The Elsa Kurt Show

Questioning the Truths of Masks, Vaccines, and Biden's Leadership

Elsa Kurt

Wondering how we got to a point where the vaccinated are seemingly more likely to contract COVID-19? Our skepticism mirrors that of the majority we've spoken with, as we question the truth behind masks, vaccinations, and ventilators. We're perplexed, saddened, and frustrated with the situation we find ourselves in - join us as we unpack this absurdity.

It's hard to ignore the contradictions in President Biden's actions. His inconsistent adherence to mask mandates - encouraging others yet disregarding them himself - fuels our doubts about his leadership. Awarding a medal of honor to an elderly veteran, maskless, is one of the many head-scratchers. The president's delayed responses to national tragedies, such as the Maui fires, and his absence from the 9/11 memorial, only raise more questions. We dissect his actions and the resulting public perception, delving into why some still support him unconditionally.

Learn about Capt. Larry Taylor's story here:

The 2024 Presidential Election is shrouded in uncertainty. The thought of our current Vice President ascending to President generates a lot of apprehension and doubt. We're left to speculate about potential Democratic candidates, with Michelle Obama's name making rounds. This crucial upcoming election and the general uncertainty of what will transpire will be our focus as we continue our conversation. Prepare for a thought-provoking conversation that not only questions the status quo but also speculates on what future lies ahead.


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Speaker 1:

Well, hello guys, welcome to the show. As promised, it is Clay Novak and me, elsa Kerr, and we have got a really great show for you. Say hi to everybody, clay.

Speaker 2:

How's everybody doing?

Speaker 1:

All right, we are going to do our little intro music for you, because you got to do that, and then we'll be right back after that. All right, so aren't we cool with our intro, our theme music and our cool stuff? How you been. I feel like it's been ages, but I guess it really hasn't been that long. Everybody got to see our debut show last week and now we're in for the nitty gritty. I'm excited. How about you?

Speaker 2:

We got to do that initial, that premiere show with the two of us, which was fantastic. I got a lot of great messages, great feedback from everybody. They love it and I'm having a good time, so absolutely happy to be back and doing this all the time with you.

Speaker 1:

Yay, we're going to have so much fun. I mentioned in a previous video I did for everybody that I'm working on, or we're working on, a new recording platform. Everybody is going to be so gracious and bear with me. There's so many fun little features and things on here, and thank goodness for Clay, because if I miss something, I know he's going to help me. Here we go. It's going to be beautiful, right? Yes, it's such a burden lifter to be like. It's not all on me, I'm just going to throw Clay under the bus. Something goes wrong. I'm like oh that Clay.

Speaker 2:

You always blame the new guy.

Speaker 1:

Exactly. Yeah, I like it. There was a method to my madness, speaking of madness Perr, perusing all of the latest news and stuff and things. I'm sure you saw it too. There's been a buzz about COVID mandates. Covid, I can't believe. I can't even say the word. It makes me stutter. Covid mandates potentially coming back.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I've seen it in my life. People I know have gotten it, some people for a second, third time, but I know that, like you said, in the news it's been coming back. There's been some schools, I think, down in Maryland. I think. I read that they've started COVID mask mandating already. I just think the overwhelming response I've seen everybody I've talked to and you've probably seen the same thing is everybody is so over it. They're just like the mask. The revolt against the mask is massive right now. Everybody I won't say everybody, because that's a little much, but the majority of people, they're just so against it. I'm not doing this again. Do not comply. It's all the same thing from everybody. I mean, are you hearing the same thing?

Speaker 1:

Same same thing, absolutely. And of course I'm still seeing people walking around who never took off their mask. That's a whole different breed that I can't even allow myself to wrap my brain around these people. And I'll be fair and say maybe some of them are severely immunocompromised and they believe, wrongly, that those masks are helping them. And I don't want to call them stupid. I don't think they're dumb people. I think they have been so cowered into submission via fear mongering and it makes me really incredibly sad for them and us as a society because we're so divided for many, many reasons, but that really, being one of them in that whole pandemic wink wink, is a big factor in that. And man, I mean I'd say if that wasn't planned, it might as well have been, because what it did has been insane and I 100% agree with you. I'm in the absolutely not. There is no way you can get me to muzzle up again and ew.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, elsa, even if you go back and you replay all of it in your head and it's the you know you have. Everybody has to mask, everybody has to stay home, everybody. You know if you go to the hospital, you're gonna get put on a ventilator and then you have to get vaccinated and then you have to get the booster and then you have to keep the mask on. And if we do that that's going to. You know, if you get Vaccinated, then you can't give it to somebody else, and if you get vaccinated, then you can't get it from somebody else. And if you have a mask on, then you can't transmit it.

Speaker 2:

And we put up all this plexiglass and every single thing, step by step, turned out to be false, every bit of it. If you got put on a ventilator in a hospital, unfortunately you died. That was it. If you got and you talk to anybody and I've got friends who are doctors and nurses Anybody and everybody that got put on a vent dead, that was it. It's shameful and it's horrible and I feel so bad for anybody and everybody that had to go through that with a family member.

Speaker 2:

But that was step one. The vaccinations you can't give it to somebody oh, but, by the way, you need a booster. And then, if you have the second, you got to get a third booster, and then you'll never be you'll, you'll never get it from. And now the latest, the latest version, um, you know of of covid that's coming out. They're now saying if you're and I've seen this in multiple places If you are vaccinated, you are more likely to get the virus than people who are not vaccinated. How absurd is all of this? I I mean anybody with a rational brain, with a memory, should be able to go back and go lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie. I'm not doing it because it's right, it's bull. The whole thing is bull, it's ridiculous.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it is, it's. It's absolutely insane. And you're right. I want to see now. So I'm playing with the new features here. I want to show everybody that overlay. Let's see. Yeah, it does come up. This was the one you were mentioning Maryland schools. I just the site of this makes my Blood boil. I, these are just babies, they're just babies and you know this is such a critical time in in their their socialization, development and to be missing out on People's faces, those kids that went through that. They're long term affected. You know we all are. We're long term affected, not by covid, by by what they did in the name of covid to all of us.

Speaker 2:

We're finally getting back to the point, especially with kids right, where they've gotten, you know, reintegrated. They've started socializing again, they're learning, although delayed in a lot of cases, socializing and normally, what we would consider normally. They're getting back to what we would consider pre covid normal, and we're gonna do this to them all over again, we're gonna do it to another generation of kids and and we're gonna set them back a couple of years. It's, it's insanity, it's absolute insanity.

Speaker 1:

I just, I really really hope that more people than before have woken up. But you know, I hate even to use the Woke in any form anymore. Yeah, just very excited I was able to spell it, oh. But yeah, I mean, it's just and it's, um, I hope discernment and, uh, logic and reason Overrule the masses, always gonna be people that, um, just you know, fall right in step and and do what they're told, like good little minions, um. But I just hope that's fewer than than before and I think the pushback is definitely Very noticeable.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if it was Maryland I'm not sure which one, but there or if it was even one of the schools, I know somebody, you know somebody big, tried to Start implementing and the pushback was like immediate and fierce and they just kind of like, never mind I, I don't know if it was a college or where it was, but if somebody knows, type it in the comments after, um, because now it's gonna drive me crazy who and where it was, but it was kind of it was it was an eyebrow razor, because it's like, okay, okay, we're not standing for it, good.

Speaker 2:

Like you said, there's still people out there. I still see him, the, the person driving alone in their car with the windows up with a mouse gone. I'll never understand it. I mean I'm not gonna. I just I'll never understand it. I just won't Um. It makes absolute no sense whatsoever. But you still see it and we're gonna see. Like you said, there's gonna be people that fall in line. They're not gonna question, they're gonna do what they're told Um and and they're just gonna go along with whatever you know, the cbc or whoever else tells them to do Um and it's, it's crazy, it's beyond crazy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and, and you know, even, uh, even, uh, joe and jill got their marching orders get those masks on. Uh, uh, jill, jill, suppose, lemma saying she didn't have it. But I, I don't know why I'm saying supposedly, because you can't believe anything that they say or do Um, but uh, jill had covid. So, so joe started masking up like a, like a good little minion, except for when it was time To award the medal of honor to a guy who was also in his 80s, if not older. Um, so he wears it. Just see that he wears this mask. And until it's time to do that and he takes the mask off. And so there's, there's logic, right? That makes a whole heck of a lot of sense, doesn't it?

Speaker 2:

It's not not selective, right? I mean, that's, that's the key. It's not. So if it's important enough to Mask, mandate or or even recommend, then it's not a selective recommendation. It's not. Oh, you know, you can, you should wear it, unless you're in a room full of people and it's a public appearance, and then it's okay to take it off. It's okay to do it unless you're giving, you know, a very important speech and awarding the medal of honor to a vietnam veteran, then it's okay to take it off. That's, that's not how it works. So it's either important or it's not important. And clearly, as being displayed by the president, it is, uh, selective enforcement and therefore not important.

Speaker 1:

Um, right, yeah, absolutely. Now we have, uh, we have the clip of that too, and there's there's actually several things that we can talk about on on that whole fiasco. So let's, let's show that for yeah, so no, no mask when they're, you know, pushing the masking and then what is technically, in my opinion, worse, that he left the guy on the stage, just shook his hand, walked off and of course, the White House puts their spin on everything and it was very clear. He just wandered off the stage. He shook his hand, wandered off. I mean, this to me, added to the list of bite and bumbles, right it's. I have to laugh because it makes me so angry.

Speaker 2:

The excuse or the explanation. I'm going to say excuse, I'm not even going to give him the explanation. The out of an explanation was that he wanted to give that captain the stage to give him the spotlight. You actually honor him more, revere him more, give him the stage more by standing there, and I hate essentially pulling yourself out saying, yes, I'm the president of the United States, but I'm going to stand here on the stage and I'm going to give it over to this guy and I'm going to stand here with the rest of you in the audience in awe of this man and his bravery and not the idea that, oh well, he wanted to give him the stage so he just walked out and just wanted to make sure that it was about the captain. He didn't even stay for his speech, his words.

Speaker 2:

It's incredible to me One. You can't tell me that this was planned. No protocol officer, no protocol trained protocol individual, which the White House has an entire staff of protocol people would allow this or plan for this to happen. I think, as we continue to monitor the president and his actions, he literally just forgot what he was supposed to do and walked away. That's what it is Just clueless to everything.

Speaker 1:

Oh, absolutely. And again, this is just another example of the Bidenisms the bumbling Biden, the lost elderly man wandering off. This is not the first time he's wandered off a stage awkwardly, to everyone's discomfort. He was just in Vietnam and they just abruptly ended the conference. He's mid-sentence and apparently saying something they don't want him to say or they're afraid he's about to veer off to I don't know, talking about dog face, pony, soldier, boys, again, who knows right. And it's just shocking. And the only thing that's more shocking to me is the people. And they're there. We talked about them last time.

Speaker 1:

Clay, the people in the comments section, is still saying you don't know what you're talking about. He's the best president we've ever had. And it's like what is happening? What kind of a kool-aid are you drinking? Are they feeding you that you are ingesting? And still seeing these things? How are you not seeing the? I mean, we're seeing them. Our news, I see it on the news, I see it everywhere. So it's hard for me to imagine how they're not seeing the same things that we're seeing, but apparently they're not.

Speaker 2:

That's all it is. And it's like you said. It's the kool-aid, it's whatever. They're choosing to not believe it, they're choosing to ignore it and deciding that it's, or just deciding that it's not an issue. Oh no, he's fine, it's OK. It's just it is what it is and they're OK with it and it's not. It's just not. Because we're watching the degradation in front of our very eyes and it gets perpetually worse. It's that exponential growth of how bad things are getting for him mentally, mental capacity-wise. It's crazy that people still refuse to acknowledge it. Like you said, it's baffling.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and if he's not bumbling on stage somewhere or just making a mess of some speech or other, he's on vacation. He's either on vacation or embarrassing the entire country and really the whole world with his elderly, dementia, brittle behavior and yes, that's speculation on my point, on my part, and I don't know if he has dementia, but my goodness does it look like he does. You know? Yeah.

Speaker 2:

You know when you were talking about him taking time and going on vacation. Listen, I get it. It is the most stressful job on the planet. You take a look at any president. I don't care if it's a four-year stint or an eight-year stint. You look at the pictures of their first inauguration and their last day in office. It ages you more than it should. It doesn't matter how old you are when it starts or when it ends. You need time off. Every president needs time off. That's why Camp David exists. That's why they all take time off, and everybody was on President Trump for going out and golfing as often as he did. The math's been done it has. President Biden has taken more vacation time than any president in the first, whatever it's been two years of a presidency, more so than any of his predecessors.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think we have it somewhere and I think it's something like over 40% of his time has been spent on vacation. But you know, I mean, the nice part is, look, he looks so relaxed, he looks so peaceful and happy. Look, I'm laying out in the sun getting a tan. He's getting his ice cream riding his bike. He's now falling off it there. I mean I mean.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I get it. You know again, everybody needs a little bit of break. But that job is, it's nonstop, it's 24, 7, 365 for as long as you're in office. And can you do it now from a lot of different places? Sure, you can, absolutely. But when you're like you said he took the trip to Vietnam when you're in Delaware at Rehoboth Beach, you're not traveling the world. You're not being a diplomat on behalf of the United States. You're not communicating with foreign dignitaries in person. You're on vacation, when you're licking ice cream cones. Are you communicating with the American public? Sure, you are in a very, very small, handful population right.

Speaker 2:

Okay, fine, I'll, I'll capitulate that point, I'll give that one up. But you're not being the president, you're not in the White House, it? That schedule for any president is ridiculous, and the more time you take off, the further behind you get, and he doesn't have the physical or mental stamina To catch back up again every vacation he takes, the farther he falls behind. So the question is if he's not doing the work, who's doing the work?

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, excellent question, excellent question we had we just had, you know, we had back to back to back, off the top of my head and I'm sure there's more, it was like three major Incidents that he was on vacation for. I mean, we had the Maui fires, which his response to that was Delayed, to say the least. And then when he was asked, point blank, do you know, what do you have to say about the, the Maui fires, what do you have to say to the people? And he said no comment, and gotten his limo and drove off. And you know it's like no comment, no comment, I mean that alone.

Speaker 1:

And then when he actually does get there, of him, you know, appearing I won't say he was asleep, but appearing to be asleep at the victims or Survivors dinner or luncheon or whatever it was you know. So you have that. You have him on vacation again, being asked his thoughts on the, the Russian plane that went down, and he said something to the effect of I worked out today, you know. And now, and the most recent and I again, I know there's more that I'm forgetting about, and the most recent, of course, is that he did not, he broke tradition and did not go to the site of 9-11 and Delegated that one out and went to Alaska, alaska. You know no offense to Alaska, but I mean from Vietnam, right?

Speaker 2:

So you know, taking out of context 9-11, right, this trip, this stop in Alaska, coming back from Vietnam, they take the polar route and they come up and across makes perfect sense, but not in the context of 9-11, right? His travel planters, his trip planners, those that manage his schedule, should have backwards planned this thing, figured out where 9-11's at on the calendar and then moved the the Vietnam thing or Moved to the Alaska thing or whatever. And I understand that he was on an Air Force base on 9-11, but for 22 years, 21 years prior, right every year since 9-11, the president has been either in Washington DC, right at the White House, or At one of the sites, whether it's flight 93 and here in Pennsylvania, or if it's ground zero, or if it's a Pentagon or whatever. They've been somewhere one of the sites on 9-11. He is nowhere near any of those, right, he is literally on the other side of the country and and it obviously didn't go unnoticed you know everybody saw and and you know you talk about his speeches he opened up his speech.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if you saw this in Alaska. You know, I think it's the governor of Alaska who was an all-american. You know, the guy is also from Scranton, pa, which you know the president loves to claim that he's from. You know he grew up in scratch, not that he did right.

Speaker 2:

You know, claim Scranton is his home. You know, and he made a joke opening up his speech on 9-11. He opened it up with a joke Talking about if, if he had been at Scranton at the same time as the you know, this Alaska politician, that he would have been an all-american too. Totally off-color, totally the wrong time. Zero, somber. It was ridiculous. It was so disrespectful to everything in and around 9-11 the families that still exist that lost family members on that day and everybody who's fought and lost since then Was ridiculous. It was shameful. Right truth.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's, he's consistently tone deaf and and the left will say, huh, that's just Joe being Joe and yeah, don't care, they are totally cool with all of it. And they will make excuses and justifications for every single Really truly disgusting offense that this man does to to this country and the people in it. And you know, I have a video here and I want to share it with you and it's it's kind of backtracking a little bit. I want to. I want to do two things quickly. I want, I want to.

Speaker 1:

I want to give Captain Larry Taylor the the recognition that he so deserves. God bless that that man. I don't I don't know why it was so delayed in him getting the Medal of Honor, but his story is truly incredible. We're gonna put it in the show notes so you can see it for yourself if you haven't already. But God bless him and his service. And you know, watching him wipe a tear from his eyes, what a moment for for him In his life, and it just angers me to know and that he was robbed a little bit of the glory of that moment as as for as full as it should have been for him. So we thank him from the bottom of our hearts for his service, and this is not the first time that he has been so disrespectful to To a member of our military.

Speaker 1:

I have a video here and we're gonna show it, and I want to forewarn you guys there there is, there's some f bombs here there's some swearing here. So if you're sensitive, if you're in a room with children, you might want to either turn it down or save it for later. But you've been warned, but this is. I think this really speaks to how a lot of us feel. So here it is, yeah.

Speaker 3:

I want to fucking meet the president. Who's gonna meet the fucking president? And he's like looking at me, like what the fuck? What is he gonna be here? Like he's gonna be here in about an hour. One hour goes by nothing, two hours goes by Nothing.

Speaker 3:

I'm still keep coming in like do you want? You know it's time for your meds. You watch your meds. I'm like, nope, hold them, hold them, hold them. And my mom's furious. She's like okay, like like the Secret Service are coming into the floor and I'm just like looking at this dude and he like passed down my mom, passed down my buddy, and he's like over there. And I'm like mom, what? What she's nervous, you know? And I'm like, is that the president? Yeah, everyone in the room starts laughing and the Secret Service agent starts laughing and he like pulled on his mask and he's like no, he's like, but I work for him.

Speaker 3:

I was like, oh my god, who's the fucking president? And just so much had happened, just had so much trauma on me, I had no idea who the president was. Who's the fucking president? And she's like it's like sweetheart, it's like it's Joe Biden. I just leaned back and I was like, oh my, oh my god, secret Service dude, just like beat red, like trying not to laugh Jill Biden, they're a little entourage of people and like photographer, right away, like remember him coming up to me trying to shake my hand. And I look at him. I don't have an arm and my left arm is in this big-ass cast, completely immobile. I can do is move my head, my arms gone. And he says, oh, and like, kind of stands up and then like goes over to reach for my fingers because about an inch of my fingers are showing and just like grabbed my fingers, doesn't greet me or anything, just almost immediately starts talking about how their son served in the military. Doesn't say anything about what happened. My mom said this is like I don't give a fuck.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I, you know, I mean, this guy is, you know, he's a hero, he's a veteran, he's just been so traumatized and has a lifetime, really, of adapting to this. And the president of the United States comes in and with this nonsense, and late, what do you say? Like two hours late or something you know. And again, sure I can play the devil's advocate and say well, you know, I mean, he's the president, he's busy, he's got places to be in, places to go and he's not always in charge of his. But come on, this is when you, when it's one thing you cut, you can say that, when it's time after time after time, incident after incident, it's just, it's just offensive, you know, to say the least. Listen.

Speaker 2:

Elsa, I was. I was Three-star general. I have been. You know what you would classify as a handler. I don't like to say that because my boss, who is a great guy, retired as a four-star. Dave Rodriguez Didn't need handling.

Speaker 2:

I didn't need to handle him. You know, guys like that, they have a lot on their mind, they have a lot on their plate. There's a lot of information to process, so you help them out, right. So in this case, you know, if this was me and I was walking with President Biden, I was his guy, I was his handler. You know I would have known, had a list of who was in the ward, what their injuries were, how long they had been there, all of that stuff.

Speaker 2:

And as you approach the bed, you kind of lean into the boss's ear and go hey, sir, you know this guy's an IED victim, lost his right arm, lost, you know, is immobile, he can only move his head and he can speak right.

Speaker 2:

And you kind of lean in and you tell him that and then and then he knows, as he walks up, and you kind of do that as you move bed to bed, there's certain things that they do or should do, that one nobody is doing. But there's also again, like my boss Wouldn't need something like that, he would. He had enough grace and really such a Presence about that, he would stand there, he would take a look at things you know and and really assess the situation before he did something like the president did to this. You know, poor young service member, you know who's laying, he's just laying there, he's subject to the room and then you know, like he said, the president just started talking because that's what he does right, yeah, he he communicates to make sure that everybody knows who he is and what has happened in his life.

Speaker 2:

You talked about the fires. You know he tried to relay, relate himself to the people in Hawaii by saying he had a fire that almost burned his house down. They lost, literally, you know, hundred home burned. You know I. You know I had a fire in my kitchen one time not long ago. You know, same thing, I know you lost your arm and you almost died, but my son was in the military. It's, it's crazy, no, really borderline narcissistic.

Speaker 1:

It is yes, nuts, yes it really is, but you know. But then we get to the you know. Then the conversation can turn pretty easily like we can go from from you know this guy, we can go from this To where is your make sure I got the right one. All right, let's see, we go from this to this. These are, these are our options right now. So I don't know, maybe that's why they're bolstering him up so much that they don't. They don't want to, they don't want to see camion.

Speaker 1:

Well no, do any of us.

Speaker 2:

She's prepping for it now. I, you know, we. You saw the quote. I saw the quote. We talked about this. Right, you know her prepping to be to take over. She has to now listen. Every vice president has to do that, doesn't matter who you are, it's part of the job. You have to be prepared to step in, to take over for any number of reasons. Right, you've got the extreme situation, the JFK to Johnson thing, you've got that. You've got the Gerald Ford, nixon thing. Right, that's a different right, that's a whole different stepping in. But but we've had presidents who had heart attacks. We've had presidents who've become ill, you know that that have become incapacitated for short periods of time and the vice president always has to be prepared to, you know, step in. I would tell you that there has been no reaction to that statement of I'm preparing myself to be in charge, like there was when Kamala Harris said it. It's not. The reaction has never been like that, right, and, and from all sides, it's not just the right Saying it.

Speaker 1:

You know, no one wants to see that happen. I, you know, listen, uh, as much as I like to uh Portray her, impersonate her, um, I don't know if she even wants that. You know, uh, part of me thinks that she does and part of me thinks that she's like, oh, hell, no. But Um, I'm gonna. You know this is a little narcissistic of me, but I'm gonna show you a video now. So Let me preface it by saying that, um, the words, what what I, she Is saying in this is, is the actual, uh, actual words. It's, it's pretty much verbatim, but I wanted to add my own little spin to as to what she might have been thinking, as she did that interview where she, like you just said, where she Mentioned that she, uh, she has prepared. So, uh, here it is. Do you feel prepared for that possibility?

Speaker 2:

Uh, and, as serving as vice president, prepared you for for that job.

Speaker 1:

Yes, as in hell yes, and how would you?

Speaker 2:

you know, describe the that that process well.

Speaker 1:

First of all, uh, I'm answering your hypothetical more like inevitable Joke.

Speaker 3:

I think it's gonna be fine fine for a corpse.

Speaker 1:

So that is not going to come to fruition.

Speaker 3:

Jk, it's totally gonna happen.

Speaker 1:

But let us also understand that every vice president, every vice president, every vice president understands that when they take the oath, that they must be very clear About the responsibility they may have to take over the job of being president. I am no different except in the fact that I am going to be the next president of the united states. Okay, the cackle hurts my own ears, so I apologize, guys, that it really does make my ears bleed. But that was the actual, you know, transcript of what she said, 100%.

Speaker 2:

I just added in my own little thoughts there it is frightening and I actually I think she is petrified. I think she knows she's already out, kicked her coverage. She is already, you know, above her level. She can't do the job she's in and she certainly can't level up to the next one. I know that she would enjoy the spotlight, but I think she's terrified of actually having to be the president. I really do.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I agree, I agree. I mean just her track history here, just everything that she's done, or rather not done, over the course of her term here she's not prepared. She's not ready. She does not have people in her corner. So, even if she wanted to do all the right things, I don't think anyone is in her corner. They just want her to sit down and shut up. And, you know, based on what we've seen, she probably should. Yes, probably would be the best thing to happen. But it's just scary to me. Clay, like this is what we have going on, and you know we're not done yet and we don't know what's going to happen in 2024. And boy, we're in for scare. I think we're just, you know, a continuation of scary times. I don't think we're necessarily in for scary times, we're in it. I'm just afraid of a continuation of that.

Speaker 2:

That the plan for the most part has been for him to serve for three years and then step down, have a sudden health issue, whatever. She steps in and then she gets eight more years on top of that Right. So she comes in, she gets the last year or so and that of his administration and then runs for reelection as president and gets another eight years. You know, I think that was the plan from the beginning, but I think that she has completely underperformed and I think that entire plan is shot. So I think that you know there's probably a new plan coming. You and I talked about this on the last show. Yeah, I think there's a new plan coming. I heard speculation about Michelle Obama the other day.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, I heard that. I've heard ripples of it.

Speaker 2:

Yep. In the next couple of weeks that announcement's supposed to come. I heard you know which. I think the last time we had a former first lady run for president. I'm not a Hillary fan, never was, but she at least a little bit more you know in the chops of. You know she did the governor thing, she heard you know the senator thing and then she did the you know she was secretary of state and she at least had a little bit more in her kit bag. Then Michelle Obama, who did truthfully nothing political you know outside of being the first lady. So that's pretty scary.

Speaker 1:

But we know how they vote, we know how the left votes. They don't care about, they don't. They don't care about any of that. That doesn't matter to them. They just. You know she, she checks the boxes, she's female, she's black, she's not Trump, because that's actually. I should have put that first. That's actually first. Anyone?

Speaker 1:

and anything that is not Trump. So they really could put just about. That's the. You know, that's the actual truth here. They could put for as long as Trump is in the running in the picture. If they can't make them go away despite all of their efforts, you know, then it will be a continuation of never Trump. It'll be anything anyone but but him. So really won't matter too much who they put forward. I don't think, because they'll just vote. You know they'll just vote for whoever they put forward, just on those merits. And you know I don't know what will happen. It'll be, it's going to be scary, no matter what.

Speaker 2:

You know, on both sides we talked about this last show too is just, you know who ends up coming out with the Republican ticket, whether it's for President Trump or whoever he endorses. I still say, whoever he endorses, if it's not him, is the one that gets the nomination based on his base. And then, obviously, whoever comes out on the Democratic ticket, which I think by the day becomes more and more up in the air, you know, you have to be a no brainer. The sitting president incumbent was the was the go to. That was going to happen, and I. But I think on the daily it becomes less and less clear who's going to be the Democratic, who's going to be on the Democratic ticket.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Well, we've got. You know it's, on one hand, it feels like we've got a long way to go and, on the other hand, it feels like it's going to be creeping up on us really, really fast. Yeah, it's, I think it's going to come up very quickly. There's still so much that can happen between now and then, and, and I promise you guys, we'll be on top of it, we'll be watching it, we'll be talking about it every week yeah every week, at least for a little bit.

Speaker 1:

But we're going to talk about other stuff too Next week. I'm not I'm not sure, you know I like winging it. We'll, we'll figure it out, we'll know and let you know when we know what we're talking about next week. We've got a guest coming up on the show, all kinds of fun things and, as always, we would absolutely love for you guys to comment too. We want to hear what you have to say. Give us your thoughts, throw them in the comments section, send us a message. Anything you want We'd love to hear from you Good, bad or indifferent. I'm just kidding about the bad. We don't want to hear what you bad things you have to say. None of it. Not going to listen, just kidding. But we appreciate you guys watching and hanging out with us and we look forward to bringing you guys more content Next week, more interviews Clay is going to be doing some interviews too and I get to sit back and just kind of, you know, put my hands back and relax, looking forward to that.

Speaker 2:

Listen, nick, you're. They're, when we're comparing, like people are obviously going to want to see you much more than they're going to want to see me. There's no.

Speaker 1:

I appreciate that. All right, clay anything, anything Last words you want to tell them.

Speaker 2:

No, I just you know, thanks, this is awesome. I love doing this. I think that this was a great show. We had on a lot of good stuff. Can't wait for the next one. You know, keep moving, keep shooting. The book's still out there. Check it out.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I love it Absolutely. All right, my friends, it was great hanging out with you. We will see you all in the next episode. Go take care.