The Elsa Kurt Show

A Closer Look at the Players of American Politics

Elsa Kurt

Boldly challenging the political status quo, we put Hillary Clinton under the microscope, examining her audacious persistence in reviving the "Russia, Russia, Russia" narrative. Despite an investigation involving 19 lawyers, 40 FBI agents, 280 subpoenas, and 500 warrants that found zero evidence, she soldiers on. We pull back the curtain on the glaring hypocrisy of partisan players who went from protesting "not my president" in 2016 to labelling those questioning the 2020 election as conspiracy theorists. 

We then switch gears, pulling apart the current state of the US political landscape that seems to be increasingly polarized. As cities and communities fray under the strain of escalating protests turning into riots, we question the role of notable figures. We also highlight James Carville's critique of the "loony left" and ponder if they're shooting their own cause in the foot. We then wade into the murky waters of the gun control debate, the US' UN membership, and the importance of Tim Scott as the lone African-American candidate. 

We wrap up our conversation by sizing up the candidates and their platforms, discussing the need for alternatives, and considering the implications of Kamala Harris' candidacy. Are we seeing a true shift in political dynamics? We also give a shoutout to the Alan J Lynch Foundation for their commendable support of veterans across the country. This episode is bound to get your gears turning, so buckle up and join us for this rollercoaster ride into the heart of American politics.

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Speaker 1:

Well, hello, my friends. Welcome to another episode. Clay and I are here to bring you some more fabulous topics. Say hello to everyone, Clay.

Speaker 2:

Hey everybody, Welcome back. Great to be back for another week.

Speaker 1:

Yes, clay gave us some great topics, so they are going to be coming up. Woo, another week, another fun show. They don't quit giving us topics, man, that's for sure.

Speaker 2:

There's never a lack of material, never a lack of material. That's the best part.

Speaker 1:

Holy cow, it's actually the opposite problem, right? How do you narrow it down to just a few? Everything is merits conversation, for sure.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and there's so much recurring. The president almost fell down the stairs of Air Force One again today. How many times do we have to go over that topic? It keeps happening Every day there's something new.

Speaker 1:

It's so crazy. Speaking of recurring things, it's like deja vu. Thanks to the star of our first topic here Hillary Clinton's bringing back Russia, Russia, Russia.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, former Secretary Clinton is the audacity of this woman never disappoints, never.

Speaker 1:

It never disappoints. And, by the way, if you said Russia, russia, russia, just like this, Marsha, Marsha, Marsha. We can be friends.

Speaker 2:

Now there's a classic. There's a classic. That was a good poll. I like that.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. I always look for an excuse to use one of these classics. I'm glad I got to use it. But yeah, but you know, hillary man, 2016,. Of course that was the song of her people. Russia, russia, russia, russian interference in the election. They lost their ever-loving minds over that, and that's despite the. So who was it, barr? Who are the special counsel right? Who came up with? So now I wrote this down, so I would make sure I got this right because I think it's important 19 lawyers, 40 FBI agents, 280 subpoenas, 500 warrants, and it resulted in zero evidence of Russian interference or collusion, I guess, between Trump and Russia. However, there was definitely strong indication that the Clintons had a little something to do with stuff and things there. Convenient to forget that.

Speaker 2:

And that's where the audacity comes in is that. I don't know if she just assumes that everybody has forgotten or assumes that there's enough people who disagree with the evidence that's out there, but it was very, very clear through all of the processes and procedures, general Flynn, everything that was involved, that it was fabricated. The dossier, all of it, was fabricated, paid for by Clinton and I just say Clinton because it's a massive thing, right Paid for by that apparatus and oh, by the way, with blessing, approval from the White House. The Obama administration knew about this. That's all out there. None of this is being made up and it's not speculative, but it got blessed off by the White House. They knew this was happening. The Clintons paid for the whole thing. And she brings it up like nothing ever happened, like everybody's an idiot and everybody, or everybody's forgotten what happened seven years ago. It's free.

Speaker 1:

I have to echo you. The audacity just is stunning. It is breathtaking, the audacity. But then, on the other hand, it's almost not because there are so many on the left that are still singing this song, still repeating this lie, despite the proof of otherwise, and the same thing that goes along with all the other conspiracy theories regarding the White House influence on social media platforms, I mean Twitter. Elon Musk exposed all of that. They have admitted to it. Zuckerberg has admitted to it, more or less. None of these things are a secret. Like you said, nothing's hidden. This is all out in the open. This is all truth, in fact. And they're still plugging their ears going la, la, la, la la. And when I do a little research on these for looking usually for clips, the amount of propaganda that I find on these major platforms is again breathtaking. So in that sense, it's not even that surprising.

Speaker 2:

No, but she's been like this. It's the same thing. It's the server, right, it's the 36 or 63,000 emails, whatever it was. The server that got was in her house, smashed, with a hammer thrown away. I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know. And just the sheer belief or refuse to acknowledge any kind of mea culpa. I'm sorry. Yeah, I screwed nothing. Zero, denied, denied, deny. Denied, denied, deny. That's it. And then really play the rest of us like we're idiots, like we forgot, or we're too stupid to realize, or to play to the crowd, like you said, who sticks their fingers in their ears and denies that any of this ever happened. So she's ignoring one, playing to the other, insulting everybody else who's left over. Yeah, absolutely, it's crazy. And she just straight face. Yes, I don't know if you saw the interview or not.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the level of arrogance, pompous arrogance that just she exudes that, and rightly so, because they have been above the law for as long as they have held any position of power and there's nothing, nothing to dissuade them from believing that Every single thing that has become or looked like, okay, maybe now something's going to happen, there's going to be something, and it just goes right, nose dives, just disappears and the American public is exhausted. They're just sick and tired of, they don't even want to hear it anymore. They're like whatever, nothing's going to happen. Nothing's going to happen to these people. They will never be held accountable. And you know, and I hate to be pessimistic, but what else can we think at this point? How much more can be, you know, basically thrown in people's faces, just handed to them on a silver platter of truth and fact, and they're like Nope, nope, nope, can't touch that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and, and so it's. I understand what she's doing on behalf of the party which is planting that seed, right, she's planting that seed out there that says could be something wrong, could be something wrong with the election. I'm just telling you now could be, so that plants the seed for you know anything for a shadow of a doubt? If the election doesn't turn out the way that her party wants, you know they can always go back and say, yep, we're going to do that. You know they can always go back and say, yep, it was the Russians. We talked about this.

Speaker 2:

Hillary said it September 20, whatever fifth to you know, 2023, she said it. We got to look at the Russians. It's, it's a theme that they've got and watch for more, because this won't be the last one. Watch for more to sow that doubt before the election ever gets kicked off right. So, whatever launches, they're already. You know it's the, it's the athlete that says, well, you know the field's really bad today, or? Man, I hate playing in the rain, or you know, I always, I always hit bad against this guy. They're making excuses before they ever step out on the field, and that's exactly what's going on now. Is they're setting conditions for excuse for failure or excuse to, you know, to challenge anything that doesn't go their way. So this won't be the last one. I can promise you this will not be the last one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I believe you. I believe you 100% and it's just the again I'm gonna use the word audacity, because that's really what it is and the hypocrisy and the flat out part of my language bullshit of it all. 2016,. Oh, this election was rigged and Russia got involved and interfered, and that definitely happened. And then in 2020, when the other side said, hey, wait a minute, some things are kind of funny here, I think some fishy things went on. They're like you're crazy, you people are conspiracy theorists. You're nuts, you're bananas. You don't even know what you're talking about. You're a conspiracy theorist and all of these things. And conveniently forgot all of the things that they said and their behavior then and just as a little reminder, let me just play this little clip of a reminder of their behavior when Trump won President not my president, not my president, not my president, not my president, not my president, not my president, not.

Speaker 3:

The whole world is watching. He's not. The whole world is watching. Trump, trump, trump, trump, Trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump. All right, hold on.

Speaker 1:

I love the juxtaposition of the love Trump's hate, love Trump's hate. And then in the next round it's bleep Donald Trump or bleep Trump. And those are some of the mild ones really yeah, and burn it all.

Speaker 2:

Right, burn it all, burn it down. Everybody and listen. I'm not one that advocates, or advocated for some of the actions on January 6th. I'm not Right, agreed, but January 6th is special because it was the capital of the United States and specifically the capital building of the United States, and I understand that's a very, very polarizing topic for a lot of reasons. Right, but before that there was an advocation for violence in every major metropolitan area, Absolutely For a couple of years before that, right, starting right there, right, advocating those peaceful protests didn't stay peaceful very long right. And then all the way through COVID, my home city of Chicago where I live now, outside of Philadelphia, new York, los Angeles, riots in the streets, violence everywhere that everyone turned a blind eye to and said, oh well, they're just expressing their feelings, right. And you get that snowball rolling, right, and then it doesn't stop. And so, again, this prepare ourselves for, you know, 18 months from now, when all of this cycles back again and you get the same reaction and worse if the election goes blue.

Speaker 1:

Oh, absolutely. You know. You have people like Maxine Waters and inciting violence, not just condoning it, inciting it, encouraging it, calling for it, and several others. She's just one example. And you know, if anybody you know is always be able to go oh, prove it, prove it. Listen, I'm not doing your homework for you.

Speaker 1:

It's out there, it's so easy to find all the videos of her, you know, saying the things that she's saying, encouraging them to get in Republicans, fair, conservative or Republicans faces and don't back down and don't.

Speaker 1:

You know all of these things and you know it's just a lot of wow, a lot of wow. And I honestly, I can tell you honestly I don't know why it still hits me with the wow factor, but it does every time Like I just cannot believe that this is real life. And I'll tell you and I think I can speak for a lot of people right now, on both sides I am sick and tired of fighting with fellow Americans. I'm sick and tired of it. I'm tired of being pitted against other people who believe differently than I do. I'm just sick and tired of it and I really hope that that group really does rise up and say you know what? Enough, I'm not playing these games. You're extremists over here, you have extremists over here and all the rest of us. We're right here. Okay, we want our country to be safe, we want our kids to grow up free and safe and all of the things that we rightly expect in this country, and just sick and tired of being divided.

Speaker 2:

And so you're starting to see and this one surprised me. I just read this one, not that long, actually, a couple of hours ago. I haven't yet seen the interview, but I read some of the transcripts. So James Carville you know the Democratic, long, long time Democratic strategist for the party was on the Bill Maher show, which Bill Maher has been. He's been an interesting turn in the last, you know, probably eight or nine months.

Speaker 2:

But even James Carville started talking about what he referred to his words, the loony left, and he's talking about the extremists that you're talking about. Right, he's not talking about his party as a Democrat. He's talking about the extreme left and the damage that they're doing to their own cause because of their extreme views and everything that they continue to push. They're starting to be some backlash. They're internal to the party and I understand that.

Speaker 2:

You know, on the right in the red there's the same thing, right. No rational person is gonna side with the extreme right. You know, and you can name any number of groups that associate with the extreme right. You know, up to an, including racist, you know, white supremacist type group. Nobody's buying into that with a rational mind. But you're starting to see the extreme left take flag from inside of their own party, from really one of the biggest, longest standing names in their party, as the loony left, because they're doing more damage than they are anything else. So I think you're right. I think that middle, that big middle that you and I have talked about multiple times on multiple shows, we're all starting to get sick of it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You know, like you said excuse my language the shit's getting old, like it. Just we're all getting tired of it and I think we're really gonna start pushing those extremes out and making them less and less relevant on a regular basis.

Speaker 1:

Right. Well, you know, and I really hope that more people from their own respective parties start looking at what things like. You know what Hillary Clinton is doing now. You know stirring that pot that has already been taken off the stove. That pot's been washed and cleaned and put away and here she is putting it right back on the stove and stirring it up. And oh, I have to show my graphic. I was supposed to show it at the beginning and I just love it, so I'm showing it right now as we're talking.

Speaker 1:

But we have to just stop with letting these people run the show and stir everyone up and stir that pot. It's time to say enough and people need to really expose themselves to you know, you have to get it. We, everybody has to get out of the echo chambers, I think, and start listening to what the other side and I hate that we even have to refer to sides. You know it's so annoying to me and you know, but we need to really take a critical look and use some discernment when we are listening to people like Hillary Clinton and who are just starting up with things that have been settled. They've been already taken care of. So why are you doing that you know what's your point. Well, the point's pretty obvious. It's everything that you just said. You know they're lining up their little dominoes just in case. Like you said, in case things don't go their way, they've got something to stir up the people with.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it is getting old. I think you know we do need those adult, grown-up conversations. You know they start around the kitchen table, right, and you know, and, and then they grow for the rest of us to say enough is enough. But it's got to reach Both sides right, both sides of the aisle, it's got to reach the highest echelons for them to start saying, okay, we're gonna, we got us. You know, they're enough's enough, we got to stop playing the game, because that's really what this is. It's gamesmanship.

Speaker 2:

The Over purpose the Clinton served to the Democratic Party right now is name recognition. That's, that's it. You know, they, they, she's not running for president again. I mean, obviously she would be already if she was, because she's not getting any younger like anybody else in Washington. But it's all name recognition. So they're using her voice. So it's purely gamesmanship. That's all it is and it's all part of the strategy. But somebody up there, a James Carville type, somebody who's controlling, you know, the reins on both sides, can say stop it, we're not playing these games anymore. We deserve to be honest, you know, to the American people. They deserve that from us. We've got to stop this. You know BS just going out of everybody's mouths, and it's got to be an honest thing. Unfortunately unfortunately, though, you know that that I don't know when that's gonna happen. I don't know if it's gonna happen not in my lifetime it's just the way politics are, unfortunately.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I agree, you know you look at and we'll move into that too. You know you look who's who we have running on the Republican side and who is who of that group, if any of them could offer that potential middle ground, that olive branch. You know that start of something and, and you know I don't know the answer to that. I mean I, where we can, and we will speculate a little bit about it, but we have the the Republican debate coming up there, but we've got the debate coming up. That's nine o'clock and that's gonna be, it's gonna be interesting. Seven of the eight candidates are gonna be up there. We lost one, drawn a blank on on his name. Awesome, that's. That's how memorable that was mean. I'm sorry, that was mean. I shouldn't said that.

Speaker 2:

I think he didn't make meet the donation. You know level requirements to be a part of this one. I think he wanted to, but you know hasn't met one of the criteria to stand at one of the podiums.

Speaker 1:

So he right, yeah yeah, so, okay, so let's see. So we're gonna have Ron DeSantis, of course, Vivek Ramoswamy, we got Nikki Haley, we got Mike Pence, we got Christie, we've got Tim Scott and we have got Douglas. What's his name? Burgum? And I'll be honest, I don't even know who he is. I can't even lie, can't, can't pretend like I do, but so that's who's gonna be up there and who do we have Kind of leading the pack there? We have DeSantis, vivek is is right up there and I think Nikki Haley.

Speaker 2:

Are those the three kind of front runners you know, vice President Pence, I think, didn't do as well as he wanted to In the last debate and I think that you know lowered his stock. And again, Everybody who is rapidly fighting against President Trump, you know, is already at a disadvantage and I understand why they're doing it. They're trying to separate themselves and, okay, that's great. But you and I have said it, whether President Trump runs or not, whoever has his endorsement ends up being the candidate one way or the other. So right base is so deep that if you go after him personally which is why Chris Christie is In a bad spot, because he keeps going after him too so everybody who keeps continually going after President Trump outwardly is putting themselves at a disadvantage.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and the biggest proof of that really is DeSantis. Now, desantis was looking very, very strong very early on and he did not do as well as I would imagine, anticipated or expected In the first debate. He did not make any gains really and I don't think it was really any Losses for him, but it definitely wasn't any gains from. It did not help him in any way, shape or form and, and you know, he did the thing that I was really hoping he wouldn't do. I wasn't surprised that he did it, but of course, you know, go go head head on against Trump and I was really hoping he wouldn't because I think that would have fair. And I'm not saying, you know, kiss Trump's ass and Any of those things, but I am saying I think he could have and should have Taken, taken the high road. Essentially Because again it goes back to what we were just talking about.

Speaker 1:

We're really sick and tired of of the, the nastiness, the attacks, the viciousness and and and I critique Trump on that too I'm tired of it from him. I don't want to hear, you know, I mean I like to think I speak for maybe average Americans when I say I don't want to hear what you think of that person. I don't want to hear you call him a dummy or this or that. I want to hear what you're gonna do for this country and I want you to back it up, you know, with, with Facts, with data, with you know, information.

Speaker 2:

I don't tired of attacks you know, yeah, everybody, you know that the mean tweet thing, right, I mean, everybody talks about the mean tweets and I'll be honest with you. You know, for almost the entirety of his presidency, I, I said it I can't even tell you how many times somebody take his phone away from him. Yeah, it's just, you know, one of his kids, his daughter, I don't care, somebody take the phone away from him. I did more damage to his, to his brand, to his following, to people who had any respect for him at all, because of the, the mean tweets. And I know that he thinks it's silly, but it matters, because that's the face of the of the Oval Office, right, when the Oval Office Is represented by a bunch of mean tweets. That's the way things are.

Speaker 2:

So you know, but you know our, the topic that we're trying to hit right here, you and I, is is exactly what you're talking about, which is substance, right? Yeah, what do we want to know From these seven that are gonna stand up there on Wednesday night? What do we want to know from them? And I'll kick it you first. I mean, give me one. What's one thing that you want to hear, either from the candidates as a whole or maybe from one specific candidate.

Speaker 1:

Sure, you know, I think it kind of goes into a little bit of the, the almost accidental theme that we're kind of underlying here Talking about, and you know, I want to know what you're gonna do. So, first of all, I obviously want to know what your plan is on foreign policy. I want to know what you're gonna do about the border. I want to know what you're gonna do about all these really significant things that are going on economically and and world relations, those things, for sure. But I want to also know how are you gonna bring us back together, how are you going to at least begin to fix this? And you know, and that's a pretty big ask because you're, you know the, the, the chasm there is so huge right now. You know, do I really think that can happen during one Presidential term? I don't really. But I'd like to hear their ideas on how we can move forward together instead of divided, and I think that might be one of the biggest things I'd be curious about hearing. How about you?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I actually would be interested in I Hate to say a format change, but a little bit of a format change, right? So everybody's got, I think, across the board the seven candidates have something that Hits very close to them specifically, right, pence is the only one up there who's actually worked at that tier of government. You know Nikki Haley worked at the UN. You know Chris Christie's proximity to New York City and everything that's going on there. Plus he's the governor of New Jersey. What's got some of its own, you know, kind of challenges. So, like, as an example, I would love and I know the Republicans never want to do the the the second amendment, gun control debate on television. Right, right, the state of New Jersey is one of the most restrictive, restrictive states in the Union when it comes to private ownership of firearms. So I would like the question asked of Chris Christie where do you stand? And as the governor of New Jersey, right, why is your state this you know controlled? Do you plan on carrying that forward into the White House, et cetera? And then let him defend his position, right, because it's near to him. And then let the other six kind of go after him, right, so what you get is a good feel for who they are. And then let the other six kind of go after him and then let them think on their feet to defend their position and then move on to the next one.

Speaker 2:

And again. So Nikki Haley with the UN, right? So, nikki Haley, you spent time as representative to the UN for the United States. How do you feel the United Nations and the United States membership to the United Nations, where do we sit and how does it look? Moving forward and let her talk from her area of expertise, and then oh, by the way, the other six get a chance to go after her, and you could do that with all six of them. Pence has been the vice president. There's a million topics there that you could hit right. You know, tim Scott, desantis they've all got their own niche that they're kind of focused on.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So I would almost like to see really almost a format change, truthfully, but again focus on the topics that matter, and I think yours, you know that, bringing us back together. You know you could do that, you know I hate to say, but you could do it to Tim Scott, right as this, the lone African-American candidate up there, and some people turn around and say, well, that's, you know you're targeting and that's racist or whatever. But I mean who better to ask? Right, I mean truthfully, who better to ask and say how do you bring us back together? As a conservative African-American, you know, president, how does that work in your tenure as in the White House, and just let them go and then let them defend themselves.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, I love that idea and I think you're right that you know. It's true, as I was kind of reviewing each one, and, as you said, each one has their little niche that they, this is their thing. You know, tim Scott, I think, is he's like border control, and one other I forget what the other one is, I wrote it down somewhere. But yeah, you know he's got his lane that he wants to talk about. So obviously he's going to come out really strong in those areas.

Speaker 1:

But again, like you said, well, where, where do each one of you stand on two A and you know what are you going to do and not do? Because that is a huge issue for you know. Well, for all Americans, really, no matter what side you, what position you take on it, obviously it's one where we're at odds in. So I want to know if I'm going to vote for you, I want to know where you stand on that and what you're going to do and what you're not going to do. So, yeah, each one kind of being forced to talk about the issues that they're, that's out of their niche, that's out of their you know target points there for talking. That would be really, really good and Pence is. You know, I mean, each one is super interesting in their, in their own way. You know, there's a couple I feel like I've I've already ruled out for myself mentally, and there's others that you know I'll I'll keep watching.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, I think you know Ramaswami is the wild card right now because he is, you know, everybody else who is at even a mild contender, right. Everybody knows Chris Christie, everybody knows Vice President Pence, everybody kind of knows Nikki Haley, everybody kind of knows Rhonda Santis because he's put himself out there. You know, vivek is the latecomer and and really kind of that I won't say dark horse, because that's it's not really what he is, but he's the, he's the unknown, he's the wild card. So, you know, as a business owner, right, as a business guy, that's who he is, or he claims to be right, right.

Speaker 3:

He'll have the economy at him.

Speaker 2:

Like, let's, let's really see, right, because that was always one of President Trump's own talking points right Stroke and his own ego a little bit, as he talks about running billion dollar businesses and all this other stuff. And you know he can fix the economy because he knows how money works and investments and all these other things. We got another guy who's got a resume right, a legitimate, non-political resume. So you know, throw that at him and say, okay, you're the new business guy, right? President Trump decided not to be here again, which I think is terrible, but you're a business guy. How are you going to fix the economy? Talk to us, tell us what you got. You're, you're the expert here. So the economy I think for everybody across the board is is such a big topic. Everybody's hurting when it comes to gas prices, grocery prices, taxes, everything else that you know that's one that they can't skip over. And, like you said, in detail, like I really want to know in detail what you're going to do, not just I'm going to make things better. You know it's not.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't want to hear their their politic speak, you know. Well, I'm so glad you asked that question. The things that we're going to do, you know, do the Kamala thing. Well, the things that we're going to do are the things that we've done in the past, that we want to keep doing in the future, except for the things that we're not going to do anymore, and that's what we're going to do. That is the you know classic, you know response to every difficult question that ever gets asked.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because anytime they afford details, right, it opens them up to scrutiny. So they're always afraid to to provide detail, because then it does open them up. But that's what we all deserve. That's what we all need. Going back to what we were talking about before yeah, we deserve, as voters, to know even now, right, even this early. We deserve to know what these people stand for, what their platform really is. Not when it's whittled down to two or three, and not when it's whittled down to electoral votes, right, not when it's Democrat versus Republican. I want to know now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely. I mean sooner rather than later for sure, because I want to know if I'm wasting my time here on you, you know. So just put it all out there and let me know what you stand on. You'll have people that you know want to walk that walk with you. But I, you know, we don't have time to waste here. We all hate having our time wasted. So just tell us who you are, what you're about, what you stand on, what you plan or hope to do if you're going to be president and you know, ramaswamy is interesting.

Speaker 1:

He's like the shiny new penny right, he's shiny, he's young, he's everything that all the other ones are not, and he has those similarities to Trump. Yet he has more finesse, a lot more finesse in his speaking and everything. I mean he actually technically that's part of what makes me a little wary of him that I almost feel like he's just a little too finessed. He just he man, that kid, you know. He says, of course I call him the kid because he's, you know, he's like almost 30 years younger than me. So I don't care, he's a kid as far as I'm concerned, but I'm exaggerating, he's not that much younger.

Speaker 2:

On that one he is. He's like I said this before he's like a guy selling a mop on the home shopping network. Like that's the vibe that I get from him. Like he should be pitching a product on Shark Tank, like it's so you know used car salesman in the way that he speaks. And it's not that he's without substance, but the delivery is so cheesy that he's got it yeah.

Speaker 2:

He's got to. He's got to bring that down a couple of notches, try and relate to the American public a little bit more, because he is. He does seem on the surface If you're just looking at you know the flash in the show. There's some untrustworthy kind of you know tendencies in the way that he talks to people.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, and I'm going to throw a suggestion out to him because you know, obviously he watches the show. Sure, Don't don't. Yeah, right, I mean, come on. I'm going to say Vivek, honey, sweetheart, please don't rap. Did you happen to catch the, the M&M rapping? I have?

Speaker 2:

yes, that and and and. Stealing the quote from President Obama. Yes, was like that. You know there's some dumb things to do. But quoting Obama at the GOP debate, assume either he assumed that nobody knew the quote or or it was just some classic. Like I'm going to be sarcastic and funny and people are going to think it's hilarious.

Speaker 1:

And it's like horrible yeah.

Speaker 2:

You know, oh yeah, don't do that. And no, no, no, no, absolutely no.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, just a couple of of notes and and maybe you'll be fine. And you know, I mean again, as with all of them, I hear mixed feelings, you know, I mean I've literally, in one day, I've spoken with one person who has has high esteem and high hopes for Nikki Haley, and in the same day, within hours, I talked to somebody else. That was like absolutely not, no way. And it's like, wow, okay, all right, people have their people have their strong feelings based on, you know, whatever factors matter to them. And all the more reason, like we were saying, all the more reason to put I want to know what you stand for, what you plan on doing. I just want to know who you are before I invest in you.

Speaker 1:

And you know, message to all of the, to the left over there, not every Republican, not every conservative is dead said on Trump, and I know they all believe that that, just because you know we have a conservative in our title somewhere, that we're automatic Trumpsters. And that's not the case. And I'm not saying I wouldn't vote for Trump, but I'm not saying I would vote for Trump. I'm saying I'm waiting for the best candidate Right, the best candidate that, yeah, you know whoever it is that's going to represent and that's what we should be voting on right and and and I don't.

Speaker 1:

You know it's not my thing to preach to anybody what they shouldn't shouldn't do, but I am going to take a moment and get up on my little soap box and say you should be voting on the issues and and what they can actually do, or what you believe that they can do for you and your family and your loved ones and your country. So not on personality, not on looks, you know. Not on trivial, superficial things, not on well, my cousin's brother's uncle said that you know so and so is a jerk. So I don't like them, you know. I mean, we got to stop with the nonsense.

Speaker 2:

I won't say repeated failures, but you know, we the last. Truthfully, let's be honest, president Biden got elected because he wasn't President Trump. Yeah, president Trump got elected based on personality and reputation, right, and, and really at this like a you know displeasure with the previous eight years. President Obama got elected because he was young, he was new, he was fresh, it was all personality, right. I mean, like you can go back, you know. I mean, go back to President Clinton right on our city, oh, playing the saxophone, like are you kidding me? Like that guy sold himself as the cool guy, yes, and you know. And and against the old guy, right, mm-hmm, president Bush at the time, right, so you're right, I think, and you know, hindsight being what it is, we're all afforded that luxury, but we really do need, and, and we are owed A, an honest candidate who can tell us what their platform is, what their opinion is, what their plans are and what their policies are planning to be, before we even cast a primary vote for them. 100% right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, we, we're gonna find out pretty soon. I Mean, are we gonna find out? I just, you know, they're so polished, all of them to some degree, some more so than others, that you know, I just, I just hope we can get past the veneer of All of these candidates on both sides. You know, I mean, there are things about Robert Kennedy that I, I like, you know not enough to Sway me, but there are some, some things that I like. There's plenty of other things that I don't that completely rule them out, but you know, I mean, I almost feel like we're getting closer to this idea of, you know, inching towards a middle ground. I just, I don't know when we'll get there, but yeah, I mean, you know we're.

Speaker 2:

I Saw this, a couple of figures the other day and that was about, you know, potentially a Challenger to the president, and we've talked about this before on this show. But those numbers are starting to go up right. The concern over the president's age is is those numbers are growing? You know, the desire for a Challenger to him is growing and, interestingly enough, it's growing in the, you know, younger generation voters, which I was a little surprised that maybe I think that's a lot of it has to do with the age, but that 18 to 24 window, that number is growing. In a Democrat, yes, but we need somebody other than Biden and they want a challenger. So we'll see how that all plays out. You know that'll. You know we've talked about this. That'll be interesting as well, you know. But you know, moving on to our going on to our third topic, that we really don't President is the one who's second in line and that is a vice president Harris.

Speaker 1:

That was a beautiful segue. I mean, how could you not slide right into that? Oh, my goodness. So you know, as, as we're all coming to know, I love my, my little video graphics and my little Pictures and stuff, so of course I made one for for cammy, and this is now she's. She's. We were calling her the czar of all trades, and why are we calling her that? Well, of course I'm gonna show you. Here we go. So yeah, I mean, so we start with the borders are. Well, that was a big Tanked on that. I think she was there once, once, but that might have been on the border restaurant. I don't think she actually got all the way over there.

Speaker 3:

So that was a bus.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly, got herself some, some queso and had a good old time with it then. Then they're like, okay, well, that didn't work. How about? Okay, well, we got to keep her busy. So, oh, let's give her AI czar. She can be the a artificial intelligence are, and all she did for that was explain that AI stood for artificial intelligence. So that was a big tank. So I Don't, I Just don't even know how not to laugh about any of this, because what else you're gonna do? I I'm wondering if it's them, the collective them, saying Kamala, we got to find something for you that you know you're gonna excel at that, you're gonna be the woman at. So let's try this, mm-hmm, okay, let's try that, let's try this. And they're just throwing things, you know, at the wall. Or if it's her saying you need to give me something when I can be important, you know, if she's doing like her, her varouka salt of you know I want this and of course, I'm gonna show. You don't care how.

Speaker 3:

I wanted now. Don't care how I wanted now.

Speaker 1:

You know, is she varouka in this, and she's just like, stop at her this and saying I want to be this. You have to give me, you know, more power, more influence, more something. Does she think she's doing a good job? I mean what you gotta tell me, clay, what is going on?

Speaker 2:

That is how it's beautiful. So I'll tell you one as a as a gun owner competitive shooter, recreational shooter, somebody who you know professionally, you know carry the gun and and understand and know it and have my own beliefs about the necessity for private gun ownership I'm actually very, very excited that they have given her this job, and here's why one we're laughing. Thanks, ernie, for the for California right. Yeah, you made it a lot easier for criminals to not go to jail. Yes, they gave her. The border became. The borders are made it a lot easier for people to come across the border. However, they want AI. She closed her eyes and we have already seen leaps and bounds in AI application. You have the very short period of time. So, yeah, as a pro to a pro gun owner, Putting her in charge of, you know, deterring guns, gun ownership, private gun ownership, because that's what this is about I'm super excited. I think this trend analysis tells you that she's just gonna make it easier for everybody and absolutely so.

Speaker 1:

I you know, we, collectively, all of us you know gun owners and and to a supporters, we all applaud.

Speaker 1:

We all give her a round of applause for this appointment. As you know, bizarre as it is, you know she's made a couple little stompy statements About the need for gun control here and there and they're like, oh, that's enough to give her this position. You know at least a name, only. I mean, she's obviously just a figurehead at this point and she's just, you know, kind of like they're talking walking Puppet doll that they also, she's the scapegoat.

Speaker 2:

She, yeah, a hundred percent. You look at the things that they have given her, they are Failure before she even is put in charge. You know, and it's, I hate to say it, you know, her level of competence is is not good in my opinion, but at the same time she's been handed that sandwich, time after time, of things that you can't control, that are a disaster from the get-go, that you know are not gonna succeed, and they keep giving it to her right because it allows the president that distance. He can always say, especially after oh, by the way, you know, they decide to cut her away, they can always turn around and say well, that was you know, she, she did that.

Speaker 3:

He, yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he can always. You know, I wasn't me. You know he can do that because they've laid this on her plate. She's the sacrificial lamb, yeah, and, and you know it's not fair to her. But at the same time, I mean, when you're the vice president, you, just you get what the president hands you, and that's absolutely so yeah, I am almost it's.

Speaker 1:

It's a just a little flicker, but I almost feel bad for her.

Speaker 2:

I I, I knew you did that little bit that good, that good Christian girl of you. You do have that little bit of sympathy for her. I understand. Yes.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it was my, it was my Christian heart coming out there and Probably I must have gotten like a little knock on the back, on the back of the head from the man upstairs and he was like act right, elsa, act right, come on, say the right thing here. Yeah, now I'm like sitting there grudgingly, fine, fine, fine, I feel bad for her.

Speaker 2:

It's not good and, truthfully, this is one of those. Nobody knows what it looks like. Nobody knows what it's gonna look like. Nobody has a Trajectory or a path for what this office is gonna do and what they're gonna accomplish. This is another big gov, you know new money. You know, throw cash at it. You know agency not even an agency, it's gonna be a directorate or something that you know will amount to very, very little, if anything at all, except to freeze money from the American public. That, yeah, that's, that's all this is gonna be, because, you know, the reality is Very much in the vein and we've talked about this too.

Speaker 2:

There are a couple of key, key topics in America, right, that people are hard divided on, yes, right, second amendment, private gun ownership is. You know, it's one of those dividing lines and the the White House, you know is not can't Afford to take a hard line on private gun ownership. That can't, right. So this is, this is what it is. This is capitulating. This is putting a you know, a silk hat on a hog, whatever you want to call it. But this is, this, is them just, you know, feeding the masses, let them eat whatever, and it looks like they're doing something and really it's not gonna do anything.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, and they know. They know all of the things they're not. We can call them a lot of things, but stupid isn't one of them, you know.

Speaker 2:

No, and you know, this will be the voice, right, it'll be the voice, and it won't amount to anything else, but it'll be the voice for the you know, for the White House, for the administration, to say you know, oh, just you know, vice President Harris, that's, she's got that, she's taking care of this, she's on it, you know.

Speaker 1:

I can promise you, yeah, direct it all, all questions to her. Direct them to her, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, as the White House, you know, press chief is screaming at reporters over and over again to stop asking the same questions that she refuses to answer.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I'm not. How many times can I tell you? I answered the question by not answering the question? Now stop asking me questions, even though it's my job to answer questions.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, gotta love it. That happened again yesterday. Did you see that? The UAW ridiculous.

Speaker 1:

It's just stunning, isn't it? It's just, you know. It's so disturbing that it's comical, like you're just again. I always bring it back to you know, anybody gets mad at me when I make jokes and make light and do my little spoofing skits over these things. You know I tell them all the time listen, you don't understand if I don't laugh. We're not gonna like Elsa very much, you know. Well, there's people that certainly don't like me, but that's okay too. But you know me and Elsa is not a fun Elsa, so we have to stick with the fun Elsa.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'll be the good guy, that's fine. Yeah, you're not like me. Perfectly okay with it. But in all seriousness, the reaction from and I always screw up her name, so I'm just gonna call her the White House Press Chief when she's done with this job and everybody usually lasts not everybody, but most people last somewhere in the nine to 12 months range because it's an exhausting job right?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, mentally it is exhausting to get up there and get punched in the face every day. That woman and I know this that woman is actually starting to show signs of PTSD. I'm not kidding. They need to do a good mental evaluation of her when she leaves that job, because the absolute anger that she shows on a regular basis towards reporters who, truthfully, are being civil they're not calling her names, they're not attacking her yeah, maybe they're frustrating her, but the level of anger that comes from that, that comes out of her, is actually very concerning for her as a human being and I'm not joking about this. She needs to probably put some time in if she's not already in some serious therapy when she comes out of this job, because I think it's really scarter, which is a shame, but it's starting to really, really show in how she's reacting to the White House press corps.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she takes these questions, she takes them as attacks and she takes them very personally and she doesn't have answers and whether she doesn't know the answers or she's being told to which I think is more of the case that she's being told nope, can't answer that, tell them nope. So she's put in this position of she knows she's gonna get hammered with questions that she is not allowed to answer and she has to keep telling people that she's not a dummy. So I'm sure she's seen all the critiques and everything. So I don't doubt that you're right about that. And, yeah, I agree, I hope she takes a long break after this and after her time there, and boy, I don't know. I wish her well, I wish her well, I wish everybody well.

Speaker 2:

She's gonna get the Jen Pistachie job. She's gonna end up being a commentator on CNN or MSNBC or something like that. It's gonna happen for her. But I really do, in all seriousness, that woman needs to take care of herself. The break I think you're right, she does need to take a break, but it's gotten worse and it's not doing the administration any favors and it's certainly not doing her any favors.

Speaker 1:

No, and I hate to talk about public figures, personal lives but because it was put out publicly by her, I will tie that in also that she just had her and her longtime partner I don't know if they were married or not their longtime partner they split. So this is you can only assume that her work life is affecting her personal life. And that's now you combine very stressful work life, stressful home life. Yeah, the poor woman is probably on the verge of breaking, probably, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I don't. Nobody deserves that. I mean, it's like you said, she's being put in a bad position. She's doing the best she can, but she's a punching bag right now and I think anybody truthfully who takes their job seriously and wants to do well is not gonna fare well in that environment when it happens day after day after day. So I know this is kind of a left turn on everything we've been talking about, but I really do. I hope that her time there is not long for her own well-being, but I hope that she takes care of herself in the afterlife after she walks out of that job and goes and takes care of herself, because it is pretty rough.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely, and I guess we can sum it up that for all of them, whether you agree with them or disagree with them, like or dislike them, being a public figure, being in an arena that is toxic, probably pretty close to 100% of the time, because you're always fighting for something, against something or for something. Yeah, I mean, we've seen we talked about, I think, the last time the pictures of presidents going into office and then a picture of them coming out of office. How much they aged in a really considerably short period of time and they do jobs that most of us have no desire to do and because they have a certain personality type that thrives on that, and even so, it takes its toll. So all we can hope for is that we get smart enough to insist on people being put in that position that deserve that position and can represent us, and then maybe we can beat them up a little bit less. I don't know Great how.

Speaker 2:

It's easier for everybody. It's a simple ask, but that's all we're asking for.

Speaker 1:

Yes, absolutely. Oh, all right, guys, listen, clay and I could keep talking about all this stuff all darn night and I know you could listen to us talk about it all night, but we're gonna cut you loose until next week. We appreciate you hanging in there. Listen, every week. I ask you if you got something you want us to talk about. We would love to hear it. If not, feel free to just hit that subscribe button and make sure you follow along and share us over with your friends and family and enemies and anyone and everyone. We love that and we will see you guys in the next week. Got any parting words for everybody, clay? Thank you, thanks.

Speaker 2:

It's available on Amazon Barnes Noble Also. This beautiful shirt that I'm wearing tonight is from the Alan J Lynch Foundation. He is a friend Medal of Honor recipient from Vietnam based in Illinois. They do a lot of great things for veterans all over the place, but that organization's near and dear to my heart that's the Alan J Lynch Foundation. Look them up.

Speaker 1:

I love it. All right, guys, take care and we'll see you in the next episode. Bye-bye, chuckles.