The Elsa Kurt Show

From Faith to Political Satire with Dave Sisti

August 16, 2024 Elsa Kurt

What if Kamala Harris suddenly became a conservative supporter? In our lively "conversive view" with Dave Sisti of God's News in the News Podcast, you'll hear hilarious musings about the future of political impersonations, including a potential new venture into Nancy Pelosi territory. We keep the conversation rolling with discussions on faith, politics, and the quirks of our respective platforms. Get ready for some laugh-out-loud moments as we share the origins of my Kamala Harris impression and speculate on its future, blending serious political discourse with lighthearted banter.

 This episode is packed with amusing tales and insightful reflections on the unexpected challenges of podcasting.

Ready to explore the evolution of a podcast from a reluctant live streamer to an online sensation? We dive into the journey of "God's News in the News," discussing how a simple suggestion led to a full-fledged podcast analyzing current events through a biblical lens. We'll share our stories of faith, divine guidance, and the incredible support that emerges when we trust in God's plan. As we navigate the highs and lows of content creation, we offer a heartfelt encouragement for listeners to share their testimonies and pursue their dreams with confidence, trusting in divine provision.

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Speaker 1:

It's the Elsa Kurt Show with Clay Novak. Conservative views on world news Brought to you by the Wellness Company.

Speaker 2:

Prepare for the unexpected and Refuge Medical, and now it's time for the show going to have a conversive view.

Speaker 1:

That's a combination of conversing and an interview with the great and incomparable Elsa Kirk, the blonde Kamala Harris here, and we should both be on the screen here. But I'll tell you what I'll act like. I'm interviewing you and then we'll start that way and then you can jump in, but we have to agree to something. Are you ready for that?

Speaker 2:

I'm ready.

Speaker 1:

All right, if one of us starts to monologue, the other one stops them. How about? That's our rule.

Speaker 2:

That's a fair rule. That's a good rule. I like it. I like it. We do like to hear ourselves talk when we do these things. I don't know if that's necessarily true. It's just that that's what we're used to doing, right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So this is the brave new world. Here we're jumping in and we're trying to figure it out. Eventually we're going to end up being she'll be on my show, god's News in the News. I'll be on the Elsa Kurtz show with. You'll have to change little little bug there too. I'm not Clay Novak. I could never be.

Speaker 2:

Clay Novak.

Speaker 1:

I'll have to. I'll have to change that on there. Yeah, I'm forcing you to change. I'm a force for change here. I love it, anyway. So the conversive view begins and so we've agreed to not monologue. So we got that out of the way and, as far as that goes, everything's on the topic. I sent you an email and you gave me some ground rules. You said we talk about I think you said we can talk about faith, politics, society or respective platforms.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I really I narrowed it down to this very tiny scope of things. There was not narrow at all, it was very broad. Yeah, I'm pretty easy going. I'm like yeah, whatever you want to talk about, I you know, I think if I don't have an answer for something, I'm just going to say I don't have an answer for something who never knows what they're doing.

Speaker 1:

who could that possibly be?

Speaker 2:

Hmm, who could that be? I like that idea. I could do that. I could just, if I don't know the answer to something or I don't know how to answer it, I'm just going to slip right into the Kamala and and um, say words that make no sense.

Speaker 1:

Do you know what the danger of that is? If you do it so well, you may become her.

Speaker 2:

Well, I tell you what. It's really scary because people will say to me I will laugh like my regular laugh and they'll go you laugh like Kamala. I'm like no, I don't stop.

Speaker 1:

Don't say such terrible things, but then I get a little.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I get a little panicky. I'm like, oh gosh, I think I do, I think I do, I think that's probably you know, people have asked me so many times like how did this originate? Like how did you start doing it? And I honestly don't know. But I'm starting to suspect that somebody must have commented on one of my videos that hey, you know what you kind of sound like her, and I think it might have just snowballed from there.

Speaker 1:

I got to ask you a question. I don't know if anybody else asked you this question, but I got to know something. We all want President Trump to get back in office. Right, I think we can agree on that. Yes, but when that?

Speaker 2:

happens you're going to lose that sacrifice, I'll be. I will be. I will be okay when it's time to hang up my, my pearls and my blazer. I will be okay with that.

Speaker 1:

There you go.

Speaker 2:

It'll. It'll be a sad moment. Maybe I'll have some kind of ceremony. You know, we'll make it very ceremonial and just retire the outfit.

Speaker 1:

The last video will be be the death of Kamala Harris. Impersonations and you have a funeral and everything.

Speaker 2:

Yes, who knows what she'll end up doing, though, you know. I mean, will she end up? I mean, I don't even know, will she end up with her own show?

Speaker 1:

Well, she's talking like if she loses the presidency or the election as it were, she'll segue right into running for governor for. California. Oh boy, ok, ok. Well, so you may still have a life after this.

Speaker 2:

Yes, she will. So I suspect that no matter what she does, she'll continue to give us some fun material to work with. But I do need to start working on some other impersonations. I don't know who it's going to be. I take suggestions so somebody can think of somebody. It's got to be somebody with kind of a deeper voice. I think I have kind of a deeper voice, so it's got to be something I can do.

Speaker 1:

Well, nancy Pelosi is not going anywhere. They're going to have to pry that office from her dead, cold hands. You are kidding.

Speaker 2:

The Crypt Keeper is not going anywhere. I don't think, yeah, she's sticking around, I can do her a little bit. It needs practice, it needs work, but I can do that one.

Speaker 1:

But what if Kamala Harris changes teams and decides to support conservatives?

Speaker 2:

Listen, you know, the funny thing about her is, if you look back on her track record if you look back, you know there is actually a bit of a conservative lean to some of the things that she did while she was, you know. So I mean, I don't think it's far-fetched that it's not going to happen. Let me rephrase that it's not going to happen. We know it's not going to happen. It's not going to happen. Let me rephrase that it's not going to happen. We know it's not going to happen, but it is something I could see happening in the realm of things that would make sense.

Speaker 1:

I think, yeah, it's just a strange bird, that one. So I guess you know because it's going to be going on my channel. They're not going to know who you are. Well, maybe somebody might.

Speaker 2:

How'd you get into all this? Oh boy, yeah, you know what. I have this habit of jumping face first into everything that I do, and sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn't, and we can just ignore the times that it doesn't. I can ignore the times that it doesn't.

Speaker 1:

Except when you publicly put them in videos. Now that you can't run away from that, the Internet's forever.

Speaker 2:

I can't. Yeah, this is like the most. This is the most risky, dangerous thing I think that I've ever done. You know, I started off. I started off.

Speaker 2:

Writing books like this was such a low key introvert. I'm an introvert. No one believes me when I say this. I am 100 percent an introvert. And you know authorship that's such an introverted thing to do. You know you're in your isolation bubble. You write your books, you put them out there At least that's how I viewed it. I'm like, well, I'm going to write some books because that's what I want to do now. You know, in my next incarnation I started.

Speaker 2:

I was like 42 when I published my first book and I just had this really silly mindset that I was going to publish books, put them on Amazon and that was it. Just live this quiet life and they'll sell on Amazon. Well, you know, silly girl, that's not how it works. You have to actually put yourself out there and let people know that you've written a book, and so that was like the very, very beginning of putting myself out there, I guess, in the public eye, and even that was so low key. Then you flash forward a bit to the pandemic and lockdown and all those things and I did the same thing that a lot of other bored housebound adults did, and that's discover TikTok, this strange, silly world of TikTok. My dogs are barking.

Speaker 1:

Literally not your shoes. Yeah, Okay, just wanted to know. I can't hear it.

Speaker 2:

You can't hear it? No, okay, good, so we can just cut out the part of me saying that yeah okay, sure.

Speaker 2:

Okay, perfect, perfect. I know it has like a little thing to muffle sounds, external sounds, but I never know how well it works. But all right, good it works, so yeah. So then pandemic comes around and I'm like all these other housebound board people in their homes and I start scrolling through TikTok and the first thing I say is, well, I'm not going to make any videos, I'm just going to, I'm just going to look, I'm just going to watch and that's it. Well then I said, well, I'm just going to make this one silly little video, just because it looks like it's fun. No dancing, I never, I've never, ever, never, ever. You'll never find a dancing video. I don't do any of the little trends that they do Nothing, none of that stuff.

Speaker 1:

I just I would do the Elaine Bennett's thing and it would be. It would be on the internet forever. It was. I want to get all these different views and I want to get like millions of views. And It'll be the one where I'm just absolutely goofy and looking terrible and that'll get a million views and I'll go. Why, why does the universe do this to me?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's so true, and I'll tell you that that is an absolute fact. There are videos that I have put out there like just made it in like two minutes, just like oh, this seems funny to me, make the video done. And those are the videos that do like absurdly well. And of course, it's the ones where you know I look, I look awful. I look awful. You know, camera angle is all wrong, you're getting the double chin, like all of the things. And those are the ones that that do well. I'm like, are you kidding me? The one where I had my hair done and just the right lighting, all of the things, like nobody cares about those.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the sky parted in in the perfect scenario, fell down from heaven and 10 people watched it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly. So, yeah, I mean that's. I mean that's kind of like the, the condensed, yet somehow still long version of how I got here. I just I just started making videos and um, and I started putting them out there.

Speaker 2:

And then I started getting a little more adventurous with the type of content that I was making and I started making skits and doing a lot of like slice of life stuff as a law enforcement spouse and all comedy minded, you know, just kind of self-deprecating humor and things like that. And things have just escalated, escalated quickly.

Speaker 1:

You know you're within five seconds of monologuing here, so I got to stop you.

Speaker 2:

Thank you. Good job, whatever.

Speaker 1:

I just I, you know some people, they just take themselves way too seriously and because I was there, was I mean I've got people that always say you know, dave, if you would just do this or do that, you know, and you keep using this, this, this phrase here, this phrase here, you know you need to be a little more professional. I've looked at him. I said, no, you're going to get me.

Speaker 1:

you know I probably shouldn't say this, but I'm going to do it anyway, because that's just what I do. I was talking with somebody we were live streaming, okay and I got a hair stuck in my mouth and I said we're not stopping, and I just pulled it out and we went on. So I'm like this is what you get.

Speaker 2:

This is what you get. I think people appreciate that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I want to be authentic without being boorish, but it's like, this is what you get. I mean, I was talking to one person I don't know how we got on it. It was this interview. We were live streaming and I said, you know, if people knew what we do in these sets, I mean, we got these nice, you know, crop 16, nine images here, and you know, and sometimes we get on here, I can tell you, I'll just be, I'll be honest here.

Speaker 1:

I may not always be wearing dress slacks, I may not be. I just like I get up late, you know, and I just throw on a polo and I just say nobody's going to see that I'm wearing my pajamas. But when I brought that up, she said, oh, I'll show you. And she took her leg up and showed her pajamas and I was like what the heck is going on here? But but we just, I mean I don't think people want to get a redraft in a rehashing of news on anything they want. They want uniqueness, they want somebody who's doing it in a way that's different. Well, you've got your. You've got your uniqueness, um, and I don't. But you know, I, I, maybe I do, but uh, there are certain phrases. Somebody actually bought me a T-shirt with one of the phrases I use all the time for a Christmas present. I always say when I'm getting off on some tangent, and I say but I digress. She got me a T-shirt, but I digress.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I love that. That means they're paying attention. That's good. They're watching and they're paying attention. So good on them for that.

Speaker 1:

That's nice. There you go. So one of the funniest videos you've done recently that I just loved and probably who cares about was when you were making fun of the of the Australian newscasters version of Greta Thunberg. You know, the blessed saint of climate, the Church of Climate Change. Yeah that was fantastic, I love that um what was it? What did she call her? Some?

Speaker 2:

oh yeah, so she called her, uh, a miserable. What was it a miserable?

Speaker 1:

miserable goblin, right, yes, miserable doom goblin. Yeah, and I, I want to, I want to give, I want to make a t-shirt like that and send it to her yes, oh, that would be so awesome.

Speaker 2:

She's? Um, she's so lovely. She not greta? Um, uh, rita. Rita is her name. I'm drawing a blank on her last name. It'll come to me at some random moment, I'll just blurt it bizarrely. But uh, rita is her name and I had shared it on twitter or x? Um, and she actually reposted it. So I was like like, oh, that's sweet.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, going, international.

Speaker 2:

I know, look at that, yeah, I love that woman, I think she's, I love her delivery, I think she's got a great delivery. It's just very well. You know, you saw the video. She's just very deadpan and she just looks right at the camera and you know she's like miserable little doom goblin. I was like, well, that was brilliant, that was brilliant.

Speaker 1:

You know what might happen, though, is you can say hey look, can you come on my show? And then you'll have to work out the time differences between Australia and wherever you're at and I did an interview with somebody who was actually.

Speaker 1:

I've done two interviews, one time they were in Philippines and the other time they were in Hong Kong. They were missionaries, oh boy. And so the Hong Kong one was interesting because, uh, we, uh, for me it was nine o'clock at night, for them it was eight in the morning or something whatever. Um, so it was kind of good that I didn't have the, you know, like the, the window open behind me showing me it was night. Uh, so who cares? But but yeah, those time differences, I mean just the time difference that we have, which is just an hour.

Speaker 1:

I realized in my phone I had the the reminder as six o'clock my time. Oh, funny oh and then I changed it because I went that's going to, that's going to bite me if I don't change that.

Speaker 2:

I've done it. I've done it many times. You would think I would learn my lesson by now. You know I've had. I've had guests miss the time because of the time difference and miss theirs, and I'm sitting there waiting, or vice versa. You know, whatever the case is, somebody is in there at the wrong time because we're basing it off of you know our time. Now I make sure I put EST after.

Speaker 2:

You know, after everything every time I talk about times, but I have to admit I did the same thing. I was sitting here at one point before we started and everything. And all of a sudden I went oh you know what, are we in the same time zone? I don't even know. And I went back and then I saw your message. Actually I was like oh, it's a good thing, I had to check. You know, it happens it happens.

Speaker 1:

So have you ever had one of those things where you schedule a time and then you realize that you forgot about it and it's like 10 minutes before and you have to just really hurry up and get ready?

Speaker 2:

Oh yes, oh yes, and I don't know how it happens. I don't know about you, but I have so many alerts that go off on my phone I have no explanation for why that would even happen. But yes, I have done that and it's literally, and I'll be standing there talking to my husband and all this and I'll go. Oh, I gotta go. I have an interview in 10 minutes and I'm like throwing, you know, and it's easier for you guys, because you just, you know, probably like slick your hair down or something, and but you know, we got to put on our makeup, we got to fix our hair. I mean, it's a big production for us to you know. So, yeah, when it's, it's pretty nerve wracking when you, when you forget, like that, if, if you're me 10 minutes and you were ready.

Speaker 2:

I, yes, yes, I didn't. I'm not saying, I look good, I was just ready, that was it.

Speaker 1:

I was just ready. That's a trap. I'm not going to jump into that trap. That's a trap. I know I've recognized him. I've been married for over 30 years and I recognize a trap that was a trap.

Speaker 2:

You know a trap when you see one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's entrapment, whatever the case. Well, we're not going to. I can guarantee you right now we're not going to solve the world's problems in this interview. I can tell you right now the way we're going, it's not going to happen.

Speaker 2:

It's probably not going to happen. I mean, if y'all really want us to, we probably could, we probably could. I feel like it's pretty simple. It's very simple. But, you know why? Give all our secrets away, right?

Speaker 1:

Well, people that can. Yeah, do you know? There are some videos that are online now that fascinate me. I know if you see them, but and I don't know why the algorithm is pushing them to, but every so often I'll see somebody who's who takes the body language of somebody and they break it down oh, I've seen those fascinating it really is and it makes me very self-conscious when I think about I'm like is this person analyzing my body language?

Speaker 2:

Because I'm really awkward.

Speaker 1:

I actually dated somebody who was going to school for psychology and I was nervous.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, rightly so and they're sitting, you're talking to them and they're like Hmm.

Speaker 1:

And then, and then I asked them and they said well, what kind of psychology? Pet psychology. Okay, I'm good, I'm good now Cesar Milan you guys can talk. I'm not going to do any of that stuff, so I'm good, perfect, yeah, yeah, no kidding, it is wild stuff, though.

Speaker 2:

You're right, I've, I've, I've seen those videos and it is fascinating and I'm always like I'm going to watch stuff. So I'm and I'm gonna study people and I'm gonna and I don't remember any of it. I'm like I don't know is are they? Are they lying? Because they looked up to the, to the left, are they? What does that mean? Yeah, I'm like, yeah, no, forget it forget it.

Speaker 1:

There was a show on tv. Maybe you watched it, I don't know. It's called lie to me. Uh was on fox or something for a couple years I never watch it.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I've heard of it, oh, you gotta watch it.

Speaker 1:

But, yes, I've heard of it. Oh, you got to watch it. I'm just going to.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to give you enough things to waste your time on, you're never going to be able to do another interview. I am looking for a new show to watch, like something like a show to like binge watch, so maybe that'll be the one.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's fascinating because I mean, I mean, it really goes in. I had one of the pastors at the church that I go to when that was on. He looked at me. He said, man, that's, that's saved me so much time in counseling. I was like, oh great.

Speaker 2:

Oh boy, oh wow. And now I'm really curious. It's not like so I'm such a wimp, I am such a wimp. It's not like like suspenseful or anything like that Is it.

Speaker 1:

It's a cop show. Okay, okay it's a cop show, okay, okay it's a cop show.

Speaker 2:

okay, yeah, I'm so wimpy like I I can't like my husband laughs at me because I I usually watch. Like when I watch shows, tv, it's almost always like light comedy or maybe documentaries or something that are very mild, like nature, documentaries like no, I'm not true crime girl, I don't watch any of that stuff, I don't want any of that in my brain, I'm like I got to protect my peace here.

Speaker 1:

That's different. My wife and I, we binge on crime shows, do you? We are, we are on our. We are sorry, go ahead no no, anxious, I can't like.

Speaker 2:

my blood pressure goes up. I told you I'm a wimp.

Speaker 1:

Well, this, this mind here, this mind here, is so analytical. I'm always trying. There was when we go to a movie together, my wife. She makes me swear I will not reveal the ending.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you're that guy, I'm that guy, I figured it out.

Speaker 1:

We were watching a TV show and and it was like in the first 15 minutes of the first quarter of the show and they had this person in the shadows. They were holding them back and I looked at her during a commercial break this is when we weren't streaming and I said I know who it is. She went no. So she handed me a post-it note. She said write it down here, put it over here and we'll see. And at the end of the show, turned it over. I was right.

Speaker 2:

Wow, oh, that's impressive.

Speaker 1:

But, but I do that all the time and my, my, my daughter, I've trained her well because I worked, I mean, I've, I've, I work with cameras and the church has a has a media ministry and I would, you know, I would direct cameras and I would help with this. I'd be on the cameras, I do all the jobs and the shading and all that kind of stuff, and my daughter helped out a little bit. She'd shade or switch for sometimes, but we would be watching a prerecorded documentary and we would be complaining about the camera shots and we'd both look at each other. We'd go, man, that shot was shaded badly. Sports broadcasts are terrible because you know they've got like what? 32 screens or whatever, Sure, and they don't always get the shading right and you always see that really quick adjustment. Or I was watching a live show, like I think it was American Idol, and the jib shot just quickly moved one thing to the other, Then they switched to another shot.

Speaker 2:

And we both looked at each other and went yeah, we know what that is. Oh, that's funny. Okay, so that explains. So, guys, before we um, before we started, before we hit the record button, essentially we were talking about cameras, having multiple cameras, and I, and I was saying that I'm lame, I got my one camera front phasing, blah, blah, blah, and, and you were saying that you have, like you know, all kinds of cameras. Now I'm understanding a little bit more of the background here. So now I got to turn the tables a little bit here and ask you some questions. So I need to know a little bit of your background. So how did you get into podcasting? I want to hear about your faith, all of that, because that was like one of our little connectors there too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2:

So tell me first about the whole podcast thing. How did that come about?

Speaker 1:

Well, have you ever seen that cartoon where you've got several frames and it's of all spiritual and you know, it's like walking along the beach and everything. And you know, and they say those, when those two footprints there, that's when you walk beside me and then you see the two footprints and it says that's when you carried me and everybody's oh. And then the last one is see those drag marks. That's where I had to pull you, where I wanted you to go. That's me. That's me in podcasting. That's me Because I was teaching a Sunday school class and somebody said this is like four or five years ago. And they said maybe you can live stream to Facebook your Sunday school class. And I said, oh, who does that? There's no way. That's so arrogant. I would never do that.

Speaker 1:

500 shows on later, I'm doing this but what it was is like I just didn't want to do it. I didn't want to do it. And so I was like no, that's so much work, I don't want to do that. Who cares what I think? Kind of stuff. And then, if I finished one of my sunday school classes, somebody came up and said I'm going to be your zoom guy. And he said I'm going to do it and he's still with me, he's one of my, one of my engineers. And he said I'm going to do it and he's still with me, he's one of my, one of my engineers. And he said that.

Speaker 1:

But I didn't see the vision and I had no clue. But then COVID hit and then everybody had to stay home. So the guy in charge of Christian education came to me and said we want to do Sunday schools on Saturday. That's what we want. So would you be willing to be one of those three people? I didn't know what Zoom was. It was a four-letter word for all I care about. And so I said, sure, I'll do it.

Speaker 1:

And so I just opened up my laptop, you know, logged into Zoom, used the microphone that the laptop has, used the camera that the laptop had, and that's what I did, and I did that for it was a commitment was 11 weeks.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's where the name God's News in the News was being used. Now I had taught that class in various places for a couple of churches, so it's been around since the 90s, but I brought it back. I said, you know, rather than teaching Sunday school class that I was teaching, I'm just going to do something that's more topical God's News in the News and I thought I'll do that and I gave an 11-week commitment to it and I did that, and now I'm close to 500 episodes in on that. Now I'm close to 500 episodes in on that. So it kind of took on a life of its own, because what happens is people start saying you know, I really like that, can you do this, can you do this? And so I got a group of people that just always wanted more information. They were just sponges for information.

Speaker 1:

And I said well, I'll look at the news events of the day and I'll give you a biblical perspective on it Gee, where'd that title come from? And perspective on it Gee, where'd that title come from? And that's where it started. That's exactly what happened to me. So I just kept doing it. And then somebody said you know, we don't get any, we don't get enough views on prophecy. Can you take, like, say, a Tuesday night and only do prophecy? So I was like, okay, I'll do that. And so it just kept evolving like that.

Speaker 1:

And then I started streaming my Sunday school classes, even though I was in person, and it just, it just kept growing. And but see, more and more people were just like, man, I like this, I can't get enough of this. And I saw that there was a need for it, there was an itch to scratch, and so I did it. And then somebody said, hey, why don't you interview this person over here? I think interviews, what are you talking about? You gotta be crazy, you gotta do all the stuff. And the guy said no, I'll set it up for you. Wow, I think I don't know how you. Do you follow prophecies at all?

Speaker 2:

Not really. So I'm in such a learning phase right now that I'm like going bit by bit, but that's, that's on the horizon, certainly to learn more.

Speaker 1:

Well, I knew where to go now too.

Speaker 1:

Knock, knock. Hey, dave, I am. I am a. I am now because another thing back in october you know, october 7th obviously israel was attacked. And then one of these people they said, hey, look, why don't you do, why don't you do an update on israel today? Okay, I'll do it. And then I prayed about and god said I want you to do it every day. Sure, I'm thinking two weeks, three weeks later, maybe a month, this thing is going to be over. Today, israel at war, day 227. So I've become an expert on all things Israel and Bible and stuff like that. I've really dug in deep, wow.

Speaker 2:

So do you go live every day?

Speaker 1:

Well, I broadcast, I do a live stream. I used to do it live, but you know, 5 o'clock. Who in the world does that? Well, somebody who's been retired does that. And then your wife yells at you because she gets home at five o'clock and I'm doing a thing. And then I do a, do a zoom class afterwards, and it's six, 30 and she hasn't even seen me, and so we.

Speaker 1:

We had a meeting of the minds and and I said, you know what I think? I think I'll start recording these things and I'll stop doing the Zoom or the Google Meet afterwards. So, yeah, I do it every day, every day, and so that's so great. I mean, it's so needed.

Speaker 2:

It's so needed. You know, so many people, including myself, just really thirst for that information. So, you know, I love for all the negative things that we can say about social media, media platforms, all those things and not be wrong, I mean there's so much negative to say about it. Because there is so much negative, it's like things like this that are so good and so positive and and, just you know, seep right into so many people's lives and to have that access like that is huge. That was how I started. That was, you know, when I really decided, um, that I was ready to just embrace my faith and and explore it and understand it. Um, that was where and how I started. I started online. I started looking up, um, you know, sermons and and things on YouTube and it just kind of grew from there. So it's, it's a huge resource.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So I mean, excuse me, um, I can tell you that's how I got. I mean, it continues to grow. I don't know about you, but you know it's almost like I want to do a video on the progress and how the podcasting thing grows in people and how it goes of a podcast. First you start off like this and then you get this and then you do this and then you have to do this over here. I don't know where you're at, but I think there are like at least three stages of a podcaster. First you start off thinking it's easy. Then you find out it's so much work you want to quit. Then you find out that maybe there's something to it and you think, hey, maybe this is the delusion of grandeur phase. And then the third step is maybe I can make money off of this. And then you think, oh, then I can, I can stop working here and I can just do this for all time. And then the fifth stage is it ain't working.

Speaker 2:

You're going, then you make the fatal mistake of thinking do you wonder how many podcasts there actually are out there? And then you go oh, oh.

Speaker 1:

Every sports personality has a podcast now. Yes, everybody who's thinking about being and it's like I was seeing because I'm into sports. I mean, I'm not like, I'm not. You know God, and I had a conversation one time after I was spending hours praying that my sports team would win. He said what are you doing? You're wasting time, but I'm not there, I'm, I'm, I'm, we backed off of that, but I still. I'm still interested and the the NFL draft was coming up. Excuse me, got that frog? That was actually an impression of me having a frog in my throat.

Speaker 2:

Good impression.

Speaker 1:

Very realistic. But the NFL, you know, draft is like incessant and it was all over the place and there were people who were doing podcasts on their particular teams and how the draft's going to go, and it was constant. And there were some people on there going, hey, let's get the 300 listeners, 300 subscribers on this so we can do this. And I'm sitting there and they're just, I mean, I can't say for sure, but I think they're doing it on the couch in their living room, but I'm not sure. Oh, ok, the set was fantastic, right, the lighting was perfect. And then I realized I can't make, and I can't make headway in podcasting, with everybody and their dog doing it now, like we thought we could podcasting, with everybody and their dog doing it now like we thought we could, right. So, getting back to that life of the podcast, we're on stage five where you think you can make money and you can't. And then you realize why am I doing this? And some people just quit.

Speaker 1:

But there are people like yourself and myself. We have a higher reason for doing it. Yeah, there is something that we're doing it because we know we're reaching people. You know you want to do a. You know a 60 second reel with a verse of the day. I've seen you've done that. You find a higher reason for it and you realize that I'm not going to make money on this, but I still feel there's something worth doing here, and so you pursue that, and so I've been at that stage for a while. I was at that stage where 2 000 times daily for you to quit your job oh boy, that was like a bucket of cold ice, yeah. Yeah, I was like ain't gonna happen, and I'm sure you've had a matter of fact I know you have because I've heard your video on. I know you had a situation where and maybe you can go ahead and tell your side of it where I remember that you were thinking the same things. You were thinking I think we can make this into a business.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know I tell you what I have gone on, such a roller coaster of thoughts, opinions and feelings about this whole social media journey and feelings about this whole social media journey, and you know, and the thing the only thing I think that I've come to some kind of conclusion about is that, you know, I feel that these platforms, this ability to reach people, is a blessing and a gift, and it's a gift from God.

Speaker 2:

It's not by my doing, I don't think I'm any more talented than other people who have been trying to do the same thing. You know that that I'm doing and I've had, you know, pretty for being like totally doing this on my own. Not, you know, I'm not doing it on my own, but you know what I mean. You know, just being a one woman show. Essentially, I've built this organic platform and for me, I have to sit here and think, well, why, like there has to be a purpose and there has to be a reason, it has to be something useful, and and you know, and then I started my faith journey and and I realized, well, okay, so now I know the purpose and the reason and now everything else just kind of falls away. You know, because I was motivated by by trying to make a living off of this trying to which is still, it's still an interest and and an ability.

Speaker 2:

Right now, you know these, I do make money off of the platforms and and that's wonderful, but I was getting too focused on that and I, you know, and I did come to that realization like that, that's not where it's at. You know, do do what you love and what serves that the higher purpose and and everything else will just happen the way that's supposed to happen. You know, I had moments where I was like, well, you know, all these things like almost happen. You know, I was having these things almost happen, like a uh, an agent reached out and that looked like that was going to be something and something else happened and that looked like it was going to be something, and these things and they just kind of like fizzled out, they just went away.

Speaker 2:

And I had that moment of thinking, well, what's wrong with me, like you know, is it because I'm aged out for all of this stuff? You know, because I came in so late? You know, is it my delivery? Is it this? You know, I started doing all these like things of of focusing around, well, what's wrong? And and it finally hit me that, you know, maybe I'm being, maybe I'm being protected from from these things that are not really in my best interest and not really good for me.

Speaker 2:

So so I'm at the point now where I'm just going to do it for as long as I love it, as long as it as I can use it as a means to serve God and and to spread his word and share him with people. And you know, and if it affects one person, if it makes one person, you know either, whatever the case is, whether it's it's faith-based or just simply making somebody laugh when they're just feeling really low and really good. So those are my favorite comments. When people jump in and say I was having such a lousy day and you gave me my first laugh of the day, I'm like, oh well, there's the lottery right there.

Speaker 2:

Just won the lottery, thank you, you know, so perspective shifts for sure, and you know, making a living off it, I will take that all day long. I'll take that Absolutely. But if that's not in the cards, it's going to serve whatever purpose it serves and it's okay.

Speaker 1:

Well, I have a little blurb that I do in front of all my videos. I have the tagline obviously current events, biblical perspective. You know, early on I take like a minute to say that. Finally, I was like I think I can shorten that down a little bit. But you know, current events, biblical perspective, I don't know it's like behind me, this is backward to me. I always point the wrong way. I know I do. The current events, biblical perspective, I don't know it's like, it's like behind, it's behind me. I always this is backward to me. I always point the wrong.

Speaker 2:

I know I do the same thing, I get it.

Speaker 1:

It's like, it's like I'm, you know, doing the cross and thing, something like that. But I always say that you know, we're not building your kingdom, my kingdom and his kingdom, and that people think, why do what my purpose is? And I, you know God's meeting my needs. I'm retired and I've got a pension and I've got Social Security and of course, I've got prayers and, of course, if the other two don't work, then I've got God. Boy, that's profound, isn't it? But God's I mean. Well, all right, I mean, this is the moment where I can. I'll try not to monologue on this, but it's a neat story.

Speaker 2:

You can. This is important. So monologue if you must.

Speaker 1:

Okay, there you go. I've gotten my blank check, I'm going to write it. But there was April 7th of last year. Well, back in before that, I was, you know, because I'm 66 now, so 65 was the magic year and I knew that I was going to eventually take Medicare and I'm going to get off my, my insurance at work. And then and then I would just, and I was going to still work, cause I was going to work till 67, cause I couldn't make it on whatever. And we've been through I mean, I've been through that at least. But God, in several different moments he was like you need to stop what you're doing, you need to quit work, you need to retire. And three times he did that. And then, the fourth time, it was like okay, I got to do this. I have a little phrase that I always use that you know with me, god has to hit me upside the head with a clue by four before I figure things out.

Speaker 2:

You know I.

Speaker 1:

I don't, I'm not one of those people goes oh, it worked, I see clearly what I'm supposed to do. I need to obey that, ain't me, not this guy here, I'm, I'm. I'm the guy that has to get knocked off the donkey and be blind for a while before I figure out what God wants me to do. And if I can be anything like the apostle Paul on that I am. I don't want to get, I don't want the other stuff. I don't be shipwrecked three times. I don't want to get flogged and stoned to death.

Speaker 2:

That stuff, that's somebody else. Yes, no, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, though. So the fourth time is like I was talking to somebody from Social Security and they said and the guy out of the blue, because it had nothing to do with the conversation he said why aren't you retiring? And he sees all my financial, he knows all the things I have and he must've seen something that I didn't see. But at that moment God said you need to do this. And I think, well, okay, I think I'm getting the picture now. The other ones were kind of nice, I thought I could do it in a couple of years, but that was that seminal moment. God said you got to do this. And when that happens, I get it.

Speaker 1:

So I called work, I figured out when I could retire, and I could find all that, got all those details, and then my wife came home and I was so excited to tell her that God had told me I was supposed to retire, but I left out the biggest part. I didn't say God told me at that time. I just said Tracy, I'm retiring. Oh, that was not good news. Oh, boy, cause she does the finances.

Speaker 2:

Oh boy Okay.

Speaker 1:

And I was like oh is is?

Speaker 2:

is the water on the pot on?

Speaker 1:

the on the on the on the stove right now. That's not for dinner, that's to pour on me, isn't it? And then after that, I went oh no, no, no, no. God told me to do it. Well, it was over that was that.

Speaker 1:

That was that, so that we had a, we had a, we had a rough night and and then the next morning she woke up crying and I was like gosh, what have I done to myself? And she said you, we can't do this, we can't make it. On that we're going to. We know it's like, and you know I get that, trust me, I get that. And I said you know what God told me to do it, I am certain of it, but let's find a way to see if we can make a little sense out of this.

Speaker 1:

So I went over to my son-in-law's house. He's whizzing on finances, like I told you, these analyticals all get up. And he found out he's got the 65-inch flat screen. He puts his Excel spreadsheet on it and goes through all the magic of all that. We give him all the things. And he said if you do this, this, this, on what social security has you? You will be fine.

Speaker 1:

And you know, we thought you know, peanut butter and jelly is going to be our friend for a while. You know, ramen noodles is going to be stocked in our basement. We figured it out. We thought that's what was going to happen, but God kept telling me because I was thinking I was going to take a second job. Right, clearly, no, you're not I'm telling you to do this or not. I'm telling you to do this. I want you to do this because I want you to put your, your, your efforts, full time into podcasting and all that whole thing. I was like, okay, so I'll take a second job, we'll make it work.

Speaker 1:

Um, but then I went on a mission strip to Cincinnati, had that already planned. It was so nice not to have to ask off for vacation, for work. That was nice, yes, and I went there and while I'm there, we, we did a sightseeing trip. And I get a phone call from a job previous to the one I retired from. They said we've got money for you. Well, I'll, I'll, I'll take phone calls like that. Absolutely, I'll take phone calls like that. And I did so. I said but I'm going to talk to you on Monday when I get back and I'm all done with those missions trip, I'll be done. So I came back, I called them and they said okay, so here's the dollar amount that we have for you and, and it's, it's a pension and it's going to, it's, it's, it's something where we've got money for you and by law, we have to get it to you. Okay, so send it to me, that's, that's fine.

Speaker 1:

So I thought it was like a one-time amount and I said, well, that amount one year. Just send me the money and a check, I'll be fine. She said, no, you don't understand. You're getting this amount for the rest of your life, monthly and between social security and that, I'm making more money now than when I was working. So I don't have the podcaster pressure of finances. I don't have that. I don't have the podcaster pressure of finances. I don't have that.

Speaker 2:

That's so awesome.

Speaker 1:

And so if you are podcasting and God told you to do it, he pays for what he plans, he protects for what he plans and he promotes what he plans. And I'm done with the alliteration. You'll make it.

Speaker 2:

I love it. I love that story. That was the most worthwhile monologuing ever. That was such a great.

Speaker 1:

I wasn't a villain.

Speaker 2:

Listen, I know I was over talking before, so I'm like no, we got to give this guy, I give him a hot minute here to tell a story before you run your mouth, Elsa.

Speaker 1:

And you do a wonderful job of it too. Oh, that is so great.

Speaker 2:

I'll tell you what you know I love hearing things like that because I just well, first of all, I love hearing the way God works in people's lives and I love hearing um stories like that because it's just, first of all, it's just simply cool. It's just so cool and and it's a great message Like if God's talking to you, if you, if you know God's talking to you, you better shut up and listen. He knows you don't know, he knows, and, and it's always um, you know, it's always things like that too right, where you're like this cannot be right, like you cannot be asking me to do this, and you know, when you sit back and and just trust that he's got this, you know he's, he's got a method and it's uh, you know it's all for your good. So it's wild. I love it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I don't. I don't get tired of telling that story because it's not about me, it's about God. So, yeah, even to this day, it's like I don't have to worry about that and I just, I just know that I mean God's going to take care of my needs. It's all taken care of there. We know, I'm not worried about, I'm not worried about. You know how I'm going to get this done or that done. I just trust God. I mean that's why you know our marriage has been.

Speaker 1:

I mean, you know how that goes. You know you always have those moments, I don't know, at least in our lives. You know you start off and you're not exactly rolling in the dough and you just kind of you make your way through it. You know how am I going to have kids, how am I going to do that and all that kind of stuff, and you just make it, you just figure it out. Well, it's just like God's going to open the doors for me. He's going to, he's going to bring people into my path that are going to be there for good. Um, you know you, you talked about being a one woman show.

Speaker 1:

Well, I know what that's like. Except, I know what it's like not all the time, because I've never been a one man show on this whole thing. Never I've had benefactors. People give how much you pay for StreamYard I'm not going to ask you to tell you but I use Restream and you pay monthly or annually to get all those bells and whistles. And, and the guy that said he was going to be my, my supporter for Zoom, I never paid for a prescription, subscription or Restream because he's always there.

Speaker 1:

And I went in because we were I was talking to. I said, you know, on Restream I'm kind of limited on this. I can't. I can't save this many videos. I can only do so much along this hour. You know all that. And I said I got it. I got it. I got to do something more. And so I was talking about you know, I was talking to him, him and I said, well, so should I do this? I mean, it's X amount of money more. I don't know if we want to go down that road, knowing that he was paying for it and gratefully so, he was happy to do it. And while I was discussing the thing, he walked over to me and just handed me his credit card and I looked at him. I said what are you doing? He said I don't think you understood when I made that commitment, I was all in.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And I'm not stopping and I'm just like who has that? And then some people they don't have engineers. I've got two engineers. That's amazing. And it's like I've got people wanting, they're begging to help. I do something on Sunday and I've got like I do, set up my cameras and everything, and so I've got the one guy doing the engineering and then, before it was over with you know, like a month later, I've got three more people wanting to help. I'm like what the heck it's. So I'm almost embarrassed to tell people how much God keeps providing for all that.

Speaker 2:

That's so awesome. I love that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, maybe this is just for people who lack the faith to do big things for God, you know. Yeah, right, maybe this is what this thing is for. I mean, we call it winging it, but I think maybe there's something a little more spiritual going on here.

Speaker 2:

Oh, absolutely at winging it, but I think maybe there's something a little more spiritual going on here. Oh, absolutely, and don't you just love that. You know. The truth is is that there's going to be that one person hopefully more, you know, but there's going to be at least that one person that's watching, who's always wanted to do something like this. Or, you know, not necessarily this, just anything, anything that takes a leap of faith, and they've been holding themselves back for fear, so many different fears, right, I mean fear of what other people are going to say, financial fear, all of the things, and it's like well, guess what, guys? Here's your sign, here's your sign If it's something for good. I don't want to encourage anybody to go rob a bank because that is not there's spiritual ramifications of that too.

Speaker 2:

Yes, there are, yes, there are. So don't be, don't be deliberately misconstruing what we're saying here. But yeah, I mean, take that leap of faith. He's, you know, he will provide, he'll, he'll guide and provide.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't doesn't just have to be podcasting. I mean, obviously that's what you want to do. I had a phone call today from somebody that says hey look, I got a guy who wants to do podcasting. He sees yours, he thinks you're pretty good, he wants to talk about it. I'm like I looked at my wife and I went who are these people? But but see, that's the thing, you know, god puts you in a position for a place. You're doing a spot on impression of a vice president and, uh, and and that may not seem like God's calling you- Somebody.

Speaker 1:

Right, and somebody may. Somebody may look at you like, um, is it really God's purpose in your life to mock a vice president?

Speaker 2:

And they've asked that. They have asked yeah.

Speaker 1:

And what? All right, let's just take a segue. What'd you tell them?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I, you know.

Speaker 2:

So, first of all, I actually had to take some time to reflect on it, because I actually thought it was a really good question and a really fair question, like, would you know on it, because I actually thought it was a really good question and a really fair question, like, would you know, would, would God?

Speaker 2:

Would God approve of this? And I and I had to really. So I had to stop and I had to think about my motives and and what it was that I uh am making fun of. You know.

Speaker 2:

So there's like two distinctions here. One I'm I'm mimicking, mimicking her. You know, I am literally imitating her limit, uh, imitating her, her manner of speaking, her tone of voice, her gesturing, you know. So there's the, the actual imitation, and then there's also the mockery, and you know, and I said, well, you know what? So here's the thing I'm not mocking her as a woman. I'm not mocking her for her looks. I'm not mocking her, um, for any of the things in her life that you know she maybe can't control, or something you know physical appearances, whatever. What I'm mocking is her job performance or her lack thereof. You know her poor performance, and I'm calling attention to it to people who maybe haven't noticed, and now all of a sudden they're noticing and I've had people jump in the comments like wait a minute, did she really say that? Is that even possible that the vice president of the United States made the statement? I'm like verbatim, I'll tell you if it's something I'm making up and that she didn't say, and I'll tell you when it is something that she absolutely did say. And you know, and the funniest part is when people can't tell if it's something I just made up or if something she really said, because that's how believable it is that she'll say something absurd. You know, um, so it, it, it did take some reflection.

Speaker 2:

I I'm honestly, I have to be perfectly honest, I'm still on the fence about it. I really am. I really I'm not sure and I I ask daily for guidance on that, Like, if you know, if, if I'm wrong, if this is wrong, you know, set me straight and and you know, give me, give me the um, the, the wisdom and the grace to actually listen to you and pay attention, if you're telling me not to do this anymore. And you know, that's why I'm kind of like I'm just, I'm fine with it. You know, you asked me early on. You know what happens if she moves on and or when she moves on.

Speaker 2:

Let's, let's project that when she moves on from office um, you know, I'm fine with it, I'm good with it. It's, you know, hopefully it's serving a purpose and and keeping a spotlight on what I truly believe is a is a truly evil administration. You know, I don't think that they're, I don't think that they're stupid, I don't think that she's well jury's out on that. I don't know if I think I want to be truthful here, yeah, well, I'll let that go for the moment, but yeah, I mean, I want to call attention to what I think is evil. And you know, and I think it's okay to mock evil, I think that's okay, I think he'd be all right with that.

Speaker 1:

Well, political satire is free speech as well. It's just, some people think that you can't talk badly about your leaders, and I'm like well, now, that's not. I tell you, in the Bible there are some people that have criticized their leaders. There's nothing wrong with that. We wouldn't have a country if we didn't criticize our leaders, right?

Speaker 2:

right and they didn't want to criticize. I'm sorry. Most of the people that that put those comments on are also people, because I do a little stalking. Are also people that you know when you go look at their page.

Speaker 1:

No, you're just doing research. Intense research, just doing research, that's all it is Intense research, Just researching, you know.

Speaker 2:

so I can give a rounded response.

Speaker 1:

Now you're sounding like a vice president.

Speaker 2:

Right, but you know, most of the time I'll see on their their profile it's like you know, orange man bad, you know. So they're making their money. They're making it's. It's not that I'm making fun of a leader, it's that I'm making fun of the person that they like.

Speaker 1:

You're pointing out the things that they need to pray for, but in a humorous way.

Speaker 2:

Yes, there you go.

Speaker 1:

I'm helping you. I'm helping you now, I'm counseling you.

Speaker 2:

I like that. That's good. I'll be using that. I will credit you on that one.

Speaker 1:

Anything you want to do is that this, this Yahoo that does this G-N-I-T-N, because you know you've made it. When you use not your name but you abbreviate the letters, then you know you have arrived.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So it's not just God's news and news, GNITN. So just you know, throw that out.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I like that.

Speaker 1:

You think you think I'm joking on that, but I can tell you right now, when people want to know how to find the channel, I say cause I branded everything, I started branding everything GNITN, and just kind of, you do a search on GNITN and my, my, my last name, I'm all over the search results.

Speaker 2:

That's awesome. That was actually my next. My next thing I wanted you to tell everybody here on my platform where they can find you all that good stuff.

Speaker 1:

You can find me usually if I've done something stupid, cowering in a corner right over there. No, that's not it, I'm a rocket man, I'm under a rock. Just Dave at DaveSistycom is my email address. If you want to do DaveSistycom, you've found me.

Speaker 2:

Nice, I love it is my email address if you want to do. Dave sissycom, you found me nice and all the different, all the different, all and.

Speaker 1:

And. What I will do is when I this is a little, I don't have to do this. I'll be doing it for you. I'll do all the places they can find you, but when you post this, uh, use all the links in my email there and you put it in the description of the video. They'll find me.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, okay, yeah, I, I'm actually wanting to be found now. It's okay so I know you know you go ahead. Do you see an end in sight for like, are you going to just keep doing this and until you can't do it any longer, or do you I?

Speaker 1:

thought you were going to say do you see an end in sight in this interview?

Speaker 2:

we're getting there, we're getting there, but so much more we're going to have to definitely do more of these, because there's so many more things.

Speaker 1:

No, we could talk for a long time. You get me rolling on prophecy or talking about Israel. I could go a long time.

Speaker 2:

I would actually love to do that. If we could do more of these, if I could steal you for a little. I know you're so busy with your stuff. Are you kidding me? I'm retired.

Speaker 1:

When people talk about when can we fit this interview and I go I'm retired, you tell me when I'll make it work. But no, no, I'm happy that you're saying I have to fit this in. This is what I'm doing, it's part of my life. But no, you can all the I'll if you want, all the different email addresses and stuff like that, but just myfirstandlastnamecom, that's my website. I love it, that's so awesome it would be, oh my gosh, this was so fun.

Speaker 2:

I mean like I feel like we've only scratched the surface. There's so many things that I want to ask you about. I think the next time we get together, I would like to like full on interview, like what do we call this?

Speaker 1:

A conversive view. Conversive view or an introversation? Oh my God, conversive view or an introversation.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God. Conversive view.

Speaker 1:

That's the word you used.

Speaker 2:

Yes, there you go. Yeah, I did. Oh, that's so funny, I can do it on paper. I didn't think I could say it, but I did it, so I'm proud of myself.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, I want to do that. That laugh, that was the laugh. That was the laugh right there, oh, forgetting, forgetting what has you know the thing you know the thing and the place where you have the things.

Speaker 2:

It's. It's important to be unburdened by those things, right? Yeah, I mean it kills. I hurt myself when I do it Like I make my own. My ears bleed a little bit. It was gross. I cut that out. That was kind of gross.

Speaker 1:

I'll leave it in I don't care, it's it's honestly, I don't care.

Speaker 2:

I can tell you this much here.

Speaker 1:

Okay, um, if you want, if you want to leave something for somebody it's like I think it was, uh, george Mueller. He's a random orphanage in England. Um, amazing testimony he said if God's your partner, dream big. And that's what I think people need to understand. If there's nothing else you've heard, that's your takeaway. If God wants to do something, you better dream big, because if he's your partner, he's contributing a lot more than you are and he wants to do something much bigger than you want.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I love that. There is literally no better way to have closed out this conversation, interview, converse of you than with that. So we're going to put all the links in for everybody to find Dave and and it'll be awesome I'm going to be watching, I'll be binge watching, that'll be my, that'll be my new show, that I'll be binge watching. So I can't wait.

Speaker 1:

You've. I did my 502nd one on YouTube today, so you've got plenty to look at.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's awesome, that is so cool.

Speaker 1:

I dealt with what it says in 2 Timothy 3, perilous Times. I did an eight-week teaching on that, so maybe you can start there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know, you know what. That's a good idea. I will start there. That's perfect. I was going to actually email you offline and be like, where should I start? That's where I'm going to start.

Speaker 1:

I love it. Thank you so do you want? To pray. You want me to pray. What do you want to do, you?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Okay, father, we thank you for this time together. Elsa is such a wonderful host and I thank you for her openness and wanting to do not only this but, father, to be used of you and to continue to make to be, to get us the things we need to hear politically and spiritually maybe a humorous way, but it still makes the point. Thank you for what you're doing spiritually maybe a humorous way, but it still makes the point. Thank you for what she's doing.

Speaker 1:

I do consider it to be a ministry. It's not just a job, it's not entertainment, it is a ministry, and I pray that you will expand her opportunities more and more as the days go on, and I pray for those who are watching that they will realize that if they want to do podcasting, the water is warm. They need to jump in. All they need is their cell phone and an ability to log on and they can start telling people what God's doing in their lives, and I would encourage anyone that's listening there. If that's what's on your heart, you've got something to say. We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. I pray that you'll start putting your testimony out there and we thank you for this and we give all the glory to you In Jesus' name, amen.

Speaker 2:

Amen, and that was it, guys. Thank you so much. We'll see you in the next one.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I'll get my tagline. We'll see you next time. I love it.