The Elsa Kurt Show

Political Whirlwind: Unprecedented Moves, Controversial Policies, and the Unfolding Drama in American Politics

Elsa Kurt

How about a wild ride through the most convulsing political events of recent times? Buckle up as we dissect the seismic removal of Kevin McCarthy from office by House Minority Leader Matt Gaetz, an unheard-of move set to plunge the House of Representatives into uncharted waters. But that’s only the tip of the iceberg as we navigate the bedlam unfolding at O’Hare International Airport.

To add fuel to the fire, we’ll be dissecting the contentious issue of the open borders policy and its flood of undocumented immigrants. Hold onto your seats because this one kicked off a storm of controversy within the Democratic party itself. Let's not forget the audacious stunt from Congressman Jamal Brown who pulled the fire alarm at the Capitol Building. We examine the implications and how it highlights the need for a dialogue about public official conduct.

But it's not all stormy seas. We're also casting our eyes to the future, discussing the political prospects of Nikki Haley and her potential tilt at presidential candidacy. We'll scrutinize the bizarre story of Haley's hotel suite with a bird cage sent by the Trump campaign. As the election picks up pace, we’re curious to hear your thoughts on the front-runners. So, why wait? Subscribe now and join us on this whirlwind tour of American politics.

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Speaker 1:

Well, hello everybody. Welcome to another exciting episode, and I'm not kidding when I say exciting. We've got a lot of things to talk about this crazy, crazy world. Right, clay, it's a pretty bonkers out there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean another good week of material being provided for us. We didn't even have to look for it, so yeah, wait to get into it.

Speaker 1:

Yes, same, it's gonna be a blast. Stick around, guys. Oh my goodness. So you know where we're professionals here and we have our topics planned out. Pretty much usually we know what we're gonna talk about and then they throw us a curve ball yeah they have something pretty crazy happen, and so what we're gonna tell? We're gonna kind of talk about that first, very briefly, and then we'll move into our topics. But let's talk about it. Kevin McCarthy, he's out of here and pretty unceremoniously well, I guess ceremoniously- yeah, I think process orally.

Speaker 2:

I think it's probably the right term. Yeah, yeah that's perfect. Yeah, I mean, you know Matt gates did, did procedurally what you would do, right, he? And he said he was gonna do it. It wasn't a shock that it came today. You know, up front, not you know a guy with not necessarily a stellar reputation himself, mr Right, representative, matt gates, you know, and then, and then offers up the I don't know, it's not a motion, what is it I he offered up. You know he wanted to vote whatever.

Speaker 2:

He called for a vote yeah our war movie, the vote of no confidence in the speaker, and and it passed. And Mr McCarthy is now. He's not necessarily out of a job, but he's out of that job.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah it's, it's a little bit. It's stunning and it's not stunning, right, and you know, people always capture the best pictures. This is, this is him, and that's about how he's, pretty much how he's feeling right now. I'm thinking, yeah, you know, I mean based on everything, and, like I say, you know there's gonna be so much to talk about this and we'll save it for, you know, another, another episode when we find out next steps, and because this is unprecedented, this is never happened and it's made the first for everything Category. But you know, he has not had a lot of popularity. I mean, he got in by the skin of his teeth. No one's been very happy with him and and you know I agree with you, gates is. He's an interesting figure, for sure, he can be. He can make enemies pretty quickly. But, like you said to him, he said we was going to do and he did what he said. So something to be said for that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it'll be. It'll be interesting because, because of the chaos in the aftermath I mean, like you said, unprecedented, you know. So now they've got to install a new speaker, so they'll have to go through that entire process, right, which is going to take, you know, a vote, and it's not like you know when. When speakers traditionally turnover, it's because there's been a turnover in majority of the house or somebody has announced that they're retiring, which again is even, you know is rare in and of itself. So there's preparation, there's people know it's coming, you know, they know who at least, is you know the targeted next speaker. You know McCarthy was in this crowd when you know when, when Pelosi, you know, moved out and the Democrats lost the majority. So you know this is out of the blue. So if it's not McCarthy, then then who is it? And, to be honest with you, I don't have a clue. I really don't.

Speaker 1:

I don't either. Yeah, yeah. I took to the good old rumor mill there over on ex formerly Twitter and you know, just just to take a glance to see who everybody was throwing out there. And I saw JD, or JD Rucker, threw out Alan West's name. Of course you got your your large handful throwing Trump's name out there and you know, I who the heck knows who the heck.

Speaker 2:

I don't think they would be Trump by any means, but I mean it can't be unless he's going to get like the two Right.

Speaker 1:

And you know what, and just very quickly I kind of actually forgot about until right this second. That's another thing not really even worth talking about, other than just mentioning. But Supreme Court dismissed the whole or won't even consider the whole notion of disqualifying him. So that's and. But there's so many, there's so many suits and motions I mean I don't need. That's why it's barely even worth mentioning that. Mentioning it anyway, for for those who care, for those who are keeping score, and somebody is there's, somebody is, somebody is and bully for them, and I thank them for doing that, because then I'll just use their information, yeah.

Speaker 2:

It'll be interesting to see whose name gets thrown out there, though, and who really becomes the front runner. You know, is it going to be a new blood junior? You know younger, is it going to be an old hat? You know who's it going to be, and I think it's going to matter. But I think it's very indicative of this entire. You know, not just the administration, but the direction that the capital is going as a whole Is. It's just not a chaos on a daily basis. Every time you think it can't get worse. It does.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it feels like. It feels like some political version of the Mori Povich show. You know, it's just crazy. I mean, you got right, you've got Federman in shorts. You've got somebody getting kicked out of their job, you've got I mean, the list is so long of things that make your head explode, you know and carjackings.

Speaker 2:

I mean you're going to represent if it gets carjacked, right?

Speaker 1:

Yes, that's right yeah.

Speaker 2:

This is, like you know, days of our lives. Washington DC version.

Speaker 1:

Like sands through the hourglass. So are the days of our politicians lives.

Speaker 2:

You know, as soon as we have a twin marrying his own twin, you know with a brain transplant and and you know that kind of then, then this will really hit home.

Speaker 1:

But it is very so. It really is. It really is. They couldn't. They couldn't have scripted this better if they tried, because it just, you know, we're all. I wish we could just sit back with our popcorn and enjoy the show, but unfortunately we're all profoundly affected by all of their shenanigans. So you know, that's the damn shame of it. But speaking of damn shames, well, we'll move into our next topic. Now I feel a little guilty about this one, because I feel like we keep picking on your Chicago.

Speaker 2:

It's the first time Self inflicted wound right, and that's exactly what this is is a self inflicted wound, and I and I do have tons of friends and family, you know, back in the greater Chicago land area I do still have some great friends and close connections that work in CPD Chicago and our first responders in the greater Chicago land area, and I hear stuff every single day I kid you, not every day. You know it's hey, this is my, this is my district, or hey, this is my. Whatever. You know, this is going on and it's a new film clip. It's a new and it's a lot of it, and I have to say it is literally people driving by with their phone out the window of their own car. This isn't stuff. They're pulling off the news off a tick, tock off a Instagram. This is like sent direct to me, filmed from their own personal device, and it's stuff that you just can't make up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's, it's pretty bad. And if you don't know where we're going with this by the, by the caption, if you don't know, o'hare International Airport is essentially sheltering well, not essentially literally sheltering hundreds of illegal immigrants. I think it said mostly from Venezuela, if that matters or not Because they don't have a facility or any place to put them. So they're just piling up there and I guess they they're in a shuttle bus center, they're sleeping on cardboard and they're using the airport bathrooms for all of their needs. Now, the last I checked, airport bathrooms don't have showers. So I mean, you know there's a lot of layers here. One just the the horror of it really. I mean just the idea of people being Cattled into and crammed into a small space, a relatively small space for the numbers.

Speaker 1:

You have the, the health and safety issues. I mean there's a lot here and talking about. You know, this is yet another city, another Democrat run city that's doing the whole open arms, come to us, come to us. Oh, we need federal help now because we can't handle it. So somebody help us. We don't know what to do and that's. That's what's going on. It's awful.

Speaker 2:

And it gets worse than that. I mean, the old hair thing is very blatant, it's out there, it's being covered, but it's worse than that. Again, friends close ties to you know Chicago area police department, chicago police department itself, you know, I have heard stories of, you know these, these folks, these, you know, illegal immigrants that have been been bused up from Texas, mostly, actually all, from Texas. I've heard of them and seen photos of them. Homeless encampments, I'm not kidding you right outside the door of police stations, like on the sidewalk in front of the police station. I've heard stories of illegal immigrants ODing Inside of police stations, like in police station bathrooms. So they're like you said, and oh hair, it doesn't. You know, there's no facilities or limited facilities. You got people living in tents on the sidewalk in front of a police station. They walk into the police station, use the bathroom, shoot up overdose in a police station, like that's how out of hand this is getting so very, very quickly and it's really, you know, chicago is is, I hate to say, turning into the next San Francisco, but that's the direction that it's going, you know, and and I know we're starting to see some turns right. New York, the governor of New York a turn. I don't know if you heard this one.

Speaker 2:

President Bill Clinton said this is a non-starter. They have to start earning their way, they have to start paying taxes, they have to get jobs. Bill Clinton, you know I mean the, the biggest name you and I talked about. You know name recognition huge, you know. Yeah, for him it's to turn on the party itself and really the direction the party is going About open borders and bring them all in and we're gonna house them.

Speaker 2:

But you're starting to see the backlash, even within the Democratic Party, where everybody is finally coming to the same conclusion that most of us saw coming Right that you, we can't, as a nation and as individual cities and states, can't handle the influx. It's the. The infrastructure is not there, the funding is not there. It's just a horrible, horrible idea. And, truthfully, the plan from the governor of Texas worked to a tee Exactly the effect. He was trying to get a hundred percent that it's a home run, it's a grand plan. It's a home run, it's a grand plan. It had exactly what he wanted every other state, every other sanctuary city to feel is exactly what's going on, and good for him.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely, yeah, absolutely had to be done because, as is typical, they don't care about anything that doesn't affect them personally and immediately. And that really was the only way, I mean because nothing else was working. Obviously, you know, not not telling me anything else, not the videos, not the, you know, the live stream videos of the border crossings and the filth and the crime and all of the things that were going on. None of that had any effect on, because it didn't, didn't affect them, didn't matter to them. And now that it's in their backyard, you know, now they're all begging for help and and saying enough is enough.

Speaker 1:

And you know it's a, it's a damn shame that that's what it takes to make an obvious point and and it, like you said, it has been obvious to the rest of us All along that this is, you know, unsustainable, impractical and pretty much impossible, along with flat out being unsafe, you know, and uneconomical. I mean we can go down the list of uns Probably for the entire episode of all of the things that why this is a bad, bad idea. And you know, and you could even go into the hypocrisy of, you know, going all the way back to the, the COVID mandates and everyone having to be vaccinated and you can't travel. But you know, we can, we can keep those borders open and let undocumented, unvaccinated people in. So that's what we're going to do. We can, we can keep those borders open and let undocumented, unvaccinated people in. So you know where's, where's your, you know, balance here. That doesn't make much sense and never did to anyone except for, except for those Democrats and it's so.

Speaker 2:

This is a, you know, it's a great example. It's a single issue Microcosm for lack of a better term of the, the coastal blue Attitude towards, you know, what's commonly known as the flyover states. Right, you know, everything in middle America doesn't exist, it doesn't matter, because if it doesn't happen on the coasts, then they don't pay attention to it, whether it was New York, you know, or obviously the entire West Coast, and because it didn't affect them. Right, so really it wasn't a real thing. So this is same exact thing. Right, was only happening in Texas. It was maybe touching a little bit New Mexico, arizona, southern California wasn't really a big deal, but it was really hitting Texas hard and they shared the wealth and and now it's relevant, right, it's not a it's not a Texas problem anymore, it's not a flyover state problem anymore, it's a national problem and it's hitting everyone. And it's hitting everyone who never expected it to happen. New York, thousands of miles away from the border, you know, boston, you're hearing it all over the place and it all over the place.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's a reality and you know, as a matter of fact, there are, you know, several other cities, including Boston. There was a few others too. They all rejected the whole airport sheltering. They said absolutely not. And Chicago said no, no, no sure we can do that. That'll work Clearly not. You know one of my, you may be Remember back around around this time last year, when I think it was a governor, abbott and DeSantis both pulled a couple hilarious, fast ones, sent, I think DeSantis sent a whole gaggle of them over to Martha's Vineyard. Remember that, what I wouldn't give for the migrants, oh, I don't even know where to begin. I'm sorry what they're. They're here on the island, like like now. Oh, I wouldn't give my, my, my home. That's ridiculous. That's ridiculous. We need to find somewhere to send them because they can't stay here. There's no room to hear, there's nowhere for them to stay. I believe we could barely accommodate ourselves, so let alone Extra sure to last lasted a whole 48 hours before they got them booted right off.

Speaker 1:

They booted them like McCarthy and and who was it? Was it Abbott, who sent him over to Kamala Harris's house? I can't remember who sent him over, but one of them did. One of them did, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I don't remember what it was, but, yeah, same thing. Yeah it's. You put it on somebody's doorstep and they're gonna notice. And that was, you know, absolute intent and absolute intent achieved. So good for them, right?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely, and you know, and as an all-state the obvious, because somebody is gonna jump in and say you guys are so callous, you're so uncaring. No, the it's the exact opposite. It's because we care enough to want these people to be treated better and treated justly, as well as the people who live here, and not have our people burdened by things that we can't handle. These are unsafe situations, not only for Americans but for these people. You know, you have minors and elderly people that are part of these Illegal migrations. They are completely unprotected in every possible way and unsafe. We already know about the, the child trafficking and all that's going on with that. This is just another Way for these things to happen to them. Way for these things to happen to these people because they're not protected, they're not being, they're not documented, they're just here.

Speaker 2:

You know, and this is not political asylum in the hundreds of thousands. This is not political asylum. Don't let anybody get it sideways. These are people who are moving here, whether they just want to, whether they are looking for a better life, whether they're being paid to. We could go down that road. Whatever it is, this has nothing to do, or very, very little to do, in the masses of political asylum or safety. It's not, not in the hundreds of thousands. If you're in the thousands, the four digits maybe, across all of Central and South America, okay, right, I get it, but in these numbers.

Speaker 2:

It's not political asylum. That has nothing to do with it. You'll never convince me that that's what it is, cause if it was, you'd have governments collapsing. All of these nations that they're coming from, all of them would be collapsing. If this was really about political persecution and these people fleeing for their safety and all those things, those countries would all. It wouldn't just be a bad economy in Venezuela, it would be much, much more than that and it would be rampant across all of Central and South America, and that's not going on. So I don't buy it.

Speaker 1:

No, I don't either. I think they're coming because, simply, they can and they know a free ride when they see one, and you touched on the, there's some incentives to get them to do what they're doing and yeah, all of those things. There's a lot of layers here and none of it is as simple as but the only end answer or the end result to it is it's bad.

Speaker 2:

It's bad for everyone, so everybody yeah, for sure, and you touched on it too. Even those people that do come across and get put on a bus and get shipped up to O'Hare, they're living in unsafe and unsanitary conditions, period right. They haven't moved for the better. This has not. You know maybe the only differences now they are living inside versus outside, in a camp sitting on the border between Mexico and Texas. That's it. That's the improvement of their life.

Speaker 2:

But in the meantime yeah, this is not good for anybody, including those people that have come across the border.

Speaker 1:

It's awful, it's really, honestly, I think it's inhumane, I think it's cool, and I know people are gonna say, well, they chose to come over here. Well, I agree, but they're still human beings, you know, worthy of dignity and respect. And the only way that can be done is if things are done the right way.

Speaker 2:

Simple as that this is correct yeah.

Speaker 1:

So Clay, you and I could, just we could run the country I, you know. Everything is pretty simple really. I mean, it's just all comes down to you on a sense, could we?

Speaker 2:

yes, could we? Yes, I think with the help of a somewhat decent Congress, I think we could. Would I want to? I've never shied away from saying no to that job. I you know, even jokingly people have said it before. Don't you wanna run for office? I absolutely do not. I don't. It's no desire whatsoever.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I. You know I don't envy the position at all for anyone. I wouldn't want it either. I it's public offices never appeal to me. I've been teased that I should run as well because but not because of my brains, because of my Kamala impersonations. You know it's not real.

Speaker 2:

You're a beard double.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know right. So it's not really the pad on the back that I would like for it to be, but same. You know I remember talking to somebody one time about you know, so I'm a big fan of you know, mike Rowe is a dirty jobs.

Speaker 1:

Guy Gosh, he's just such a all around likable guy, super smart. He has the right attitude and right, in my opinion, everything. And I remember at one point saying she's you know why can't someone like Mike Rowe run for president or anyone similar? You know, just middle of the road, you know, loves America but is just really balanced about everything. I think everything that he says and you know, and the answer of somebody said well, it's because normal people don't want that job, they don't want to run for office, they don't want that position, and I think that's absolutely true. You know, you're average American, doesn't? You do have to be a very certain type of person to want to be able to do that, and it does come with qualities that are not exactly appealing either, you know, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

No, the work environment is, in my opinion from you know, at least my assessment is not is atrocious, truthfully. Yeah, I mean I've been around enough politicians up close and personal to see the personalities that are in those jobs and I can't imagine working around those personalities every day. Well, I mean, they only work like a hundred days a year, but you know, to be around them all the time and to be in that environment and that atmosphere all the time, I would be the most irritable SOB that anybody in the world would ever want to be around, just from the osmosis of it all. I mean, it would just be, you know, just ruin your day every day you get up just to be around that environment, that atmosphere. Nope, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So would like being there make you so disgusted and not want to be there so badly that I don't know you would maybe pull a fire alarm to get out of it.

Speaker 2:

Fire, alarm Fire alarm. Yes, I would pull it 10 times a day. I think Jamal Bowman, Democrat from New York, when the continuing resolution bill hit everybody's desk on Saturday, the assumption or the feeling from a number of folks that the Republicans were trying to push it through because they were running out of time, so there wasn't enough time to review the 70 page bill. So his solution to this to buy time was to, you know, walk from his office out into the hallway and pull the fire alarm.

Speaker 1:

Let's just show that picture one more time, yeah.

Speaker 2:

You can see him caught red-handed. At first there was an explanation that he thought it was the button for a door. You know, it was a locking button of some kind that he felt he needed to push to allow him to move through doors that he clearly had never moved through before, from his office to the floor, whatever. That was the first explanation that went out the window right away. And then there was the. He was in a panic, he was in a rush, he wasn't thinking.

Speaker 1:

He just wanted to go vote so badly, yeah, so badly. He was in a hurry.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it's all garbage, you know, I mean, you know he's of course getting support from the crazy ladies on the view. You know. Well, I know him. I don't know if you saw this. I know him and I know that he would never do something that malicious. Sure he would. You know who else does that?

Speaker 2:

Seniors in high school, on a spring day, when they don't wanna be in school anymore, they pull the fire alarm. Happened at my high school when I was a senior, four times in one afternoon. Right, just didn't wanna be there. It's kept pulling it and you know what happens. The fire department shows up because it's not a drill, right, they respond. And similarly, the same thing happened.

Speaker 2:

You know, I don't know if the fire department actually showed up at the Capitol building, but I know the Capitol police were involved. I know there was an immediate investigation begun to figure out what happened, who did it and why. But now you've stressed out all of those first responders. You know that they probably had to clear the building, or at least begin to clear the building, before they determined that it was safe to stay right. You got staffers in there, you got all those people that you just put through, you know, an unnecessary stress over what turned out to be nothing. And I say that because every single Democrat except one supported the continuing resolution. So him pulling the fire alarm to buy more time meant absolutely zero. Nothing. It was a stunt. It was total bullshit, irresponsible, and he needs to be held accountable.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and, by the way it is, actually it's a felony charge. If that goes forward Now, do we think it'll go forward? I mean, you know, we couldn't find out who brought cocaine into the White House.

Speaker 2:

Good point, so good.

Speaker 1:

Right. I mean, if you can't figure that one out with all the things that you have there security measures, cameras, stuff, things if they couldn't come to a conclusion on that and we all know that obviously they could and did they dropped it because they needed to drop it, and you know. So I have about as high hopes for this as I did for that. But absolutely it is something you know. We're laughing about it because it's just irony, right, like it's just. You can't even believe that.

Speaker 1:

This again down to yeah, you've been on it, right. I mean, can't even believe that this is real life, that a grown ass adult who's one of our Congressman, yeah a congressman Pulled a fire alarm.

Speaker 1:

By the way, and I'm gonna put it up there. By the way, the picture that they showed of the doors, it's very, very clear. This is nothing. There was nothing confusing about this door and the signage, because that was one of the things he said too. Oh, the signage was, you know, not clear, you know? I mean, we've all been seeing fire alarm, those little red boxes, pretty much our whole lives, so I feel like we all know what that is.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was juvenile. I think you know one. The people from his district deserve better. But you get what you pay for, right? They put him in office, they voted him in, so you get what you pay for and this is the person that they want.

Speaker 2:

Now, I wrote about this earlier, when this first happened, and I got some snarky responses, some passive, aggressive stuff from people saying, oh yes, well, the integrity of a candidate matters and it's a veiled reference of President Trump. And listen, you and I have talked about this before. We are neither one of us are huge Trump fans for a lot of the character flaw type reasons. So I'm not defending him. And, at the same time, I absolutely am not defending Jamal Brown for the same reasons. This is a character flaw as a person has nothing to do with his political motivations, has nothing to do with anything else. It was a weak attempt to delay something that he was unprepared to vote on. I don't know if he really felt that pressured, I don't know if it was an excuse, I don't know if it was stress made up in his mind, but his reaction to it as an elected official was weak sauce, just weak.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely, I tell you touch on something that is like one of the biggest bones of contention with me these days and it's that whole yeah but Trump thing.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That for every single thing. If you say, if you point out it's not just say if you point out a factual occurrence, a thing that a Democrat or a liberal or anyone on the left does or did, their immediate response is well, yeah, but Trump, blah, blah, blah, whatever they want to fill in the rest of the blank with. And I'll tell you it. Actually, it enrages me because it is so stupid, first of all. So you're basically saying that, ok, we're going to allow an excuse and justify this person's bad behavior because this person's bad behavior I mean, that is literally the stupidest thing I've ever heard, the only thing I can think of. It reminds me of the whole. If your friends jumped off a bridge, would you jump off too? I mean, really, how are you justified? Bad behavior is bad behavior, period.

Speaker 1:

And the second part of that message is also piggybacks on what you just said. Stop assuming that I'm a Trumpster, I'm a Trumplican, all those things. I mean I don't care if you assume whatever the hell you want, but you're assuming wrongly and you know what they say about when you assume it makes a. We all know the saying. But yeah, it's obnoxious, it's petty in its childish, and it's because you don't have a response, it's because you don't have any type of actual comeback or explanation or real justification for bad behavior, and they need to suck it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it is. It's a one-it-a-weak argument, like you said, it's non-substantive. There's no substance to the argument of yeah, but Trump, it holds no. There's no backing there, it holds no weight. And then the associated or association that every single conservative is a Trump supporter. I understand it, we've said it. His base is big and it's deep and it's very, very loyal. But that's not everybody.

Speaker 2:

And just because you are conservative doesn't mean you're a Trump fan. I mean, I'm not gonna say really what that. It's a stereotype, is what it is. It's profiling. Let's turn the tables a little bit. It's profiling, right, and we've all come to the conclusion that, even though profiling actually works and every cop will tell you and every military guy will tell you that profiling works, Like we nabbed a lot of terrorists that way and I know that your husband is a law enforcement guy right, there's a lot of criminals that get caught because of profiling, because it works We've all decided that, as a society, profiling is bad. But that's exactly what they're doing, right. It's a stereotype, it's a profile. Conservatives must be a Trump supporter. You've got a red hat in your closet, you know? And it's garbage. It is, and it is insulting for a lot of us that, just that assumption, the blind assumption being made about you is you know that you're a Trump supporter, trump addict, trump-like in whatever you want to call it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's a whole long list of them, right.

Speaker 2:

It's not us, you know it's not everyone Right.

Speaker 1:

And I'll tell you what. And I was in the early stages of this whole Trump training. You know, for as much as I had misgivings about him, it was those people. And this is what they. You know they have the opposite effect of what they think they're gonna have. You know, they think they're shaming people and making them cower, and they did.

Speaker 1:

For some, there's a lot of closet Trump supporters. You know, back in the day that would never say it out loud, but they just said it with their vote. I actually got a big kick out of, you know, wearing the hats or wearing the shirt just to rile them up. But then it gets to a point where you're like, all right, you know what, I can't join in on the pettiness. I kind of have to step above this here and just stand on convictions and truths and reality and not just hype and propaganda and all of the things.

Speaker 1:

And I think that's a trap that a lot of people have gotten into these like die-hard Trump supporters. I think they've kind of lost sight of a lot of things, you know, and they can't. They can't, and they've got the blinders on and they can't see or tolerate anything negative being said about. I'll lose followers just for saying anything negative about Trump. You know people get so die-hard about it, but you know, my feeling is is I'm for this country, not for any particular person. So and we talked about this last time whoever is going to you know, pray to God whoever can represent this country and us as a people, that's who would get my vote, and that's it. And that could be Trump. That might be Trump, not ruling him out.

Speaker 2:

No, and you can't, because you know, we've said it, you know, but you know, speaking of very, you know, not appealing Trump activities and potential suitors to fill the White House. Yeah, nikki Haley in a bird cage, I mean, talk to me, tell me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and you know, and this whole story actually kind of makes me want to take back my maybe Trump, because it's so petty, it's so childish, it's so stupid and embarrassing I think that's like the word for it. Honestly, the whole episode is just another episode of Mori Povich, you know, and I mean, just come on, man, really the whole thing is an embarrassment and a distraction really from everything that is real and what's going on in the room. By the way, for anybody who hasn't seen it or doesn't know the story, so Donald Trump, on Truth Social, referred to Nikki Haley as a bird brain and he called her this because he's mad at her because she, according to him, she promised him that she was not going to run against him. And now she's running against him and now she is. You know, now she's bad news and now we start with the childish name calling.

Speaker 1:

So then what happened was, apparently Nikki Haley got her hotel suite to find I'll show it again this it's a bird cage, as you can see, and it's from the Trump campaign, supposedly. Now there's so many, I guess we have to use the word allegedly. Are we still using allegedly? I don't know. Allegedly, the Trump campaign took credit for it and they're saying yeah, because the reporter from I think it's like the messenger or something, mark, something I'm sorry, mark, I don't remember your last name, but he says he got a message from someone in the Trump campaign that said, you know, basically said, hey, make sure you cover this week, we want this out there and it's out there. It's out there. And, of course, nikki Haley put it out there as well and she got some backlash. There were quite a few people on her thread there accusing her of fabricating the story. For, you know, attention or sympathy or whatever, I you know, I'm doing my homework on her, I'm trying to learn more about her. Do I think, do I honestly think, she would fabricate that?

Speaker 2:

I kind of think not, but and it definitely seems like something Trump and the Trump campaign would do right, I think, you know, time will tell, because this one not that it should or shouldn't go away, but I'm sure it won't go away what will come out very quickly is if it is or has been fabricated. You know there'll be some confirmation or denial. That'll happen in the next I don't know 72 hours or so, because then it will, you know, move its way out of the new cycle. It will go away, but we'll get some resolution, I think, shortly. I have a hard time believing that. You know that her, anyone from her campaign, from you know, would fabricate something like this.

Speaker 2:

And oh, by the way, you know, chris Christie, you know, whiffed on the whole Donald Duck thing, right, we all. You know, and he's become a laughing stock because of it. You know his face has become a meme. No one up here is going to call you Donald Trump anymore, we're going to call you Donald Duck, you know, and you know, and it's that old, you know he's got that weird look on his face and you know President.

Speaker 2:

Trump went after him and said listen, anybody who would come up with this nickname shouldn't even be running for president, you know. And then he turns around and he calls, you know, nikki Haley a birdbrain very unoriginal and, truthfully, just weak. I mean, I don't like the name calling. I think it's beneath, you know, our national level leadership, but he used to be at least pretty good at it. Right, birdbrain is not the top 10. I mean, you know she's you know yeah.

Speaker 1:

The woman is anything but a birdbrain and you know, and didn't he appoint her to a UN ambassador? I mean, so come on, so you're saying you know, you're essentially saying I'm so stupid that I would, I would put a birdbrain in, you know, position of power and authority and representation of the United States. So that's, you know, it's. It really is a reflection on him in many ways, saying something so absurd. And she's obviously an extremely bright woman, and you know it's just embarrassing.

Speaker 1:

It's just an embarrassing thing and really, in my opinion, I think what it does is I think he tipped his hat. I think he just showed that he sees her as a true threat, you know, because what else would he waste his time? You know why? And and especially if she's somebody that could have, you know, potentially, if he were to get the nomination, potentially be a running mate, I mean because if that were the case, that's somebody I would probably probably maybe it's too soon for me could see we'll put it that way could see as a running mate for VP. And you know who knows they all you don't manage to forgive each other very quickly. Look at Kamala Harris and Biden. You know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly right. You're exactly right. I mean this, could, this could be any one of a number of things, from 100% false to 100% true and then become 100% irrelevant in an equally you know quickly quick amount of time. You know, if it turns out that President Trump does get the nomination from the Republican party, you know for him to turn around and go. Haha, birdbrain, just kidding.

Speaker 2:

You know, totally plausible and wouldn't surprise me even a little bit if that happened. But I think you're right in saying that this is a little bit of an acknowledgement that she is a viable candidate. And I think I'm, I'm I think I'm more, a little bit more, of a Nikki Haley fan than you are, but I think you know, I think she is a, and I think President Trump just acknowledged that she is a viable contender to at least maybe when it gets down to the last two or three, it would be him, her and somebody else to say it's probably, you know, at the end game, but for sure I think he's, he's at least acknowledged that she is someone that he is keeping tabs on and and is even maybe a little bit concerned about.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there is a. You know I don't have the numbers in front of you, but there's some polls that put her. I mean obviously no one's actually near Trump. It's kind of been between DeSantis and Nikki and some polls have her ahead of DeSantis and of course, a poll that's backed by the DeSantis team puts him up higher, surprise, surprise, you know I mean. So it's really hard to go by any of those things. We know that they have, you know, not had the best track record, especially when it comes to anything to do with Trump.

Speaker 1:

So, you know, I mean she, I think she definitely is one to watch and, and you are right, I'm not, I'm not quite on team Nikki yet there are things I like about her and the things that I do. So here's what I don't. It's not that I don't like it about her, it's that I'm not sure how to take it with her. I'm afraid that she will kind of blow whichever way the wind blows. I mean she's cause she's kind of done that on Trump. She was very Trump, very not Trump, luke water Trump, definitely not. You know, there was a lot of flip flopping there, I feel like, and it seemed to go with whatever the crowd that she needed influence with was saying so that I don't like about her.

Speaker 1:

Now there's a flip side to that. That. Maybe you know we have. We've talked about it in the last episode. We talked about being sick and tired of the division, the being their side and our side, your side, my side, tired of it. We want a unifier. Can Nikki Haley be a unifier? Maybe she can, but I do need to see more from her. What are your? What are your pros and cons on her?

Speaker 2:

The number one thing I look at with her and the reason I think that you know she is the. She is the most appealing candidate. I think she has, in my opinion, a better chance of beating as good a chance of beating President Biden as President Trump does. I don't think that any of the rest of the Republican candidates do DeSantis, Vivek, certainly not Pence. I don't think any of the rest of that crowd has a legitimate shot at beating President Biden. I think she does, and for a number of reasons. One, I think, out of the entire Republican field that exists right now, she's the only actual diplomat Right.

Speaker 2:

There's a difference between being a politician and being a diplomat, and being the president requires diplomacy. You know you have a Secretary of State that does diplomacy for you. You have other, you know, cabinet members that do that, but you, as the president, are a diplomat and have diplomatic responsibilities. She, her experience as the ambassador to the UN, provided that diplomatic experience, and some people, you know, see that as bending which way the wind blows. Some people see it. As you know, the world doesn't exist in black and white right. Everything has a shade of gray to it, and a diplomat learns to operate inside the gray, as opposed to the hard left, hard right, black and white kind of world, that, or really the state that our nation's in right now.

Speaker 2:

So I think she has the ability to navigate those things more so than any of the rest of the candidates, right, they're all selling themselves right now, as you know, hard on this, hard on that. This is it. You know, I'm not wavering blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and they're all trying to be a bunch of hardasses and at times you need to be a hard ass, no question about it. Every president has had a draw line in the sand, literally, figuratively. You have to do that, but 99% of the time that's not the requirement.

Speaker 2:

The requirement is somewhere in the gray and I think she has the capability and the experience to do that, and the other candidates just don't. I think she'll be better for the country, but I think she's more electable than Vivek, than Scott, than Pence, than any of the rest of them, because she's going to appeal to a wider base and you know she's gonna get a higher percentage female. But you know she is of Indian descent, right. She is a ethnic minority, right. So that plays into it too, Cause listen, let's be honest there are people that will vote that yes absolutely no question.

Speaker 1:

Yep, we know that for certain, that you know.

Speaker 2:

Not speculation, people will vote that way, and so she draws those votes in. And those are a lot of people. There are a lot of people in those demographics that are never Trumpers. Right, they just will not do it. So I think that's why I sit with her as a Republican candidate. I think she's the most viable, the most electable outside of President Trump, you know, the only one that has the ability to beat President Biden, you know, heads up. And that's why I like her, because she is electable, sure.

Speaker 1:

Sure, yep, I can see all that. I see great potential for that possibility. I you know. So here's my tough part. You know I have been as the governor of Florida. I have been a huge DeSantis fan for the whole time. I mean, I would have moved to that state in a second if my husband would just retire. I could have been there. And you know I truly, truly loved the idea of him running, but running in 2024. That's what I wanted to see. I wanted him to stay in Florida longer. I felt like it would be a much better situation all around and you know so there's still part of me that has that DeSantis love. So I don't know, I just I don't know. I wanna see how things play out. I see potential for Nikki. I honestly believe, out of everybody that we're talking about, as far as these potential candidates or candidates, I think it is gonna be between DeSantis and Haley and of course there are gonna be a distant second and third from Trump, but I think they're the only ones with a possibility of contending at all.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and again, I'm not really hating on DeSantis as based on his role as governor. I mean, florida's a great place to be, you know, and he has done a bang up job as a governor. Unfortunately, that doesn't always translate to being president. It just it doesn't right. And I know that people are gonna turn around and go. Well, you know Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton, you know, and there's plenty of examples where governors could make that leap, but those days are not these days right that the country is in a very different place now than it was 20 years ago, 40 years ago. You know, and I don't think it translates as well from back then to now. Again, bang up job as a governor. Florida's a great place to be, their economy's awesome, they held out well during COVID, but I just don't see him as being able to carry that forward, you know, as into the White House and to try and run the country the same way. I don't think it translates. And I think that's kind of where you and I, you know, just you know are living in.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's where the roads diverge a little bit. Yeah, I like his toughness and I know there's people that have a problem with that and see it as you know. Maybe I've actually heard people say borderline dictator-y type of thing. I just made a new word. You like it?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

New word. New word.

Speaker 2:

Sounds like an appetizer at a potluck place.

Speaker 1:

Sounds delish Dictator-y, you know, and I could see where that could be very off-putting for people. You know I happen to like that strength line and you know that get-it-done-ness of his I find that very appealing. I'd like to maybe see I guess I'd like to see maybe a little bit more fire from Nikki, just a little more fire from her.

Speaker 2:

Fair criticism.

Speaker 1:

And listen, I'm the first one to say I could be dead wrong on that. You know she is like I said. I'm gonna give her all her pros. I mean she is a solid conservative. I don't think she is wishy-washy on that at all. I think there's a lot of things I do like about her. I just I need to see a little bit more before I get on team Nikki. But on my hashtag team Nikki shirt.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we've only got a year to deal with this.

Speaker 1:

You're gonna get 20. It's gonna happen, I think so, and it's gonna change right. It's gonna change so many times, right. It's exhausting in that way. By the time we get to that point, we just have exhaustion from it all.

Speaker 2:

And there's only like three or four more Trump lawsuits that we've gotta deal with. That'll affect all of this. There's obviously everything going on with Hunter Biden, which is gonna. We just had the impeachment inquiry right, so that's going on. There's a million things that are gonna happen between now and next November, but here's where we stand right now. You've got your favorite, I've got my favorite, and we'll see how the horses run and a year from now, one of us, maybe, maybe one of us will be right. Maybe not, but that's where we're at right now.

Speaker 1:

That is where we're at. All. Right, guys, we're gonna leave you off on that note. Feel free to chime in and tell us who your front contender is right now. If you even have one, let us know too, if you're feeling like you don't like any of them. That could be very much the case. So let us know, and don't forget to hit that subscribe button. We love chatting with you guys, and we will see you all in the next episode. Clay, you wanna close it out for us?

Speaker 2:

Hey, as always, a blast, and they keep. We don't even ask for topics, they just find their way to our desktops and here's where we sit. So we'll be back again doing it next week and, as always for me, keep moving, keep shooting.

Speaker 1:

Take it easy, guys 幫助.