The Elsa Kurt Show

Controversies and Clashes: The Week's Big Debates

June 13, 2024 Elsa Kurt
Controversies and Clashes: The Week's Big Debates
The Elsa Kurt Show
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The Elsa Kurt Show
Controversies and Clashes: The Week's Big Debates
Jun 13, 2024
Elsa Kurt

Is Hunter Biden's conviction a smokescreen for other pressing issues? This week, we kick off our episode with a light-hearted jab at our family’s viewing habits before diving into Hunter Biden's recent felony conviction. We dissect the implications of this high-profile case and examine whether it serves as a media diversion. Are we being distracted from more significant issues? Tune in to hear our take on the public's perception of the Biden family's ongoing controversies and the likelihood of Hunter facing any real consequences.

Can we hold Dr. Anthony Fauci accountable for the pandemic's fallout? We tackle the fiery criticisms aimed at Fauci, scrutinizing his role in the COVID-19 pandemic and the contentious public health measures that followed. From societal impacts like mental health struggles and children's developmental issues to the controversial misclassification of vaccines, we leave no stone unturned. Could these decisions have long-term health repercussions? We'll confront the feelings of betrayal and discuss what accountability should look like.

Are we standing on the brink of a new age of censorship and AI overreach? Wrapping up the episode, we confront the alarming incidents of online censorship, such as a YouTube video takedown over ivermectin discussions. We ponder the erosion of freedom of speech before shifting to the creeping presence of AI in our daily lives, highlighted by Apple’s latest moves and Elon Musk’s vocal opposition. We also reflect on President Biden's recent public gaffes at the D-Day anniversary, critique the rising anti-white sentiment with examples like John Leguizamo's controversial ad, and finally, celebrate your continued engagement with our show. Join us for a thought-provoking discussion packed with insights and a touch of humor.

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Is Hunter Biden's conviction a smokescreen for other pressing issues? This week, we kick off our episode with a light-hearted jab at our family’s viewing habits before diving into Hunter Biden's recent felony conviction. We dissect the implications of this high-profile case and examine whether it serves as a media diversion. Are we being distracted from more significant issues? Tune in to hear our take on the public's perception of the Biden family's ongoing controversies and the likelihood of Hunter facing any real consequences.

Can we hold Dr. Anthony Fauci accountable for the pandemic's fallout? We tackle the fiery criticisms aimed at Fauci, scrutinizing his role in the COVID-19 pandemic and the contentious public health measures that followed. From societal impacts like mental health struggles and children's developmental issues to the controversial misclassification of vaccines, we leave no stone unturned. Could these decisions have long-term health repercussions? We'll confront the feelings of betrayal and discuss what accountability should look like.

Are we standing on the brink of a new age of censorship and AI overreach? Wrapping up the episode, we confront the alarming incidents of online censorship, such as a YouTube video takedown over ivermectin discussions. We ponder the erosion of freedom of speech before shifting to the creeping presence of AI in our daily lives, highlighted by Apple’s latest moves and Elon Musk’s vocal opposition. We also reflect on President Biden's recent public gaffes at the D-Day anniversary, critique the rising anti-white sentiment with examples like John Leguizamo's controversial ad, and finally, celebrate your continued engagement with our show. Join us for a thought-provoking discussion packed with insights and a touch of humor.

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Elsa's Books:
Design Like A Pro:

Speaker 1:

Well, good evening, friends and family. Well, I don't know if my family watches, your family watches, I don't know if mine does, my family does watch, that is yeah.

Speaker 1:

Let me play like the little violin for myself right now. I don't think my family watches. Everybody feels bad for me. Just kidding, just kidding, it's all good. I really don't know if they watch or not, but that's okay. We've got a great show for you guys. And even if it's not my family watching, the heck with them, I don't care, I'm literally dying. Say hi Clay, and then we'll throw that.

Speaker 2:

Lots to talk about tonight. Lots going on, packed, packed show.

Speaker 1:

We've got lots to talk about you know, there's going to be one day, there's going to be one week where I do a really smooth intro and outro for the show. This is not that week week, but one day. Guys, I'm going to do it. You know how it's going to happen. I'm just going to shut up and I'm going to let Clay start the show. I think that's what we need to do, I think next week. Hold me to it. Hold me to it, be like I got this.

Speaker 2:

Have you seen the shows I do by myself? They're not any better. I think you do a fantastic job.

Speaker 1:

I think you're like, you're very smooth. I think you flow from one subject to the next. You don't have, you know, the, the, the laughter thing that I do, that every time I I see it in here, I actually I Twitch. So, guys, if you don't know this, I do the editing for the show. They're producing everything, so don't knock it. I mean, it is what it is, you get what you get. What is it? You get what you get and you don't get upset. But yeah, so it is incredibly hard to sit and watch yourself, especially when you realize oh, I was just rambling on and on, I was not making any sense there, I just said a whole bunch of nothing, just like Kamala does, and I think I'm morphing into her. It's, it's really difficult and it's okay. Though, it's okay, I got this. Listen, nevermind me. Thank you, thank you you know, what your laugh is missed.

Speaker 2:

Every time you're away, your laugh is missed.

Speaker 1:

We all miss it. I appreciate that. I'll tell you what we really do have the kindest, most gracious followers of our content and everything. They are so sweet, they say the nicest things. They're always like giving you an att a boy at a girl. They're, they're, they're just amazing. And the only time someone says anything negative is if they're a troll, cause those are the only ones that say negative things Everybody else has got. If you're going to say something like, that needs constructive criticism. Our, our folks are literally the best at it. They're like maybe you might want to blah, blah, blah. Or what if trying this it's so kind it's. You know it's like a compliment sandwich, like you guys are so great. But I bet if you did this, they're on our team.

Speaker 2:

They are, they're on our team. They want it to be better. I appreciate the feedback.

Speaker 1:

Yep, they got our back every week. So we appreciate you guys very, very much, and I bet they would really appreciate it if I would just stop rambling and get right into it, dude. So, as always, we remind you that we record on Tuesday. You see this on Thursday. So this is the news that happened today. Of course, it'll be two days old when you see this, but this Are we surprised, Are we? I'm not. I'll tell you right off the bat. I'm not. Tell me your thoughts on this.

Speaker 2:

So I'm not surprised at the verdict. It was pretty cut and dry. I think they dug into a lot of Biden family. You know shenanigans there's. You know he said some not so very nice things about his step-mom. He was pretty, I don't know. He's pretty horrific as a human being, but we all knew. But now there's proof positive. But it proved that the laptop is valid, which I think is the most important thing.

Speaker 1:

Was that your laptop For real? I don't know.

Speaker 2:

But I also think this is a bit of a diversion. I don't think. I don't think he's going to spend any jail time which, because of that, you know, won't even give his father opportunity to go backwards on his vow to not pardon his son, to not pardon his son. So since he's not going to go to jail, then the pardon. He's still the president's son, right Biden? People are still paying a stupid amount of money for his horrific paintings, but, yeah, there's no reason to clear his record because it doesn't matter. He can be a felon. It's not going to stop anything and I think that's all this is. It's shiny object. Look over here, right, and that's the end of it.

Speaker 1:

So I think they had to sacrifice somebody, right? They had to be like well, who's the most expendable here? You know who's already a mess. Like you can't redeem this guy, you can't fix anything here, so we might as well just throw them under. Throw them under, let him be the one. And you know, like you said, shiny object or, in his case, tarnished trashy object, everybody go look at the train wreck, nevermind all the rest of the train wreck, just look at this train wreck right here and they'll do their shenanigans. But so so for for anyone who hasn't been following, because it just grosses you out so much and you, you know, try not to know any of the things. But now I'm going to tell you the things.

Speaker 1:

So they convicted Hunter Biden on all three felony counts. It's not 34 counts, I'm sorry guys, it's not 34. It's only three, including, let's see, including lying to a federally licensed firearms dealer, making a false claim on federal firearms background check form and being in possession of an illegally obtained firearm. He faces up to 25 years in prisons, yeah right, for his crimes and up to $750,000 in fines, which you know. Isn't that just one painting for him?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's going to get fined. There's definitely that's where they're going to get him. It's going to be the monetary, I think. You know. If it's, you know, if there's prison, if there's a sentence involved, it'll be house arrest. It won't be anything. You know, ankle monitor kind of thing at most, and I don't even think that's going to happen. Um, yeah, so yeah, three, three charges, three, can you know? Uh, guilty, you know, guilty. Verdicts on all three. So you know, I, I, we said this a couple weeks ago. Just the fact that they even tried to hide behind the second amendment was gross, you know, by the party that's trying to take away everybody's guns. You know, you've got the fact that he pled not guilty to all this as a you know, with all the evidence that was out there it was just the whole thing was just an absolute sham.

Speaker 2:

But it was trying to take away a little bit of, you know, a little bit of attention from the the mess of the current administration. But really I think the timing of it kind of backfired because if you think about it, right after the president trump trial, yeah, so nobody's even like that. You know, oh, he's a felon, he's this, he's that. And then it's like, um, hey, by the way, um, that's probably gonna get, uh, you know, a mistrial and they're gonna have to start all over again. And then you get the Hunter thing afterwards. So it really is kind of taking all the steam out of and all the pressure off of the Trump verdict, which I don't think was the intent at all. But I think the timing of it worked out that way.

Speaker 1:

No, they probably. I'm guessing they probably thought we'd be so hyper focused on you know, I don't know, I don't know, maybe they thought we'd be hyper focused on on Trump and ignore all of that. And you know, it just kind of validated everything that so many people I can raise my hand on that have been saying all along, from the minute the stuff about the laptop started leaking and coming out. It's like yeah, no, that tracks, that tracks. This guy's a scumbag, you know, I mean, he truly is. Were it not for, you know, biden crime, family money, he would be some slug on some street corner dealing crack to little kids. You know, I mean, that is who this guy is.

Speaker 2:

He's he'd be dead Gross? Yeah, I'm convinced he would. If not for his dad being who he was, he'd be dead and it would be, you know, either an overdose or it would be you know, drug deal gone bad or something. But he's just that kind of filthy human being that you know that that would be his, his ultimate end, but again saved by money and power. It is what it is, but again guilty on three counts. I don't think he'll spend a minute in jail. I think the financial penalty will be pretty significant, but again, I think this amounts to essentially nothing.

Speaker 1:

So I'm probably wrong. But I will say there is part of me that says you know, I could actually see them giving them some jail time, and only because Biden, or the Biden team, Biden, doesn't think at all Like there's nothing happening there. We know that I'm a little spicy today, aren't I Clay? A little bit spicy, you like spicy, spicy's good.

Speaker 1:

Spicy's good right. Yeah, part of me says like, let's face it, biden, even when he was cognitively present, he didn't care about anything, you know, but himself in his image and all of his, what he thinks is his image. And I really honestly wouldn't be surprised if, if they gave him a little jail time, because I feel like in their mind they'd be like, yeah, but that'll make, that'll make Biden look really like strong, like not even my son is above the law. You know who knows, who knows? I don't think he, you know.

Speaker 2:

Well, there's a lot of reasons he won't go to jail, and one of them is he's a security risk.

Speaker 1:

Oh, oh, my gosh what a great point.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, how would you like to be the? Yeah, how would you like to be the warden of the prison where the president's son is and have to provide security for him on a daily basis? And have to provide security for him on a daily basis Because you know I mean, you know prison is what it is, especially when you start getting into violent crime, like high level, you know max security kind of stuff, if you even got there. But even some of the lower security prisons, there's a lot of violence that goes on in there and they would have to protect him. I mean, epstein clearly didn't hang himself, so there's always that.

Speaker 2:

You know, no-transcript. He's the first presidential child to get convicted of a felony. He didn't get the protection that old Teddy Kennedy got as the brother of a former president. But if he doesn't serve jail time, then what is to stop anybody else from trying to purchase a firearm illegally, for whatever reason? Because they have this? You know precedent will be set. You know it'll be us versus Biden. You know, when it comes to sentencing, I quote us versus Biden and versus Biden. And he received no jail time. So they got to be careful with this. But I still believe zero jail time, zero.

Speaker 1:

Right, yeah, I mean this has put them in a very difficult position. For that alone, I mean long list of reasons why. But that is a really really good one. Because let me tell you, if I, if I were someone facing the same charges you know, average Joe facing the same charges you better damn well believe that's the first thing. I want, my lawyer pulling up Like wait a minute, what's what's up with that? You know, let's talk about, let's talk about that for a minute. So, yeah, that's going to be a problem. That's going to be a problem. We'll see what happens. I can't, I, I, you know, I don't, I don't I don't mean this like in a gleeful way, but I, I can't wait to see what happens with this.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, sentencing will be interesting, for sure. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we should take a poll. I'd like to take a poll. I don't know if I can do this in like our comment section I probably not if I can figure out a way to do it but definitely curious what you guys think is going to happen. Let's, let's take guesses. Take guesses. Tell me in the comments, tell us in the comments what do you think is going to happen with him? We won't even like we'll do this with Trump also, as we get closer to sentencing, we'll. We'll do that too. But you know, might as well, since Ron, we're talking about Hunter right now Go ahead and pop it in the comments. What you think is going to happen. I'm definitely curious. Not the only, you know, as if that's not enough, not the only big thing going on, we've got the big Fauci COVID hearing. That was pretty wow in some ways.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so again, today's Tuesday, today's the Cuomo, the beginning of the Cuomo testimony. So we don't even know at this point. You know what what was said today. I know that he was brought up on, you know, brought up on the stand. He was going to testify today. So they're digging into every facet of this, which is long overdue, truthfully, but definitely due. So you know the short version of the Fauci testimony. All it did was prove that everybody who was called a conspiracy theorist a couple of years ago was right. Yes, you know, this was not a wet market, people eating bats, crap that they were trying to shovel at everybody. This was the Wuhan lab. This was gain of function. This was, you know, nih, funded, partially funded. It was everything we thought it was that everybody said it wasn't, that we were all being told, we're all being. You know, they were trying to convince all of us that it wasn't true. And it is. And truthfully and I'm not, I'm not overstating this, I believe this honestly crimes against humanity. Fauci should be in jail.

Speaker 2:

He he is to me no different, and I know this is going to sound very harsh. But what he did and what he did to america, society, our youth, our elderly, you know the mental anguish that he people people through that families that he ruined, the businesses that he put up, this guy is not a lot different than some of the folks involved in the Holocaust working for the Nazi party. Truthfully, I agree that horrible of a human being.

Speaker 1:

He truly is. He truly is horrible of a human being. He truly is, he truly is he. He, I won't say single-handedly, but he definitely is the face and the, the active participant leader of destroying the, the fabric of our, of our culture. Really, we are the, the landscape of our culture is, and I don't want, I don't want to say permanently change right now it feels like it is, and I hope that's not true, but it is so dramatically changed.

Speaker 1:

And and the amount of people who died, the amount of people who died alone, without their family members, because of their bullshit rules, I mean, and for him to so callously and carelessly say I don't really know where that six foot thing came from, I don't know, it sounded good, like you know, paraphrasing of course, but that's the gist of it, like I don't know, somebody said it and we just went with it, you know, and basically saying, like all of the things that we told people to do, there was actually no medical reason for it. It just sounded good and, you know, gave people this feeling and you know, and here's something, so they play this in the testimony something that he was caught on a recording saying I think it was like to an interviewer right? Did you happen to catch that? I'll play it.

Speaker 3:

I'll play it here. It is Get hard for people to to live their lives so they'd feel pressured to get vaccinated. Can we run the audio clip on that, please? Once people feel empowered and protected legally, you are going to have schools, universities and colleges that are going to say you want to come to this college, buddy, you're going to get vaccinated. Lady, you're going to get vaccinated. Big corporations like Amazon and Facebook and all of those others are going to say you want to work for us going to get vaccinated. Big corporations like Amazon and Facebook and all of those others are going to say you want to work for us, you get vaccinated. And it's been proven that when you make it difficult for people in their lives, wow, I mean, I feel like that needs to be broadcast everywhere.

Speaker 1:

Just that portion of it, that mentality and, like I said before, the callousness of it all is so appalling to me. I'm like, I'm livid, I'm laughing, I'm smiling inside. I really what you said could not be any closer to the truth, because he truly is the guy's a monster and we've all suffered for it. So I truly hope something comes of this with him.

Speaker 2:

You know, and we're still finding stuff out. One you know his testimony and I don't know if you caught that. You know the very I think it was the beginning. Probably early in his testimony he talked about how his life, his family's lives, had been threatened. And you know and it was this sob story Everybody should feel sorry. People are unreasonable and it's like you know, excessive and all this other stuff and zero acknowledgement, zero humility, that he literally killed people with his decisions, ruined lives, ruined businesses, ruined families, basically by making crap up, like you said, said six feet, and you know all this other stuff that came along with it. Right, so I mean just arrogance to the nth degree, but we're still finding stuff out.

Speaker 2:

I saw two. Well, they talked about the fact that. One it's not a vaccine. Officially it is no longer a vaccine because it doesn't have the efficacy that to allow it to be called legally a vaccine. It's a treatment. So we all got lied to because they forced this through. They forced it through as fast as they could, without the proper testing, research and everything else that comes along with it. So it's not a vaccine. It doesn't prevent, Jack. It helps, it helps fend it off, but it doesn't prevent anything. So that's one and two.

Speaker 2:

I just saw a thing today today, right, June 2024, that we are starting to see, officially see, the effects Studies are being done on the kids of today with eating disorders, gender dysmorphia, on the kids of today with eating disorders, gender dysmorphia.

Speaker 2:

They are attributing it to the effects of COVID and not the virus itself, the conditions that the kids were put in, that were taken out of school, that were put into isolation, that weren't socializing, all of those things, the decisions that came from NIH and everybody else, all the health departments and all those people. That's what you're starting to see and they're directly correlating those things to, not again, the COVID virus but to the effects that we, that they, imposed on our kids. Right, this is horrific and we're going to continue to find this crap out for years. All the cardiological stuff, Right, that we're finding out you know how many athletes were there and have been and continue to be world-class athletes, got vaccinated, got all the boosters having massive heart attacks and things like this best athletes in the world all of those things. We're going to continue to find this crap out for years to come, even truthfully, long after Fauci's dead, unfortunately.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, yeah, there's no question about it. No question about it, simply based on what we've already seen happening and all of that, and to know that so many people have been so life alteringly affected in all of the worst possible ways, possible ways. People I there are people I don't talk to anymore, or rather that won't talk to me because of my choices and this tore families apart. This is killing people all for a lie, all for an outright lie, for unnecessary reasons, and you talked about the children, you know, for unnecessary reasons, and you talked about the the children, you know, of course it's like one of those things. Well, of course, their whole brain chemistry chemistry is is going to be altered.

Speaker 1:

You know, you're taking small children who the first things that they do as part of their development, socialization, development is learning facial features and expressions and all of those things, and it's so fundamental to their development. And now you've taken away all they can see is this they can't read visual cues from people, they can't read emotional cues, they don't. They lost that chunk of time in their lives. Of course, that's going to have long-term effects. It's just you know that it all comes out so belated and you know, and we're never going to get an apology. I think and you know not that that makes it better, not that if they said, listen, we're really sorry, we did this to you guys. Oops, our bad, let's assume it would be a genuine apology. Not that that's going to change anything that happened, but simply the fact that we'll never get that apology from any of these people who destroyed so many lives and will continue to because of the after effects is the testimony yet from Cuomo which is happening today.

Speaker 2:

And and that, you know, is for most of us that remember, the decisions that were made in New York were followed Like they were kind of the. It was the epicenter and that was where the trends were. And I, you know, I'm in the, you know, in Philly area, which it was it. We watched it happen in proximity New York. It went from New York to Philly to New Jersey and then it exploded across the rest of the country.

Speaker 2:

Whatever decisions were being made, that was kind of the flow of things and Cuomo made some decisions and, truthfully, you know, the nursing homes and all of the things that fell under his decision process and his responsibility. All of that is going to come under fire today and it should, and in a place like New York, if Fauci thinks that his life has been disrupted and that people have been threatening him and his family, piss off some New Yorkers, especially when it comes to family, and see what happens. So it'll be very interesting to see what comes out of that testimony and then, kind of again, as we learn more and more and more about all of this, all of the horrific crap that is going to come out of the woodwork on COVID in general, it never ceases to amaze me, but this, this is a story that you know is never going to end. Probably for most of our lifetime we're just going to keep hearing new stuff.

Speaker 1:

Right, absolutely. And, by the way, you know, this isn't even just. And that's enough, right there, all of that is enough, but you need to. Also. We need to add to the fact that there are still people walking around wearing masks believing that this is going to protect them. There are still people walking around wearing masks believing that this is going to protect them. There are still people, you know, waiting to get their next booster. There are still people who think that you're a monster or I'm a monster for not getting vaccinated, quote unquote. And there are still social media platforms that will censor us for talking about this.

Speaker 1:

And if you don't believe me, guys, I had a video taken down because my guest. It was an interview with the CEO of the wellness company and they took down the video and gave me a warning. Why, guys? Because he talked about ivermectin being a, a helping, uh, a drug that that's available for COVID and other stuff too. That's the only reason why that's it, he said. He said the word ivermectin, which, by the way, we all know now it has been proven that it is effective in treating COVID symptoms. So that's on YouTube.

Speaker 1:

So obviously, this whole section, we can't put this up on YouTube. I can't put this whole part. I don't. I haven't decided what I'm going to do. We'll figure out what I'm going to do when it comes to editing, um, but it will be up on rumble, um, we'll see what happens with Facebook, all of those things. But yeah, youtube basically gave me a warning, took down the video. I appealed it. They said no, nope, sent a message to them saying you know all of the things I just said and, of course, no response, because they don't let you talk to a real person. So this is what we're still dealing with. We're still dealing with censorship over the topic. We're still dealing with ostracization from you know. All of this, the aftermath and the after effects are so continuous in so many different ways, and I really, along with many, many other people, including yourself, I'm sure, want to see some consequence. That's it.

Speaker 3:

I just want to see consequence.

Speaker 1:

Right, that's it.

Speaker 2:

That's. I just want to see consequence, right, oh, absolutely. But nothing would please me more Truthfully. I would rather see. I'd rather see Fauci in jail than Hunter Biden. Same, same, yeah, I had to pick one. Oh, I know who I go with.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely Crimes against humanity or some drug addled loser.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm going to take the right, but, but you know we don't, we don't learn our lesson. You know we, we don't. And and you know it's slightly switching topics, but you know, the next thing is, you know, apple just made a huge announcement about AI in all of their phones and and it is it has garnered such a response that Elon Musk has said he will ban Apple phones from all of his businesses, all of them. That's how like that guy of all people was like no, this is irresponsible, it's going to get out of control, this is a danger to everybody and everything. Because it's not being managed properly. I will ban it from every one of my businesses, period. And so what does that tell? Because it's not a competition thing, right? No, he's not Google, right, he's not Android? He's not. You know what I mean? He doesn't have a competing operating system from Apple, so it's not that Right.

Speaker 1:

Did he float that out there? Did he float it out there on X?

Speaker 3:

I mean, if there's an essential need to make a phone, I'll make a phone. But I got a lot of fish to fry.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that'd be interesting if he did offer something to rival. That I don't know, but either way, either way, the whole, you know, and we've talked about AI, the infiltration of AI in basically everything we do now, and you know, quite honestly, it's been going on longer than we generally realize. You know the general population, longer than we have been aware of it. This has been present in our lives. This is just now openly and available, you know, openly out there and now available to us to use and be abused and misused and all of those things.

Speaker 2:

It's a bad call. Yeah, so AI really is. You know the application for the average person was never there until recently, or not. You know there was no way to apply it or no way to apply it effectively to a normal person's day. Right Chat GPT is probably the first right door opener where everybody most everybody could look at that and go well, I could use it for something you know can't figure out what to write in a birthday card you know, like whatever it is, they can come up with something.

Speaker 2:

Ai, as you said, has been around in forms and fashions, and for decades, right? I mean, if you think about an autopilot on an airplane that responds to, you know, air pressure changes and all those kinds of things, that's all a form of artificial intelligence and it's all just data in reaction, making corrections, continuing to fly the plane, just as an example. But that was a very specific application, right, for a very specific purpose. Ai, as it's growing, you know, has gotten to the point where it touches everybody. Right, it's going to touch everybody and they know they being, you know that infamous. They everybody's got a phone. If you want AI to touch everybody, that's the way to do it, just like everything else. You know, there's an app for that, right, you know there's an app for that but literally an app for everything.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and what apple's done is they've taken out the choice. There's no app anymore.

Speaker 1:

It is part of the phone and that's, yeah, it's like basically part of their operating system.

Speaker 2:

Right it is and, and that's where the big fear is, and that's where Elon Musk is, you know, pushing back as he's like there's no option. I don't think. My understanding is there's no option to turn it off. And, truthfully, even if there was an option to turn it off, I wouldn't believe that shit anyway, because you're never saying you know, we all know, we all know, it's listening. Right, we've all had it. I don't care who you are. You talk about a topic and five minutes later, you're scrolling through Facebook and there's an ad for the exact thing that you were just talking about. There. It's listening, we all know this. Um, but this, with it built into the phone, it it's not just the apps. Right, you have the opportunity to not use apps, to not use social media, to not use Amazon, and not you have the choice. They're taking away that choice. If you're going to have a phone, an Apple phone, it's going to have AI in it, whether you like it or not.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's crazy, it's absolutely crazy. And you know we've seen, and you know the thing is like you know, there are people that will say, well, you know, I mean it's still a work in progress, they're working on perfecting it and you know, quite frankly, I don't want it perfected. No, thank you. Like that's more of a problem. I like to see, when I see a uh uh, ai generated picture, I like to see that sixth and seventh finger put at awkward angles, because you know it's AI. You know what I mean. So don't get better at it, don't get perfect at it, because, um, you know we're already in enough trouble as it is. Yeah, I'm not an Apple. I'm very happy to say I'm not an Apple user, any, no Apple products whatsoever. Can't stand them, always hated them, always been an Android user and I always will be. Probably, even if they do this nonsense too, which I hope that they don't, I hope they're smart enough not to, but yeah, yeah, I'm an Android girl, so, ha ha, apple, yeah it.

Speaker 2:

You know, this is the, the, the growth of this, like you said, nobody, you know the idea of perfecting it. I think is a, is a a fallacy. I don't think there is a way to perfect it. Um, perfect ai is is, uh, you know, an android, literally an android that doesn't need you as a human being. That's perfect, ai, right, right, um, and, and that's not where any of us want to get to, I don't Um, and you know there's, there's simple fears, right, I know that.

Speaker 2:

You know, in the, in the reaches of the entertainment industry, they are already banking on the fact that actors, writers, um, you know, are are all going to be. Even musicians are going to be out of work. Um, they're all going to be. Even musicians are going to be out of work. They're all going to be replaced by AI. You're not going to need. And, oh, by the way, they can replicate. They can make somebody look just like me, just like you, just like, pick your favorite movie star. They can put together an entire movie that is 100% digital, with not a single live actor in it, make it look as completely realistic, and it'll be done in one eighth of the time and under one 10th of the cost. So there's all of that.

Speaker 2:

But you know, the greater thing and again it goes back to everything we've seen on television and movies over the years right, skynet from Terminator, like that's the scariest thing in the world that AI gets to a point where it doesn't not only it doesn't need human beings, it doesn't want human beings. Right, right, we interfere with what it's trying to do and and we are not responsible enough to control that right now. And that's what you're. You know, your point of perfecting AI is exactly that. Those people who keep meddling, they keep let's see what can it do, what can it not do? Well, if it can't do that, let's try and fix it. And can it not do? Well, if it can't do that, let's try and fix it. And then it gets out. It's, it's for its gain of function in wuhan lab.

Speaker 2:

Right, that's what this is, all of a sudden it escapes, and then it's all over the world and you can't control.

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah, right now, you know, we're still dealing with um. You know the the issue with the faults in ai are because of human input. You know, human bias, human, uh, well, human, well, human input, really. I mean that kind of sums it up, doesn't it? And you know, yeah, so it's easier. It's not easy, but it's easier to catch because you can see it. Obviously, the whole Google AI fiasco was a perfect example of that. You know, when it was kind of, you know, quickly discovered that the people that were inputting the information, you know, definitely had some Right. Yeah, so yeah, black George Washington. Of course he was Duh, everybody knows he was silly, yeah, so, yeah, it's, it's scary stuff, and you know it's like that.

Speaker 1:

The problem is is Pandora's box has been opened. You can't close it. How do you close it? The only way you can close it is to completely eliminate and shut down the Internet, like you would have to, and obviously that's not going to happen. You can't. You know you can't govern it. You know, and goodness knows they'll try, you know, because that'll somehow benefit them, but you can't.

Speaker 1:

So what do you do? I mean, you just have to. You know, we have to keep up and have, like, really really good discernment and be really mistrustful of you know which you should be already. You should already when it comes to the internet, especially in media. You should already be extremely distrustful of what you see and what you hear. I mean, you have to do so many of your own fact checks and obviously so many people choose not to do that. They just take sound bites and just run with it and you know, whatever, whatever my internet source just told me must be true, because the internet lover never lies, of course, but right, you know, my favorite are always the ones like it's like a picture of Albert Einstein and he's talking about, you know, the internet, you know but yeah, and the guy, the guy who's going to protect us, the guy who's going to protect us, yeah, this is the guy who's going to protect us.

Speaker 2:

The guy who's going to protect us, yeah, is our current president. This is the guy who's going to make sure that we're safe. Right, he's taking care of all of us. And if you guys I don't know if you've got the clip or not, but holy crap, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Distinguished guests. Please welcome the Honorable Lloyd J.

Speaker 2:

Austin III yes. D-day celebration in Normandy, in France. 80th anniversary right, yes, marking one of the most historic days in the history of the world. And our president couldn't? He got confused getting out of the Suburban.

Speaker 1:

He got confused. We had like three very distinct moments. Right getting out of the suburban, just standing there, like you know, the apocalypse, apocalypse, zombie, just like frozen. Then, uh, what was the next one? Was that the?

Speaker 2:

uh, trying to sit down. That everybody's. Now they've turned it into a dance. Yes, he turns, he spins, he turns and spins, he can't and he can't sit down.

Speaker 1:

And then and then you have jill jill really subtle, real subtle jill, real subtle jill. She's like, stand up you know.

Speaker 2:

And then at the end, when he was supposed to turn around and honor guys older than him, truth, truthfully, some hundred year old D-Day veterans, you know, dr Jill snatched him up and ran him off stage, shuffled him, got him shuffling Joe right off the stage, got him out of there. Now there's speculation that that was a bathroom emergency.

Speaker 1:

Yes, that is widely rumored to have been the case, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Mommy, I got to poop. I mean that's widely rumored to have been the case. Yeah, mommy, I got to poop. I mean that's what is in my head is like him, is it like with this toddler's voice, you know, and he's, and he's got to go. But you know, and then, of course and this just pains me so much that the French president, who I despise, had to jump in and he did, and I and I give him a lot of props for it. He jumped in, recognized that President Biden was bailing, he was on his way out, and he jumped in and he shook hands like a good diplomat, you know, said thank you to all, it greeted and said thank you to all these D-Day veterans right up there, filled the gap. It was a great move on his part, yes, but but shameful and embarrassing for us, you know.

Speaker 1:

Incredibly. And then there was another moment too, and I think and I'll put the clip up there too I think they were playing taps and they were all facing assumedly because it's just them they're showing supposed to face the flag, and Joe just randomly turns around and faces the opposite direction of everyone and he's just standing there staring off into space for a moment and and everybody around him is kind of like well, um, okay, well, we'll do that too, like to save face here, to, like, you know, make it look like that was intentional and it was so clear you know, every step of that was so clear what was happening. They're like okay, uh-oh, well, what do we do? Uh, okay, just turn around with him. Turn around with, you know, somebody's probably in an earpiece going. Just follow his lead, just follow his lead, don't worry about it.

Speaker 2:

So bad so embarrassing. If you think it's isolated or whatever, just today, just today, did you see it? The Juneteenth thing?

Speaker 1:

I sure did.

Speaker 2:

Juneteenth ceremony. He's got Vice President Harris standing next to him and she's dancing. They're playing music I don't know who else was on the other side of him, but they're dancing and she's singing along. And he is sitting there, like you said, like a zombie Frozen. It is the creepiest Frozen Frozen. Yes, he looks like you know he does. He looks like some crazy old man, you know. Yeah, it's, it's, it's, it's. It's just I can't believe that he is. He's continuing to run for president.

Speaker 1:

I can't believe you even kidding me. Right now, this feels like the world's biggest joke. It feels like we are living the Truman Show and we're all Truman Like. You know, we're all like is this real? How is this real life? How are they? You know this is and we've said it many times, people have said it many times over the course of all of these incidents.

Speaker 1:

Over the course of all of these incidents, every time it's the same statement this is elder abuse. It is and and listen, don't, don't, don't get it twisted I have zero sympathy for that man, even in this state, because he is a horrible human being. So I don't have sympathy for him. And you know, god forgive me for that. I'll try and find it. I don't have it right now, but I mean, this is elder abuse, this is well. And Jill Biden, another monster, you know, just dragging them around, dragging, you know, this weekend at Bernie's corpse, around everywhere and pretending like this is totally cool, totally cool. These people are just horrendous, horrendous people. And of course, if somebody asks because somebody will of course I'm going to make a video about that. Of course I'm going to do a spoof of that. How could I not? That one was a good one.

Speaker 2:

As you should, I must. And this year right For those that don't keep track of this. I picked this up as a kid and it's always stuck in my head President, election year, leap year and the Olympics. The Summer Olympics used to be all of the Olympics, but now it's just the Summer Olympics are all the same year. Okay, every four years they all hit the same year. So I actually was talking about this with somebody today and they said is this year the Olympics?

Speaker 1:

There's been. Have you seen any ads for it? Nothing like it's not a single thing. No, when you know, when we were talking about topics earlier, you know, like what we were going to be talking about tonight, and you said that I'm like olympics, huh, I mean, there's just no headspace for it, like there's no room in the newsfeed for it because it is so jam packed with insanity. It's. The Olympics right now are an absolute afterthought, and it's not even I can't even call it an afterthought for me. It wasn't even a thought. Like I said, when you, when you said Olympics, I'm like I didn't even know that was happening. So who else guys, who else said that?

Speaker 2:

the olympics like this was every four years. Everybody was a patriot, right? I mean every four years everybody was a patriot.

Speaker 2:

everybody rooted for usa, right, every time we won. And if you remember when you and I were younger children, right, it was usa, ussr medal count, like that's all we cared about, right, they? They had it posted, I mean, it was everywhere. You used to find that all over the place and we cared, and we did, and you'd watch. You'd watch events you didn't give a crap about, just to see if the Americans won, right, you'd watch rowing Events that you didn't even know existed.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely not. But it was America, it was the Olympics and we gave a shit how well we did. And right now, right, you know what? Do you know how people even know the olympics is going on?

Speaker 1:

because caitlin clark didn't make the olympic basketball team.

Speaker 2:

That's why people are like, yes, she didn't make the team wait a minute. Is it the? It's like you said? Is it the olympics this year? Yeah, because they don't know, because nobody cares. You know why? This is my honest opinion. Yeah, it's not cool to be patriotic For the vast majority, even those of us that are right and I know you are, and obviously you know I am, and I think our friend circles are probably pretty patriotic folks, right, so we kind of live in it. But for the vast majority of America, you know, patriotic is not a cool thing to be anymore. It's much cooler to say America sucks and I hate America and America has ruined my life. It's much cooler to say that, right, we're oppressed here.

Speaker 1:

Yeah Well, there's that.

Speaker 2:

Right, and so it's not cool to root for America, you know, in an Olympic year. So that's why it's not being advertised. I think it's not being advertised and people don't care, because it's not cool to be patriotic and love America, right now.

Speaker 1:

I think you have something there. Very sadly, I think you really do have something there. People just don't care and it's not cool to have pride in our country and that is such a shame and that actually makes me want to watch it now. Get my America flag out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm gonna get my extra for the olympics package on my stream I'm gonna get my american flag out and I'm gonna get my thin blue line flag out and I'm gonna wave those suckers so high and give my home state of connecticut and the town of weathersfield, uh, a big middle finger. And I don't know if you saw that story. I just very, very quickly touch on that. Yes, the town of Wethersfield in Connecticut, which is, like I said, my home state, decided against flying the thin blue line flag in honor of a tro, were willing to lower the LGBTQ XYZ ABCDEFG flag. They were willing to lower that to half staff. You know the flag that celebrates people's sexuality, because that makes sense. So big F you to Wethersfield for that.

Speaker 2:

That's a that's a very odd decision all the way around, like I, if they had said because I know some people too that you know, look at the all the flags, the thin blue line, green line, the red line, all the different lines that are out there. People look at it and they say, well, that's not an American flag, right, right, Right, you know. So they opt not to, especially government agencies, you know who say you know, we're not going to fly that, it's not an American flag. Okay, right, right, you know we're going to stick with the American flag and the POW MIA flag, state flag, whatever, right. But to say we're going to fly this other flag, which isn't a flag right, it's not an official flag. And then we're going to lower that to half staff on behalf of someone who, I'm assuming, doesn't fit into that demographic. Nope, that makes absolutely no sense. That is a horrible decision.

Speaker 1:

Their justification. And let me I will make a clarification. That's not an FU to the town of Wethersfield. There was an FU to the people who had the deciding factor in that higher amount of.

Speaker 2:

We support police and the thin blue line banners.

Speaker 1:

in a lot of front yards, businesses are flying the thin blue line flag. So huge props to them for doing that and that's you know. As a law enforcement spouse, obviously that is very heartwarming and gratifying because you know, you definitely, when you're part of the law enforcement family, you definitely when things like this happen, you just feel kind of kicked in the face. You know that that a man who lost his life serving his community, serving people, uh, keeping people safe, and you can't take, you can't take a hot minute to, you know, give some some love and respect for that. Shame on them. Shame, shame, shame. And uh, yeah, what a disgrace. Yeah, it's actually. Uh, it made some national news. Somebody actually said I haven't heard it. Somebody said Biden even talked about it. I have to. I have to find out if that's true or not, but but anyhow, I took us on an absolute aside. Apologize for that.

Speaker 2:

You didn't, though, because you brought us right to the next thing we're going to talk about, which is so Washington state, right, washington state. You know the LGBTQ community is protected for a lot of reasons. Listen, I'm not going to kind of throw that off to the side. There's a lot of persecution, a lot of violence. For a lot of years they were pushed to the side, and there's a lot of acknowledgement. That goes on.

Speaker 2:

Now, however, the pendulum has swung past center right, and proof positive is we've spent months now watching vandalism. We've spent years now watching vandalism to national monuments. We've seen vandalism to priceless pieces of art. We've seen vandalism to college campuses. We've seen all kinds of vandalism, you know, in support of things like climate change, hamas, you know, palace free Palestine. You know all of this other stuff. You know we all remember George Floyd riots, burning cities down, and you know very well, I remember, that. You know people were just expressing themselves, they needed to get their anger out, and it was all washed away. Three kids, three kids, one, I think, 19, the other two under 18. In Washington state, on e-scooters right, yep, protecting the environment, they went across an LGBTQ mural on a street Right, okay, and and left skid marks all over the the rainbow. Uh, you know, painting that was on the ground.

Speaker 1:

They got arrested.

Speaker 2:

That was okay, though that was okay for them to do Right, arrested, arrested and felony hate crime charges. These three kids, right. These three kids right. Unbelievable. The lack of, you know, awareness, perspective, how far the pendulum is swung in one direction, that you can have all of this other crap going on and everybody says it's okay. And then you get three kids doing, truthfully, let's be honest stupid kid stuff, stupid kid stuff. Yeah, that has now turned into a hate crime and felony charges. They're facing 10 years in prison. These three kids, right. It's so insane it is.

Speaker 2:

We have gone way off the frigging deep end. We are protecting certain segments of society, not equally, not even close, right, everybody's applauding this shit. It's unbelievable. I can't believe. We've lost the bubble on. What equality is we? We have. It's gone, it's out. It's equality for me, not for you. You know if you're, if you are, of traditional American values, you know if you're a traditional conservative Christian values, any of those things, nobody gives a crap about you. No, your safety, you know, your thin blue line example is very much the same thing. Yeah, and nobody cares. It's so unbelievable to me that this is not only accepted, but this I mean the. The district attorney chose to charge these guys like it didn't get to a point where they looked at it, we're like hey, listen, write them a ticket, send them on their way.

Speaker 1:

No, we're going to charge them Unbelievable. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we are truly in the upside down. We're just, we are living in the upside down and you know, something has to give. I mean we are, we are. We're technically past the point of something's got to give, but we're truly there, we're truly at the something big has to give and I don't know if that means this presidential election, that this is going to turn a tide.

Speaker 1:

I know so many people on the right believe that and want that to be the case and feel that's the case. I hope that that's the case. I hope that is the beginning of the tide turning and sensibility coming back. It's just so far gone. We are so far gone into this other world, this other dimension, which is filled with insanity and hypocrisy and lunacy and all of the things that I don't know, you know. I just I hope that the change comes sooner than later, you know, and then you know I'll throw in my Christian thing. As a Christian, you know, makes you really hope for the rapture really makes you hope for is like come, take me now, get me out of this clown show.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this is. It's a it's a massive shift in values. Yeah, truthfully, in the last 10 years it's been significant. In the last 10 years there's been a slow drift for a while, but the last 10 years have it's been significant. In the last 10 years there's been a slow drift for a while, but the last 10 years have been a lot. Um, you know, and, and now it's to the point where the the wrongful prejudices of the past and and you know, only a fool doesn't acknowledge that we had, you know, poor prejudices of the past. Right, history is what it is. It's a fact, not denying it. I'm certainly not making excuses for it, but those prejudices are now happening in reverse.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they are. And being justified and being justified not just justified, but encouraged Right.

Speaker 2:

You know, I mean you know we talked about this.

Speaker 3:

You know John Leguizamo, who is an actor and I don't know if you're familiar with his work.

Speaker 2:

Right, I am. Yeah, there's some stuff that he's done over the years that I like. He plays a great bit in the John Wick movies. He's, you know, the car guy you know, and he is. He is a talented actor and he plays some really great parts. But he just took out a full page ad I think it's a New York times that encourages people to not vote for white Emmy candidates I think it's the Emmys or it's the Oscars, it's one or the other but just blatantly says don't vote for the white people. That's what it says. It's so crazy.

Speaker 1:

And it's okay. Yeah, it's, that's fine, that's fine to say how about Clay? What do you think will happen if you or I took out a full page ad anywhere and said don't vote, whatever the thing is, whatever, yeah, right, yeah Like. Don't vote for the black people, don't vote for the Hispanic people, don't give any votes to the Hispanic people. They're bad, I don't like them. What do you think would happen?

Speaker 2:

Well, first things first, the New York Times would never allow it, never, never, let you take out that ad. That would never happen, right, Because why Hate crime? Right, right, but. But also, that's not in there, that's not in their messaging, that's not socially acceptable. It's OK to do what Leguizamo did why, I don't know, because it makes no common sense. I mean, you can make all kind of jump to all kinds of conclusions, but the reality is it makes no sense whatsoever. But it's okay. And this is how we've gotten to this rise in anti-Semitism which you know, that was so taboo, especially in Hollywood, all the way up until seven, eight months ago, like you didn't get to do that. And now it's totally okay and we've gone off the deep end and it's, you know, anti-semitism, it's anti-jew, now it's, you know, anti, and it's not even pro right, hispanic right, which is, yeah, it's just anti-white?

Speaker 1:

yeah it is. Yeah it is, and it's blatant, simply anti-white I'm, you know, undisguised and absurd. Can you imagine Remember once upon a time you got work and accolades and praise and money for being good at what you do? Remember when that was a thing? It feels so far back in our history?

Speaker 2:

Merit-based, but merit-based merit, yeah yeah, yeah, that's what we were built on work hard. Yes, that's it.

Speaker 1:

It's not that anymore well, I think, you know, the worst thing anyone can do at this point, at any point in time, but especially now, is to roll over and take it. And and I, and I think the, the pushback, the pushback is definitely happening. You know, people are definitely emboldened. People that used to get bullied into silence are now speaking up or now saying you know, enough is enough, this is crap, this is ridiculous. You know, you're seeing some businesses coming forward, um, more and more businesses coming forward and say you know what? We're not, we're not participating in this nonsense, we're this. No, thank you. And um, yeah, I mean people, just, you need to be bold and you need to just um, decline, simply decline and outright refuse to participate in the insanity. You know, and that's the. I mean. I think that's the only way right now. You can't just hope it'll go away and ignore it and pretend that it doesn't affect your life, because we're all affected, Like everybody's affected now by this. Their problem is now everybody's problem. Any problem they have is our problem and obviously our fault.

Speaker 1:

Because we're apparently white and, by the way, I want some new classifications for me. I don't think my skin is white. I mean, this is white, this is the color white. This is not the color of my skin and I am offended to be called white. So I would like to be called. I don't know how am I going to come up with a color, a peach. Listen, elsa, you're half Cuban. Oh, yes, I am, but listen, I don't count. I don't count, I'm not Cuban enough.

Speaker 3:

I'm not.

Speaker 1:

Hispanic enough for them, I'm not Cuban enough, I'm not Hispanic enough for them. So you know, that doesn't count. I'm apparently canceled out by my other whiteness. Yeah, and I've had people say that to me too. Somebody was like, oh, look at your white privilege. I'm like, well, thank you, but I'm actually Hispanic. They're like, yeah, right, you are. You know, you're not. Well, you go tell my dad, my dad, knuckleheads. I can't stand them.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I'm being kind when I say that. So yeah, so um y'all the world is crazy. News flash. I bet you didn't know.

Speaker 2:

We, yeah, we just we cranked through. That was probably the fastest hour I think we've ever had. I really feel like it. We got through a lot of stuff.

Speaker 1:

One, two, three, four, five, six, yeah, six or seven oh yeah. Cause I I kind of segued, so we had seven topics in there tonight we got a bunch.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, great, great show, yes, love it Absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Guys, we really really appreciate you hanging out with us. I only I only half apologize for my little rant before.

Speaker 2:

I don't even know if I fully mean it. I probably only apologize for throwing it in there kind of randomly, but Clay segued for us. Clay brought it back around town Nice job, buddy.

Speaker 1:

No, great show, great show. This was fun. We appreciate everybody hanging out with us. Absolutely. We look forward to seeing you guys next week. More importantly, we look forward to seeing you in the comments. So we had lots of questions for you, lots of stuff to add in there that we'd like to hear your, your input. So, clay, go ahead and take them out here.

Speaker 2:

Hey, as always for me, folks, thanks for hanging out with us and keep moving, keep shooting.

Hunter Biden Conviction and Reactions
Fauci's Impact on Humanity
Censorship, AI, and Future Implications
Embarrassing D-Day Incident and Olympics
Rising Anti-White Sentiment and Hypocrisy
Appreciation for Show and Viewer Engagement