The Elsa Kurt Show
Elsa Kurt is an American actress, comedian, podcast producer & host, social media entertainer, and author of over twenty-five books. Elsa's career began first with writing, then moved into the unconventional but highly popularized world of TikTok, where she amassed an organic following of 200K followers and over 7 billion views of her satirical and parody skits, namely her viral portrayal of Vice President Kamala Harris, which attracted the attention of notable media personalities such as Michael Knowles, Mike Huckabee, Brit Hume, and countless media outlets. She's been featured in articles by Steven Crowder's Louder with Crowder, Hollywood in Toto with Christian Toto, and JD Rucker Report. In late 2022, Elsa decided to explore more acting opportunities outside of social media. As of August 2022, Elsa will have appearances in a sketch comedy show & an independent short film series in the fall. Elsa is best known for her comedic style and delivery, & openly conservative values. She is receptive to both comedic and dramatic roles within the wholesome/clean genres & hopes to adapt her books to film in the future. #ifounditonamazon https://a.co/ekT4dNO
Elsa's Books: https://www.amazon.com/~/e/B01E1VFRFQ
As of Sept. 2023, Author, Veteran, & commentator Clay Novak joins Elsa in the co-host seat. About Clay:
Army Officer
Clay Novak was commissioned in 1995 as a Second Lieutenant of Infantry and served as an officer for twenty four years in Mechanized Infantry, Airborne Infantry, and Cavalry units . He retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in 2019.
Clay is a graduate of the U.S. Army Ranger School and is a Master Rated Parachutist, serving for more than a decade in the Airborne community. He was deployed a combined five times to combat in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Serving in every leadership position from Infantry Platoon Leader to Cavalry Squadron Commander, Clay led American Soldiers in and out of combat for more than two decades.
Growing up in a family of hunters and shooters, Clay has carried on those traditions to this day. Whether building guns, hunting, shooting for recreation, or carrying them in combat , Clay Novak has spent his life handling firearms.
Keep Moving, Keep Shooting is the first novel for Clay. You can also read his Blog on this website and see more content from Clay on his Substack.
Media Consultant
Clay has appeared on radio and streaming shows as a military consultant, weighing in on domestic and foreign policy as well as global conflict. He has also appeared as a guest on multiple podcasts to talk about Keep Moving, Keep Shooting and his long military career.
Get Clay's book: https://amzn.to/47Bzx2H
Visit Clay's site: Clay Novak (claynovak-author.com)
The Elsa Kurt Show
Debate Dramatics: A Closer Look at Presidential and Vice Presidential Performances
Is the modern political debate nothing more than a well-rehearsed show? Join us as we dissect the recent presidential debate, which seemed more like a theatrical performance than a serious political discussion. I recount the spontaneous decision to host a lively watch party despite the logistical hurdles, while Clay shares his preference for an undistracted viewing experience. We scrutinize the candidates' antics, particularly one who struggled with the split-screen format, turning the debate into a spectacle rather than a meaningful exchange of ideas.
Switching gears, we tackle the vice presidential showdown, highlighting the standout performance of one participant who masterfully balanced composure and strategy, albeit with heavily scripted content. We delve into her attempts to unsettle her opponent and the moderators' glaring lack of live fact-checking. Our critique doesn't shy away from her perpetuation of falsehoods about major events like Charlottesville and January 6th, and we analyze a crucial moment where she addressed the former president's actions.
Our episode continues with a deep dive into the pervasive issue of misinformation in debates and the missed opportunities for effective rebuttal. We evaluate how key figures strategically spread false narratives and the troubling implications of unchallenged inaccuracies. Analyzing the debate between Kamala Harris and her opponent, we explore how neither managed to decisively win over undecided voters. The episode wraps up with a discussion on the surprising political influence of celebrity endorsements, especially Taylor Swift's unexpected support, and its potential impact on the upcoming election. Don't miss our updates and reflections that promise to keep you informed and engaged.
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It's the Elsa Kurtz Show with Clay Novak Conservative views on world news Brought to you by the Wellness Company. Prepare for the unexpected and Refuge Medical. And now it's time for the show.
Speaker 2:Well, hello everybody. Guess what we're going to be talking about today, as if it's hard to guess what the topic is, the debate. If we're calling it a debate, right? Clay and I decided we were just going to call it theater. It's just theater, right.
Speaker 1:It is theater and it was exhausting theater.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:Terrible.
Speaker 2:Awful, awful. We'll get into it right after this. All right, so we're calling it the debate recap, but really it's just the the theatrics recap.
Speaker 3:I should have titled that. It's a performance review. Yeah, that's all it was, that's it.
Speaker 2:So I watched till about 10 PM. That's when I I pulled the plug. I decided to as you already know, clay, letting our, our people know I decided to go live. I decided, like pretty much at the last minute, like about I hemmed and hawed all day Cause I really didn't even want to watch it. I just wanted to watch the low lights, you know, the next day, and just get all my clips and, and you know, go from there. But I, uh, I, I put my big girl pants on and and I uh pulled in, uh, got about a I don't know. I think I said somewhere around like 230, 250, somewhere in that range a bunch of buddies from the internet. We sat around and watched it together, yeah.
Speaker 1:You know, just so everybody knows Elsa. She literally threw that at me. About 20 minutes before the debate started I got an email and a text message. She was trying to get a hold of me.
Speaker 2:I did that's so true, that's how late it was Jump in on this and I was like nope, yeah, I was out of my mind to to even think that I'm taking the banner down, cause I always forget to. Uh, did I take it down? I did. Um, I think of these things last minute and I, you know, I kind of forget like the people around me actually have lives, like they actually are doing things with their life and they don't just, you know, aren't available on a whim to do silly things. But, yes, no, I totally understood. I was laughing at myself as I sent that to you, clay. I'm like what do you think? Listen?
Speaker 1:I normally I, I. There's a lot of times where I will jump in and and I'll get in on stuff like that I, I'll do things at the last minute. I have no problem with that, but but I actually have a problem like those types of events. Yeah, I, I just want to sit and focus, and I sometimes can get very distracted by conversation and those kinds of things, and I really just wanted to focus on on the debate itself, um, and and what was being said. And I knew if I got in there and it wouldn't have mattered if you had two people or 200 people, if I was in there I'd have been focusing on that and everything else going on and not on the debate, and so that's that's why I opted out of that one, but I do appreciate the offer.
Speaker 2:Anytime. Anytime, it's always an open offer. So, yeah, so it is. It was a little.
Speaker 2:It is a little tricky, like, first of all, the whole logistics of it. I've never done that before, I've never hosted a watch party. So I, as per usual, I made a decision, threw it out there and then went. I actually don't know how to do that, I don't know. I don't know how to do that. So I spent, like you know, it didn't take long, it was actually relatively quick. I'm sure there were easier ways that I could do this, but I'm notorious for not asking anyone for help. So I figured it out. It worked. It was fine. We watched it. You know I was over on. Well, the exact same spot I'm on on the screen here and I had in your spot was the um, was the video, and I was very proud of myself that I figured it all out. But it was tricky because, you know, along the um, the right side of my screen, I have all the comments coming up, you know so. So I'm like focusing on talking at appropriate times.
Speaker 2:Engaging, watching, talking. Engaging is a little navigating to to be done, but I kind of liked it. It was fun. It was a great crowd in there very interactive and, um, you know, we were all. I think there was maybe one or maybe even two people from the opposite side of things, opposite perspective. They were, they were respectful, they were fine. Um, you know, it was, it was totally fine, but generally it was all like-minded people in there and we were noticing all the same things, you know, and that, right off the bat, clay, right off the bat with the hands, with the hands all over the place doing this. They stopped her from from cackling for the most part, but they forgot to tell her about the hands.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I wondered, cause I noticed it right away too. You know I come from. You know, half of my family is Italian and Italians are notorious for talking with their hands. I'm guilty of it too. I do it, Um, but uh, but with the, I don't know if. If they knew, I assume they did the screen, you know, viewing like what the audience was going to see. Obviously she was going to be on camera, Right, I think they were told that there was going to be split screen, Otherwise her facial you know all the facial while President Trump was talking yes, On purpose. So I have to assume she knew it was going to be on camera. So the hands thing, you're right, that is something that a, a practiced and professional speaker, um, would have coached her not to do, Cause it's super distracting.
Speaker 2:Utterly. It's all I could focus on from the moment I noticed it. That and, of course, the, the, the facial expressions, the nonstop um. You know, I hope that woman never plays poker, that's all I can say. No poker for her.
Speaker 3:I'll play her Right, I know Right, yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, for her own sake, no poker. But yeah so I'll even like backtrack to like the very first moment of them coming on stage. So you know they must. Our team must've said you got to do like a power play. When you get out there, you walk right over at him and you shake his head.
Speaker 1:But it immediately had me laughing, because she, she shakes his hand, she goes kamala harris, no, no, duh, no, duh, you dork in all of the pre-game, in all the pre-game that was going on on all the networks abc I was watching abc and it was. They probably said it in the just the last 15 minutes before they switched over to the live coverage. They probably said that the two of them had never met in person. I'm not kidding. A dozen times, right, that's pretty funny. So it was over and over and over again. So they knew what she was going to do. Right, again, people who don't play poker like we're not going to notice these things, but they said it over and over and over again.
Speaker 1:And then I thought, exactly the same thing you did, which was absolute power play. You know, you could see it literally as she got on camera. That's where she was going. He, truthfully, was unaffected, didn't give a crap one way or the other. You know, you know, and I guess there's a cordial thing that probably should have happened. His team probably should have anticipated that, and maybe they did, and maybe his plan all along was stand there and ignore. Ok, fine, I don't, I don't like the tactic, but I you know, but the hilarity of what she said, introducing herself first and last name. The only thing that would have made it worse was if she said Vice President Kamala Harris. You know, that's the only thing that would have made it worse was if she said vice president Kamala Harris. You know, that's the only thing that would have made it worse.
Speaker 2:That would have been perfect, perfect, perfect, yeah. So, like right off the bat, it was cringe factor, I was already gone. Uh and um, and yes, I definitely, definitely, believe a hundred percent that the ignoring her believe a hundred percent that the ignoring her, the never even glancing in her direction, was his power play, you know, very undermining to her. You know in in traditional standards it would be considered very disrespectful. So that's also deliberate, you know that she's I think the whole message is is you're not even worthy looking at, you know.
Speaker 1:I don't just agree with you, but I think that would have been and you know we'll talk more in depth about what happened during the, during the debate itself. But if he paired that the no, look like I'm not looking at you, paired that with I'm also not listening to you, like a sense of every time he rebutted don't worry about her, don't worry about what she's saying. What she's saying doesn't make sense. What she's saying is not true. Let me tell you what's going on. And if he had done that, it all would have pieced together very well.
Speaker 1:We'll get to how much bait he took last night, but I think that was a very disconnected thing. I agree with you. No, looking was definitely on purpose, no question about it. He curtailed his facial expressions, which, again, I think was on purpose. There was only a few of his kind of shake your head kind of things, but he didn't look at her and he definitely curtailed his facial expressions, definitely curtailed his facial expressions. But did you notice, like they said it before it started, she's going to take the right podium. You know the right side and you noticed her podium was shorter than his Right. Yes, so, while freestanding podiums and no notes, it wouldn't have mattered because they altered the podium. Right, she had a proportional. They may as well have sat down. Yeah, exactly, the podium Right, she had a proportional. They may as well have sat down. Yeah, exactly, you know exactly His physical size in the split screen.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they look the same Right, yeah, All very deliberate, obviously, of course, all very orchestrated. Uh, you know, to state the obvious, everyone and I can, you cannot, I would be in such disbelief if anyone on the left said there was no bias. You know, all you need is eyes and ears to to see how biased and hear how biased everything was from from the moment, Well, from the moment of conception, really, of this whole debate, you know. So that's just another prime example of everything being skewed to favor her. I mean, we're going to talk in length about the moderators. That really was the biggest low light. I refuse to call them highlights of the event. Those were the biggest low lights in my mind because the two of them did everything that I think we all expected them to do. You know, within range. The moderators obviously we expected that, we anticipated the likelihood of that, but to have it so bold and undisguised was just a wow factor for me.
Speaker 1:Yeah, well, I mean we'll, we'll get to that, but let's, what do you think? Give me your assessment of of her. How did she do? I mean, she's your, you know my alter ego.
Speaker 2:How do you?
Speaker 1:how do you feel she did overall, take out the moderators? Sure, just how do you think she did?
Speaker 2:Well, I actually think she did fine. I actually, I genuinely think she did fine. Um, she uh, well, let me cause I me, because now everybody watching is like what she did? Fine for her. She got all her points out that she wanted to make Her entire. Everything was highly, highly scripted, highly rehearsed. We'll talk about the earrings in a minute too. The possibility of that. Her delivery was her fine. She gave us nothing of substance. We knew that was going to be the case. So when I say she did well, I say that in the context that she kept herself from cackling. She delivered her her points that she wanted to get across or that her team wanted to drive across. Um, she succeeded in I think she succeeded a little bit in rattling uh, trump, you know, to get him on the defensive, which I agree with you, what you said before, that, um, if he had just like, anyhow, you know, did that kind of thing like hush silly woman, here's really what you know blah, blah of thing Like hush silly woman, here's really what you know blah, blah, blah.
Speaker 2:And he did that a few times. There were definitely times where he did that. So, yeah, I mean, how about you? What do you think?
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think she. I agree with your assessment that she did well for her. You know there were a lot of the false narratives. It still baffles me to to this day that all of the things that have been debunked over and over and over again yeah, that keep getting brought up right. Charlottesville has been debunked right, she brought it right. President trump's association with 20. You know. Project 2025 debunked right, she brought it up multiple times. She brought it up Right.
Speaker 1:You know the and again we'll get to the moderators, but the. You know the topic of abortion, which we knew was going to come up. You know she, she exaggerated all of that. You know she played on and prayed on, unfortunately, the lack of education and, in the proper term, ignorance of a lot of Americans on how the government works, making claims of I will pass a law, I will sign into law, I will sign, a bit like she. There were so many times that she claimed to have powers that she just doesn't have.
Speaker 1:But she's playing the game and that is what I think she did very well last night. The delivery was better than I anticipated. The hands were bad, the no cackling was good, the facial expressions were. You know, people would take offense to those. I think they were in the decorum of debate, probably over the top, but I think she did a very good job of playing the game. She was the lawyer. She was the lawyer last night. I'm going to say it, I'm going to put it out there. The stenographer is going to do their thing and then the other side is going to object and it's going to be stricken from the record. But the jury heard it. You can't take that back. And she played that game very, very well last night.
Speaker 2:You know perfect analogy.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I hate to give her credit, but she did her lawyer thing last night and she did it pretty well.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yep, I agree, and you know, and all that matters for them, well, a couple of things. Well, all that matters for them is to get it out there because, from you know, from her mouth to her supporters ears, is instant truth. You know, it's just, it's a, it just confirms what they already believe to be true. She put it out there. She knew that she was not going to get fact-checked live by the moderators. Nobody was going to fact-check her so she could throw out all of those things you know. So they already had it orchestrated. As to how this was going to go, I'm going to say X, y and Z Doesn't matter, that it's not true, you know. And but we're going to fact check Trump every chance we get. We have a it's like a just over a minute clip of it's a really good clip, and then, and then we'll break it down. It down. I have like all my little cheat sheet here and and we'll break it down. So here's the clip, guys nancy pelosi was responsible.
Speaker 2:She didn't do her job. The question was about you as president, not about former speaker pelosi, but I do want vice president harris to respond here I was at the capitol on january 6th.
Speaker 3:I was the vice president-elect, I was also an acting senator. I was there and on that day the president of the United States incited a violent mob to attack our nation's capital, to desecrate our nation's capital. On that day, 140 law enforcement officers were injured and some died. And understand, the former president has been indicted and impeached for exactly that reason. But this is not an isolated situation. Let's remember Charlottesville, where there was a mob of people carrying tiki torches, spewing anti-Semitic hate, and what did the president then at the time say? There were fine people on each side. Let's remember that when it came to the Proud Boys, a militia, the president said the former president said stand back and stand by. So for everyone watching who remembers what January 6th was, I say we don't have to go back. Let's not go back. We're not going back. It's time to turn the page.
Speaker 2:So she packed in as many lies as she possibly could in a very short period of time, and that was, of course, orchestrated, like when you get your turn, you know. When you get to this part, here's what you have to say Get it all in as fast as you can. Make sure you hit all of those points. Don't worry about fact checking, we already know. So we'll go down that list. So the first thing Trump says Pelosi is responsible for security. We'll go down that list. So the first thing Trump says Pelosi is responsible for security. Then, of course, moderator intervenes, give some really snarky comment and doesn't even acknowledge the validity of of what he said. So then, let's see. So then they redirect right away to Kamala and that sets her up for, you know, for her long answer. So this is a whole setup, you know, perfectly orchestrated. So let's see.
Speaker 2:So the second thing she says that she was at the Capitol on J6, she left out the part that she was only there in the morning, but then she left to go to DNC headquarters before the riot. So it omitted that, you know. Just just let everybody think that she was there for the duration she was. You know she was involved, she was affected deeply. No, she was gone for the entire. She was there for a little while and she was the heck out of there. Number three she says Trump incited a mob to attack the Capitol, which obviously we all know is false. His peacefully and patriotically comments are completely ignored, which he said this has been. You know, I mean, this video is out there to this minute. All you got to do is look it up, no matter how much they tried to suppress it. So, yeah, so he was never charged with inciting violence, so no fact check on that.
Speaker 2:The next thing she says is that some police officers died on January 6th, which of course, is false, completely false. No fact check, of course. Then she recites the Charlottesville fine people hoax thoroughly, thoroughly debunked. It's out there right now. A very quick look on X you will find the entire video all over the place. Never said that in that context. Of course they cut it, as they usually do. Again, no fact check context. Of course they cut it, as they usually do. Again, no fact check.
Speaker 2:She recites the stand back and stand by hoax, basically inferring that he ordered a militia to act on orders. Blah, blah, blah Again no fact check. And then the last thing that she said was she recites the bloodbath hoax, which was referring to the automobile industry. Not actual violence. Again, no fact check. So again, she packed in as many as she could in that short period of time, which was kind of the tactic all along. As you said before, she repeated these things multiple times whenever she had a chance to repeat these lies. Do you think he could have done a better job of refuting those things For sure His performance to me was disappointing.
Speaker 1:Truthfully, I know a lot of people say he won last night, but for me here's a simple example. They talked about the tariffs, the China tariffs, which are still in place, which is accurate on and the amount of? You know the amount of money that's been made, and they were talking about you know. She said that the you know the price is being transferred to the consumer. Right, he was going to continue all these other tariffs that he keeps talking about. That, the price. You know the prices were going to go up and it was going to be transferred to the consumer.
Speaker 1:What he didn't do was take her $25,000, buy a new home policy, turn around and say you're talking about tariffs, you're talking about how that price is going to be transferred to the consumer. When you give everybody $25,000 to buy a house, you know what happens to house prices. They go up $25,000. And you know who gets screwed in that? The people who aren't buying their first house because they're going to price every house $25,000 higher because they've got to worry about new home buyers and every house above and beyond is going to be $25,000 higher because they've got to worry about new home buyers and every house above and beyond is going to be $25,000 higher because you're transferring the cost to the consumer. So you can't have it both ways. Either you like the tariffs or you don't like the tariffs. You like the housing, you don't like the housing.
Speaker 1:But he didn't do a good job of taking her policies, her proposed policies that have been out for 36 hours, and and using her words and her past preferences against her. I don't think and I don't know if it wasn't prepped well. I have a hard time believing that. He was not as sharp on his feet last night as he normally is and he took the bait. He took the bait. He let her, he let her get into his head, right, he, you know he started rambling, he started interrupting. You know he interrupted the moderators, which I would have been frustrated with the moderators too, and we'll talk about them in a minute. But his performance for me was not great. I think it was below his expect or my expectation of his performance.
Speaker 2:So, while she was above hers and he was below his, they were probably about even you know what I mean, like she was a little higher and he was a little lower and it evened out Right, yeah, yeah, and I mean you know, and I just state the obvious, I think we all know this Everyone who went into watching the debate who was planning on voting for Trump is still voting for Trump. Everyone who went into the debate planning on voting for Kamala Harris still voting for Kamala Harris. It's the undecideds that you know, once again walked away, most likely going, still don't care for either one of them, not like any other one. You know. Nobody, in my opinion, neither, pulled out ahead for the people who are undecided. So that's disappointing because obviously that's an opportunity to do that.
Speaker 2:Lots of credit to him on certain things, but, yes, I would have liked to see him just keep hammering those points, get her on every single one of the things that they said. I would have liked for him to focus in more on the socialist inclinations it's more than an inclination Socialist agenda of Harrison Walls, because she's trying to make herself sound, of course, because she's trying to appeal to the middle of the road people, the people who are undecided. She was trying to appeal to the undecided voters by making herself and her and Wallace sound like hey, listen, we love America so much, we're going to do so many good things for you. She played that game and she played it well enough, I suppose, unless you know.
Speaker 1:I will tell you the one thing that President Trump did really well and you could tell this was prepared was you know, and you've thought you and I've talked about this the two topics that divide the nation are guns and abortion. Right, he handled the abortion, the Roe v Wade discussion, extremely well. Yes, you know, he, he's, he said it and he's. You know, there was a little bit too much self-promotion, like I did it, I'm the one I did, I did it, I did it. Okay, we get the picture, you know, ease that back a little bit, but returning it to the States, right, Is the intent, or up, we're a Republic, right, we, we, you know that's how our government is supposed to work, which you know. He handled that very, very well.
Speaker 1:And as we've talked about and we'll start talking about the moderators now, because it's unavoidable is, they poked him three or four times Will you, will you, will, you, will you. And his. It was about signing or supporting a federal abortion ban and he looked them in the eye multiple times and said it's irrelevant, the states have it. It's not even going to get to my desk and oh, by the way, it's not going to get to her desk either, because you won't get it there with the current Congress that we have both the Senate and the House.
Speaker 2:Which he did pretty much. Say that too.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he said exactly that and he handled that very, very well, fighting against the moderators Right, like David Muir. That guy's two months younger than me and generally about the same size, and you know I got worked up last night. Yes, it was infuriating. It really was, it was infuriating, it really was that's my last statement for what it's worth Like. We're the same age and the same size.
Speaker 2:Yes, read between those lines folks, yeah, yeah, no, absolutely. And I, I like, um, I like that. He turned it around on her and he should have pushed this harder about her Are you going to allow abortions up to essentially birth? And she tried, cause she deflected. She's like, oh, come on, and she wouldn't answer. He should have pushed that harder and made her answer that you know, but he didn't, and that's okay. He got it out there. If you're paying attention, you heard it Um and again with the with the fact checking. Uh, let's see, I have the graphic now. He said that um, you know, you know, whichever states allow it up until the ninth month, and all of that. The moderators and, of course, kamala Harris, are like you're crazy, that's not true, that's wrong, you don't know what you're talking about. Well, it's, it is true, it is true and we have I don't have the video, but there's a video of one state leader saying exactly that that that's what we're going to do, that's what we're allowing. So no fact check there on that.
Speaker 1:In fact, she, the moderator, said that's not true. There's not a single, there's not a single state where you are allowed to kill a child after birth. You are allowed to kill a child after birth when, in fact, those nine states and the District of Columbia, in the case of a because everybody loves to talk about the exceptions and we've talked about rape, incest, threat to the mother's life those states those nine states and the District of Columbia do not protect a failed abortion birth. That baby is still alive, right? And so that's where president Trump needed to clarify exactly what he was talking about in a post, you know, post birth. You know he kept saying execution, which you know there's a lot of shock value to that word. But that is the discussion point is the failed abortion births, you know where that child is still alive. So what he said was factually correct, totally disputed and thrown out the window by the moderator, but the reality is is that he did not make it specific enough to make it irrefutable, and that's where the problem fell.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, yeah, definitely could have used more very clear language from him. That that would have been much better. Let's see what else we've got. Ok, can we, can we talk about our funny moment? The funny moment? We all love these.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:Here it is, let's watch it. Yes, here it is, let's watch it. Oh, no wait, do I have? Oh, I have my. I thought I put it up there. I have me basically mocking it. Do we want to watch that? We can watch that. I did that, I don't think I really let's go. Let's do it here it is, and so let me be clear. Come on, donald. Interrupt so I can use my mind. Come on.
Speaker 3:Why is he not doing it she?
Speaker 1:gave up at least 12 and probably 14 or 15 different policies. Like she was big on defund the police in Minnesota.
Speaker 3:She went out. Wait a minute, I'm talking now, if you don't mind, please. Does that sound familiar?
Speaker 2:I love that. I love that he did that. I was actually hoping for it. I was really hoping for it and she was, of course. I do believe she was hoping for her. I am speaking moment and he swiped it from her, took it right from her, and her face, her expression, was priceless. You're going to have to go look it up. I'm sorry for not showing you the real clip Rotten me.
Speaker 1:No, it was beautiful. And that nice little add-on of does that sound familiar? So the Trump camp, he knew that that was coming. Yes, so your mockery of her thinking like please, come on, come on, say it so I can say it, come on, like she was doing that all night long and he beat her to it and so as soon as he did that, it took it off the table. That was that arrow was gone, no longer in her quiver, she was, she was done. So that was a great play by president Trump to to defuse that entire thing.
Speaker 1:Um, but you know, the other um, the other non-factual, I'll just call it it's a lie from Vice President Harris was when she said there are no US troops in a combat zone right now. That I was yelling at the television. I was so because we just had, you know, we just had some soldiers get wounded in a raid in the Middle East within the week. Some soldiers get wounded in a raid in the Middle East within the week. So you know, I know that she doesn't think that's a war zone, or maybe she's forgotten that we have people over there, or maybe, just maybe, she is not briefed on the American security situation, you know globally, and she made some bad assumptions. But they didn't fact check that. Nope, right, nope, didn't fact check that at all. They just let that. Nope, right, nope, didn't fact check that at all. They just let that one go Right.
Speaker 1:The idea that, you know, we've got American soldiers standing at the very, very edge of the war in Ukraine. Right, we've got soldiers sitting off the coast of Israel right now. Yeah, on shift. We have the kids in Turkey. Right, you know, had that. We have kids in harm's way every single day. Right, and she totally dismissed and downplayed that whole thing. I was so freaking mad. I, I just I couldn't believe that she tried to talk about diplomacy, global politics, you know, and her ability to to navigate all that, when she has no clue what's going on. Right, right, right.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you know, and again and I go back to her mannerisms and her expressions and her style of speaking there is no world leaders out there, especially especially in the middle East, that are going to take her seriously. You can't speak to people like that. Could you imagine her making those faces at? You know, I just pick any any world leader Putin. Can you imagine her having a little chat with Putin? I mean, he would just wipe the floor with her. She cannot keep up with these people. There's no possible way. She has her lane. She has her little lane, which is her, you is her abortion rights. That seems to be the bone she wants to gnaw on all the time and that's it. I mean, what else does she have? Nothing.
Speaker 1:Do you remember the interview with Putin and Tucker Carlson? Yeah, yeah, right, putin's extremely. Whether you like him or not, you got to admit the guy's smart, right? He's a history buff, he knows the history of his country, he knows the history of Eastern Europe. He's extremely intelligent. Okay, so picture the two of them right In a closed door, even in an open form, but in a closed door. He doesn't speak English. He doesn't. He doesn't orate in English. He understands English, but he doesn't speak English.
Speaker 1:So now she has to listen through an interpreter, right, what he is talking about. And oh, by the way, he's not going to slow down or stop so that she can understand he is she. You said it. She can't keep up with him. She can't keep up with any of them. No, we'll walk all over her. And oh, by the way, president Trump said she was sent over there right Three days before the war started to talk. Can't keep up with any of them. No, we'll walk all over her.
Speaker 1:And oh, by the way, president trump said she was sent over there right three days before the war started to talk to zielinski and putin. Okay, and you know, that was fact checked by by the um moderators. Oh, she, she, she didn't speak to putin. And she said she didn't speak to putin. Right, but what he said was she was sent over there to negotiate, right, and you know what happened?
Speaker 1:Putin refused to talk to her. You know why? Because he doesn't talk to vice presidents, right, that's not how it works. Right? Zelensky will talk to anybody who will give him a quarter. Right, exactly, I'll take a nickel. Yeah, he will, right, but Putin's not dealing with the B team. So she got sent over there to stop that from happening. And he's like that's what you're doing, that's what you're, you're sending over the vice president to talk to me. Nope, sorry, and he and he refused to do it. So you know that, that whole thing, you know her I never talked to him, and that, and the moderators backing her up, Right, it was that whole thing, it was three against one.
Speaker 2:It absolutely was. It absolutely was. I even I'm on a roll today. Of course, I had to make all my videos today, you know, post debate. And is this the one? Oh yeah, I think this is the one. No, is that the one? Well, we'll just play it anyhow. Play it anyhow, whatever. Well, if she doesn't have an answer, yeah, but I know, if we try and do this, listen, I have a strategy idea. I've got a good one.
Speaker 3:Are you ready? Sure Go for it.
Speaker 2:Listen, I'm going to distract them with my magic hands, right? If I just do a lot of hand gestures like this, they'll be so focused on my hands, right? Let me be clear. Oh, let's be clear. We're changing it. We're changing it to. Let's be clear. All right, how does this look? Okay, right okay, how about this.
Speaker 2:I'm not going to laugh. Okay, don't worry about it. Blah, blah, deflect, disparage. What was the third one? I wait, listen, what if I? What if I smirk when I do it? And what are my teammates I mean my moderators doing at that point? But let's be clear, is that good? What if they fat check me good one, ma'am that was a good one, right, let's get back down to business, okay. I mean, come on, you know that was the whole pre. Pre-debate. Uh, little team conversation there, you know you.
Speaker 1:You're aware of the relationship with her and that. What is she? The president of ABC, vice CEO of ABC. No, so there's a lady her last name's Warner. She is a lifelong friend of Kamala Harris. Look her up. She runs ABC. She introduced Kamala and her husband, like that's how good of friends they are. Oh, geez, yeah. So number one. This is why that the debate was on ABC, because it was only going to be in a controlled environment and it was only going to be with moderators that the Democrats approved. This is why she'll never do anything on Fox, god forbid, right. But if you think that she didn't get the questions ahead of time, you're insane, right? You are fooling yourself Absolutely.
Speaker 1:Oh, by the way do this, just do this. All you have to do is go and look at the exact timing of her responses to the questions she was asked and see how exactly at two minutes they are. That's not an accident.
Speaker 2:That's a really good point. Yes, I mean. I don't think did she ever even have to get cut off once.
Speaker 1:She did one time, but it was a rebuttal, it wasn't a straight question ask. That's right. She knew what was coming. It was rehearsed and it was rehearsed to the time limit. Yeah, every single time.
Speaker 2:Maximize every second that you have.
Speaker 1:Absolutely no. She had her messaging down. I mean, I jokingly put on Facebook last night. I'm glad I wasn't doing a shot every time they said middle class, because I'd have been loaded Right, loaded Right. There was a lot of messaging. Middle class was definitely one of it, one of them. The child tax cut was one of them. There was all of those things 2020, project, 2025, like all those things. She had her messages in case she had to fill time, but her, her answers were definitely rehearsed. Now we can talk about the earrings. You got to. You got to. You got a graphic of these things.
Speaker 2:So so I'm going to show you two. So I'm going to. I actually I have three and we can talk over these. So conversation, I don't know who who spots these things and how they take on. I'll be honest, I never even noticed her earrings. That's how unobservant I am. So here's a closeup of her earring. And the internet interneted and said that is actually a wireless, this is a. This one, here is an actual wireless headset, so, and it's from a company called Nova. There's probably other ones as well, but that's this one. Here's hers. We're going to go back and forth a couple of times, just so we can kind of compare. I didn't do this side by side for you, but there's that one.
Speaker 1:There's this one I mean. So you asked, you didn't notice her, you didn't notice her earrings. I didn't even worry. I was talking to my mom on the phone this morning. Yeah, she said to herself wow, I, I re, I like her earrings. She, she did. She said that out loud and then she saw everything on the internet about these famous hearings. And my understanding is, if you go now to Amazon so these were introduced a year ago at some big electronics trade show and if you go to Amazon right now, you can't find them, wow, they have been removed from Amazon. That's crazy.
Speaker 1:So, there's that Now. I know we talked about this beforehand. Yeah, and I know this is I won't even. You can't even say it's sat time, you can't even say that this is out of the realm of the possible. But go back eight years right to President Obama.
Speaker 2:Oh yes. And what did the man say?
Speaker 1:oh, we just happen to have it you know what, if I could make an arrangement where, um, I had a, I had a stand-in, a front man or front woman and they had an earpiece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff and then I could sort of deliver the lines, but somebody else was, uh, doing all the talking. And I mean, I'm serious, as easy as this would be for that to be a joke for that one. I don't believe in coincidences, but but that, like all of that at the same time and as articulate as she was on a lot of that stuff, like there's so much of me that believes that that is at least partially true. I'm not. You know, I told you there there's only like one conspiracy theory that I buy into and it's the Kennedy thing. But this one, like the earring, somebody was ear President Obama contributing to the effort, like I believe all of that is true. I do.
Speaker 1:She is not, I hate to say. You know, you can throw a resume out all you want District attorney, lawyer, vice president, all this senator, all, whatever. It's not that smart. I know people that have met her in person. They all think she's an idiot. Yeah Right.
Speaker 2:And you know, and anytime, and there's video, there's plenty of videos out there of her talking off script, off script, and every time and I mean every time she is off script, it is a stammering, bumbling disaster of true word salad. There's the ones that she delivers in her speeches which are really Marxisms, but the ones where she's off the cuff, it's bad. It's bad. You don't even. It doesn't even make sense. I, I'm, I, I parodied. I don't have it on here. You guys are, you're in luck. I don't have it on here. Um, I parodied her. I don't even know when it's from, but fairly recent, where it's.
Speaker 2:It's a video of her. She's speaking in front of these people and she's talking about. She goes off script and for some random reason, she starts talking about. She's doing this. That's why I'm doing this, uh, and she's doing this talking about. You know how, uh, the Starbucks lids are white and you know, I'm a woman and I wear lipstick and she goes on this long thing and the gestures are, like, you know, worse than her parallel hands all over the place. You know, cackling all over the. It's so bad and it's like the minute she, you know, worse than her parallel hands all over the place. You know, cackling all over the. It's so bad and it's like the minute she you know the point being the minute she goes off script. You see the real Kamala Harris, and there isn't an ounce of substance there, nothing. So what does?
Speaker 1:that. Tell you she was on script all night long. Yes, like literally rehearsed on script. She didn't vary, she didn't vary Right. She stuck the trained and rehearsed script. And I'll tell you, her capacity to retain information is not that frigging deep.
Speaker 3:Right.
Speaker 1:You know she didn't, she didn't memorize 90 minutes worth of material. So you know there was, there was help being given. You know, the one other thing and this was like the peak of the moderator interference was and and Megan Kelly, who I lovingly refer to as my girlfriend.
Speaker 2:I wouldn't have a crush on her. She's phenomenal.
Speaker 1:She went off. Yes, she did David on your David. Yeah, she went off. Yes, she did david on muir david. Yeah, and you know the point that she brought up and I and I caught it when he said it last night, because she was, she was hot, um was when he said well, I I didn't detect any sarcasm in what you said, and then totally diverted and it was like your opinion moderator, man doesn't frigging matter, right? That was worse than fact checking. Yeah, you're right, you're right, fact checking was bad, but that interjection of his interpretation of what President Trump meant in a factual way, like, well, I didn't detect any sarcasm, so there wasn't any, so clearly you meant it.
Speaker 1:Next question and he went over to Vice President Harris. Yeah, it was bad. What in the world Like they? They lost ABC.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:If you want an example of why people don't trust the media last night was it there?
Speaker 2:it is there? It is Any ounce of credibility. Anybody thought that they might still have that. Erased it in my mind. That erased it entirely. I mean it would not have surprised me the way that all was going. It would not have surprised me if at one point one of those two moderators said hey, cam, where did we say we were going for drinks after I forgot, oh wait, we're still on Anyhow. You know what I mean Like so bad, so bad.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the one thing that I was surprised and and President Trump was getting worked up, yeah, he was getting pretty worked up, he was upset and he was taking the bait and I honestly thought, because she took a few personal pot shots at him yeah, she did.
Speaker 2:Honestly thought, and he took some too. We'll give it to him. He took some too.
Speaker 1:She talked about his dad Right. She talked about some other things and I thought for sure that he was going to break the wall and he was going to talk about the mayor of san francisco he made?
Speaker 2:he made a low-key well, not even low-key. He said something to the effect of um, he didn't say she slept around, but some, some type of reference like that. He, he inferred how she climbed up the ladder and I missed it.
Speaker 1:It was very small, I thought he was going to say the guy's name, I thought for sure he was going to unleash that and I was like, if he does, it's going to be an epic historical moment. It is also going to end his run for the presidency, right, because even the moderates, even the middle, at that point would would be like, okay, totally inappropriate, right too far, too far.
Speaker 2:But it would have been epic yes, it would have, that would have been, it would have that would have been on tv forever oh it sure would.
Speaker 2:no, I give him. Um, I give him, as, although he she got under his skin, um, I do give him credit. I do believe that he kept his composure overall very well. Um, yes, he could have done better at points and not taken the bait. Um, you know, quite simply, that he should have not taken the bait, just laughed her off and stuck to his points.
Speaker 2:You know what I really honestly, I think what I really would have loved to have seen is if he completely flipped the script. Let her take the personal, make the personal attacks, do all of those things, and he just would would go so anyhow. So here's how I plan on implementing blah, blah, blah. Here's our plan for this, here's our plan for that. To me, that would have been the all out winning strategy here, because even the middle, or even the anti-Trumpers will say not the middle. The anti-Trumpers would say, wow, he didn't take the bait. Wow, he just told us what he was going to do. Okay, I give him credit for that. So we didn't have that, unfortunately. But if there were to be another one, that's what I would like to see.
Speaker 1:So let's talk about that. So there was a discussion in the aftermath. So and I don't understand this even a little bit we there the expectation has been there was going to be one and only one. Right, Because the fear was Vice President Harris was going to take it. It was going to be bad. She knew she was obligated to do one. She hasn't done any interviews, all that other crap, so she was going to do one. That was going to be the end of it. Right, they weren't. We weren't going to get the town hall, which truthfully, I hate anyway horrible format. And then we weren't going to get the foreign policy one, which I is the one I really want to see. Yeah, and after the after it was over with 15 minutes after the end of the debate, her camp was saying we want to have another debate Now. One horrible idea. Yes, she can't do better than she did last night.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that was a tear. That was a very cocky, arrogant, stupid move on her part.
Speaker 1:For them to say they want another one, expecting more of the same. Yeah, I mean, lightning doesn't strike twice. No, right, no. So that was a horrible offering, also probably hollow, in the sense that President Trump's not going to agree to another hostile environment after last night.
Speaker 2:So he's the only one he would agree to is on on his turf. Essentially, that's the only way, and she won't agree to that.
Speaker 1:She won't agree to that. But on the flip side, president Trump's camp said I won the debate, there's no need to have another one, so we're not even going to discuss it, when in reality he probably needs to have another debate. So you've got both camps offering or proposing or taking a position opposite truthfully where they need to be.
Speaker 2:Yeah, ironic. Yeah, you're right.
Speaker 1:I didn't get that. I really didn't understand vice president Harris coming out you know her camp saying we want to do that again.
Speaker 2:Like you guys are insane, like that was I think that, yeah, I think that was a impulsive blustering. They felt really good that she survived, that didn't blow it, and their, their excitement got the better of them. And yeah, I completely agree with you, they have flip flopped on what they should be doing right now. And, yes, I would love you know if I could speak directly to former President Donald Trump and say, sir, take that debate, please, and do what I just said like audacity on my part right here be telling the president how to debate, or former president how to debate. But I'm telling you do that. Just hammer all of the things that you're going to do. Completely ignore her, like completely ignore her and just lay out everything that you're going to do.
Speaker 2:Every question that they ask you, make it about your plans, what you're going to do, your policies. Don't even worry about throwing shots. We already know, we know. Leave that to us. We can do that all day long. One scroll through X, it's being handled. Don't worry about it. Focus on telling us what you're going to do.
Speaker 1:It doesn't make sense. And then you know the other thing in the aftermath. I didn't watch it and I need to, but I guess both of the vice presidential candidates have you know they offered their opinion of how things went. I didn't see any of that. I didn't either. Truthfully, I can't stand to listen to Wall speak, so I'll bypass that, yeah.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, but you know we got the endorsement of all endorsements in the aftermath last night. Yes, right night, yes, right. Everybody's favorite, you know, innocent american girl who's had all america, who's had like I don't know, 25 different boyfriends in the last couple years um just go through her song list, you can count how many you know, she endorsed vice president harris last
Speaker 2:yeah, which you know it's being made such a big deal of as if it's like a surprise, or I almost feel like it's. It's actually coming across from them as a few. So they must have been nervous because because when I saw, I was like, well, no duh, like yeah, we figured that who else she's not going to, she's not going to endorse Trump. There was some buzz from people saying that her fans, that there was a portion of her fan base that was turning away from Harris and thereby turning away from her for her support of Harris and saying you know, she's not really doing anything for us. She's never done anything for us, so why are we going to vote for her? There's a little buzz on that from like TikTok and maybe some other platforms, but I really just thought all along that that was just a given that she would.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think because of her and Brittany Mahomes like that whole thing, right. So they sat separately at the Chiefs game and you know, BFFs are no longer BFFs and all that other crap that nobody really cared. Unfortunately, a lot of America does care about that, which is they care way too much. Yeah, they care way too much, Right? You know, Taylor Swift graduated high school, kinda you know.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:You know she's a savvy businesswoman. You know she does a lot of smart things. She's made herself a lot of money. She manages her. You know her image pretty well.
Speaker 2:Right manages her. You know her image pretty well.
Speaker 1:Right there's a lot of things, highly successful, young. A lot of things about her, but what she did do and you know, please jump in the comments and say something if I'm wrong but her, her position, is based on governor walls's position and his support for the lgbtq, y, z, whatever community Right, which is a little frightening because he is the more radical of the two when it comes to that. He is in favor of, you know, transgender surgery. You know trans.
Speaker 2:Without parental consent.
Speaker 1:Without parental consent under the age of 18, all of those things. So if that's what she's basing her endorsement on, right oh, by the way, she's not endorsing vice president Harris. She's in voice, she's endorsing the ticket and right Because of walls than Harris. That's the way it came across.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's interesting that the distinction was even made or implied. Whatever the case is and and yes it is it is alarming and disturbing. And I would say, if you are a Taylor Swift fan, you love her and you think she's the sun, moon and the stars what do we even say to that? That's so in itself. To idolize and put somebody on a pedestal that high, that's a conversation in and of itself all by itself. But the thing of that is you're listening to and I don't care what side of the aisle you're on.
Speaker 2:I am a fan of James Woods, who is, of course, very vocal conservative celebrity. I'm a fan of his, but I'm not going to vote for Trump because he's voting for Trump. You know what I mean. So that's where I draw the line. That's where I have the problem. Like, why do we care? Why are we using celebrities to influence voting? It's gross to me. Who is an outright socialist, open socialist, who is creepily fixated on young transgender gay children? Children are young Transgender children. His fixation on that is bizarre. It goes back a very long time. Make of that what you will, I simply find it creepy that she, taylor Swift is using him as her reasoning for voting. I would take a little issue with that. I would be a little skeeved out by that, a little grossed out. I mean here she is yet another bad choice in men, you know.
Speaker 3:Another one.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yes.
Speaker 2:By the way, the last time I commented on that, I made a video about Taylor Swift's choices in men, and you know by her songs and all that stuff, boy, the Swifties got so mad, they were angry at me how dare you.
Speaker 1:They're pretty sensitive yeah.
Speaker 2:Very sensitive. Listen, I agree she's incredibly talented. She's highly successful. I applaud her, I think she's wonderful, but by her own admission, all I'm saying is basically what she has essentially said. She's had pretty bad taste in men, a lot of bad breakups. She writes about every single one of them, not saying anything. That isn't true. I just simply suggested that. You know, maybe she's not the one that you really want to listen to when choosing. All right, so, wrapping it up.
Speaker 1:Right, so after last night, right, we're what? 55 ish days out, um, what is your prediction? Do you have a prediction at this point? I really don't.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I really don't. You know, I keep looking, looking, but not looking at all these polls that come out every two seconds. Everybody and their brother has a poll that they're putting out, and you know, some say, of course, that Harris has pulled ahead. Others say that Trump has pulled ahead. The only one that's going to matter is the voting. That's it, that's all. That's going to matter when you're voting, and that's it, I think you know. I mean obviously making the grand assumption we're going to have a fair election, you know, but my only stand on that is that everybody has to get out there, everybody has to get out there, and I guess, most importantly, the polling officials, volunteers, need to be out there watching, and we just have to ensure that this is so overwhelming that even with their cheating, they can't do it. But no prediction, I don't know how about you.
Speaker 1:So I'm at the point where, if it was held today, truthfully, if it was held today, I think she would win. Scary, but we have 55 days 55 days and a lot of things can happen in 55 days. Um, but if it was held today, I think she would win.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:So you know, I I think uh, where are we? Yeah, we're, we're. Wow, that was a quick hour.
Speaker 2:Holy cow, that was very quick. Whoa, yeah, yeah. Oh, my goodness.
Speaker 1:Yeah, oh, my goodness, yeah. So I. I mean, I knew we were near the end. I didn't realize we were at the end, but yeah, I'm not in a position. I know what my gut says. I'm not going to throw it out there, but if it was held today, I think she would win, based on last night.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, we have to um, it has to get turned around. He has to appeal to the millennials, which is the Taylor Swift age, which you know. There are some great strides in that actually getting these viral streamers, these, you know, on board and a lot of that stuff. So he's got people in his camp that are steering him in the right direction to get the right I should say the right people. Getting more people, more diverse people on team Trump. Yeah, yeah, I don't know, I'm nervous. I mean I won't be. Yeah, I'll be nervous all the way up until until it's decided, for sure. But but no, no relaxing here, that's for sure.
Speaker 1:On it, All right, and you know what, by the time we do this next week, something else will change.
Speaker 2:Absolutely, absolutely. You know well, some other big thing will have happened, but we will be here to to talk about it, to share it with you.
Speaker 1:We will, oh my goodness. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, all right, guys, here's the deal. You know the deal. I'm saying like you don't know, let us know your thoughts in the comments. We love hanging out with you in those comments sections. Um, give us your thoughts. Uh, a reminder as of this moment, I still do not have my Facebook page my real one, my real one back. So we are still, or I am still, over at the Elsa Kurt Show on Facebook Elsa Kurt Show 2.0. So give that a follow. I can't go live on there yet because there's not enough. You have to hit a certain threshold, so can't go live over there yet. So I hit the, I throw the recording up on there. Other places will be live so you can hang out with us live and yeah, yeah, we look forward to that. So, clay, you know the deal.
Speaker 1:Hey, listen, if you live in Ohio, keep your pets inside. That is a real, real thing, right? They debunked or tried to debunk that last night. Fact check it is a real thing. Keep an eye on your pets, watch the wildlife in the park and from me, as always, we'll see you next week. And keep moving, keep shooting.