The Elsa Kurt Show

Political Missteps: Obama's Outreach, African-American Voter Sentiment, and Media Bias

Elsa Kurt

What if the political strategies aimed at African-American voters are missing the mark? We dissect President Obama's recent attempt to rally support for Kamala Harris and the backlash over his perceived condescension. By delving into the disconnect between Obama's elite lifestyle and the everyday experiences of his intended audience, we question the effectiveness of this approach and explore the growing unease within the community. As we examine the political pressures rooted in race and gender, a shift in political loyalties could be on the horizon, with the community demanding genuine engagement and change.

The stakes are high as we turn our focus to the intricacies of engaging African-American voters. We analyze the roles of influential figures, including the potential involvement of Michelle Obama, and assess Vice President Kamala Harris's proposals. With criticisms of neglect toward African-American concerns in favor of other groups, we highlight a burgeoning awareness of political manipulation. This episode unveils the increasing skepticism about last-minute political appeals and the community's demand for authenticity over dependency.

From controversies surrounding political figures to pressing immigration debates, we emphasize discernment in the fast-paced world of social media accusations. Unverified allegations and accusations against Governor Walz underscore the need for patience and truth. As we tackle the portrayal of immigration policies and media biases, we scrutinize endorsements and explore potential internal tensions within the current administration. Join us as we unpack these topics, signaling a pivotal moment in the political landscape and a call for accountability and fairness.

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Speaker 1:

It's the Elsa Kurtz Show with.

Speaker 3:

Clay Novak Conservative views on world news Brought to you by the Wellness Company.

Speaker 1:

Prepare for the unexpected and Refuge Medical, and now it's time for the show.

Speaker 3:

Hi Clay, how are you?

Speaker 1:

I'm good, as always, everybody. It's Wednesday afternoon, 2 pm Central, 3 pm Eastern right. It's just me and Elsa, the entire production team, and actually I shouldn't even say that Elsa does all the production.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but you do, you get all the topics for us.

Speaker 1:

I do do topics. Yes, I do topics, you do production, and then we get on here and I run my mouth and we have a good time for an hour and we've got some great topics today, right? We have such good topics today Almost all I think they're all election related, which is kind of hard not to we're what three weeks out, right this?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so right into so this one. Just before we went on air here I was just saying to Clay I'm you know, here's all your behind the scenes stuff that goes on Very exciting, not really. I was just last minute uploading a video that I wanted to share with you guys about this very first topic here and, as I was saying to Clay, just watching it again makes my blood boil and should we go right into it? Do we want to go, like right into the video?

Speaker 1:

Just one little setup. So this past week, President Obama was brought out of mothballs. This is his first, I think, public, very public appearance since he stood on stage with President Biden. I don't think there's been a you know. I think maybe he's poked his head into a few things, but this is the first one that's caught attention, and the focus of this is for him to come and speak to African-American males because why? The Democratic Party is not convinced that they are going to vote for Kamala. So this is his pep talk. Would we call it a pep talk?

Speaker 3:

Let's call it a pep talk to start with. And then we'll see if we all still feel the same way after the fact. How about that?

Speaker 4:

All right here, it is my understanding based on reports I'm getting from campaigns and communities, is that we have not yet seen the same kinds of energy and turnout in all quarters of our neighborhoods and communities as we saw when I was one. Now I also want to say that that seems to be more pronounced with the brothers. So if you don't mind, just for a second, I'm going to speak to you all directly. You're coming up with all kinds of reasons and excuses. I've got a problem with that, because part of it makes me think I'm speaking to men directly. Part of it makes me think that, well, you just aren't feeling the idea of having a woman as president.

Speaker 3:

The level of condescension is off the charts, yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's, it's pretty high and and the reaction is exactly that and you, you know you and I, you and I talked about this before we came on air it's the reaction from the African-American male community has not been what they expected. There is a lot of visceral reaction. I've heard some pretty honestly hateful things towards President Obama. As a result of this, this is not going. This is not going well for Vice President Harris at all.

Speaker 3:

Right at all. So you know I mean listen, let's break this down right. So King Obama comes down from his Martha's Vineyard Hill to you know, give everybody his presence and chastise, scold them, literally, wag his finger at them, and not just the people sitting there listening to him, the entire Black male American community he is wagging his finger at and telling them if you're not voting for Kamala Harris, you're a misogynistic, uneducated, terrible person and you should be ashamed of yourself and I'm very disappointed in you. Who the hell does he think he is?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you remember what four years ago? You know, president Biden if you don't know from me, you ain't black which I thought was probably as cringy as it could get talking to this specific demographic. Right, it was bad enough that the old white guy you know from, from you know, delaware, of all people, was going to talk like that. That was bad. This is condescending. You said it. The level of condescension associated with this is unbelievable and it's for all the exact reasons that you said. Leaves his 20 million, 12 or $20 million mansion on Martha's vineyard with his 20, you know 20 bedrooms or whatever it is, and you know, comes down and says you know, president, trump doesn't relate to you because he didn't grow up like you. Right, that was one of the talks, right? Right, the rich guy, the guy that just left Martha's vineyard, who you know, says well, in his private jet.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Trump's rich In his private jet, In his private jet, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Trump's rich, so he doesn't relate to you, as opposed to him standing there. The same way, he also brought up and I couldn't believe this one it's not in the clip that you showed but he said to those young men it's a good thing Michelle's not here, yes, that's right as if she was going to. You know, mommy, guilt them on top of everything else or talk down to them like she was their mother and this forceful race baiting that's what this is race baiting attitude of if you don't vote for her, you said misogynist too.

Speaker 1:

That plays into it. Gender plays into it. You're misogynist and you're a traitor. Right, it's really what traitor to your race is what he is saying.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, that was misogynist and you're a traitor.

Speaker 3:

Right, it's really what traitor to your race is. What he is saying? Yeah, yeah, that was that was his you know, outright message and, of course, the the underlying message is is that you know you need to be told what to do by me, because I am smarter and you know more everything than you are. So you should just listen to me and do as I tell you to do, because you're really not smart enough to make your own decisions, because there's no, there's no possible way, as a black man, you could be um, basing your vote on how this affects your wallet. There's no way you could have made your choice, uh, by researching and simply deciding for yourself what you think. You know, I'm still. I don't think I'll ever be unshocked unhorrified probably not shocked, I guess, based on what we already know, but never not horrified. That anyone from that camp thought that would be a good idea, you know, again, makes you almost say another one of those things that makes you almost say like he's so smart, like Obama is an extremely he is a smart guy.

Speaker 4:

Smart guy, right? I mean, there's no way around that.

Speaker 3:

Like I would never take that away. So like is this deliberate Are we is? Is this, you know, another layer of sabotage, that like we can't stand this woman so much that we're just going to go ahead and sabotage her any way we can. I mean a little obscure way to do it, but I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean. So if you go backwards and you say why is this happening? Right, why did they pull him off of Martha's Vineyard? Why? So there?

Speaker 1:

There there is a distinct movement that they are losing the African-American vote. They're losing a lot of the, a lot of the minority race votes in general, but this is one that I don't think that they ever planned for, right. I think you know the Hispanic and Asian populations. There's some backlash there and it has to do with the border. So you know a lot of the immigrant population that has come here that has done things the right way over the last 40 years. They have not border jumped and you know they came here, they worked and they became citizens or at least got, you know, a green card and et cetera. There's some backlash there, but that was minimal, it was negligible, and I think that they knew that this, the African-American male population, is not something they anticipated. So this is kind of an emergency, you know, like holy crap, we got to do something about this. And they thought Obama, he's right, african-american male. You know, first, president, he can connect, he can do this, he can do that.

Speaker 3:

And he, of course, was, you know so, idolized and adored by the masses, and certainly not just by the black community. He was generally loved and respected and revered, and yeah, I mean. So they, you know, clearly they're like well, let's, let's bring out Papa Obama and and you know he took that Papa role a little too serious.

Speaker 1:

It's not been good. There are a lot of social media influencers, african-american males, who are saying the exact same things you were saying. Which is one. How dare you? I'm not stupid. I don't need you to tell me who to vote for. Oh, by the way, thanks for the insult. Um, yeah, there have been some. Uh, I, some. I did hear and you don't hear it very often, but I did hear the Uncle Tom phrase.

Speaker 3:

Oh, yes, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So that is not good. No, but there's a lot of very emotional reaction negative to what he said. I think not even necessarily because of the message, but because of the tone, right, the tone that he came across.

Speaker 3:

You said it it's the, the dad, the Papa, the, whatever, walking down to them, and not even this thing, this thing, that alone, I would have broken that damn finger right off his hand so fast.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Just I'm violent.

Speaker 1:

It's just bad all the way around. It is. I don't I mean so. If they can't recover this, no, they can't recover that demographic. This election's over with Right and it doesn't take much, I think the the numbers I saw when um, when president Trump ran the first time yep, the black male demographic was like a 90, 92% voted for um, voted for Hillary, 92% voted for um, voted for Hillary, right. And then, and then when the last election, it dropped a little bit to like 88% voted for Biden, yep. And then now I think it's down, they're anticipating less than somewhere between 75 and 78% voting for Kamala. So there's been somewhere like a 16 point drop from the time that Trump ran, you know, eight years ago, to now in democratic support by African-American males. And you can't tell me. You can't tell me that it's not about the economy. There's no way, right.

Speaker 3:

Because that's what it comes down to. All the time you can, you can, you know, use any of those, you know hot button topics that they try and push as being the most important things Abortion, things like that. Immigration incredibly important, by the way, immigration you can push all you want, but at the end of the day, it's about how I'm going to live, how I'm going to survive. How was I living then? How am I living now? And that's what it's going to come down to ultimately. You know you can, you can have big feelings on all of the other things, legitimate feelings about them and opinions, but at the end of the day you're going to vote on, you know, what's affecting you and your family the most.

Speaker 1:

So so in the in the last 20 days or so, give or take um. If this didn't work which I don't think it did not the way they wanted it to, in fact, potentially made things worse. But what do you? What's the next tactic? I mean, do they bring Michelle out? Is that the next move? Do they have another move?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean this to me was, you know, such an epic failure of a move. I mean to bring Michelle out to what to give, like you said before. You know that now, the mom lecture, Well, the dad lecture didn't work. You know, let's bring mom out so she can tell him what to do. Yeah, She'll strong arm him and you know, by the way, does not help all of the memes and things that go on about her, which I'm not going to give any attention to, other than to acknowledge the fact that lots of things have been said about the femininity, or lack thereof, of Michelle Obama saying what he said. But whatever, that's a whole other thing. I think it distracts from what's really at hand and we can all have our feelings and opinions about that. But this was a massive misfire and you know it's kind of shocking. Again, I have to go back to the fact that it was Obama, you know, their beloved Obama, who misfired so dramatically Fascinating to me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think if they use Michelle, I think they use her in a little bit different capacity, and so there is a correlation. I read this late last week there's a correlation between female African-American voters and black African-American voters. In other words, the men do tend to follow or be influenced by the women in their life, whether it's their mother, sister, loved one, girlfriend, wife, whatever it is. There's a correlation there that's been studied over the last, I think, five or six presidential elections. So I think if they use Michelle, it is going to be to appeal to the female African-American population in a way of saying, hey, get your guy in line get him on board.

Speaker 1:

Because I think the direct approach to the African-American male was, as we've said, is a failure. So it's an end around right. So get their women to get them to get in line and vote for Vice President Harris. I think that's the only tact left in the very short amount of time there is, Sure.

Speaker 3:

And you know it's. It's funny not in a way, in the ironic way that you know. They've spent this entire time essentially ignoring the African-American community, the black community, basically ignoring them in place of the migrant community. They're illegals, are. They're big, you know, that's, that's their, that's their darling right now. And they have ignored the black community. Now, all of a sudden, they get the memo that, wait a minute, what? They're voting for? Trump, what? Oh, quick, let's do something. Obama, get out there, dad them, you know. And then, and of course, you got Kamala out there saying free weed, yeah, we're going to give you, we're going to legalize all the pot you can have and we're going to forgive your loans, and now she's talking about reparations. This is so obvious and, again, so lowbrow and insulting and demeaning to black men in particular and the black community as a whole, to sit there and affect your BS accents every time you're in front of you know, one crowd or another, uh, the most recent, somebody said Jamaican was the most recent.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I saw it.

Speaker 3:

I have not actually seen that one yet. I know it's slacker. I'm supposed to be on top of everything, kamala, yeah, I saw the Hispanic.

Speaker 1:

It's very brief, you know, it's her use of the word man, like she says, you know, and she says it maybe two or three times in an interview. It's not much, it's not as significant as some of the other ones that we've even shown on this show, but, yes, there's that and they're, you know, truthfully, the reaction is they're seeing through all of this stuff. You know, the we're going to legalize pot. You know that most States, or many States now it's legal anyway. So that's got very little appeal. Um, and truthfully, in the States where you've got dense urban populations who she's trying to appeal to, it's already legal anyway. So that's nothing. Um, but they even that they're seeing through and feeling it as an insult because it's like so you think you can buy me off with drugs, right, you know what I mean. So all of these things that they think are going to work are not working.

Speaker 1:

Um, that reaction to the what is it? $50,000, you know, business loan, that's basically free money. Um, even that's being torn apart. So she's offering, you know, african-american male small business. You know, start a small business, here's $50,000. It's not even a loan, it's free money. And every business minded person has looked at that and said, except for the fact that I'm going to take the 50, I'm going to open a business, then you're going to tax me so much in the first two years that I'm going to go out of business anyway. They're seeing through every one of these that they're trying to toss out there. So she's really, really in a hurt box right now with the African-American voters, and I think it's because, exactly what you said, they ignored them because they thought it was a given Right, like they didn't have to earn their vote. Yeah, they were just going to get it and now and now they don't have it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean, this is you know of, of all of the things that have um, they have put on display to show, to prove that they don't care about the app. They don't care about the American people as a whole, but they definitely do not care about the black community and, as a matter of fact, they want to keep the black community down. They want to keep anyone who's in poverty down, because they want you to need them. So, the sooner and people are catching on to it, more people are catching on to it and the more the better, because this is probably the icing on the cake of the. Don't give a you know what about you, and this is full on display. Don't give a you-know-what about you, and this is full-on display.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and you know this has been a point of discussion for years is the government dependency, the generated generational government dependency which you know, housing and welfare programs have you know generated essentially, I think we're probably less than a generation. We might be one generation away from breaking that. I think this generation, from what I've seen just in the reaction to this, this incident or this issue, is the awareness of that community coming to grips with the fact that they are being manipulated blatantly. I think is awesome. Manipulated blatantly, I think is awesome. I think we're about one generation from you know them breaking away from the government dependency model that the Democrats have relied on for 60 years.

Speaker 3:

Right, yeah, yeah, absolutely. It's um, it's wonderful, it's refreshing. Um, and who would have thought it would have been at their own hands, that they would be the ones you know showing their card like this, instead of us constantly trying to expose it and saying, look like, can you just look at what they're doing? Like, here's the proof. Come on, please look. And now they're just doing it themselves. They're just showing you how much they don't care. They don't care about you and, um, you know, if you think they're going to do these things for you right now that seem to be so good, wait until they get in. It's done, for it's over. Forget about you until the next election cycle, and I hope, I pray to God that we don't have to experience that. I pray to God that the right things happen and, as they like to say, we turn the page. We turn the page on all of this.

Speaker 1:

It's all about bringing joy Listen we got to bring joy.

Speaker 3:

right page. We turn the page on all of this.

Speaker 1:

It's all about bringing joy, you know, listen, listen, we got to bring joy right, Talking about somebody who's posing, posing as something they're not.

Speaker 3:

I can't this guy. There's a lot to talk about with him and I don't know how much we want to go into here. So of course we, you know, we have the, the, the video that we're talking about. Why we're um, you know, comparing them to Elmer Fudd.

Speaker 2:

It never fits quite right.

Speaker 4:

It's not quite right. How do you get it back, governor? What kind of gun is it? This is a Beretta A400. I brought. I bought it when I was shooting a lot of uh trap because it has a kind of their patented thing a kickoff.

Speaker 3:

So when you get old, it doesn't hurt your shoulders much. You know this guy is um. He's an embarrassment. On a good day. On a good day, he's an embarrassment. Talk to us about the video.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm a. I'm a lifelong bird hunter. I I've been, you know, pheasant hunting, which is exactly what governor walls was doing. Um, I've been pheasant hunting since I was about 10. So it's been going on for about 16 years. No, I'm just kidding, about 40 years I've been hunting pheasants. That for a guy who claims to be a lifelong hunter like I am.

Speaker 1:

Remember he said he used to carry a shotgun in his pickup truck so he could go hunt pheasants after football practice when he was in high school. He's older than I am. He's been doing this a long time, right, right. He also claimed in this video where he can't even load his own shotgun, okay, he says, oh, whoever's with him says you know what kind of gun is that, you know, governor? And he says, oh well, it's a Beretta A400. I bought this when I was shooting a lot of trap For those of you that aren't familiar with shotgun target shooting as a hobby, also something I do all the time.

Speaker 1:

You load and unload and reload and shoot and load and shoot and load it over and over, and over and over again. Like 25, a box of shells of 25 shells at a time. Over and over again, you build muscle memory in an instant. He can't figure out how to load this thing, which he supposedly bought when he was shooting a lot of trap. Okay, also an indicator that he's full of crap. Yes, lifelong pheasant hunter. He's in brand new, right off the Cabela's clearance rack hunting vest, brand new hat. He's got brush chaps on right, all of those things. And so all of this to somebody who is a true outdoorsman, for those of us that know, you look at that and you go no, right, my hunting vest. Right, you shoot a pheasant, you shoot a bird. Whatever it is, it's a little messy something there's blood involved.

Speaker 1:

It happens I have blood like there's. My vest is dirty, there's blood stains on it, right, it's it's. This guy looks like he just came out of a catalog, right um, and his team sucks so bad, you're so bad. They walked him and three guys walked for four hours. They saw one pheasant that they shot and lost it. Oh, the dogs couldn't even recover it. He never personally fired around like if you're going to do this as a photo op, put the man somewhere where there's some birds yeah, come on yeah, oh, and this all shows that the whole I'm a hunter, I'm a gun owner, I'm an outdoorsman.

Speaker 1:

It's all a lie.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, he is a profound liar, like profound he he is. That's all he does. His entire career, his entire existence is based on lies and he got away with them for as long as he did because nobody was really looking that hard, you know. And now here you are and he's probably you know, probably convinced himself that he's a good liar because he got away with it for this long. I don't think he really counted on the level. I don't know how he couldn't have, but I don't think he understood the level of scrutiny he would be under and how quickly his you know stupid lies would be unraveled and uncovered and all of the truths would come out. And you know, speaking of that and again, we won't yet go too far into it, but let's touch on the fact that there are some massive allegations going on One second because I'm going to applaud my partner, Elsa.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if I'm rubbing off on you or what, but Elsa had a habit for a while of jumping on whatever was the latest thing on social media and expressing her opinion. I was so proud of you. Was that yesterday? You posted that, yes.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, yes.

Speaker 1:

Elsa took a, got a screenshot of what we're talking about, which is an accusation from an unknown, unnamed source, that Governor Walz had an illicit affair with a male high school student and you said you know I'm going to take a pause with this. I'm going to wait for more evidence or information before I weigh in and add a girl. Well done, thank you. Very proud of you. Thank you. Yes, I noticed it. I noticed that you did that and I feel good.

Speaker 3:

It does. I'm like Papa Clay saw me be a big girl, so you know. So here's a little backstory. So there is an account on X, formerly Twitter put out a pretty explosive post, or potentially explosive post, basically saying I am in contact with this person who is now an adult and has made these allegations and has reached out to me and I am going to give you all of the receipts. And because this is X, you can't post everything all at once. I'm going to do it in a series of tweets, a whole thread, they call it.

Speaker 3:

So he put that very first thing out, put everybody on notice that he was going to be doing this. I screenshotted that, shared it and said this is coming out on X throughout the day. I will be watching it to see what comes out. So, which I did. So I'm following it. I think I get through probably about three posts. You know three in the first three go up. I read them.

Speaker 3:

I look at all of the information he's put up there, all of that stuff, lots of redacted things, no names, all that kind of stuff to protect the identity, you know as, as he was saying, and protect the identity. You know as, as he was saying, and you know, just kind of discernment. I guess it wasn't feeling right, it wasn't vibing and and I don't want to say that I want this to be true because I wouldn't wish that on anyone, uh, any victim for that to really have happened to them, I would love to see walls go down, cause I do think he is a, at the very best of times, a creepy dude, there is no question. So, a little more the alleged. Well, you talked about what was alleged, what has been confirmed by their own camp, by the Walls camp, because it looks like they tried to do maybe damage control here, maybe damage control here. So, a while back I don't have the dates A little while back, they put out something that said, yes, tim went to a Indigo's girl concert with a confused gay student and blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 3:

So they confirmed that this, this, actually happened, that they went to a concert together. So so For me, does that mean something indecent or inappropriate happened? Well, I mean yes, because that alone is inappropriate. Teachers and students do not hang out together. So, in the very best circumstance, he made a bad choice In the very worst circumstance. We already know what the worst circumstance is, which is what they are alleging claims to have private personal details that only somebody who would have been intimate with him would know. A lot of stuff flying around.

Speaker 3:

So this thread, this on X, is maybe about 14 posts in. I think I stopped. I stopped looking at it after about the third one. I said you know what this is until you can give us something concrete, you know until the victim. Unfortunately, unless this victim comes forward with this proof, you know too many inconsistencies. So yeah, and so again, to kind of close, close up my end of it, I do think inappropriate things happened. At the very least he took a minor to a concert alone, which is not appropriate. I guess time will tell, I don't know. I don't even think the, I don't think the walls or Harris walls camps are even acknowledging this, to the best of my knowledge. Is that right?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I haven't seen any of that and the thing that I would tell most people on the on the conservative side, truthfully, on the Republican side, remember the last you know couple of Supreme Court confirmation hearings and the accusations that were made, right, and how angry everyone was, and even about President Trump. You know, with this, you know this woman, these, you know there's these accusations, these women haven't come forward over 30 years or whatever it's been, and everybody's like, oh, they made it all up, blah, blah, blah. This has the potential to be exactly the same thing, flipped over by party.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Right so again, you know, think of it in the context of right and wrong, not red and blue, right, and until something provable, something with you know, some merit to it, comes forward, this is all, just, it's all white noise because it doesn't, it doesn't matter and no one should take it seriously until there is some proof. Yeah, because when it happened on the in the other direction, nobody was happy about that, right, right. So it's a lesson for everybody. But again, very proud of you for not overreacting and jumping in with both feet.

Speaker 3:

So yeah, yeah. And again, you know, I would, um, I would love to see walls go down in flames. Honestly, you know, politically, uh, socially, uh, I would like to see that because I truly do believe in my heart that he is a terrible person and I don't trust. I don't trust anything about. He grosses me out to an extreme that I actually like. If I saw the man in person I think I would physically recoil. He's so gross.

Speaker 1:

So again, just a personal opinion, you said it before. Ick factor he's got a high ick factor. There's nothing tangible, I think, for's nothing tangible. It's, you know, I, I think for me it's still that the way that he treated his son, you know dragging him, you know that, that, right, there was enough. But I, I don't wish, like you said, I don't wish the son of anybody, but I think everybody needs to take a breath, wait for something legitimate to come out of this before we we go too far, right, yeah.

Speaker 3:

And at the very least, you know if you want to look at it and if you, if none of the other ways to look at this um are effective, look at it from the personal sense of I don't want to be the one that looks like an idiot. You know what I mean. I don't want to be the one that looks stupid for jumping the gun here and you know, running with something that, um, you know is is not accurate. So we will wait, we will watch and see what happens with that and, of course, if we get anything really tangible, you know we'll certainly, we'll certainly address it, we'll share it, obviously, right.

Speaker 1:

For sure.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, want to move on. Yeah, let's move on to this guy. This guy loved this. This was so great.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he continues to knock it out of the park. I mean every public appearance, every instance he is on his game. The messaging is very clear.

Speaker 2:

He's not taking any bs from it and he jumps on incidents were limited to a handful of apartment conflicts, apartment complexes, and the mayor said our dedicated police officers have acted on those concerns. A handful of problems. Only, martha, do you hear yourself? Only a handful of apartment complexes in America were taken over by Venezuelan gangs, and Donald Trump is the problem, and not Kamala Harris's open border. Americans are so fed up with what's going on and they have every right to be.

Speaker 2:

And I really find this exchange, martha, sort of interesting, because you seem to be more focused with nitpicking everything that Donald Trump has said rather than acknowledging that apartment complexes in the United States of America are being taken over by violent gangs. I worry so much more about that problem than anything else here. We've got to get American communities in a safe space again and, unfortunately, when you let people in by the millions, most of whom are unvetted, most of whom you don't know who they really are, you're going to have problems like this. Kamala Harris 94 executive orders that undid Donald Trump's successful border policies. We knew this stuff would happen. They bragged about opening the border and now we have the consequences and we're living with it. We can do so much better, but, frankly, we're not going to do better, martha, unless Donald Trump calls this stuff out. I'm glad that he did.

Speaker 3:

Whack-a-mole yes. So first, her Martha and her ilk are despicable. Honestly, I find them to be vile, despicable people. The level of venom and open contempt and hatred that they show, without disguise, without reserve, towards JD Vance, towards President Trump, is so unprofessional and disgusting and should not be accepted at all. This is so disrespectful that and the American public on that side of things sits there and goes, oh, that's so good, you got him. No, you're supposedly a journalist. Okay, Do your job the way it's meant to be done Ask your questions.

Speaker 1:

No, you know, I mean it's so gross, but yeah it's no, it's the disregard for the American public, in the sense that you know she minimized everybody who lived in those handful carbon complexes right, we're those handful of apartment complexes, right, were victimized. Right, and listen, I saw, I've seen photos from when this was going on, right, when it was a live problem. You know you're talking 20 apartments, right, so 60, right, let's just throw 60 out there. I don't care if it's six, it doesn't matter. If you've got Americans, just like Senator Vance said, if you've got 60 Americans, families or individuals being victimized by illegal aliens, by a gang, you just turn around and say, well, it's just a handful. It's a handful compared to what? Because if you're living in that apartment complex in Martha which you would never do a handful wouldn't matter. If you're in the handful, yeah, you can't. You can't minimize the impact on American citizens like that by saying a handful.

Speaker 3:

Can you imagine those people if they were watching that? You know those families that were literally terrorized, terrorized by these illegal gang people, venezuelan, some of the Venezuelan gang members who terrorized. And you're sitting there watching this broadcast and hearing this woman say well, it's just a handful, so like big deal, like big whoop, stop making a big deal about it, wow, wow. And JD Vance man, like you said, that guy, he's just first, he's just on fire, doesn't miss a thing. And I'm so glad as soon as he said do you hear yourself? That was beautiful.

Speaker 3:

You know that was nominal.

Speaker 1:

Such a such a great line because he just it puts all the onus back on her. Every bit of it. She can't deny it because she said it Right, and it's like are you even listening to yourself? Like you are justifying, minimizing whatever you want to call it. You're making this okay, you're making this smaller than it is because it doesn't affect you and you want to get your message across and you want to lambast president Trump and you want to, you know, build up vice president Harris and all this crap, and you're doing it at the expense of the American people. It's despicable, it's gross, is what it is, and this is as bad as the 60 Minutes thing. It's just two examples of crap journalism. It's not even journalism. That's what they're claiming it to be, but it's just gross.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, it's so insulting. No-transcript. We'll see. We'll see. Brett Baer is going to be talking to Kamala Harris, right, and and I feel safe saying that he is going to be respectful and polite. Now we can. Lots of people have opinions about Fox, whether how, how conservative they really are and all this is. Set that aside for a minute. You know we're we're. You know Fox is considered to be the other side, right, you know the counter to CNN and all of these other ones, and, yes, I know there's some people commenting. You know that's questionable. Just go with me for a minute, like, right, no matter what, I know he's going to be respectful and polite and you know, hopefully, hopefully, he's going to press her and make her answer the questions or point out at the very least that he's not, that she's not answering the questions. You know she'll do her word salads. You know, my biggest contention just to kind of sidewind on that a little my biggest contention with that actually is that it's not going to be live.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and we all thought it was going to be until I think this morning it came out that it was going to be recorded, but it's going to be unedited. I know that Brett Baer is smart enough to know that he is going to be under scrutiny for no matter what he does. So if he pushes too hard, it's a tightrope that he's going to walk, but if he pushes too hard it's going to look bad. If he doesn't push hard enough, it's going to look bad. Like you know, he's in an unenviable position, but it's going to be the toughest interview that she's going to go through. But back to this thing with with Martha. Could you imagine and again, let's say 60, right, let's just say 60 apartments. We have less, um, you know how many? How many school shootings are there a year? Right, I mean five, nationwide, less, probably. Could you imagine if a reporter said it's just a handful, it's just a handful of school shootings.

Speaker 3:

What a great comparison to make.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, holy cow, like the roof would come off, that person would be fired, like it would be, you know, gone and you're you're. You're talking about violent crime, right? No matter what, it's horrific, it's not something anybody wants, but she minimized it and that's what's unacceptable, and I love the fact that he called her out and he did it with no hesitation whatsoever.

Speaker 3:

Oh, he called her out. Good, he called her out. Good, yeah, and you know, and just just the fact, just acknowledging that fact, that this is America, this is the United States of America, and since when is it acceptable for anybody to come in and terrorize people and take over establishments like it's, you know, the wild, wild west here? It is not this is civilized America Unacceptable. No matter what, whether it's one or a hundred or a thousand or two, doesn't matter the number. This is America, yep, unacceptable.

Speaker 1:

So yeah good on you. You know who gets it. You know who gets it.

Speaker 1:

I know who gets it 16,000 border patrol officers who get it, and that's why they came out this week. And we've talked about the unions, right? A couple of weeks ago it was the longshoremen, and not all unions are created equal. Let's get that straight. Okay, teamsters said we're not endorsing anybody, right? They said we're not doing that. The firefighters union said we're not endorsing anybody, but now you've got the border patrol. I think it's their union, but I think it's called the council, the border patrol council, I think is what it's actually called, but it's their.

Speaker 1:

Employee union has come out, press conference and everything, podium, the whole nine yards and they endorsed loudly president Trump over vice president Harris for this election.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, it would have been shocking if they didn't. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think even even if they took the teamsters tact or the fireman's tact of saying we're not endorsing anybody, you know that would have been a statement in and of itself, sure, but I think, you know, a lot of people have a problem with this because they are federal employees, but they are and they are unionized, right, but you know that's a, that's an employee base, because it's the employees that are saying this and that's you know. It's a big deal for them to weigh in on this as law enforcement and really, the people who are sitting at ground zero with the border issue, with the open border, closed border issue. Nobody knows this better than they do. As to this past three and a half, almost four years, and the four years before that, Nobody knows better than they do.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely what, um, what do you think the reasoning is that they waited till now to do it? Do you think this was like a contentious thing within the union, that there wasn't a consensus and that they had to? You know cause? This is like down to the wire, really to.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if it's a uh, I doubt it's a content or a consensus issue. I really I'm sure that most, the vast vast majority I would bet it's not even close, um, you know support president Trump.

Speaker 3:

That's what I would imagine too, yeah.

Speaker 1:

But what? I think, if there was a deliberate reason for the delay, for the timing of this, I would assume that it is. Uh, it probably has to do with the leadership. So you've got, you know, the Border Patrol leadership was probably trying to minimize this as much as humanly possible. Sure, but but the, but the, the, you know the badged officers. The guys are out there on horseback and in their white SUVs and driving the fence line and, and you know, running around up on the New York state Canada border and and you know all that stuff. Those are the folks that said this and you know, I. I would bet it has something to do with the messaging and less to do with the timing, but I doubt, I don't think it's a consensus issue. I really, really doubt that. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

I would. I mean, I would find it hard to imagine that that would be the case. But, um, you know, the only thing I could say is her, her most recent publicity stunt. You know that wasn't the most recent, but that being that, it was really a blatant publicity stunt, I think she, I think that the word is that she was essentially there for about 20 minutes when you know her little border visit there, get a little handshake, pretended to be really interested in what they were saying, and then, you know, the heck out of there. You know that could not have done her any good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I wonder if that that's a great point. I wonder if that pushed them over the edge. Maybe they were at a point where they were just not even not going to endorse anyone, but they might not even have said anything, you know just like not not taking a public position and not even taking no position publicly, just let it go and roll through the election.

Speaker 1:

But you never know, I mean that little publicity stunt could have really really pissed them off and drove them to make this decision. That's a great point. I'd forgotten about that. And, and you know that was the first of two in a week. I mean, did you hear about the whole cargo plane North?

Speaker 3:

Carolina, no, I don't think I did.

Speaker 1:

No, yeah, after everything that happened with the hurricane Helene, she went to a I don't know where exactly, but she did go to where there was an Air National Guard C-17 aircraft big jet cargo plane and they were made to load relief supplies onto this plane for backdrop, and it was in North Carolina. The plane wasn't going anywhere.

Speaker 1:

Like they literally loaded it with no intent of that thing ever flying and it was all for backdrop for her photo op. Wow, that's been. I have heard that confirmed by a number of different sources in a number of different places. So yeah, I think a couple of those bad you know optics in one week have not done her any favors and I. That's a great point. I wonder if this one just pushed the BPS folks over the edge and they were just like you know what, screw it and then you know endorsed.

Speaker 3:

Trump. She has made such a long series of missteps.

Speaker 1:

understatement Her team sucks. They are so bad, it's unbelievable.

Speaker 3:

And it's like again how is this not deliberate sabotage? How is this like genuinely accidental? I mean, you have, you have, um, well, you have Biden throwing her under the bus right, backstabbing her right, like more than once, a couple of times, too many times for it to be just sold senile Joe. You know like those were pretty deliberate.

Speaker 1:

Well discussion I saw just the other day on that topic specifically. That was um Kamala Harris's team. Vice president Harris's team is upset with the White House staff because the White House staff hasn't been coordinating events with them. So they're deconflicted. And the White House turned around and told them that's not how this works. We're the White House, he's the president, you coordinate with us, right, we're not working around your schedule. You come and talk to us. You're still a subordinate. That's a huge thing too. It's just bad.

Speaker 3:

It's so bad. You got to figure that Jill is sitting there and steam coming out of her ears, that this this chicky here she thinks she's running the show. I'm still in charge here. I got days left, or whatever it is, and I'm going to make it worth every minute and we're going to, you know. So, oh, to be a fly on the wall with all of those things. But you know, but there are, there's a lot of, you know, deliberate, accidental sabotage. Did you see? Did you see Bill Clinton?

Speaker 4:

Did you see that one?

Speaker 3:

I have, so here's what I have.

Speaker 1:

Another border, another related to the border.

Speaker 3:

Yes, with Lake and Riley basically calls, calls her, calls out this administration on that. That was a shocker. So you have, you have Biden technically well, you have Biden, you have Clinton and you technically kind of have Obama throwing her under the bus you know whether it was deliberate or not basically just shining that light of incompetence right on her. And if you haven't seen, guys, if you haven't seen the Bill Clinton one, I'm going to show it to you. But unfortunately you're stuck with one of my impersonations too, because it's part of a little montage I did of all three of them. Right, listen, here's the thing I'm very happy and privileged and proud really to know and share with you that I have the full support of my colleagues. You know, bill Clinton.

Speaker 2:

Got a case in Georgia not very long ago, didn't you? They made an ad about a young woman who'd been killed by an immigrant. Yeah well, if they'd all been properly vetted, that probably wouldn't have happened Right, not to mention Barack Obama, okay.

Speaker 4:

We have not yet seen the same kinds of energy and turnout in all quarters of our neighborhoods and communities as we saw when I was running. Now I also want to say that that seems to be more pronounced with the brothers.

Speaker 3:

Part of it makes me think that, well, you just aren't feeling the idea of having a woman as president and, not least of all, my guy, my buddy, my pal right, my friend Joe Biden.

Speaker 4:

The governor of Florida has been cooperative. He said he's gotten all that he needs.

Speaker 1:

I talked to him again yesterday and I said I said no, you're doing a great job, it's being all being done well.

Speaker 4:

We thank you for it and I literally gave my personal phone number to call.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I don't know, you know how, are these not calculated moves to undermine her and make her look bad? As a lot of coincidences otherwise?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's. You know we've talked about all these, you know most of these. Individually and collectively, it looks 10 times worse. You know it's a lack of coordination, it's a lack of you know every. And you'll have people that'll say, oh well, she's all, she just got thrown in the race, she just got it doesn't matter. Like these, you know Bill Clinton knows what he's doing. He, that day, president Biden took the good meds. He knew what he was saying too. And we said President Obama was probably trying and failing miserably, which is not like him. He's about the smoothest talker around and it just it all looks bad. And I still say I stick with this. I still say they gave up on this campaign a long time ago. This is, this is about they're just getting through it. It's about 2028. And you know they're just trying not to lose the down ticket. I'm convinced they don't coasting out the remainder of the time here partying in the halls of the White House.

Speaker 3:

Probably, you know, probably got more bags. Now I'm going to say it, I'll let it go, I'll let that go, let's just leave it at. They're probably having quite the quite the good old time there.

Speaker 1:

You know, and it'll probably be. I don't know if you remember this when the clintons left the, the white house, do you remember them with that, with the um keyboards?

Speaker 3:

oh, that's right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, lots of shenanigans, I'm sure all the all the w's off of all the keyboards. Yeah, right, because they were coming, bush was coming in behind them. I think you're going to see some of the same petty bs. You know, as the biden administration leaves no, truthfully, no matter who wins, but especially if you know, if vice president Harris loses, which she's probably gonna, I think you're going to see the same petty crap come out of the current administration. It's shameful, but I think it's a gimme. But you know we keep having there's more examples of just how how somebody used the word smarmy the other day, which I hadn't heard in a long time, but that's appropriate.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's pretty fitting, right, you know smarmy, Because we've got this now right, We've got you say it.

Speaker 3:

Let's see if I can do it. I wrote it. Can I say it? Kamalama plagiarama.

Speaker 1:

I did it right on the first try Close enough. Yeah, I Most of the first try, most.

Speaker 3:

of the first try? Yeah, I think so. Kama wait, kamalama plagiarama. Yeah, we're going with it. Kamalama plagiarama.

Speaker 1:

There we go.

Speaker 3:

Don't make me say it 10 times fast. Yes, yes, so Kami caught out. And again, you know, as you have said in the past, you know the internet, internetting, right, you say it better, I thought, does what the internet does. It sure as heck does. And sure enough, somebody came up and did some research on her book and I may have taken a little liberties with the book cover there. Hang on, we got to move the banner out of the way. Amateur hour over here, good grief, but yeah, so back in what? Is it 2009?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, somewhere in there yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, uh, cammy wrote a book about being uh, what is it again? Tough on crime. No, what is it? Oh, smart on crime, that's right, yeah, that's right. Smart on crime. Duh, um, and somebody, you know, one person, finally read the book and said wait a minute, I don't think she wrote this. And sure as heck. Not only did she lift some phrases here and there, some terminology, whole sections lifted, copy and pasted from Wikipedia.

Speaker 1:

Of all places Come on.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I just I can't.

Speaker 1:

Wikipedia. You can't even use Wikipedia as a source for any research whatsoever. Like, no, no high, you know, um, you know university. No higher education establishment accepts Wikipedia as a source? No, because it can be edited by anybody, you know. But you're right, lifted whole, you know sections out of there. Um, and, and it's blatant, I guess this guy is like super Snopes, like this is all he does is research people's research and goes through and checks their sources, and this is I don't know. He seems like he should be a character on Big Bang Theory or something.

Speaker 3:

I don't know. Yeah, no kidding, no kidding, he found all of this.

Speaker 3:

He checked sources and came across this and it looks really bad among people who saw this and know about it and they're like it just doesn't matter. It doesn't matter to them, it does not matter to the left that their installed nominee is a plagiarist, is a liar, is a panderer, is an idiot. It doesn't, they don't care, it doesn't matter to them. And you know, that's the most disheartening part, when you still see people who are like I'm with her, you know, whatever stupid things that they say, like they, just they don't even care enough to come up with a new slogan for like. Isn't that from Hillary? You know, I'm with her. They're like I'm with her. Okay, well, I guess I'm with her now. Like that's what they should have underneath now. Now, I'm with her, now.

Speaker 1:

That was the first. That was the first slogan that came out. It came out the day after she got named. I wrote a blog about it because I was like, wait a minute, like they knocked the dust off.

Speaker 3:

She's not even worth a new slogan guys Come on. Yeah, so bad but you're right.

Speaker 1:

So few people care. Um, truthfully, they've made up their mind it doesn't matter. You know when? When is it going to matter? Um, I'm sure after the, after the election's over with, and when she's unemployed. Yeah, um, there will be a publisher somewhere, not her publisher, no, but the publishers of the people that she plagiarized, and the people that she plagiarized, if they're even still alive, yeah Right.

Speaker 3:

They are going to come after her.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I guarantee it, especially the authors that she plagiarized. Um, there's, there will be a civil lawsuit. Somebody will cause she, I'm sure she made a bunch of money off of that book because people are going to buy it just to see Um and, and so they will sue her for plagiarism and they will take her. Not that she mattered, not that that matters, but they will take her royalties, right. And you know, eventually that book will go out of print because it's her publisher is going to be forced to take it out of print, right.

Speaker 3:

I mean, let's face it, we're all pretty sure it's in the Barnes and Noble discount bin there. You know, 75% off, it's probably like $1.29 now With tax.

Speaker 1:

With tax, yeah, which in California makes it $13.

Speaker 3:

Yes, exactly, oh, my goodness gracious. So, yeah, I mean, what's going to come of that? Nothing other than all of us going. Just another thing, just another thing to tack on to this big oh will.

Speaker 1:

Will Brett Baer ask her about it?

Speaker 3:

Oh, I hope so People. So Brett Baer posted on X asking people what do you want me to ask her? Yeah, you know, and a lot of interesting, a lot of interesting things there. But yeah, that's definitely high on the list. You know, like, call her out on this, what do you have to say about it there? But yeah, that's definitely high on the list. You know, like, call her out on this, what do you have to say about it? So many things that I really really hope that he asks her and then follows up on and then presses for an answer. You know, although I, you know, I don't know how much he can press, he's got 30 minutes right, it's a 30 minute interview.

Speaker 1:

So they're saying 20 to 30 minutes of content on it, and this is so. This is going to be our game for the week, right?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Cause we are going to talk about this next week that may.

Speaker 3:

Depending on how that all goes, it may be a whole episode of its own right.

Speaker 1:

We may get an hour's worth of content out of her 30 minutes of content, but there's no question about it. The question, the question right now, is how many questions is he actually going to get to ask her? Right, because she's going to go into delay. Right, she's going to drag these out. She knows there's a clock running, so she's going to keep the answers, she's going to make them as long as possible and oh, by the way, I'm also going to speculate that she's going to use the debate tactic of he's going to ask her a question and then she's going to go. Well, let me go back to that last question. So I'm going to guess the over under on true questions, not like we're not talking. Barbara Walters, what kind of tree would you be Like? Real questions. I'm going to set it at like six. He's going to ask no more than six real questions in the 30 minutes that she's there.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Because it takes her 20 minutes just to get the first part of the answer right. She has to do all of her failure stuff. Well, listen, let me be clear and in terms of, and the significance of, and she explained all of that.

Speaker 1:

What's that? The Charlemagne, the God interview that she just did. He asked her about all of that and what she basically said talk about telling America you're stupid. She said well, I repeat things because that's the only way people learn. If I don't, people don't retain things unless you say it at least three times. That's why I keep saying the same things over and over and over again is so that people remember that.

Speaker 3:

Because we're so dumb. We remember we remember how to be unburdened and we remember.

Speaker 4:

You know the significance of the passage of time.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to ripping it to shreds, to be perfectly honest, and having some, uh, some video content to make from it, some more mockeries of her, and all that. Um, listen, I have some exciting news. I don't know if you saw this yet, but um, did you see, guys? I got my page back. I got my Facebook page back. This is so.

Speaker 3:

I found out, completely by accident, I was going to share something from the new page to my personal page and I started typing in the show name, my show name, the Elsa Kurt show, and the original page name came up. So, if you don't know, maybe you know. Uh, the new page is called the Elsa Kurt show 2.0. The old page, the original page, was simply called the Elsa Kurt show and that name came up and I'm looking at it and I have this huge moment of confusion of trying to understand why that's there. It's supposed to have 2.0 after it. What, what's happening? And then dawning is coming over me and I'm like I click on it and it's my darling, it's my page back. I just I can't even get over it. But yes, I came back to it, it's here, it's fully functioning. I am back on it 100% and we. This was yesterday.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Yesterday or the day before I opened it up, to see that it was at 169,000 followers. Today it is at 177 or 78,000 followers. It's just. I'm so humbled and so grateful and I'm still in shock that it's back. So if you guys didn't know this, if you haven't been following along with the saga, there's the whole story in a nutshell the Elsa Kurt Show is back. We're keeping 2.0 as a backup page. Big exciting news number two, my book series Welcome to Chance, is re-releasing on my birthday, october 24th. Blah, blah, blah, yada, yada. I'm so happy, clay, close them out with all your info.

Speaker 1:

No, it's great. That's fantastic. I saw it yesterday. So happy that you got your page back. Thank you, because what that means for us and for the viewers is that they can watch it live on Facebook again, live being the live release of a recorded episode.

Speaker 3:

Not live.

Speaker 1:

But they can watch it on Facebook, which we used to have a ton of people and great interaction when it was on there. Glad to have that back. It's a great place for all of our listeners, especially if they don't like YouTube. But lots going on and we will talk about Kamala and Brett Baer next week. That's a guarantee. Can't wait for it. And until then, as always for me, keep moving, keep shooting.

Speaker 3:

Thanks, guys, take care.