She's just I can't. No, I can't do it. I can't put those two things together Her vision and America no. But you know that was a really good glimpse into how poorly she can handle confrontation. You know, questions that are challenging and difficult for her, and I think it's.

Speaker 3:

I think it's incredibly important to talk about how that interview went right, yeah, I think your point about world leaders is is very, very valid, in the sense that you know she is used to the deference paid to. You know her as the vice president presidential candidate. You know the. You know our media minus. You know her as the vice president presidential candidate. You know the. You know our media minus.

Speaker 3:

You know this past interview has been very, very friendly to her. You know, I guess a little bit of challenge from 60 Minutes, but even that's been edited. We know that that's a. That was a disaster. But her sitting in a room with Putin or with Netanyahu or any of those folks who have zero obligation to pay any deference to her whatsoever Right, right, how is she going to handle it? Because Putin's no joke, you know, and the current administration has pissed off Netanyahu to the point where he doesn't care either. Yes, yeah, he's going to. You know, play in the big leagues and sit in a room with these folks who are not going to toss her softballs. They're not going to make things nice for her. Is this how she's going to act?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Is she going to do the I am speaking thing? That's going to go over? Not well at all.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and you know, firm diplomacy is one thing, right, but she was defensive, she was, you know, like you said, seemed cranky. But there's also no exit for that, right. Right, for those that either heard in the beginning or even in the aftermath. I saw a great interview with Brett Baer, actually, and he kind of laid everything out. So she came from an event beforehand. She showed up 15 minutes late. Yeah, they had cut the agreed upon 30-minute time to 25 minutes and then cut it to 20 minutes and then, when she started to get amped up near the end and she started to get snarky and she started into the you know, you know, bader, if you watch the interview, and he was like they're telling me, you know, I think he said you know vehemently, or they're telling me, you know, to cut it off to end the interview. That was not the network, that was. That was her handlers.

Speaker 3:

That was her handlers, her team was giving a ceasefire like stop this thing right now, Right, so they're not going to be in the room to save her from another world leader. It's exactly.

Speaker 2:

And this is. You know, this is right and this is like. You know there's been more examples of her being so handled by her handlers. You know now she's got somebody, somebody, picking for her who to answer questions from. You know the level of orchestration and control that they're trying to exert over her, over her. Every move, her every appearance, her every show, appearance, everything you're, you know, called upon to to be present. Do you think she's failing already? Her response for the hurricanes? You know everything that she has been called upon to respond and act in a presidential way she's failed epically at and this is like, really important to to make note of.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean, if you want, if anybody who said we talked about the Reagan movie, if you've seen the rate, you know there was some some significant you know firm diplomacy that went on, right, you know, president Reagan and Gorbachev, and you know there was a lot of disagreement, but there was also, you know there's a way to handle that Right, and it is the you know stand up quietly and walk away, right. There's not the you know. You know, wag your finger and talk over each other and blah, blah, blah, blah and listen. You know there are a lot of people who are angry with Brett Baer. I will tell you that. You know, based on the 30 minutes to 25 minutes to 20 minutes and the four pages worth of questions that he had and he wanted to get things done, you know, questions asked he had to talk over. We talked about it, right.

Speaker 4:

We talked about it last week.

Speaker 3:

You knew she was going to go and install tactics. You know she was going to act like it was a debate and he wanted to get things done. So he had to talk over her to stop the BS so that he could get an answer out of her.

Speaker 2:

And it was, you know, the classic line of the whole thing was you know what I'm talking about? No, I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know what you're talking about at all.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that was great so hang on.

Speaker 2:

So you're saying people were and I didn't see this. So you're saying people were getting mad that he talked over her.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, there was a lot of accusations of you know, he wouldn't have done that if it was President Trump. If it was a man, he wouldn't have done it.

Speaker 5:

Accusations of mansplaining.

Speaker 3:

You know there were all. It was all of that stuff.

Speaker 2:

I cannot stand when they pull this gender card all the time when it suits them. It's so absurd, like no. If you're going to be in that arena, toughen the hell up and hold your own. He doesn't. He doesn't have to be gentle with you. He doesn't have to treat you like a girl. You know and I thought that's what you didn't want to be treated like like make up your fricking minds. What do you? What the hell do you feminist ladies want and you feminist men, fem boys? You know? What do you guys actually want? Because you don't get to have it both ways, we say no, go cry in your corner, go find your safe space or toughen the hell up, put your big boy and big girl pants on. If you can't handle it, get the hell out. So if she can't handle a man who's just a journalist interviewing her, if she can't handle and take on that type of attitude, there was no way in hell she'll take on Putin. You know no possible way.

Speaker 2:

So if that's, if that's their argument, that's it, yeah, and it.

Speaker 3:

You know she, she got animated and you know, if you go back and you watch, there was probably 70% of her answers were, you know, an attack on Trump and you know that's. There's no policy, there's no plan, there's no explanation.

Speaker 2:

There is literally, you know well, it's it Trump's worse, trump's bad right, it's not running for office time when she when she was, you know, when he asked her about Biden's cognitive decline Trump is running for president. Well, that has nothing to do with the question that was just asked of you. We need to have an understanding of what was going on here over these past three years and how badly we've been deceived, or attempted to be deceived, by you and her go-to, her constant go-to deflect, deflect, deflect always to Trump. Well, trump, but Trump. I don't want to hear about Trumpto. Deflect, deflect, deflect, always to Trump. Well, trump, but Trump. I don't want to hear about Trump. I know everything I need to know about Trump. I want to know about you. What do you stand for? What are you going to do? What happened? You know and as we all saw, did she actually answer? Is there a single question?

Speaker 3:

No, she actually answered the consensus from everyone, from all of the coverage into three days or so, you know, 72 hours post interview, was that she did not answer a single question, not one, which is amazing. You know I mean to not get through, get a straight answer out of anything and it started right off the bat. You know she. You know she went down. She never said she was middle class. She used everything else, she, every single catchphrase she had, you know in her in her pocket. She used all of them and it was a. It was as far as getting anything of value out of her, it was a complete waste.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, it was an absolute waste.

Speaker 2:

And you know, and it really I'm not thinking, you know I'm not silly enough to think that it did or would, but it certainly should have opened some eyes who you know were thinking positively of her, and that should, that should have been a huge indicator for them. I mean there's so many, so many other things that should be indicators for them. And, as I always tell you and tell our, our viewers and our listeners I mean I see it in my comments all the time all the time these, you know, kamala supporters, they think she did a great job, they think you know she was right, they think she's, she's wonderful. And I'm just in awe of this Like, are they getting paid to, to troll, troll conservative accounts? I mean, part of me thinks it is because I can't imagine anyone with even a quarter of a brain in their head watching anything like this and going, no, that was great.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there are some people who are so biased that they can't make an honest. They can't be honest with themselves. Right and listen. You and I have talked about this for months. You know there are a lot of things about president Trump and his policies that I like.

Speaker 3:

Yeah there are. There are things about president Trump and his personality that I don't like. Right, I just it's. I wish we had a better option Right. I think it advances like he's. He is the future of this Right and I think a lot of us are much happier, much more impressed with him and his potential, but at the same time, on the left, right that they can't make that honest assessment. So many of them cannot be honest with themselves about her lack of capability. I actually had a longtime friend of mine say that Kamala Harris is a brilliant woman Brilliant Like. That is. So if you have been paying attention at all in the last four years and you've come to that conclusion, you are lying to yourself. Yeah, you have to be. You don't have to like, everything like, but that's a lie.

Speaker 2:

She is so awesome, brilliant.

Speaker 3:

It's not even funny, like it's just a. That's a testament to where we're at right now with all of this and you know we're going to talk about some other stuff but it that interview, like you said, if that didn't open eyes for those folks that are, that are even in somewhere in the middle interviewed, and show you what you needed to know about her, I don't know what's going to truth, right?

Speaker 2:

And you could say for Trump you may not like his answers, you may not like his response, but at least it's an actual response, At least he gives you an actual, an actual answer to the question that you actually asked. You know, maybe he goes off on a tangent Sure, but somewhere in there there's always an answer.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and he'll stay with you the whole time. He doesn't give a 20 minute interview that he was supposed to show up for. If anything, he does the exact opposite. He's he arrives on time, if not early, and he almost always stays past his time so he can spend time with the people in the studios or whatever the venue is. He always makes extra time. He probably drives his own handlers insane with that, because they're probably not on the best times, I'm sure they know, I've said this before.

Speaker 3:

You know, as an aid for a multi-star, three-star general, trying to keep folks like that on a schedule is a challenge, right, I was lucky enough I had a boss who you know. We had signals, worked out time to go like we had things to do, you know. But we also had a plan to prioritize before we went into stuff like this. But I can promise you his handlers he drives them nuts. But exactly what you said when he went on Gutfeld a couple of weeks ago he stayed afterwards and did an entire interview with Titus.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that was so wonderful, unplanned not on the schedule, right?

Speaker 3:

He just did it. Um, and you're right, and that's him as opposed to, as opposed to her. So you know, it is very, very stark the differences, and we see more and more of it every single day. Yeah, Case in point, one person worked at McDonald's and the other one did not.

Speaker 2:

Yes, how about that? How, depending on what side of the aisle you're on, your opinion is either that was so great or that was the worst thing I've ever seen in my life. And boy, some true colors came out in people and they showed what they really think of working class Americans. Like, wow, was that bad? But Trump's appearance at McDonald's, his time spent there, it was so great. You're an expert at this.

Speaker 1:

Huh, how long have you done this? How long have you been?

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

I've been working at McDonald's 10 plus 10 plus All different jobs. Is she doing a good job? Does an excellent job. She better, right, does an excellent job. She's beautiful, let's go. Oh, I see. Now I'm going to see that. Oh, that's your customer. Wow, that's pretty good. Okay, let's go. Do you believe this? Look at this guy. He's a MAGA guy all the way. Okay, so for his first order. Well, that's our good-looking group.

Speaker 4:

Hello everybody, this is not a normal situation.

Speaker 1:

What a good looking family. How did you produce those people?

Speaker 5:

They look like you. They look like you. How are you Thank?

Speaker 2:

you People are going to cringe when I say this. I'm sorry, but I find him at times to be absolutely charming, and that was one of them. No-transcript, you know. Everything was, you know. Wow, what a crazy thing to do when you have a president, a presidential candidate, who's had two, if not three well, I think we're determined that it's two for sure assassination attempts that they would want to control the environment. How weird, you know, so weird that they would not want just any random person pulling up to a drive-through where he's standing. Yeah, I mean, come on, the things they come out with.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, and so you know, yes, it was closed. Yes, it was planned. So the McDonald's one if you don't know about President Trump and his relationship with McDonald's, he that's that is on on his plane on Trump force one. Every time before they take off all the press corps, everybody that's traveling with him they get a McDonald's meal. That's the in flight food every single time. Right, he is a McDonald's fan, like Bill Clinton was a McDonald's fan. Yeah, and the McDonald's he went to is owned by a friend of his.

Speaker 2:

So I didn't realize that. Actually I didn't even know that yeah.

Speaker 3:

That was how that was coordinated, right, and he's a businessman Like you think he doesn't know somebody that owns two or three or four McDonald's. Come on Right. Yeah, they shut it down Right. You know, it's just such a silly nitpicky thing, the nitpicking crap that came out of this. You know a? I don't know who the newscaster was and I'm not a fan of Jesse.

Speaker 3:

Waters on Fox. Yeah, um, fox, you know I, it's just his style is not something I enjoy. But I saw, I saw a clip of him going after a newscaster who was reporting on, you know, president Trump at McDonald's and said, um there, you know, there were reports that president Trump bought the meals for a couple of the people through the drive-thru and essentially what he said was I think that may be a cause for investigation for voter bribery or something to that effect. And then the guy made a comment about the fact that President Trump was cooking fries without a hairnet, I might add, and it was even Jesse Waters was like he pulled the JD Vance card. He goes are you listening to yourself?

Speaker 3:

Good Even how ridiculous you sound, but that was the road that so many people went down was to go so weak and low and you know, but you know, this is him.

Speaker 2:

Right, this is what he does. Yeah, he is. You know, it is the catchphrase, it's what we, you know, many people, including myself, have been saying for many years now. He is the people's president. He gets out there with the people everywhere. He is out there every single day, talking with people, meeting with people, hugging people, letting him, letting them hug him, um, just being in the mix with people. And then you have her in these ultra, ultra controlled environments where nobody can get to her. And if they do, it's because they're part of their little team, you know, and they're staging it. I mean, let's talk about what? Was it? The, the white dudes for Kamala, or something that they, uh, it's so skeevy and it turns out they're all actors, you know they weren't even you know, so stupid.

Speaker 2:

So you want to make those comparisons? Go ahead and knock yourself out, but I'm going to take the guy that's out there for real, talking with people and hearing their stories.

Speaker 3:

I don't, and I don't understand too, because the Harris-Walls campaign came out and made claims that President Trump is exhausted, that he's tired, that he's skipping events, that he's this and he's that, and I was like that guy is doing like four or five in-person things a day. He takes Sunday off and he goes. It's not like he goes home and sleeps. He goes and golfs, he puts in 18 holes, you know, yes, and that guy is tireless, right, and she's the one who's ducking it. She's doing one thing a day, two things a day, maybe, right, yeah, maybe. I. Just I know that they're, they're grasping at straws, you know they're. You know they've asked for cognitive testing on President Trump. They've asked for eight plus, you know, at least four years, right, yeah. Now they're the same people who are saying oh, no, no, no, no, no Are now flipping it over and asking the same questions about President Trump, who clearly is not hiding in his basement, not even for a second.

Speaker 2:

That man is. I don't even know how he does it. I'm so tired just like thinking about his schedule Like I can't even. I can't even imagine being on that kind of schedule. There's no way. I know I couldn't do it. I know I couldn't.

Speaker 3:

And Melania says he doesn't sleep. No yeah, it's like he's four hours tops and that's it. And he's up and he's moving.

Speaker 2:

It's just the way he's wired, yeah.

Speaker 3:

And you know listen, as somebody who lived a life like that for a long time you know it does, you can do it, it does, it does eventually catch up to you. But that guy's a machine. I, I'm super impressed with his. His stamina, physical and mental stamina, at any age, let alone, you know he's, you know, in his mid to late seventies. It's phenomenal. The guy's incredible. So you know they are grasping at straws and attacking him for working at McDonald's. By the way, did you see the lines and like people that were just everywhere?

Speaker 2:

Everywhere. Yes, oh, it's incredible, just incredible. And you know, I mean the memes. I even made one too. Did I put it up here? You know the memes that came from his putting his hand out the drive through window and all that. It was just so awesome. Yeah, here's mine, here's mine. Yeah, see ya, bye, bye, Bye, bye, bye, bye, go now.

Speaker 3:

I thought you know. I think your point about this is who he is. But yes, it was staged, and of course it was staged. That's not new, right? People want to make this sound like you know. It's some sort of blasphemous thing that he's done. Right, you know? Think back four years ago, to the last election. Think about all the things that President Biden didn't do, right, right, yeah, you know, when he wasn't in his basement, which was the vast majority of this time, yes, he was stepping into stores that forced people to eat outside, mm hmm, right, that only could have one or two people inside at a time Everybody had. He wasn't even. He wasn't even capable of interacting with people, right? So to compare, president, what President Trump does to really anybody else in recent memory is crazy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh, it's insane. And you know, it's even more laughable because while Joe was still in the mix here for for this election cycle, um, everything that trump did they tried to copy. Trump went to uh, another like fast food or like convenience store or something. Remember that whole thing where that a woman came up and hugged him. And now she's on his campaign trail speaking at many multiple events. She'll have her own show. If she doesn't already have it, she'll have her own show. I forget her name, but she was great. It was like, uh, I'm not gonna remember what it is, it was like kayla or caitlin or something like that. She's phenomenal, um, uh. And then within days, they have, like the, the biden version of that, which is so awkward. It was so awkward and oh bad, you know, and they can't even. They can't even do that with her because she's so profoundly unlikable that they won't even subject her, although I did hear, I think, something about her making an appearance out of five guys. I don't know, we'll see.

Speaker 3:

I think there was a really, really dirty joke in there.

Speaker 2:

So I don't know yeah. We'll watch that one, we'll leave that one alone.

Speaker 3:

Then Maybe I didn't read that whole thing that might be an after hours show or something, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that might be an after hours show or something, I don't know. Yeah, which is actually really funny because, as I was saying it, I was thinking that doesn't sound good.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, nope, oh well, all right, let's shift gears off of that right away.

Speaker 2:

Let's do, let's do. Where are we going to next?

Speaker 3:

No, let's go international. I think this is pretty important. So this week, so UN actually it was late. Last week it came out UN report about the dangers of trans athletes in women's sports. So the UN has a designated and I'm going to make sure I say this right, because it's a very European word UN special rapporteur, right, r-a-p-p-o-r-t-e-u-r rapporteur focused on violence against women and girls, not specifically about sport, right? So that's where this comes from and the perspective matters. Now, her name is Reem Al-Salam. I don't know, I don't know what country, what UN country she's from, but she is the one who sat down and testified, sat in front of the UN General Counsel and offered her expertise in this, and where she sits on. This is exactly where most of us sit and the West Western countries who are in this of the same vein. Specifically, I think she was referring to Canada and some of the Western European company countries. Allowing trans athletes to compete against women is a danger to women right.

Speaker 2:

I mean, it feels like common sense.

Speaker 3:

It's amazing that it has to be said out loud in this arena, but yeah, so this is now the United Nations saying this, right, this is a United Nations representative saying this to the UN General Council. So this is a blast against the US. This is a blast against the Western European nations that are of the same mindset. And what she said was this is again common sense and the things that we've been saying. This takes away opportunities for women and girls to compete, it takes away notoriety, it takes away financial gain, it takes away scholarship and education opportunities. It's all the things that our Title IX and she actually mentioned the United States Title IX it's all the things that our Title nine was designed to provide for women. Right, and she said we the opportunities. All of that is already going away because we are allowing trans athletes to compete against women. And her solution is and was a separate category, which again has been brought up since the beginning of this argument and discussion.

Speaker 2:

Right, yeah, absolutely, and everybody's fun with that idea.

Speaker 2:

Like go for it, do it Like that's wonderful. I think they should have their, their whole, own thing. I mean that's you know, and whoever wants to watch that you watch it and participate in it and do all the things, but you have your own lane. You would think they'd be happy about that. Now you've got your own special lane, that's all for you. I mean, that should be a wonderful thing, right? You know, if you're, if you're legitimate and you know truly love your sport or whatever it is that you're doing, and want to compete in a fair manner and not just, you know, go for the easy mark or the easy win, you know, which is what it certainly seems to be a lot of cases.

Speaker 2:

Yeah right, I mean it is crazy. So I, I was, you know, looking it up when you, when you propose the topic, I I looked it up and it's crazy. It says um you, an official class for female only sports categories. After women athletes lose 980 medals to trans opponents 980 medals so that that came out just today.

Speaker 3:

The math right, the tangible. Now what is not yet hasn't been revealed is what level of competition are we talking about? Right and in, and across what sports? Yeah, I think they said across 32 sports, but they didn't say what sports. They also didn't say at what level of competition is this?

Speaker 2:

So the number technically could be higher if they're only talking about a professional level, not including, you know, academic levels. You know like college sports and high school sports.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, but they took the time to to track this down and add this up, yeah, and it's, and it's a number that's large enough to catch people's attention. So that came out today. Her, you know, as she talked through this and really what she kept getting to was talking about nations like, specifically, afghanistan. Right, and you know my experience there, I was there very, very early in 2002. I saw, you know, I lived and worked in places and you know, was walking around places where we saw the transition, where women were coming out of Burkus Right, they were exposing their face, right they were and that progress was happening.

Speaker 3:

Now, of course, it's all regressed and things have gone in the, in the toilet. But you know she was talking about nations like that, where you have women have enough challenges, oh, by the way, you know, to do anything at all, to do anything at all, and now you're taking away even more opportunities for them to, one, distinguish themselves as women. Two, to have any success in their life of any kind. And now you're giving people who oppress women more opportunities to oppress women. So she's looking at it from a political science kind of point of, and really from the terms or in the terms of violence against women and children, and not necessarily from specifically sport point of view, but this is pretty damning against the entire effort for trans athletes competing in women's sports, because, oh, by the way, have you seen a woman transitioning to a man trying to compete in men's sports? Right, you know? I still haven't seen one.

Speaker 2:

No, I haven't either, and I'll be fair enough to say that I'm sure there's been a couple of few. I'm sure there's been a couple of few, but not in the, not anywhere near the numbers. That it is for the reverse, for the other way around, yeah, it's crazy and it's. You can't help but see it as a deliberate attempt, of many things One, to diminish the accomplishments of women, female athletes. In this particular case we're talking about and again I said it earlier easy mark like here you are, you have, you know, the height advantage, the strength advantage, the speed advantage in, you know, I mean, I don't know what the percentage would be, but you know, probably close enough to a hundred percent. You know there's obviously there's going to be exceptions to that rule where there's certainly women who are physically stronger than certain men, but those certain men aren't trying to get into the sports that those certain women are participating in. So you know, this is very, it's obvious to anyone who is willing to see it for what it is.

Speaker 3:

And she did bring up the safe spaces, the locker rooms, the bathrooms, the. You know that she is concerned about that as well, like that is in this study that she put out or the report she put out. So she didn't. It's again. This is about violence against women and children and she's taking the entirety of this situation into account. I'm not related to this. Do you? Do you golf at all? Have you ever golfed?

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I swung once and missed, and that was the end of it.

Speaker 3:

Well, of course you've got different sets of tees, right. They do have what's known as ladies tees. Yep right they're closer, the short, the holes are shorter and it's a you know, it's a long-standing statement about the physical ability there is. There is a professional trans golfer who you know male transitioning to female who has backed away, has come out and said you know, after a lot of thought and a lot of experience in a lot of tournaments, it's not fair, wow it's not fair, wow, it's not fair.

Speaker 3:

And that's really back away from playing professional golf on the in the women's arena. Wow.

Speaker 2:

And I feel badly for that person because I do want for them to be able to enjoy their sport, sports and participate and have opportunities. I, I, I a hundred percent agree that everyone who has a um, you know, a talent, a skill, should be able to explore and promote it and do whatever they need to do with it in the proper setting where it's fair for all. You know that, I mean, it's as simple as that. So I think it would be amazing if they all got together and said we're going to create either our own leagues or our own, you know whatever. And same thing for the Olympics Create a category, just do it, you know you're so for it.

Speaker 3:

Listen, we've got Senior Olympics, We've got Special Olympics, We've got like I don't your.

Speaker 2:

Olympics yeah right, I mean you have all the variations. Add one more? Yeah, why not?

Speaker 3:

I don't you know, um, you know, and then, and she, I, if I remember correctly, um, there was even a mention, although I think fairly small about, because she came in with some you know recommendations, um, and one of them was something that was a very hot button here in the United States and that was um button here in the United States and that was essentially gender exams. She was she, promoted, she, she thought that that was appropriate and applicable, you know, in the sense of like, listen, as a, as a competitive athlete. You know your privacy in most cases is now gone, right, everybody goes through health exams. Right, everybody goes through drug testing. You know what I mean Everybody goes. So you know the idea of you know gender exams, she, she thought was, you know, appropriate and be part of this, right, but again, in the United States, that was such a huge, you know, outrage that was associated with that, which was absurd and it's.

Speaker 2:

It's an outrage, because they know what the results of those exams are going to be. They don't, you know. It's just, it's pure nonsense and I and I think we are getting closer to a point where everybody is basically saying enough already, like we're not participating in this. I think it was a, is it a? There's either a high school or a college. I think it's a high school team and I apologize, I forget where exactly it is, but they're forfeiting games or matches, whatever the case is, because, yeah, there you go, so good for them. And I think more, more schools and more teams need to do that, and they need to, and their schools need to back them up, you know, and not throw them under the bus. And you know, I think they they put out kind of like a somewhat neutral statement, right, like you know, we think that everybody should have the opportunity to blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 2:

But we also support our players and our, you know. So there's a very like walking right down the middle of the line and just trying really hard not to get sued by anyone. I think I was like the gist of it all, Like we're just trying not to get sued here by anyone.

Speaker 3:

I think this, though you know the the report. What it highlights to me most is how you know the U S, specifically Canada, some of the Western European nations, have really kind of lost our way as far as this is not global leadership. Right, that's you. You know this is. This is a minutely small population, not just in the United States, but globally. Yes, right, this population of competitors is so small that international sport bodies are like they're starting to ignore this. Now you've got the UN weighing in.

Speaker 2:

The UN is weighing in for crying out loud the UN is weighing in, yeah.

Speaker 3:

So this is, I think it's a great indicator that you know the globe, the other countries around the world are starting to look at us and go what Like? What are you guys doing? You know it doesn't bode well for us, it's not a great image, you know, and some people say, well, we should be doing things for the right reasons and not for an image. But you know, you start to lose people, you start to lose faith in the United States when countries see things like this that they don't agree with as a culture. So, yeah, it's a challenge. I do like the fact that the UN's, you know, involved with this. I like that they're expressing an opinion that you know it's not necessarily just kowtowing to, you know, the latest trend. So we'll keep an eye on this, we'll see what comes out of it.

Speaker 3:

But in the number the metal count like what were the? What were the statistics behind that?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that would be really interesting to see because I would like to know, you know, who that includes or excludes, you know? I'd like to say again I I would tend to think that the number would be even higher if you include, if you were including. You know schools, but we'll see. I don't know. I'm definitely curious, so keep an eye on it. You're our watchdog Dog, you're good for that.

Speaker 3:

I do. I tend to do that.

Speaker 2:

Good, I love it. All right, who are we moving on to? We're moving on to skipping events. How about that? How about that? Let's? Yeah, so this is like twice, essentially so. So the first thing.

Speaker 2:

So we'll start with the first one, which is Kama was speaking at one of her rallies and some I think it ended up being some students, some young people she's talking about Roe, roe v Wade and all of that and somebody in the audience shouted out Jesus is Lord, and she said you. Somebody in the audience shouted out Jesus is Lord, and she said you're in the wrong rally. And then she went on to tell them that they, that rally is down down the road and it's much smaller, like so insulting, and that was. That should have been a nail in the coffin for her as far as the Christian vote, and I think for some people it certainly was not nearly enough. I don't think, because I do think there are still a large number of Christians that are actually planning on voting for her. Again, I see them in the comments, not so much them, but people who know them. They're like oh, my so-and-so, my cousin's, brother's, niece's, daughter's, friend, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

She says she claims to be a Christian. She's voting for Kamala because she thinks she has more Christian values than Trump. And it's like hang on, the woman whose platform is based primarily on her abortion stance, that's the one you think has better Christian values. Are you kidding me? It's so bizarre to me. How are people, how are these people existing, like? How do they tie their shoes? How do they function?

Speaker 3:

You've got Nancy Pelosi and the president both claiming to be Catholics, Like you know. Yeah. So listen, it's I, I'm with you, to me that none of it jives, but in their heads there are enough people that it makes sense to them. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And I'm, you know, I'm sorry I'll go tip or tat here, you know. So the the usual litany of the why they won't vote for Trump or why they don't like Trump. He's an adulterer. Kamala Harris was a mistress to an adulterer. Kamala Harris was a mistress to an adulterer.

Speaker 3:

So there's that and married an adulterer.

Speaker 2:

And married an adulterer and a guy who's got some even more serious accusations against him, which are just accusations we don't have any proof of that yet but some pretty ugly ones, you know so. And her abortion stance, like she's so pro-abortion it's not even pro-choice, it's pro-abortion. The way they platform their, their stance, you know it's. And of course, they call it the line. This is what makes me crazy all the time and I won't play, I will not play along with the language BS that they play. Stop calling it women's reproductive health or women's reproductive rights. Shut the bleak up. It is abortion. Call it what it is, you know so, not playing that game with them.

Speaker 2:

So I'm sorry, if you're a Christian and you're voting for Kamala, I think you really need to go back and and I don't know open up your Bible for heck's sake, because that is not Christian values right there, None of it. So Trump is a flawed man. He is a flawed, faulted man. We are all flawed and faulted and of course, I'm speaking directly to our Christians and our Catholics. Um, yeah, he's made some, you know, curious choices and and things in life, Absolutely. But he is a man that will protect you, your rights to practice your religion and to have your faith and to share your faith and express your faith, you know. So pick wisely, Pick wisely people.

Speaker 3:

He also attended the Al Smith dinner.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, he did, yes, he did. And who did not attend it? Kamala, what did she do? And said she sent a video that I'm only going to play the very first part of, because I can't even stand it, so I'm just playing a tiny bit of it. Here you go.

Speaker 4:

And distinguished guests. The Al Smith dinner provides a rare opportunity to set aside partisanship. Cool, sorry, hey, what's going on? Who was that? I'm sorry, mary Catherine. Very nice to meet you, mary Catherine. Right now I'm trying to record my speech for tonight's dinner. Oh yeah, I know. I just want to say that I'm a Catholic and tonight is one of the biggest dinners next to the Last Supper. It is a very important dinner and it's an important tradition that I'm so proud to be a part of. Sometimes, when I get nervous, I stick my fingers under my arms and I smell them like that.

Speaker 2:

I used to love Saturday Night Live and I actually even used to love that skit. I found Molly Shannon to be very funny. I don't so much anymore like really any of them, I don't think so, let's you know. So mockery of Christians, part two, really. So to do that skit, to send that skit in and think that that was a good idea, to compare a comedy roast charity dinner to the Last Supper, kind of a slap, like that's funny to Christians, catholics.

Speaker 3:

Listen, if she was standing there and delivering that stuff right as a, as a willing participant, right, like president Trump did, right, right, if she was standing there and making those kinds of jokes in the face and in front of, and have the guts to do it in front of all of those Catholics Totally different, right.

Speaker 2:

Right, at least it would have a little.

Speaker 3:

Well, she, she one we talked about this before Can't do anything without a teleprompter, Right, there was a rule no teleprompters, right, yep Can't have it. So she, she, she can't do it. She's not funny. No right, and not at all. She didn't have the guts to stand in there and take, not just dish it out. But she couldn't take the shots, right.

Speaker 4:

Chuck schumer took shots, yeah from president trump which were hilarious, by the way and even schumer laughed.

Speaker 2:

yes, right, yeah, he may have been seething inside, but you put on the face Right. You do the things. You show up.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, is she going to bow out of the press corps dinner if she becomes president Right?

Speaker 3:

You know that's right, the one that they go to and they all get roasted and you know, like is she not going to do that? What is what's going to happen? Like is she going to? I know she just had Molly Shannon and they were doing a Saturday night live thing. But listen, saturday night live is, is, and you're right. You know, I I haven't been a fan for a long time. I do like the news, how those guys write jokes Like that's funny. But there has been a turn like she's taken. You know there's been some folks taking some shots at her on Saturday Night Live. So how is she going to manage that? If she's right, like this whole thing, it's so it's such a character flaw in who she is.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, Because you know, all of the things that she'll get roasted on are things that she genuinely cannot answer, are things that she genuinely cannot answer and I don't even know if they would be brave enough to, you know, make light or make fun about the you know, is she black or Indian controversy?

Speaker 2:

You know, but those are. I mean, a roast is a roast. So you go some pretty uncomfortable places with those things and she would never in a million years be able to handle that. You know, and I and I think that was part of the decision-making process that her handlers and her even know that she can't do it, she can't hang, she can't, like you said, she can't go without a script, without the teleprompter telling her exactly what to say, and we've seen that enough times to know that that is an absolute fact. The minute she's asked a question where there is no script and no teleprompter to tell her what to say, she's asked a question where there is no script and no teleprompter to tell her what to say, she just fumbles and bumbles and, you know, does those incredibly bad word salads that you know say nothing. Community banks are in the community, you know come on.

Speaker 3:

Did you see, just the other day she was off script and she said that vice presidents are not essential to their presidents. She said that as the sitting vice president, totally off script. Yeah, vice presidents really aren't that essential, you know, to their, to their president.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay. Well, how about?

Speaker 3:

that then Like, yeah, so yeah, she can't do it, she can't, she can't stand in there and swing, she can't take the punches, you know, and, and honestly, her delivery, I think, would be so bad that everyone, everything that came out of her mouth, would sound not not only would it not be funny, it would sound mean, you know what I mean? That's just who, who she is, I think, and how her delivery would come out, where you know, president Trump's, like hey, you know Schumer's here tonight. You know, hey, chuck, your party's, so woke, you may actually end up being the first woman president, and it was funny. And Chuck's sitting there and he's shaking his head and he's chuckling to himself. Right, she couldn't pull that off if she tried.

Speaker 2:

No, no, there's and the proof. And if anybody like, here's the proof, she didn't show up.

Speaker 3:

She sent in a video, nothing says I can't hang more than that, you know, the video is super cringe too. Oh, it's so bad.

Speaker 2:

It's so awkward, it's as bad as her fake obama call. You know, they did one, yeah, like, oh, they're all so bad. Or there was another one, too, that she did with some other actors, like that's all she can do. Highly scripted, highly edited, you know, and even those they probably had to do like 50 takes for her to like seem vaguely likable. Yeah, oh, yeah, yeah, uh, you know. Again I know I'm a broken record guys, we got 14 days. Is that what you want in office? Is that what you want? Running this country? Yeah, four years, four freaking years. You want that woman, kathleen, in your face, giving you word salads, never speaking, you know, candidly or off a teleprompter, only associating with celebrities. I mean, literally, that's all she does. Makes all her appearances, that, oh. And then there's the other thing that she um wimped out on joe rogan the joe rogan experience. Yeah, there was the rumor that she was going to go on there and you know that. I'm sure that was maybe just that, like, somebody floated it out there he.

Speaker 3:

He put an open invitation out to both of them. He's doing his show this friday, yep and, and she has said absolutely not, because she can't hang.

Speaker 2:

She can't hang, she can't do it, no, instead she'll go on. You know, call her daddy, which is, you know, she's supposed to be doing a town hall tonight.

Speaker 3:

Again, today's Wednesday, anderson Cooper again throw the softballs to her right yeah exactly. And I can promise you that everybody in her town hall audience who asks a question will be highly vetted. She'll know what the questions are Like. It'll be just like everything else.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely, Just like the one she just did with. Uh, who was that? Maria Shriver, right.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Same thing. Yeah, yeah, super cringy, wouldn't let you know anyone ask questions that were not preplanned and prepared.

Speaker 3:

So you know it's par for the course. It is. You know. You know, are we going to see an October surprise? We're running out of October.

Speaker 2:

Right out of it. We're almost at the end.

Speaker 3:

Right, but this right we got, we're going to, we're going to get this last one in here. Yes, you know this is a bit of a bombshell one in here. Yes, you know this is a bit of a bombshell. Um. So we, we all know, you know, if you're tracking any of this that you know Fannie Willis, the district attorney, you know, for Fulton County, georgia, which is Atlanta, you know is, is um, you know they filed suit against president Trump for election interference and all that stuff from four frigging years ago, um, and the attorney that she assigned to the case she was having a inappropriate adult relationship with.

Speaker 2:

Yes, right, yes, yep, yeah, nathan Wade. So he's a Georgia lawyer chosen by Fulton County DA by her, his former lover, to prosecute Donald Trump. So he, so the records show that he had extensive communications with the Biden-Harris White House, the J6 committee and other DC officials. He billed the Fulton County office for meetings with the White House and the January 6th committee, which he probably shouldn't have done in light of what's going on now. Um and he. But he claimed that he couldn't remember the details of the many meetings during his congressional testimony.

Speaker 2:

So lots of stuff that he's now coming out and saying, oh yeah, no, no, I remember you know. So he's, he's spilling the tea Now. Basically, he admitted to the relationship with her. Um, that happened began before she hired him. So that contradicts his previous statements that were under oath. So is anything going to happen with that? I don't know. I mean right, let's see what else. It's such crazy stuff.

Speaker 2:

He acknowledged his lack of experience in prosecuting RICO cases or working in a DA's office prior to the Trump case. You know, I mean all of these things. So now of course, it all comes out. All the things you know. I saw people I think I posted something about this the other day and people are like, yeah, no surprise. Well, no, no, it's not a surprise that all of that went on, because we were saying that already back then, that was already coming to light, but they weren't. They were denying it, of course. And now you know, something obviously must've happened. Maybe he got some kind of deal or something that he's like yeah, all right, I'll spill the tea, I'll admit to all the stuff and things, as long as you don't come after me, more than likely, right?

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, he for sure cut a deal. And so here's the. The angle of this that kind of hit me in the face today was you said it where they found evidence that he made these visits. They were in his records, they were in the records of his law firm right. Why were they not in the records of the Justice Department? Why is he not on the visitor's log of the White House? All of these things that we should have known a long time ago are now coming out because of record keeping of his own right Of his own. Yeah, right, so you know, somebody doing the right thing, doing an expense account right and billing the White House, the Justice Department, thousands of dollars for him to prosecute President Trump and him having meetings in the White House, yeah, but no record of it on the federal side.

Speaker 2:

Hmm Right, yeah yeah, not the federal side, hmm, right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, not shady at all. No, so where's the record of the payment to him and his law firm? Where's the record of him on the visitor's log? Where is all of that? And oh, by the way, this is again weaponization of the Justice Department. Absolutely. This has nothing to do with Fulton County and Atlanta and everything to do with Washington DC directing this lawsuit.

Speaker 2:

Yes A hundred percent.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and again, like you know, probably anybody listening and watching or just simply following along with this it is infuriating that most likely, we know nothing's going to happen, Nothing's going to come of this. You know and that's the kicker right there that that is the thing that we, as Americans, should be absolutely livid about and simply not accepting. And you know, I don't, honestly, I honestly don't know how, how to force them to make something happen. But if somebody does, man put it in the comments because this is so frustrating, like this is where we're at. No accountability. No, you know, the damage is essentially done because there is a huge portion of the country that believes that. You know, trump is guilty of everything that they accused him of. And you know, again, lies upon lies, upon lies upon lies, and they, they get away with it. Nothing will happen. He'll serve no jail time. He'll have no, you know, financial losses from this, no penalties. I mean what disbarred? Or he already quit. I think he's already done right. He's not even is he even an attorney anymore.

Speaker 3:

I don't. That's a good question. I'm not sure you know, but you know we did. We should go back because we did six months ago. We did an entire show about all of the lawsuits, remember. We should go back and clean that up.

Speaker 3:

Like go back and watch it again and go, hey, okay, well, this one's dismissed, delayed, right, and check all that out, because we have, like you said, nothing's going to happen with any of this stuff and we've all kind of lost the bubble on the number of trials, what they're for, what the outcomes have been. All we know is the same statement we keep hearing he's a felon, right, that's it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, and he's not. They keep calling him a convicted felon. He's not a convicted felon, guys. I know you want him to be, but he's not. And the woman who and I love her beyond words, I love her Megan Kelly, just destroyed. Did you see that? My girl lover? Yes, isn't she just the best. Seriously, I have like such a girl crush on her. She's so great. Destroyed this guy on stage in front of you know, a huge national audience really destroyed it, cause that's what he's. He made the mistake of calling him a convicted felon. She's like hang on, hang on, I'm sorry, wait, what now? And she went, you know, oh, she just she slaughtered him. Yeah, that man had to go home, suck his thumb and call his mommy. That's how badly she destroyed him. Yeah, it was great. You got to find that video, guys. It's. It's incredible, incredible. It's a little on the long side. I would throw it in here. It's a little on the long side, I would throw it in here.

Speaker 3:

It's a little on the long side, so it'll run us over. Is that when she was with Tucker?

Speaker 2:

Was Tucker on the stage with her? I think he was. Yeah, there were three people on the stage. I think it was Tucker. I think you're right. Yeah, I was so glued to her I don't even remember who was on the stage.

Speaker 3:

I mean listen, folks, we got two weeks left, we have two weeks left.

Speaker 3:

There's going to be a lot going on in the next two weeks. We'll see what plays out, because it just kind of broke today, but maybe we'll talk about it next week if it's still relevant. Who? The entire article was defamatory against President Trump and has turned out to be a complete and total lie. The entire article and while we're I hate to say we're all used to that kind of thing coming out of journalists nowadays the important thing about that is that's the same guy who wrote the article that said President Trump called soldiers suckers and losers. Same guy Right. Now we know he's a liar, right, and that entire claim has been under scrutiny for four years or whatever it's been. But that's the same author, right, and he's the editor in chief of the Atlantic. So if that continues, right. Those are the things that you know have the potential to turn some heads over the next couple of weeks. Yeah, one's still relevant. A week from now We'll talk about it. But folks hang on tight, because we got two weeks left and it's going to get crazy.

Speaker 2:

Yes, hang on tight and listen. I know a lot of you don't get political on your own personal pages, and I totally get it. I totally understand that. But I'm sorry, bombard them. Bombard them with facts and information. Somebody, you'll get somebody to pay attention. You'll get a lot of people to block you and unfriend you and unfollow you. So, come on, you can do it, you can handle it, you're fine, you can do this. But, yeah, no, no, no, sitting quietly and hoping for the best. You have to make the best outcome happen. I'm just, yeah, I try not to be anxious. I try and get my Christian faith in line. I work on it. But, boy, this stuff makes you anxious for sure. But, as usual, you know what we're going to do. We're going to keep watching everything. We're going to keep bringing you all the news and all of the stuff and things. And, yeah, I don't know anything else you want to tell them, clay. So I'll.

Speaker 3:

I'll pitch this to the audience, right, and we, you know, elsa and I both watched the comments on Facebook and YouTube, especially if you, if you guys, have a recommendation. Elsa and I have never done a live show. Elsa's done a live show. I've never done a live show. What do you think? Maybe would we consider consider an election night. I don't know what your plans are for election night.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, I think I think that would be a great idea. I would totally be into that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Maybe we do an hour like late in the evening, like as the reports start coming in, right, I think that's a great idea. Yeah, Maybe we do a live one in a couple of weeks. What do you think? Audience? You guys tell us If we do a live on election night, are you guys going to tune in? You tell us yes or no and then we'll make a decision. How about that?

Speaker 2:

I like it. That's the plan. All right, guys, you know what to do. Last thing from me I'm very excited when you guys a fiction reader, it's, it's out, it's on Amazon and you can get it, and you can get it as a gift for people who do love that type of book. So, yeah, so I'm excited. Yay, oh, all right, guys, we will. We will talk to you in the comments and we hope you have a great evening and we'll see you next time.

Speaker 3:

See you next week. Keep moving, keep shooting.

Speaker 1:

Combat veteran Terry Davis traded a life of adventure and violence for the quiet of the Midwest prairie, but when he catches wind of a potential terror threat to the country he swore to protect as a young man, his instincts make it impossible to stay on the sidelines. Testing off his years of training and experience and his guns to protect himself, his loved ones and his nation, the aging warrior winds up in Tampa making friends and meeting enemies along the way. As the threat slowly takes shape and reveals itself, terry relies on the smarts and skills that kept him alive through years of combat. Yet the threat is much bigger than he realized and he's not sure if he can trust him. The one thing he knows for sure is that if he wants to stay alive, he wants to keep shooting.

Speaker 5:

Get ready for the much-anticipated return of Elsa Kurtz's beloved series Welcome to Chance on October 24th 2024. Set in coastal New England, the small-town saga captivates with its intricate tales of life and love. Follow the intertwined lives of five unique families as they navigate the complexities of their picturesque community. Experience the charm and drama of Chance, where every character has a story that tugs at your heart. Whether you're a returning fan or a newcomer, there's something for everyone to enjoy and connect with. Pre-order your copy now and immerse yourself in the enchanting world that Elsa Kurt masterfully brings to life. Don't miss the opportunity to fall in love all over again with the unforgettable stories of Welcome to Chance.