The Elsa Kurt Show

From Commencement Chaos to Global Politics

Elsa Kurt

Ever been to a graduation where the provost turns your hard-earned name into a comedy skit? We're still chuckling and cringing from the name pronunciation fiasco at Thomas Jefferson University's nursing ceremony. So, we kicked off the conversation with a mix of humor and empathy for the graduates who expected a solemn recognition but got an unexpected twist. We then sifted through emotions and debated the financial repercussions of such slip-ups. Should there be compensation for dampening what's meant to be a proud moment? Listen in for a lively back-and-forth on the weight of words in times of accomplishment.

Navigating through the tangled web of international politics, we dissected the complex relationship between the U.S., Israel, and Hamas. The episode took a critical stance on the media's portrayal of conflict, scrutinizing the accuracy of casualty reports and the ripple effects of misinformation. Without a guest to hold back our candid opinions, we tackled the controversial 'free booze' program, questioning the logic and efficacy of such an approach to addiction treatment. Our scrutiny extended to the broader implications of these narratives and the responsibilities of those in power, stirring the pot on contentious issues with the aim of shedding light on the deeper intricacies of these global challenges.

Wrapping up, we turned our attention to less-discussed border security concerns—this time, along the U.S.'s northern frontier. We examined the uptick in migrant encounters and pondered the influence of leadership policies on both sides of the border. The stakes are high, with the shifting power dynamics within the Democratic Party and census strategies poised to reshape the political landscape. We wrapped things up with a sincere thanks to you, our listeners, for embarking on this journey of exploration and exchange. Your presence turns our deep dives into meaningful dialogues, and we can't wait to bring you more stories, debates, and laughs in our next episode.

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Speaker 1:

Well, good evening everyone. Are you ready for another fun, informative, exciting, interesting show? We are. We have something first for you that we're we don't know whether to laugh or shake our heads or do a little bit of both. But here's kind of like a little sneak peek at what we're going to be talking about first. Okay, let's take a roll here.

Speaker 2:

Jay Quellen. Where's Jay Quellen at? No, jay Quellen here. Do you mean Jacqueline? Okay, so that's how it's going to be.

Speaker 1:

All right. No, we're not having a stroke. We know exactly what we're going to be talking about. Right Clay, we have a plan here.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, and it's local to me. There's another hint for you. It's local to me here outside of Philadelphia and it's painful. Hey, good evening everybody, welcome back and happy to be back for another week. How are you doing?

Speaker 1:

Woo the week, how you doing. Woohoo, we are ready for it right after this. Alright guys. So, um, you're poor Philadelphia. Why is Philadelphia always doing crazy stuff? Oh man, all right guys. If you didn't get an opportunity to see what happened, the Thomas Jefferson commencement ceremony happened over there Again. Just a reminder we record on Tuesday, you see this on Thursday, so this was just recently. It'll be a little further back in your news feed if you haven't seen it yet, but this was the commencement ceremony for nursing students in Philadelphia. This happened on Thursday, so it'll be last Thursday for us. Well, sair Uvun Jinju Brinan.

Speaker 2:

Victoria Lee.

Speaker 1:

Zubeth Bross, mylena Zobeth Kahn.

Speaker 2:

Tom Muldmay, thomas Thomas.

Speaker 1:

Tom Muldmay, Tom Muldmay, yes, yeah, so this woman ended up being like removed from from handing these out within like what 10 minutes, I think. They said the university apologized for the massacre of the names and their explanation was that she was given maybe they do this all the time, I don't really know for these things, but she was given a list with the phonetic spellings of each of the names, along with the regular spelling, which normally someone would probably like. They would look at the regular list and say you know, oh, I don't know how to pronounce that name and look over at the other one, get the phonetic. This woman just decided to go by the phonetic and that's what happened. It was pretty bad.

Speaker 2:

My understanding. This is the Thomas Jefferson University is here in Philadelphia, as we mentioned before. It is a university and hospital. In fact, it's the only major hospital left in the city. It is the big one Right and the university is part of it. It's historic. It's been here forever. Remember the name Thomas Jefferson University, especially since that last young man announced their first name was Thomas, yeah, but this is the provost, like she. My understanding is that it was the provost of the university announcing exactly like you said Elisa orquhete or however you would pronounce your name. She was given their written name, like the proper, you know, accurate spelling, and then a phonetic list to go with that, and she chose to completely ignore things like Elizabeth and just go with the phonetic, and that's what you get. This is university leadership. Every one of those kids should get their entire tuition refunded or university school, however long it took them, however many tens of thousands of dollars they paid. They should get all of that money back, all of it.

Speaker 1:

Yep, I say absolutely, and you know a lot of them, a lot of. There was a lot of laughter, you know it was. It was very funny, but it's also a little bit not funny because you worked your butt off to have this moment. You know, this great moment of pride to hear your name called, you know, and nursing school, that's hard. I have friends who I watch go through nursing school and I mean it hurts my brain to think about all of the things that they have to learn and the commitment and all of the things that they go through to do this.

Speaker 2:

And, oh my goodness, to have their name just massacred like that is, it's a little upsetting, I'm sure well, and we we mentioned this last week when we were talking about all the commencement ceremonies that got canceled or disrupted due to the Palestine, israel, you know, hamas issue. These kids and and if they're true, like four years of high school, four years of college, these are the same kids that lost their graduation due to COVID. So they might have got a Zoom graduation four years ago. Maybe not even that. Maybe they graduated to an empty stadium. Whatever it was, it was not a normal graduation.

Speaker 2:

And now, like you said, they bust their behind, they get through nursing school, you know of all things, and this is the reward. Now, you're right, there was some laughter. I think there was some confusion. Some people probably thought it was a prank, at least to begin with, right, and then it kept going. Yes, and then it kept going. And, you know, I think there was a lot of confusion, but I think, like the, the young man named Thomas, I think, was that was the straw that broke the camel's back when she's a little displeased, thomas was annoyed.

Speaker 2:

That was the one where everybody was like this is not just a joke, this is an embarrassment.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah, absolutely. Oh, I felt really bad for them as I'm laughing, as I'm still laughing. But you know, it is it's and of course, as you've already figured out, already tied in. That's why we showed that video in the beginning, because that is a classic real life, it really happened in real life. And, yes, I definitely would have thought if I was sitting there, I would have definitely thought it was a joke, I would have thought it was a play on that. And, like you said, you know, everybody probably had that nervous laughter at first, like that was funny. Ok, now correct it. Ok, now correct it. And it never got corrected. So, and I do because I'm such a sap, I'm such a sucker, I actually I should not, but I actually feel bad for that woman because how mortifying that must be to be that woman that you know.

Speaker 1:

Forever, Forever, forever. So I do. I do have a little sympathy for probably not deserved and for the reasons that you said too. Like just these universities are just it's all out of control, it's all absurdity and nonsense, it's just another comeuppance form, I think.

Speaker 2:

In some ways, there's a high probability that that woman has a doctorate. Scary right, yeah Right. And I'll be honest, I've done this. I did. I've been the narrator for a couple of graduations at military schools while I was still in uniform, with international students. As you know, graduates and listen, you know you get. You get Tommy Smythe from England Right, that's fairly easy, but you start getting into French, german, swedish, african nations. You've got to make sure you get this right and they do exactly like you said. It's written. And then it's written phonetically if you need it. And she, clearly I think she pulled a Kamala. I think she didn't do her due diligence. I don't think she read through it before. She stood at the podium and just figured, oh, I'm fine, and blew it in a colossal fashion.

Speaker 1:

Right, yeah, I feel like minutes before she said maybe somebody said, okay, did you take a glance through the names, you got it okay? And she was like this is easy, this is nothing, I've got this. Yeah, no big deal. Yeah, well, that's, that's what happened with that. You mentioned Israel and that is once again.

Speaker 1:

Once again still in the news, not once again still still in the news. You know, of course it is. There's no surprise there, as it should be. But and I'm really really so, in a minute, once I shut up, I'm going to let you take over the floor on this, because I really really want to hear your thoughts on this and how you see this. So the Biden administration Secretary of State, anthony Blinken, on Sunday delivered some of the Biden administration's strongest public criticism and I noted the word public of Israel's conduct on the war in Gaza, saying that Israeli tactics have meant quote a horrible loss of life of innocent civilians end quote but failed to neutralize Hamas leaders and fighters and could drive a lasting insurgency. So now he's said as much twice now, so obviously sending a very public message to Israel.

Speaker 2:

You know, number one and I've said this before these are the discussions that are supposed to be had in private. This is how diplomacy works. This is international relations 101, right? You don't embarrass an ally in public like this, especially one of our greatest allies, although I think the current administration is making it pretty clear. They don't care if Israel is an ally of ours or not. They're obviously not on Israel's side in all of this. And everybody, can you know, anybody who wants to can play the humanity card if they want. Oh well, they're on the side of humanity. No, they're not, because they just dumped a whole bunch more money into Ukraine. So if they were on the side of humanity, then we wouldn't be supporting anybody. But the reality is is you don't say this stuff in public.

Speaker 2:

And then a couple of things happened in the immediacy afterwards. One Hamas turned around because the message was not only do they not, we don't approve of tactics, we don't approve of things that are going on and how Israel is conducting themselves. There was also the well oh, by the way, we're not providing any more weapons, like if they're going to be used in in Gaza and Rafah, we're not. The United States president said that we're not providing any more weapons for this. Wow, okay, um to. Truthfully, I think Israel just said all right, fine, we'll get them from somewhere else, and they will, um and but Hamas launched a counter offensive, like in the in the hours afterwards, like within 24 hours and no response.

Speaker 1:

And no response from the Biden administration regarding that?

Speaker 2:

No, zero, okay. Okay, that's a. That's also a clear message. Hamas for Palestine as it, you know, attempts to exist, um, where the Israeli ambassador got up and and absolutely let the entire assembly have it, um went off on him. He had this like it was.

Speaker 2:

It was a little a lot of showmanship. He had this mini like shredder in his hand and he took like he's like this is what you're doing to the UN charter by supporting Hamas and Palestine. He was putting like these little pieces of paper into this shredder and it was very theatrical, but his point was well made. So that was, you know, that was part of it. And then the last thing was they have just redone the casualty numbers, the claimed casualty numbers by Hamas that they've been purporting and reporting for the last since October Um, and that have been echoed by the current administration, up to and including the president um numbers of not just killed by Israel, but number numbers of women and children killed by Israel, um innocence that you know have been, you know, um lost in this whole thing. Um are 50% or less than what is being has been reported.

Speaker 2:

So they're a hundred percent over on their casualty reporting. They're escalating, elevating the numbers to make things seem. Listen, I'm not. I mean by by no means am I downplaying the loss of life, especially when it comes to innocence women or children, but, of course, tells you exactly what you're getting out of this organization right there's no fair reporting.

Speaker 2:

There's no, you know, clear representation. They're not trying to paint an accurate picture of what is happening there. They're, they're, you know the numbers. They're upping things to make it look worse than it is. Um, and, and everybody's buying it because why nobody's checking? Nobody is nobody's checking, nobody's valid, validating or verifying what's coming out of there. They're taking it 100 of face value because it supports the narrative, right, right, and it's not accurate. So, as as bad as things are, they're not as bad as what's being reported. Um, you know, go backwards a week, go backwards a week and look at what's happening in this country in support of Hamas and Palestine, based on false representation of what's going on in that region. So this is what you get out of terrorists, because that's what they are, and I'm tired of people sugarcoating it. I really am. I don't want to hear anything more about the innocent people of Palestine. You know they're caught. You know they elected these people to run their government.

Speaker 2:

They continue to support them. They continue to allow this to happen and I don't want to hear any more free Palestine. I'm tired of it. It's complete BS and if you're anti-Israel and pro-Hamas, you're on the side of terrorism globally. That's what you're supporting. No one feels for us about it and that's what our administration is supporting. That's the whole. Like this entire. You can see right at the bottom, the banner at the bottom that's. Their message to Israel is we are supporting terrorists. We, the United States, are supporting terrorists. That's what we're doing. It's so important how absolutely horrendous right united states are supporting terrorists.

Speaker 1:

That's what we're doing. It's how absolutely horrendous and and you know we are they. I should say israel, throughout, has announced loud and clear we are going to do this, get out get to safety.

Speaker 1:

Do not be there because, like we're telling you, we're giving you an opportunity to get out and be safe. What you decide to do is now going to be on you, Whereas I'm pretty sure Hamas did not offer that same grace. No, we know that they didn't. We know that they didn't, so you know. So the whole thing is, it's just shocking to me, and you know, and I feel like I should just hit like a replay button, shocked that this is the reality and that there are so many people that turn a blind eye and refuse to see what's really happening. And you know this is again.

Speaker 1:

Another example is the airdrop of food and supplies right into the heart of, you know, Gaza, and and, of course, the, the, the soldiers and and the you know well, the terrorists, you know, grabbed everything and took it for themselves and left the, the innocent people, to starve. They've used them as human shields. They've used the hospital, Didn't they? Didn't they have like a headquarters underneath a hospital, so that you know, I mean, these are truly evil, sadistic, horrible people, and this is what our government is turning a blind eye to.

Speaker 2:

And you know, low key, not so low key supporting you know low key, not so low key, supporting, and at the same time, you know they we have turned around and added, you know, even more money to go to Ukraine.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And and and really you're. You know it's not necessarily, it's not apples to apples, it's not an apples to apples comparison, but you know we were supporting one, one ally against a known foe, which is Russia. Right, I mean, you know it's Cold War, it's post Cold War, it's they've been, you know. But at the same time, now we're supporting an enemy against what has been one of our greatest allies, and I don't like it, like it makes absolutely no sense. No, again, if you're on the side of the innocents, right, then you don't supply Ukraine with more weapons, you step in and you end the conflict yourself, right, and you look at Putin and you look at, you know Zelensky, and you just, or whatever his name is.

Speaker 2:

You know the stand-up comedian guy? Yeah, you is, you know the standup comedian guy. You know you tell them to knock it off, or you're going to step in the middle and you're going to end it. Right, if you're on the side of innocence, that's how you stop the death of innocence. It's not by choosing one side or the other. In this case, we're the United States of America. If we want to end that, if we want to end that, we can end that. No-transcript, it's not, it's not in line with anything else they're doing and I don't buy it. I think it's all garbage.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, there's there has to be based on everything else this administration has done. It has to be some type of self-serving maneuvering that they're doing. So you know, I mean, that's almost the given right. It's just a question of what is it? You know, what are you getting out of this? Because who's paying? Who? You know? Because you're, like you said, this is a longtime ally that you are publicly chastising, essentially, and saying you know, we're not helping you, we're mad at you. You know, we don't like what you're doing, so now we're going to shame you. And these are, these are the wrong people to try and shame. You know, give me a break, idiots.

Speaker 2:

And also, by the way, today is today's Israeli independence day. Wow, you didn't know that was. I did not know that. Today, israeli Independence Day Wow, in case you didn't know, I did not know that that's today.

Speaker 1:

Wow, yeah, yeah, they picked the wrong time, wrong people, wrong time, wrong everything, wrong side, wrong everything. And yeah, it's embarrassing and awful. And you know damn well who would have put an end to it, who would have stepped in the middle of these two fighting factions and saying, uh it?

Speaker 2:

was Yep, it was in the works when he left office. Yes, I mean yes, it's, we were. No, we have never been closer to peace in the Middle East than we were four years ago.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And it's all gone.

Speaker 1:

All gone Almost instantly. It seemed like I mean all gone, all gone Almost instantly. It seemed like I mean pretty damn quick, really, right, oh for sure. Oh, all right, we're getting fired up, we're getting angry. Let's switch it over to something that makes us angry as well. It's a different kind, though. This is a shake your head.

Speaker 2:

You know, this is a this is a shake your head, you know, this is uh. This is very much in the same vein, right same same idea of portland, right and seattle and all these places that have tried to, you know, offer free drugs to addicts to give them a safe place to shoot up so they don't overdose on the street. I think new york.

Speaker 1:

I think new y York is in that mix too. I think they tried that too. I think they had like little, little care packages. By care packages I mean a crack pipe and you know, and I actually mean that I'm pretty sure that was part of it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there was a little fake credit card in there to dice up your Coke or whatever. Anyway, um, I think they were double use the gift cards. That's what it was for.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, Get a cell phone. Anyway, San Francisco has found out that for I think it's three years now they have been doling out alcohol to the tune of millions of dollars.

Speaker 1:

Millions To homeless alcoholics.

Speaker 2:

This is their solution to alcoholism is to continue to give them alcohol to keep them. No-transcript.

Speaker 1:

to get alcohol right Is to just give it to them Yep, and to keep them out of the emergency rooms. Like that was like yeah for detox, right, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so less in medical emergencies and lower crime. You're right, those are the two like big facets to the program. Um, not get them help, not spend those millions of dollars to. You know, provide some education and some hospitalization and some treatment, some psychological help, some physical help, not do that just cheaper to keep them on the bottle, right?

Speaker 1:

yeah're just they're basically putting like a you know, the dollar store version of band-aids, you know like the really cheap brand of band-aids, over a waterfall. Essentially, you know you can't. This is not a fix, this is just something to push it up for a few minutes here and there so they don't have to deal with it essentially and by the way, the number on that it says over the last four years, san Francisco spent $20 million to basically service a total of a couple hundred people by giving them free vodka and beer. And I'm trying to see where the guy's name is, I've lost his name, but whoever this is who was quoted here, he said that for that amount of money they could have funded 60 drug treatment beds instead. Oh, tom Wolfe. Tom Wolfe, he's the founder of the Pacific Alliance for Prevention and Recovery. So yeah, for what they spent, just to put, you know, put that bandaid over a massive problem they could have actually solved the problem for some people at least.

Speaker 2:

You know, but I have to assume 60 beds operational for four years, right.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

How many people you can treat over four years if you've got 60 beds available. Right, yeah, yeah, because they're saying.

Speaker 1:

I mean the math on that, according to this guy and it's probably a give or take he says it's a $5 million pilot program bringing free beer, wine and vodka shots to San Francisco's homeless alcoholics, aimed to relieve the city's emergency services. So yeah, so like the total was, over four years, $20 million spent. And you know the key thing there is he's saying, for a couple hundred people. So you know, so while they are taxing the emergency services and all that stuff, the number is relatively low. So it's enough people that they really could use that funding for actual treatment rather than free vodka shots and beer and wine. I think wine was on there they go wine, I mean, come on.

Speaker 2:

Who thinks, who thought that this was a good solution. I mean, really, how dumb do you have to be? That not, and listen, you may think conceptually, you know that weaning people off, okay, in a controlled environment, I think that's probably a way. Maybe cold Turkey physiologically doesn't work for people, mentally it doesn't work for people. That's probably not the best, you know, a hundred percent solution. So some people got to wean themselves off in a controlled environment, okay, fine, sure, I get that. That's not what this is, though. This is not even close, you know.

Speaker 1:

hey, I'm back again, you know yeah, somebody open up their coat and go here. Here's your. What do you want? What do you want?

Speaker 2:

It's the guy you know they're. They're wandering around looking for this stuff. I just I don't. I don't get this. I really, really don't. I don't understand how anybody believes that this is a good idea, especially not to a $5 million a year price tag.

Speaker 1:

Right, Like who these people had to sit down in a committee room and they and they've got their long table and they're and they're seriously talking about, well, how should we tackle this problem? Oh, I have an idea. I have an idea also what's your idea? Let's hear this one Okay, I think we should bring them free booze and you know, and we can have a booze ferry and they can just ride their bike past them like a paper boy and just throw out the nips to them. Does that sound like a good idea, guys? And they all said you know what, yeah, that sounds like a good idea, guys. And they all said you know what?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that sounds like a great idea. How much is that going to cost? How much is that going to cost Five million? No sure, five million, no problem. Yeah, up the price on the bridge. Yeah, that's all. Increase the tolls, we'll be fine. It's crazy. Like and again success rate. I'm sure very much like. You know the and we've seen this, we've talked about this, whatever it was a month ago. You know that, uh, up there in the Pacific Northwest, they looked at the, the uh free drug programs. They went, you know, or actually it was the legalization part that they flipped over. They're like, yeah, this, this backfired, this is, you know, this was a horrible idea. This is the same thing. This is not work. I guarantee you. This is not working.

Speaker 1:

No, there's no possible way. And you know, and you always, when you know we're we're it's not that we're cynical is that we're, we're realists and we look at this. Most people I think most thinking people look at this and go well, what's in it for them Like, what's in it for them to do this, like I, I get. I get why they want the illegals coming in and they want to fast track them to citizenship because they want voters. Why, why, why are you doing this? Like there are no use to you? They're not going to vote. You know they're not likely to vote unless you're like picking them up in your, in your big white van and carting them over there and pointing them and, yeah, right.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Come on, look what we got for you, Come on.

Speaker 2:

We'll shot a beer. Come on, get them in. Come on, come on, get your beer.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. So yes, I mean, to me that would be the only way they would be seeing any kind of benefit, but still the numbers are not big enough for them to make a significant impact in the voting. I mean maybe they are, I don't know, but from this it kind of sounds like they're not necessarily. I mean, maybe they are, I don't know, but I from this it kind of sounds like they're not necessarily. So I would love to know the what's their angle? What's their angle? Because otherwise, otherwise it's just plain stupid. Now we could maybe add the layer of plain stupid plus evil, just evil.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's. I can't see how anybody with any any stroke of humanity looks at this and says this is a good idea, right, I just I don't. You know I get it. You know you see it in the old movies, the sympathetic, you know. Give the drunk the bottle. You know, here you go old man.

Speaker 2:

You know, yeah, but like that's old movies, like we all know, that's a horrible idea, you know. This is why you never give the guy on the side of the highway with the sign cat, right. If you want to donate something to that individual, you give him a rain jacket, you give him a sandwich, you give him whatever. You don't give him money. None of those people, right. Because that's where it goes. It goes to alcohol and it goes to drugs. Those are the two places it goes and you just never give it to them. This is the same thing. Don't give them. You're cutting out the middle man. You're actually doing the work for them, like you're bringing the booze to them. You might as well give them the money and let them you know. And oh, by the way, you're giving them a menu, like, oh, you don't like beer, I got some vodka no, yeah, can you imagine.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

oh god, I, I just don't get it. This is just.

Speaker 1:

I don't either.

Speaker 2:

It's left coast stupidity.

Speaker 1:

And of course they are trying to use that logic like well, you know, it's really bad for them just to go cold turkey when they're severe alcoholics because they get the shakes and you know, like you said, that's not really treatment. You know, you have to have a treatment plan for these people. You can't just keep throwing them nips from your paper boy bag and saying, well, this will hold you over, you know, this will hold you over. It's madness. It's stupidity and madness and actually downright cruel.

Speaker 1:

really is what it is you know, offering zero help to these people who are desperately in need of help.

Speaker 2:

A hundred percent.

Speaker 2:

Yep, very, very sad, very sad Um we're, we're, we're changing gears here A couple of topics tonight where we're talking about manipulating the system. Yes, and you know we've talked a couple of times about the southern border. I mean it's a hot topic. I think it's the number two, you know, election topic, besides the economy, I think is, you know, the border is still number two and it revolves around national security. But everybody's focused on the southern border because it gets the most attention and the most traffic and it's on the news the most. But Border Patrol Services has broken a record for the most encounters on our northern border.

Speaker 1:

Well, ok, so we'll do a little bit of comparison. So the southern border has had roughly six million encounters since Biden assumed office. So that's the latest data on that, and maybe I'm wrong. I thought I had like the exact number here, but maybe I don't. But the numbers over on the Northern border are not that high, but they are significantly higher. They have their highest.

Speaker 1:

They have a record breaking wave of illegal immigrant arrest, immigrants arrested in one month. So in one month they had more arrests than they've had in like the past three years, I think, and that is incredibly telling. So, yeah, more migrants last month than in the two previous years combined, than in the two previous years combined. So the two previous years combined in one month. That's what, yeah, so that is you know, hey guys, that's concerning, that's definitely concerning, and just so we know this. So the Northern border, let's see, it's the Swanton sector. It spans across New Hampshire, vermont and the Eastern counties of New York state. So if you're in my neck of the woods, that's you know, that's your neighbors, that's right around the corner, basically.

Speaker 2:

So the question is I mean, obviously the current administration plays a massive role in this. There's no, nobody argues that point. You know we. We know that, that, um, you know the, the president and this administration continues to enjoy the open borders as much as they, you know, make claims otherwise. Um, but there's, there's always somebody on the other side of this and I don't know if you saw this.

Speaker 2:

So the newly elected I think president of Panama right has outright said they are cutting off all traffic moving north. Wow, so he's tired of this. I think he's trying to make a better relationship and better alliance with the United States. Truthfully, and I think he probably can read some tea leaves and knows there's going to be an administrative change here coming up. So he is cutting off. There's a corridor and I don't remember the name of it, but there's a corridor through Panama, obviously across the canal and that. But he has said they are doing immediate deportations. If they find people moving through this corridor, non-panamanians, illegal immigrants moving through, they're putting them on a plane, they're sending them home. He's done with it and that will alleviate some pressure further down the pipeline right for us. But now we're looking north, so this rests.

Speaker 2:

There's only one person. There's only one person responsible for all this stuff, coming from Canada, and it's Justin Trudeau, who is as big of a communist as anybody on the planet. I mean the guy, you know you can't even qualify him as a socialist. I mean he, he is the worst. He's horrible. You know, I know the Canadians most Canadians can't stand horrible to individual rights. You know the fact that they offer and I don't know if you know this or not, this is so heartbreaking to me, but they offer euthanasia, self euthanasia to veterans who are suffering. Yeah, instead of taking care of them, they offer them assisted suicide as an out, not only offer it, recommend it. In many cases, whoa, wow, it's disgusting. It is their version of the VA that is responsible for this. They actually passed it and then they said, hey, we probably need to pause on that. But the fact is is that the government itself is supporting this effort, which is sickening, absolute monsters.

Speaker 2:

The person that you've got in charge up there and you know that he is helping, whatever policies I'm not saying the guy is like hosting immigrants in his house, but whatever policies he's putting in place very much like our current administration. The policies he's putting in place are facilitating months like we just had. There's no way that this is an accident, right? Right, absolutely not.

Speaker 2:

It's warm in Canada. Now, go that way, it's easier to get through. Go that way, it's not as hot. You don't have to walk 4,000 miles through Mexico to get there, it's easier. Go through Canada. And that's what's happened is, they're finding an inroad, you know, through Canada, and now they're coming in through our northeast, and I'm sure it's not exclusive to the northeast, I'm sure it's, you know, all across the northern border, in various pockets and places as it's, you know, easier to traverse places as as it it's, you know, easier to traverse. But this is, this, is there's a responsibility here, and this is international relations, same continent. You know, just like we have problems with Mexico, we're going to have problems with Canada and it's going to get worse.

Speaker 1:

Yes absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. And you know what we're seeing right now is if something isn't done, basically immediately, that's only going to get worse. You don't have that kind of spike and the next month it's going to be nice and quiet Like this is the beginning of a flood. Essentially it's bad. And you know, the most infuriating thing and we all know it, the most infuriating thing about this is that Biden could stop this in a minute, one executive order and it's done. And he refuses and everybody knows that. And anyone who is pretending that they don't know that or that they don't believe that is either an idiot or they're lying or they, you know, because they want this to happen, because they think that's going to benefit. You know their side.

Speaker 2:

With this, border Patrol is stretched thin We've talked about this multiple times like they're being misused in many cases to do processing administrative stuff instead of actually physically trying to contain the border, which they can't all do. There's not enough of them. The southern border is completely overwhelmed at this point and now you've got to surge north and there's no capability out there None, there's no reserve, there's no extra guys laying around. There's no. You know BPS that's sitting around doing nothing to move up there to help those that are already up there. Like there's no capability we can add to this that will reduce this. And even if we had it, you know the administration is not going to do it. That's not a thing.

Speaker 2:

So I really feel sorry in all of this and I've said this before for the BPS folks, because they're doing everything they can and, truthfully, more than they can. They're the heroes and the victims of this entire thing. And now the folks who are up North, they're about to catch hell for it too, and it's. I feel so bad for those folks and it's. It's awful because now it's it's I hate to say it's a two front war, but that's kind of what it's looking like.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, and you know if, if there's going to be any kind of good quasi good to come of this, is that it may agitate enough people on this side, on the northern side, because now you're getting, now you're legit getting affected. People who were not getting personally affected by this are now about to, if not already getting personally affected by this. So you know, maybe that's going to open some eyes over here.

Speaker 2:

They don't have to bus them in from Texas anymore.

Speaker 1:

No 3am flights dropping off illegals.

Speaker 2:

I refuse to call them anything other than illegals.

Speaker 1:

Dropping off illegals in quiet towns all across the country.

Speaker 2:

They're just going to show up they're just going to show up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, just going to walk right over and guess what guys? They're going to walk right in your house, so I hope you're prepared for that, because it's going to happen.

Speaker 2:

They're not all bad people.

Speaker 1:

No, they're not Some of them are bad. Some of them are, but some of them are bad. Exceptionally bad, as in if you are in any of those bordering areas, I will go so far as to say ladies, if you are joggers, morning walkers, any of those things, I would, I would, I would second guess that idea because, you are no longer safe, less safe than you ever were let's put it that way, because we're always not exactly safe.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, whole next level here and boy oh boy. People are going to find out the hard way, and it sucks that that is always the case, that for people to wake up and get angry is only when they get personally affected, and I think we're going to see some of that now.

Speaker 2:

Well, we're starting to see it. And these transition topics right, we're starting to see the reaction now, right In a place that is traditionally as blue as blue gets. Yes absolutely the Garden State right. New Jersey, which is again it's Democrat, it's hard blue, has been for a long time. President Trump held a rally there over the weekend. I think the initial number I saw was 80,000 people and I think it crested over 100. Yes, Hundred thousand people showed up at a rally in New Jersey.

Speaker 1:

In New Jersey, Jersey Shore right Now there's.

Speaker 2:

Listen, if you've never spent any time in New Jersey, I think you know. You've spent your whole life up here in the Northeast right. There's a good portion of New Jersey that's very rural. There's tons of hunters and hunting and all of that. So you know. But, like a lot of states, there's a dense urban population. That can you know. But, like a lot of states, there's a dense urban population that, can you know, comprises a good portion of New Jersey. To get 100000 people to come to a rally for President Trump is unbelievable in that state. It's unbelievable.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's huge and I love that. You know they're. You know, almost immediately. You know they're fighting over on social media. Oh, there's no way it was 100000. You know it was more like this. You know almost immediately, yeah, they're fighting over on social media. Oh, there was no way it was a hundred thousand. You know it was more like this. You know everybody's arguing about the numbers and and then somebody said I, it was somebody who would know, I think like uh, uh, somebody who had something to do with the, the uh arena or area that the his speech was in, his rally, was in. It was like well, I know it holds like 40,000, but you know, then there were all the people on the outside of that around it. So you know it could be anywhere from 80 to a hundred thousand. So you know it's trying to try and first say 40,000, then they must've gotten pressed a little bit and said, well, well, you know, explain that a little bit more. Aren't there places where they could go?

Speaker 2:

And and they were, people were trying to like tear through it. Did you see that like drone, like drone aerial footage? I don't know if it's from a helo, from a helicopter or from a drone, but the aerial footage.

Speaker 1:

There were people everywhere, everywhere, everywhere, yeah, and they want to downplay it, but, um, you can't. You can't, the videos are out there. The videos are out there. The pictures are out there, like you can't. They're trying so hard to convince people that you know his numbers are are not what we think, they are what we know they are.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it's, and it's a result right of of what's going on in the trial, which absolutely, by the way you know, a whole nother week of of crazy. I mean today was day two of of you know, the Michael Cohen testimony which again is backfiring very much like the Stormy Daniels testimony did.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know they're still regretting that whole fiasco.

Speaker 2:

This whole thing and we've talked about it before, but it's to you know it's to keep him out. They can't beat him at the ballot box, so they're going to beat him in the jury box, and that's really what it's about. It's about keeping him off the campaign trail, trying to smear his name, all of those things, and he's doing a master job of of working around it. He's like you know, well, I can't really go anywhere because I got to be back in the courtroom on Monday. Well, let's run over to Jersey, let's just hold a thing over there, all right? And they do, and they throw it together. Boom, it's there and one hundred thousand people show up, no-transcript and worried about their safety and worried about their future and worried about their kids and all this other stuff. That's what this is. That's what happens. That you get 100,000 people to a rally because of stuff like that, not because a porn star was on the stand talking bad about it. That's not what does this it's everything else?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's. You know, like you said, it's not one isolated thing. It is all of the things that culminate to a country, an almost entire country, being sick and tired and done, and what has been happening is what we were kind of loosely just talking about that. Now you've affected me. All of the things that you, this administration, has been doing, affects me personally. And now I'm involved, Now I'm invested. Now I got to get off my couch and now I got to do something and and I think that is a a very large part of what's happening People who sat quietly and just lived their life and didn't want to be bothered with any any of this, now realize well, it's now, it's on my doorstep, Now it is my problem.

Speaker 1:

And now I have to do something. And you know what a shame again that it had to happen like this, that we had to go so far down in the darkest hole that you could possibly be in, for people to, you know, decide oh wait, a minute, something's not right here. I think I better do something, something. But you know, I guess, whatever it takes, whatever it takes, and they're getting wilder and crazier with all of their stunts and all of the things that they're trying to do to keep this one man out of office, you know. So it does make me anxious of how far they would go.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and and it's. You know, there's surprisingly two things out of this last couple of days regarding, truthfully, the administration and the current election. That surprised me is that, in the wake of this, it did surprise me a little bit that you heard not a peep. It doesn't surprise me a lot, but it surprised me a little bit that you haven't heard a peep out of Chris Christie.

Speaker 1:

Very strange. Yeah, yes.

Speaker 2:

Donald Duck himself Right yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the nickname very strange. Yeah, yes, donald duck himself, right, yeah, um, yeah, the nickname that he's basically he's in his donald's in his house yeah, it's his house, yes, and and not a word.

Speaker 2:

And and I I would be very interested in which of the news outlets, if any, even reached out to him and what his response was Like. I would love to hear just one. I don't care who it is, cnn, whoever say. And we reached out to Chris Christie for comment and received no reply, because that's essentially what you're going to get.

Speaker 2:

Yes that's that. Yeah, surprised me a little bit. But also Secretary Clinton. Hillary Clinton took a little bit of a beating this week because she lashed out a little bit at the Hamas, israel, the protesters, the student protesters, and she basically said these kids don't know the history of the Middle East and they don't know what they're talking about. And the backlash was not from them, it was from the party, it was from they wanted to shut up and don't say things like that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so and it's. You know they're the Clintons and you know I think there's been a power shift in the party. I think now it's public, I think there was one going on for a while, but I think that reigns in control of not just the current administration but really of the DNC itself. I think, you know, before president Obama's got, he's got it all like it's all in his pocket, and because nobody ever told the Clintons to shut up before, no, they wouldn't dare, they wouldn't dare.

Speaker 2:

Right. If you told the Clintons to shut up you, you ended up like you know, jeffrey Epstein Right.

Speaker 2:

And that's not, you know, nobody wants that, no, but but that's what happened, like she got slapped down, the party basically told her to keep her mouth shut. That's not in line with what everybody else is saying and keep it to yourself. And and that was a little bit of a, it was a little bit of a shock, not that it was a little bit of a shock that she said it in the first place, because that's not a you know, it's an honest position, which she actually just got caught in a moment of honesty, really.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and again, not something the Clintons are known for is no, no, but she said it. And then the immediate reaction of you know, basically, go back in your hole, we're done with you. Your time is over with, keep your mouth shut, stay on the party line and or stay out of the way. So it's. There's been a power shift and that's a that's a pretty good indicator. I think we all knew that. But I think that the shift is, you know, really to President Obama. I think he, you know, will handle it very differently from the Clintons. He'll stay very much, you know, aloof and in the shadows and very quiet, and you know those kinds of things, but he'll keep pulling the strings.

Speaker 2:

We all know that's what's been happening the last four years. So it is what it is. But the goal is for them to continue to maintain power. And again we're moving on to the next topic. That's what we've got going on with the census. So now the effort is to make this stuff official, and it's not just in the short term but in the long term. So with the census, you know, now they're trying to collect data and include every resident, legal or illegal.

Speaker 1:

Doesn't matter which one, you are right, right.

Speaker 2:

To provide for accurate representation. So in the short term it's the electoral college. Now I don't know. I don't think that we will see, you know, short-term electoral college change. We will potentially see it in the long term. But we will also see so four years from now, really, because it's going to take a year to collect, it's going to take a year to, you know, publish and then make adjustments. So by the next presidential election cycle, if things go according to what the current administration wants, you'll see a shift in the electoral college. You'll see more electoral votes allocated to specific states, but what you will also see is more representation. The House of Representatives will grow, more representatives for states like California and New York, and you'll see it in places that didn't have a lot of representation Minnesota right.

Speaker 2:

There's been a big push there. Illinois will get more Right, right and while we all thought and I was the biggest proponent for Texas shoving all of these illegals you know everywhere all over the country may not have been the best.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

In light of this right, yes, Right, a little bit of backfire, but it also. It kind of helps keep Texas red. Yes, you know, yes, so there's that, but there is. This is not by accident, this is well thought out and this is this is the end game, right, this is the end game is to flood states, blue states, already, blue states with more blue voters to replace the ones that are leaving and, truthfully, I hate to say that baby boomers that are now starting to. You know they're, they're getting up there a little bit.

Speaker 1:

Just a fact, yeah, just a fact Natural progression of things.

Speaker 2:

So you've got to replace them. You got to replace the. You know the reformed hippies that are no longer hippies and have moved to places like Florida and Texas and you know places like that and they're now voting red. But you know you're going to grow the states that are hard blue anyway Illinois, new York, california, places like that You're going to get more electoral votes and you're going to get more representatives in the house. So that's what this is about. That's how this census, this 2024 census, is going to be used to manipulate our election, our electoral system, our future elections, and if that's not election interference, like you don't have to look to Russia or make up dossiers or anything Right here.

Speaker 2:

Four years ago. They're just doing it here. They're just administratively changing the rules to manipulate the election. That's what all of this is.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I read it. Of course I saved it. So, Representative Jamie Raskin he's a Democrat from Maryland, yeah, Quoted the 14th Amendment, part of it, the part that benefited his point. The quote was representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state. And he emphasized persons in each state.

Speaker 1:

So he's, you know, making trying to make it like they're not referring to citizens versus non-citizens, they're just persons. But he kind of left out the whole first section of it, which is all persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof are citizens of the United States and the state where they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which will abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States. Blah, blah, blah, so on, so forth, you know. So they just try and find, like all these little loopholes and ways around, and of course they want the you know the Constitution. They want it amended, of course they. They want the you know the constitution they wanted amended, of course to to change that. So yeah, they learned.

Speaker 2:

They learned from the original framers, right, really, the southern states and the slave owners. Right, there was a reason, there was multiple reasons why, you know, slaves were counted, as you know, three, three-fifths, right one, it kept slaves in a, in a box, but also it gave them additional rep, it gave them additional citizen, not citizens, but numbers in their census, right, right. So you know, this is the same kind of thing like they're just looking back in time and they're looking at this and they're going, hey, wait a minute, that was okay, that we could use that, and and that's what they're doing. They're just rewriting it, you know now, you know, in modern times, to make it do the same thing that they wanted it to do before, which was give them actual, better numbers with. You know that they can manipulate and use to their own advantage to keep things the way they want it, and that's what it's.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, that's, and you know, that's been their game all along, and there's been plenty of people who've said it right from the beginning, and I think, including us that we, uh, you know, aid, um, they do it for their own personal motives. So what would be? You know what would benefit them? Oh well, here, here we are. Here we are.

Speaker 2:

Right Self-serving to the to the nth degree. That's all it is about. Maintaining control, maintaining power. Right, they're rewriting the rule book to do it. They're like you know. They're like the oldest sibling. Right Change to make sure you continue to win. You know, keep younger siblings in line.

Speaker 1:

Yep, keep moving the goalpost, go, keep changing the rules. Keep you know.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, cheat, lie, steal, doesn't matter, do all of the things as long as you win, and that's. You know, that's the game that they're playing. It's the game that they've always played. It has always been the game. And you know, we're just privy to it now, and they're not even hiding it anymore. They don't care, they don't care, they don't care, they just throw it right in your face, like here's what we're doing.

Speaker 2:

Suck it. Yeah, they figured out a while ago that they can't hide it anymore. So why hide it Now? They count on the media to provide whatever you know, reinforce the narrative, and they don't deny it. They just wait for the news cycle to change and they know Americans are going to forget about it and they take advantage of it, and that's what's going on. They're not hiding jack anymore. It's not even worth it. No, just manipulate it and just move on.

Speaker 1:

Right, yeah, they certainly have enough little minions sitting there, you know just consuming all of their BS and you know taking sound bites and passing them off as truths, and yeah it's bananas it is. I summed it all up so eloquently it's bananas.

Speaker 2:

And there it is. There is the word for the week. Ladies and gentlemen, it's bananas.

Speaker 1:

It's bananas, when you're at a loss for what to say, when you're in such shock and dismay over the state of everything and you and you try, or if you're a person who's trying not to be a swearer anymore which is really difficult because I had a mouth like a truck driver still do, sometimes, working on it guys, yeah you, you start saying things like that's banana. Oh boy, oh boy, it doesn't, doesn't, doesn't quite give the same satisfaction.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't, but that's okay. Oh, I love it. Well, listen guys. Um, we, we hope that you had at least a little bit of a chuckle with us here and there. Uh, we definitely had some amusement with a couple of those topics, or aspects of those topics at least and uh, we, we hope you did too. We always thank you for joining us, for chiming in in the comments, and uh, we, we just love it so much when you guys do that and uh, you know the routine clay, you take them out.

Speaker 2:

Hey folks, thanks for joining us again. Uh, another great week, another great set of topics, and always fun to hang out and shoot the breeze with Elsa, and we appreciate you guys tuning in week after week and, as always for me, keep moving, keep shooting.

Speaker 1:

I love it. Take care, guys, see you next time.